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'Kabul is less conservative than Pakistani cities'

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Afghanistan is a beautiful country n Afghans r really nice people...

Love to it visit someday, i don't know about others but its definitely less dangerous for Indians to visit Kabul than Karachi or Peshawar:agree:
And the call for prayer hardly comes out of kabuls mosques- that truley a new definition of liberalism-

Btw the only time i heard molvi speaking from the loud speaker in lahore was when they ask for chanda or some one has died-
This comes as no surprise to me.

Afghanistan was a progressive, modern and rational country at one stage due to Soviet assistance and development and was racing towards becoming the Turkey of west Asia. They had excellent education system, gender equality, USSR-funded modernization programs and freedom to think rationally rather than religiously.

This is how Afghanistan was for years before Pakistan destroyed it and sent it back to medieval era:



And we all know what it became like after Pakistan meddled and ruined the country.

Wow.. that is indeed called friendly neighborhood.

Envious of a progressive neighbor, the Jurnails colluded with US and ruined a country that had done NOTHING against Pakistan.

And now it is sad to see how people of today's generation don't know the root cause of chaos in today's Pakistan which is sadly the consequence of miscalculations and blunders committed by some men in uniform who wrongly took and misused power.

You clearly are ignorant of history, but then again your interest isn't in historical accuracy. Just another bast Ind trying to troll. We take people like you and sell them in Pakistan.
And the call for prayer hardly comes out of kabuls mosques- that truley a new definition of liberalism-

Well how can anyone pray in peace after what your actions have brought onto Afghanistan? Picture yourself in the middle of nowhere with no basic amenities, no money and no healthcare system to avail and with armed lunatics all around the corner prowling... can you pray?

No. If you say yes, then you've never really lived through a conflict. So there's no point of arguing right there.
Nothing to compare with a country where a peer screws 300 women, it's largest city's streets are filled with londay baazs, where thousands of sex workers are busy giving services, a country which have the top gay and hijra population.... you name it!

Thousands of girls from Punjab forced into prostitution abroad Punjab News | Breaking News | Latest Online News

Painting prostitutes, Pakistani brushes off religious hard-liners - CNN.com

300 brothels operating in Islamabad

Prostitution (Jism Faroshi) in Karachi..Exposed By Ary News

Father selling his own daughter into prostitution in Karachi • UrduWire.com

Karachi Has More Than 100,000 Prostitutes « ALAIWAH!

Pakistan's tax dodgers pay up when the hijra calls | World news | The Guardian

Harassed, intimidated, abused: but now Pakistan's hijra transgender minority finds its voice | World news | The Guardian

& more & more & more...

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(I wasn't thought to put this but when a highly intelligent Mod of this forum puts something like this there is no groan from us!! heil Pakistan for it's liberalism and wedding dancers!!)

You know very well Afghanistan is worse, no article written by a white man can change the ground reality. Now be a calm and rationale Afghan and don't flame on Pakistan, millions of your countrymen and women live in and call Pakistan home. Many of them don't want to return to Afghanistan.
Well how can anyone pray in peace after what your actions have brought onto Afghanistan? Picture yourself in the middle of nowhere with no basic amenities, no money and no healthcare system to avail and with armed lunatics all around the corner prowling... can you pray?

No. If you say yes, then you've never really lived through a conflict. So there's no point of arguing right there.

Have you ever tired a Muslim pray and the devotion it usually carry?- you are right no point of arguing with you over that-
Well I'm going to have to start consulting with sher malang about what's in or not since my country is so backwards.

Sher, is shalwar kamiz outdated? Are t shirts in? Or maybe just wearing no shirt with a vest and short shorts?

It's not an attack on the culture buddy, read the topic again it's just the trolls who take every god damn topic for their feast!
It's not an attack on the culture buddy, read the topic again it's just the trolls who take every god damn topic for their feast!

Attack on the culture?- you not familiar with your own culture?- you should be ashamed of yourself after reading the author calling kabul less conservative on the basis that there is no call of prayer from the mosques or he found women with loose scarfs in the streets- Define less conservativeness- and face palm your self-
SM and his fellow Afghans need to be sent back home with a one way ticket, and the border mined and shoot to kill orders on any Afghans trying to come back.
Attack on the culture?- you not familiar with your own culture?- you should be ashamed of yourself after reading the author calling kabul less conservative on the basis that there is no call of prayer from the mosques or he found women with loose scarfs in the streets- Define less conservativeness- and face palm your self-

That's not the point mentioned anywhere nor less conservative means that, for a genius there is to read the points the author has written in the article.
That's not the point mentioned anywhere nor less conservative means that, for a genius there is to read the points the author has written in the article.

This is one of the point the author used to justify kabuls less conservativeness- i am sure you read it before posting-
Yes that Gangtok bast doesn't mention British involvement nor 10 years of destructive Soviet involvement and skews history at the sharpest angle and blames the total blame on Pakistan.

Why not talk to me straight, kid? See this is what happens when you migrate to Western countries with fake refugee status and you get raised on welfare scheme... no manners or respect in talking.

Coming to the war part:

The Soviets were there ON invitation of the Afghan national government because they were fed up of the mullah madness you created. The Soviet "invasion" was just an image the cold war's west needed to make to get sympathy against USSR. Funny enough, the Soviets came to trample the scum you call "warriors" out who were destroying Afghanistan's progressive society.

Your involvement in Afghan conflict is the reason why today you have IEDs and suicide bombs blowing up in your home country.

I suggest you to please live through the pain of what your fellow countrymen are living in this part of the world rather than living in the lala-land in US and then talking. That's the funny thing about this discussion; most Pakistanis who discuss the Afghan war vehemently are those who have never lived as residents in this part of the world at all and are in some or the other foreign country.

The reason why I don't blame NATO as much as you do is because you Pakistanis were of this region and you knew that involving in this conflict is going to cost generations and still you raised the monster.

Just because NATO said you jumped into this war.

So now when NATO and US say "Do More" why do you get angry? Why not comply again?

Yes, Pakistan was jealous of Afghanistan it was becoming a powerful and liberal bastion of Asia and we ruined it, now whose going to stop us?

Stop you? Now why would any enemy of yours want to do that? :D

No one has to stop you. In fact, all your rivals, enemies and what nots are just too pleased watching you destroy your own country by the monster that your military created 30 years ago.
so the question remains, when will afghanistan declare super power of the world, kabul is already super power in itself
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