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Video - Girl of 17 flogged by Taliban savages in Swat

the people here in swat r saying that this video is one year old..i m now in charbagh..there is nthing wrong here in swat..all is going well.people r shopping n talking with talibans.
i have talkd with two talibans they have said that this video iz one year old nd not happened in swat...
i dont know that y this topic has too much replies..u all r discussing on nthing
the people here in swat r saying that this video is one year old..i m now in charbagh..there is nthing wrong here in swat..all is going well.people r shopping n talking with talibans.
i have talkd with two talibans they have said that this video iz one year old nd not happened in swat...
i dont know that y this topic has too much replies..u all r discussing on nthing

You keep talking about the video being one year old.
Who cares? 1 year old, 2 years old, twenty years, the fact of the matter is that this has happened and it unacceptable.
You go out and talk to some Taliban, they'll also tell you that they were the first to go to the moon and implement Sharia Law there too.
Don't be so ignorant.
You keep talking about the video being one year old.
Who cares? 1 year old, 2 years old, twenty years, the fact of the matter is that this has happened and it unacceptable.
You go out and talk to some Taliban, they'll also tell you that they were the first to go to the moon and implement Sharia Law there too.
Don't be so ignorant.

Yes it happened but it could've happened anywhere.
Please don't defend wild untamed acts of taliban. Flogging was extremely shameful act and non can defend that.
the people here in swat r saying that this video is one year old..i m now in charbagh..there is nthing wrong here in swat..all is going well.people r shopping n talking with talibans.
i have talkd with two talibans they have said that this video iz one year old nd not happened in swat...
i dont know that y this topic has too much replies..u all r discussing on nthing

Yes it happened but it could've happened anywhere.

Does that means you trust them and in a way supporting them and their deeds?
SIGN OF QAYAMAT Knowledge will be taken away (by the death of people of knowledge), and ignorance will prevail.

"Knowledge of Islam will be taken away while ignorance will increase. This removal of knowledge will be because old scholars will die and fewer and fewer new scholars will replace them. The leaders of the Muslims will be chosen from ignorant people, and they will rule according to their whims." [Today, studying Islam formally is considered to be an inferior career in most of the Muslim world. The leaders of the Muslim world are more known for their political or military prowess (oppressive ability?) than Islamic knowledge.]

i can only say that this is sign of judgment according to signs of qayamat...look how todays mullah are doing all things against islam and they claim that this is sharia..

Allah help us from ***** umlas..Ameen

You know what you have said is so true.
One of the minor signs of end times is
appearance of Imam Mahdi. One of the
very first things that will happen is that
he will be opposed by certain groups or
groups of muslims. It is not very difficult
to see who those people would be.
They would include people like the ones
who mi-interpret Islam, encourage suicide
and killing of other muslims. We are inching
very close towards that time. Things will
have reached a boiling point by that time.

In the meantime, we must do whatever we
can to act like good muslims & ask God for his
rehmah & guidance. These thing have always
& will continue to happen till an appointed
time. these are indeed a trial for those who
Does that means you trust them and in a way supporting them and their deeds?

I dont think he is supporting them or approving of their ways but just sharing what he saw/experienced more recently. That does not take away from teh fact that it did happen.
he thing is that several scholars & clerics yesterday stated that only the State is authorized to mete out Islamic punishment & the way Quran has laid down the law ,it is actually almost impossible to prove Zina.
you need 4 witnesses or a confession . Even if there is a confession & it is later retracted, the punishment cannot be imposed. If the evidence is available or a confession before a Qazi, then the punishment is what it is. Furthermore, punishment against women must be handled by women & not publicly. It seems the guy has "whipped" before she was.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:. This guy is mad.

JUI-F minister terms Swat flogging a Jewish plot

KARACHI: Federal Minister Senator Azam Khan Swati of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI-F) said on Saturday that the flogging of the 17-year-old girl in Swat was a Jewish conspiracy aimed at destroying peace in Swat and distort the image of those Islamists who sport beards and wear turbans. Speaking at a reception hosted by the JUI-F Karachi Chapter in his honour, Swati said that the JUI-F may part ways with the PPP-led coalition government if drone attacks continue to violate the sovereignty of Pakistan. “We shall not tolerate the violation of our country’s sovereignty through drone attacks,” he said, adding that under a deep-rooted conspiracy, the Pakistan Army was being defamed. He said that the ISI might be modernised on the lines that they bring a bad name to its reputation among Pakistanis.He said that the US administration has declared Baitullah Mehsud as its enemy and approved financial aid for the Pakistan government for actions against people such as Mehsud. “There are apprehensions that the US administration may turn Pakistan into the next Afghanistan on the pretext of an operation against terrorists as they did with Afghanistan in the name of Osama Bin Laden,” said Swati. The JUI-F minister expressed concern over the fact that the US might target Pakistan’s nuclear installations, adding that we must be careful. “It is unfortunate that we long for water and electricity in this age of advancement,” he lamented, while also condemning the killings of Pukhtoons in interior Sindh. Qari Usman, Qari Sher Afzal and Maulana Abdul Karim Abid of the JUI-F also spoke on the occasion. staff report
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
I dont think he is supporting them or approving of their ways but just sharing what he saw/experienced more recently. That does not take away from teh fact that it did happen.
he thing is that several scholars & clerics yesterday stated that only the State is authorized to mete out Islamic punishment & the way Quran has laid down the law ,it is actually almost impossible to prove Zina.
you need 4 witnesses or a confession . Even if there is a confession & it is later retracted, the punishment cannot be imposed. If the evidence is available or a confession before a Qazi, then the punishment is what it is. Furthermore, punishment against women must be handled by women & not publicly. It seems the guy has "whipped" before she was.

Thanks, for clarification.
That means these guys voliated Ismamic rules. How can they call themselves adviocate of Islam?

How's the islamic organazations and mulla reacting to this?
Its sadistic. They get a pleasure from exerting their power over women and are using religion as bogey to legitimize it. I haven't read through the entire thread but for the first couple of pages and its heartening to see genuine rational disgust coming from all corners.

I was fully expecting crackpot theories about CIA or MI6 agents faking that video on a sound stage in Bollywood using Zionist funding from Hollywood.

EDIT: Oops, I spoke too soon. I swear I did not read the newer posts. Scary how people aren't getting tired of these disinformation junkies all over your media/Govt and people who parrot that crap. At some point you have to wonder who's side these people are on.
I dont think he is supporting them or approving of their ways but just sharing what he saw/experienced more recently. That does not take away from teh fact that it did happen.
he thing is that several scholars & clerics yesterday stated that only the State is authorized to mete out Islamic punishment & the way Quran has laid down the law ,it is actually almost impossible to prove Zina.
you need 4 witnesses or a confession . Even if there is a confession & it is later retracted, the punishment cannot be imposed. If the evidence is available or a confession before a Qazi, then the punishment is what it is. Furthermore, punishment against women must be handled by women & not publicly. It seems the guy has "whipped" before she was.

No the Quran says that the puishment must be given to them publicly but only if you have 4 witnesses or confession which is a bit impossible i mean you don't do it in front of pople.:lol:
very painful to watch indeed...your pakistan is letting it happen...what did you expect when you made peace with the taliban who you dont see as your enemy?
all of the pakistanis here on this forum are as educated as the people i know in my country...how can you not see purpose in fighting these true infidels even now?
for you have to save Jinnah's pakistan from becoming Mullah Omar's pakistan...dont you hold your fundamental rights dear to you?
You keep talking about the video being one year old.
Who cares? 1 year old, 2 years old, twenty years, the fact of the matter is that this has happened and it unacceptable.
You go out and talk to some Taliban, they'll also tell you that they were the first to go to the moon and implement Sharia Law there too.
Don't be so ignorant.

dear Jihad..
if u want to take past ..thn y peace deal? leave the peace deal i think.bcz happenings in past is so disgusting.
we should leave 1year,2 year old incidents or it wouldnt be better for pakistan..
u cant c what was goingon in swat since 2006..talibans nd NWFP gov is sincere in peace deal.i apperetiate..but if GOP is thinking that talibinization is not good or Pakistan thn make target killing war.not open.i m saying again.
u cant change my views by ur's
very painful to watch indeed...your pakistan is letting it happen...what did you expect when you made peace with the taliban who you dont see as your enemy?
all of the pakistanis here on this forum are as educated as the people i know in my country...how can you not see purpose in fighting these true infidels even now?
for you have to save Jinnah's pakistan from becoming Mullah Omar's pakistan...dont you hold your fundamental rights dear to you?

we want to defeat them by education..war isn't solution

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