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"China is the next great country in the world" - Jim Rogers

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The great Hindu morality sure kept India in the forefront of the world for thousands of years.... Sorry, but arguing on the basis of morality is just plain naive. If the economy fails, morality goes out of the window and the ugly and instinctive human nature takes over--ironically oftentimes under the pretense of moral high ground ala the Christian crusaders of hundreds of years ago and the Islamic fundamentalists of today.

Unlike that statement above atleast the Hindu morality is not forced upon the world, but itself. Indian economy has failed and risen, but the laws always has been toward greater morality, interms of India atleast. Which is always been betterment of human kind, education and job requirement.
Unlike that statement above atleast the Hindu morality is not forced upon the world, but itself. Indian economy has failed and risen, but the laws always has been toward greater morality, interms of India atleast. Which is always been betterment of human kind, education and job requirement.

And the passivity of Hinduism is perhaps the reason why India has never been the central power of its region. Like it or not, human greed and savagery is what has allowed humans to survive and move forward. Greed, in fact, is the driven force behind capitalism, an idea that India espouses quite readily these days.
dingyibvs;337306]And the passivity of Hinduism is perhaps the reason why India has never been the central power of its region.

Let me try to put in perspective what you are saying. First of all the Passivity of Hinduism is correct, that there is no forcefullness to convert. But interms of your argument of religion playes a roll of power completly false, India is govern by seperation of church and state. No religious attributes plays it's roll in governing.

Like it or not, human greed and savagery is what has allowed humans to survive and move forward. Greed, in fact, is the driven force behind capitalism, an idea that India espouses quite readily these days.

Greed, very important word in my life. I have been entrepreneur all my life. Started business from $1,000.00 made it into millions. That is the name of game in the capitalist society. Likewise not only India but other countries espouses for the same, even china with there socialist ideas. Which in your bolded statement is what India is doing and successeding, find nothing wrong. Infact, India is the mecca of entrepreneurship, where the poorest of the poor are hustling on the street selling, that is by true definition of an entrepreneur.
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Your not watcing youtube ...first and second thats the beauty of i'Net....replication of so fast that nobody can hide even the fact...I remember during Olympics there was controversy regarding age of Chinese Gymnast..there were 2 docs on CHinese site according to which 2 gymnast were of quite young...and before Chinese gove and take them off...ppl took screnshot and it was replicated everywhere.....

ANd for youtube...the owner company Google has made a statement that traffic from china has dropped suddenly...


The Dalai Lama and Human Rights - YOU be the Judge
(video comes from youtube)

well, if any indians want to dicuss about tibet more deeply, pls go to the topic: "China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present "

If any indians think you can leave your own country's development aside, and have "excess" energy to "help" other countries' developments, or want to be Boanerges, welcome to our china, welcome to Lhasa,tibet, go there by yourselves.
and be careful, do not be "scared" by Lhasa's thrive, because Lhasa is more advanced than your indian dozens cities.
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The Dalai Lama and Human Rights - YOU be the Judge
(video comes from youtube)
bJGr86ikA3U[/media] - The truth about Tibet

well, if any indians want to dicuss about tibet more deeply, pls go to the topic: "China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present "

If any indians think you can leave your own country's development aside, and have "excess" energy to "help" other countries' developments, or want to be Boanerges, welcome to our china, welcome to Lhasa,tibet, go there by yourselves.
and be careful, do not be "scared" by Lhasa's thrive, because Lhasa is more advanced than your indian dozens cities.

The Dalai Lama and Human Rights - YOU be the Judge
(video comes from youtube)
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And why is that? Why is it that China, or any country for that matter, has to be open? Is there some sort of divine law that I'm unaware of? Every country hides the truth to some extent. The WMD-in-Iraq stunt the Bush administration pulled sure stunk of some serious truth-hiding. Each country simply hides the truth to a different extent due to each country's needs.

We are talking two different things. Every govt. hide certain things so did the Bush administartion but no one stopped Amirican media from broadcasting sufferings of Iraqi people.
The Dalai Lama and Human Rights - YOU be the Judge

well, if any indians want to dicuss about tibet more deeply, pls go to the topic: "China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present "

If any indians think you can leave your own country's development aside, and have "excess" energy to "help" other countries' developments, or want to be Boanerges, welcome to our china, welcome to Lhasa,tibet, go there by yourselves.
and be careful, do not be "scared" by Lhasa's thrive, because Lhasa is more advanced than your indian decade cities.

Developement is good but human liberty ....freedom of expression...till you have not enjoyed them you will not understand what you are losing..... you will not know the truth about your own country...simply you do not know which your govt does not want you to know....I will not go in argument with you here....you have to decide what cost you are ready to pay for developement....

The Dalai Lama and Human Rights - YOU be the Judge
(video comes from youtube)

On the secong thoughts...do you think whole world is fool that he was given the Nobel PEACE prize...I belive there is lot of lies out there...but you mean that whole world is out there to get you......that to 20yrs back when CHina has only started curent jouney of development...think...

Let me try to put in perspective what you are saying. First of all the Passivity of Hinduism is correct, that there is no forcefullness to convert. But interms of your argument of religion playes a roll of power completly false, India is govern by seperation of church and state. No religious attributes plays it's roll in governing.

Greed, very important word in my life. I have been entrepreneur all my life. Started business from $1,000.00 made it into millions. That is the name of game in the capitalist society. Likewise not only India but other countries espouses for the same, even china with there socialist ideas. Which in your bolded statement is what India is doing and successeding, find nothing wrong. Infact, India is the mecca of entrepreneurship, where the poorest of the poor are hustling on the street selling, that is by true definition of an entrepreneur.

I have great respect for India's economic development, which has produced many success stories such as yourself. I also think we've gotten off track in our argument. My point is not that India is somehow an inferior nation due to Hinduism, I am simply pointing out that being fairly religious countries does not put nations like India or America on a moral high ground or prevent the morality of its citizens from dropping in times of hardship, as someone insinuated.
I have great respect for India's economic development, which has produced many success stories such as yourself. I also think we've gotten off track in our argument. My point is not that India is somehow an inferior nation due to Hinduism, I am simply pointing out that being fairly religious countries does not put nations like India or America on a moral high ground or prevent the morality of its citizens from dropping in times of hardship, as someone insinuated.

That my friend only higher being, if there is one, can decide. Agreed in your statement.
For the love of God, for those who believe in him Please posts some sort of warning before posting these kind of pictures.

For the love of MAO, those who believe in him, Please posts some sort of warning before posting these kind of pictures.
On the secong thoughts...do you think whole world is fool that he was given the Nobel PEACE prize...I belive there is lot of lies out there...but you mean that whole world is out there to get you......that to 20yrs back when CHina has only started curent jouney of development...think...


not the whole world but only the west, only west "democratic" countries.
the west can not deputize the whole world, same as u can not deputize whole india.
And, the west is not fool, they are smart in trying to destroy china, and also smart in using india and dalailama as tools.

"that to 20yrs back when CHina has only started curent jouney of development", good hint! this was our CPC's mistake, this is a key point our china needs to reflect. only becuase of this hint, I thank u.

otherwise, china started current innovation journey 30 years ago, not 20 years.

additionally,I remember india has been a democratic country for more than 60years,
china has been more prosperous than india after 30 years' development,
what would happy if china started innovation journey 60 years ago?

just joking! it is worthless to discuss, just like being worthless to reason things out with hostile ppl.
we focus on our own development, and if india develop very well or even better than china, congratulations to india, congratulations to indian ppl, because this must be indian ppl's hard works and outstanding works, of course not yours.....
Some more great deeds done by a GREAT country.

China accused over global computer spy ring | World news | The Guardian

China accused over global computer spy ring

• Dalai Lama and foreign ministries bugged
• Cambridge researchers point finger at Beijing

* Dan Glaister in Los Angeles
* The Guardian, Monday 30 March 2009
* Article history

An enormous electronic espionage programme run from servers in China has been used to spy on computers in more than 100 countries, according to two reports published at the weekend.

The reports, published by the universities of Cambridge and Toronto, detail a "murky realm" where cyber spooks infiltrate email, take over humble desktop computers and use them to spy on organisations, individuals and governments.

The reports name the system GhostNet, and claim that it has been used to attack governments in south and south-east Asia as well as the offices of the Dalai Lama. In two years, the reports suggest, the operation infiltrated 1,295 computers in 103 countries.

While one of the reports remains mute on the identity of the perpetrators, the other has no such qualms, warning that the Chinese government ran a series of cyber attacks on Tibetan exile groups. The Chinese foreign ministry could not be reached for comment.

"What Chinese spooks did in 2008, Russian crooks will do in 2010 and even low-budget criminals from less developed countries will follow in due course," conclude the Cambridge authors of The Snooping Dragon: Social Malware Surveillance of the Tibetan Movement.

But the authors of Tracking GhostNet argue that things may not be as they seem in the world of electronic espionage. "We're a bit more careful about it, knowing the nuance of what happens in the subterranean realms," said Ronald Deibert from the University of Toronto. "This could well be the CIA or the Russians. It's a murky realm that we're lifting the lid on."

The attacks were simple and direct. Infected emails bearing attachments or links to websites were sent to organisations including the private office of the Dalai Lama. Once opened, the virus allowed hackers to operate the host computer, including moving files and sending and receiving data. Their potential control was such that they could turn on an infected computer's camera and microphone, creating a surveillance bug.

The investigations began after Toronto researchers were asked by the Dalai Lama's offices to examine their computers. Officials had become concerned that communications were being intercepted. The researchers found that computers had been infected by a virus created by malicious software - or malware. That discovery led them to a group of servers on Hainan Island, off China. Other servers they tracked were based in China's Xinjiang Uyghur autonomous region, where intelligence units dealing with Tibetan independence groups are based.

"We uncovered real-time evidence of malware that had penetrated Tibetan computer systems, extracting sensitive documents from the private office of the Dalai Lama," researcher Greg Walton said.

The 10-month investigation also detected bugged computers in the foreign ministries of several countries, including Iran and Indonesia, and in the embassies of India, South Korea, Taiwan, Portugal, Germany and Pakistan.

The reports come in the wake of the annual report of the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, published in November, which found the computer systems of US government agencies and defence companies had been compromised by Chinese hackers.

The Snooping Dragon, produced by two researchers at Cambridge University's computer laboratory, warns that what they term "social malware surveillance" are likely to spread. Defence, they suggest, is almost impossible.

"Although the attack we describe came from a major government, the techniques their agents used are available even to private individuals and are quite shockingly effective," they write.
but chinese will say that western media is fool :blah::blah::blah:

And they are doing spying from quite a long time , so we can imagine where all these technologies came from.
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