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The intellectual roots of Asian anti-Westernism

lol, you are dreaming. Dont reply to me again unless you want to get utterly humiliated by facts. You are clueless and delusional. I have no time and good will to entertain your stupid beliefs.

That's because in India, like in China, there is no institutionalized pension system. In the "west" children are free to go at some point, in fact most are even urged to go on their own, i dont know how you see this as a bad thing?
You want us all to be momma's boys? ž

in India and in China the way i see it, children are an investment for parents to cash in at an older age. That might possibly be the reason for so many kids in families in India (of course in China the 1 child policy comes into play.)
Also your badly disguised hate seeps through every line. I think you are just jealous like the Japanese immigrant worker above.
And at the same time some basic math skills eludes you both.

you picked just one line of my post and made it an issue. it is just one aspect for the family, that is, "a kid is gone means gone, why to waste time to raise him/her?" but the main thing I wanted to say, "you need to make you kids a credible citizen who may add value to the nation, making them a valuable citizen who may help your nation get rise in future, by his 'competency' he developed by hard work in schools, by performing good in education and hence he/she helped the nation have high technologies in future. as, a kid who just have fun in life, no real touch with studying hard in life, is a 'waste' for whole nation, not just for a family." thats it :meeting:
Interesting article, but I disagree with many points that it brings forth. I have never heard much about Pan-Asianism, & I doubt that such an ideology would every present a threat to anyone. That's because the continent of Asia consists of a variety of different races completely different from each other. All of them have their own history, language, & culture. It would be next to impossible to unite such a diverse continent. Secondly, using Pan-Islamism against the West is another foolish idea. Islam isn't an Asian religion, or at least it doesn't claim to belong to a specific group. Islam, according to its own teachings is meant for all nations, thus, using Islam to cause division between the East & the West is the equivalent of mental retardation. In the Medieval ages, the wars between Muslims & Christians had more of a religious twist rather than a racial one.

I found this part of the article exceptionally weird: "millions, he writes, “derive profound gratification from the prospect of humiliating their former masters and overlords". Most of us do not desire to humiliate anyone. We understand that all nations from every corner of the earth have fought, conquered, & enslaved each other for a variety of reasons. That is simply how the world was in the past, there is no point in dwelling over it or crying rivers of blood & tears. However, I do agree that many people dislike the American government for all the wars that have taken place in the last decade. It's important to note that dislike for a government doesn't imply dislike for the people.

In my opinion, all nations should derive inspiration from their own cultures, revered historical figures, & from the efforts of other nations too. Adopting good values & traditions from others is a good thing & it will aid us in our progress. The free flow of ideas is crucial for progress & development. A culture that encourages creativity & provides people with the opportunity to implement or test their ideas is something that I feel is missing in some Eastern nations. This may be noticed by observing the products manufactured in Asian nations. Most of them tend to mimic Western products or only make slight improvements to them. Asian nations don't pay as much attention to research & development as Western nations do. Keep in mind that I am not talking about countries like China, Russia, or Japan while referring to R&D. Many factors synthesize to form a prosperous nation, some of those factors are; good leadership, strong economies, innovative industries, good moral values, knowledge & military might. There are other factors too, but these are some of the basics a country needs to focus on.

Keep in mind that the thirst for knowledge & the desire to progress must be for the sake of prosperity, success & benefiting not only the individual's own nation, but mankind as a whole. Helping other nations results in greater respect from the beneficiary, & all those observing international developments. These were some of my views on the subject. I typed this out in a hurry, so I apologize if some points seem to be jumbled up.

Don't take it personally but u talk of an ideal world, something like the ad of a newly launched bike says "Under standard conditions the mileage is 100km per liter". Seems exciting and happy for the heart and purse but we know that is not the case, the standard condition stated is that the bike is given 1 liter petrol and kept idling till the petrol is consumed, not driven in traffic mind you. Your statement that "we understand etc etc... is akin to the standard condition. There are lot of people who still talk of occupation of the west and the resultant bads of westernization even today. Even educated people at some point of time say this in the East, this is what the author is talking of.

This is a sort of intellectual colonization which is more dangerous than physical one. Ofcourse this will recede slowly over generations but one question does arise, is there an alternative to the western values in politics and economy?? What will the East do to leave its imprint on the Global scale in the form of ideologies or will it ever be the follower??
you picked just one line of my post and made it an issue.

It seemed as the most "positive" part and worthy of replying to. But let's go back to it once more for a second:

Indians still have the belief that a son/daughter means by only those who may help your family earn honor in future, by performing good in different competitions including in business. having a son who just work for 5 days and spend on weekend with bringing a new girl from pubs every week, similar to normal life in australia, is a disaster for the whole family which encourage other kids also to have similar fun in life.....

I dont think you would find a lot of parents or any in the "west" that would not like those aforementioned qualities for their children.
I know if i'd be a parent, i'd be a bit sceptical of my son/daughter bringing home someone new every night, especially daughter :smokin: however at the same time i know these are the good times and how they feel.
Also, for example of a child screwing with family honor: if your daughter starts acting in **** movies, after 18, there is zero you can do, short of somehow declaring her mentally ill and hospitalized/put under care.

it is just one aspect for the family, that is, "a kid is gone means gone, why to waste time to raise him/her?"
but the main thing I wanted to say, "you need to make you kids a credible citizen who may add value to the nation, making them a valuable citizen who may help your nation get rise in future, by his 'competency' he developed by hard work in schools, by performing good in education and hence he/she helped the nation have high technologies in future. as, a kid who just have fun in life, no real touch with studying hard in life, is a 'waste' for whole nation, not just for a family." thats it :meeting:

There are a lot of intellectual people out there, dont fall for the stereotype that we are all tree hugging lefties or inbred right-wingers.
lol, you are dreaming, clueless and delusional. I have no time and good will to entertain your stupid beliefs.

And yeah, we will keep on bullying. People like you need it.

or wait, scratch that....after i come from lunch id like to hear how you plan to carry it all out? This enslaving with a vengeance part i mean, lol. :rofl:

That's because in India, like in China, there is no institutionalized pension system. In the "west" children are free to go at some point, in fact most are even urged to go on their own, i dont know how you see this as a bad thing?
You want us all to be momma's boys?

in India and in China the way i see it, children are an investment for parents to cash in at an older age. That might possibly be the reason for so many kids in families in India (of course in China the 1 child policy comes into play.)
Also your badly disguised hate seeps through every line. I think you are just jealous like the Japanese immigrant worker above.
And at the same time some basic math skills eludes you both, but that never let anyone from some good ole fashioned hating.

If we have to talk on a pure materialistic plane then yes but also no. Here children are expected to take care of their parents as it is our duty to do so. I will not say it is happening 100% there are always people who dump their parents, but i think its not that bad. More of a cultural value it is not an investment.
If we have to talk on a pure materialistic plane then yes but also no. Here children are expected to take care of their parents as it is our duty to do so. I will not say it is happening 100% there are always people who dump their parents, but i think its not that bad. More of a cultural value it is not an investment.

it isn't bad at all, but at the same time there isnt any other choice available too. It's either that or dumping. No homes for the elderly, pensions, services that bring cooked food to people who cant cook for themselves, clean homes etc....like all the stuff that enable an elderly (even quite severely handicapped) to be independant.
Of course, if your kids dont come when you are sick, some community worker cannot replace that. Even if that person is a volunteer and has a heart for the job.

And im sorry to say this, but for me, it would suck so bad to be living with my parents now that im grown up.
it isn't bad at all, but at the same time there isnt any other choice available too. It's either that or dumping. No homes for the elderly, pensions, services that bring cooked food to people who cant cook for themselves, clean homes etc....like all the stuff that enable an elderly (even quite severely handicapped) to be independant.
Of course, if your kids dont come when you are sick, some community worker cannot replace that. Even if that person is a volunteer and has a heart for the job.

And im sorry to say this, but for me, it would suck so bad to be living with my parents now that im grown up.

That is true and one more part missing is, of those without children they could suffer most under this system.

There has to be some action from the leaders regarding this. The last point i agree i can't booze and enjoy myself at home, can i :D
It is sad to see that "defenders" of Asian "values" are using so many stereotypes about the western culture. This is nothing but ignorance to say the least.

For most of the Asians, UK is the main and perhaps only colonial "master". Sure some French and few Portuguese were around too, but the longest rule was by the Brits.

So let's focus a bit, and see the "specific plan" by Asian power to "humiliate" Brits.

Brits with all the economy problems are holding one of the finest Olympics. They are active in arts, literature, and science and still by far exceed what India is producing.

There are millions of Indians and Pakistanis lined up for immigration to UK.

And still some of these posters AND the OP insist there is some Asian "revenge" in play? Where? How?
It seemed as the most "positive" part and worthy of replying to. But let's go back to it once more for a second:

I dont think you would find a lot of parents or any in the "west" that would not like those aforementioned qualities for their children.

I know if i'd be a parent, i'd be a bit sceptical of my son/daughter bringing home someone new every night, especially daughter :smokin: however at the same time i know these are the good times and how they feel.
Also, for example of a child screwing with family honor: if your daughter starts acting in **** movies, after 18, there is zero you can do, short of somehow declaring her mentally ill and hospitalized/put under care.

There are a lot of intellectual people out there, dont fall for the stereotype that we are all tree hugging lefties or inbred right-wingers.

I have seen these 'parents' of Australia/US/UK from very close. ........ my friends used to date mothers of those girls who themselves used to be dated from the same age people of my friend circle..... as a citizen there, i haven't attended even a single birth day party where I haven't met more than 8 to 10 mother fathers of that person. as, they marry and divorce so many times in life that just till the age of 15-16, they have got so many mothers fathers. but it is still not bad as compare those majority 'Single Mothers' whose kids, generation of casual sex, are simply not informed about their father. they give name of 'mother' in school, not of father like in India :meeting:

a man like me can have fun in Australia as I have done all I wanted in my life, have got enough qualifications/experience and can have fun on the side. but this life style can't produce a student who need to study 10-12 hours during schooling, like how i grew up in India. and for that you first need a discipline in home to study hard and have similar competition in schools also. while in Australia, mother/father bring different Boy Friends/ Girl Friends in front of kids and date in side room, giving the message to their kids to do the same. have you dated the western girls after having dinner in front of their parents and then take her to room? it is quite normal in that western society........... I met many in australia who say themselves engineer as they hardly have TAFE/trade certificates. while in India, even if you have BE degree, first people ask you the institute you studied from otherwise too many people having BE/MD degrees from low ranked institutes as they couldn't qualify for IITs or other high ranked colleges. the environment of the countries US/UK/Australia just can't produce 'competitive' students :disagree:

there is no meaning of lying on this international political forum as western life style, and how common nationals of these countries are just labors now, is quite informed to common public now. there is no meaning of feeling shame for the things which are quite usual in western society :wave:
It is sad to see that "defenders" of Asian "values" are using so many stereotypes about the western culture. This is nothing but ignorance to say the least.

For most of the Asians, UK is the main and perhaps only colonial "master". Sure some French and few Portuguese were around too, but the longest rule was by the Brits.

So let's focus a bit, and see the "specific plan" by Asian power to "humiliate" Brits.

Brits with all the economy problems are holding one of the finest Olympics. They are active in arts, literature, and science and still by far exceed what India is producing.

There are millions of Indians and Pakistanis lined up for immigration to UK.

And still some of these posters AND the OP insist there is some Asian "revenge" in play? Where? How?

do you know that these Indians are twice paid in US/UK than local labors, the least unemployed, and are around 22% of total high income group? do you know the type of people who are granted permanent residency/green card? they are simply not labors like common US/UK who themselves have very high unemployment rate. they bring those people from overseas who may help US/UK run industries by having high end competent people, which their own society doesn't produce :wave:

while now this trend is reversed also. as, companies of US/UK are not getting enough orders from emerging markets so factory output is only going down. only Australia I found having higher growth because of higher growth of China, which then demand more from the resource industries of Australia, helping Australia have more :cheers:
I have seen these 'parents' of Australia/US/UK from very close. ........ my friends used to date mothers of those girls who themselves used to be dated from the same age people of my friend circle..... as a citizen there, i haven't attended even a single birth day party where I haven't met more than 8 to 10 mother fathers of that person. as, they marry and divorce so many times in life that just till the age of 15-16, they have got so many mothers fathers. but it is still not bad as compare those majority 'Single Mothers' whose kids, generation of casual sex, are simply not informed about their father. they give name of 'mother' in school, not of father like in India :meeting:

Damn, you're even bigger tool that i thought. You really expect me to believe everyone had 8-10 mother-father figurs? That's some gross overexaggerating on multiple (2 to be exact) levels.
In any case e it sounds like you hung out with true proper "white trash people". Speaks a lot about you actually and why you have the views that you have. Maybe if you would have sorrounded yourself with more productive members of "our society" you wouldn't feel the way you feel now.

a man like me can have fun in Australia as I have done all I wanted in my life, have got enough qualifications/experience and can have fun on the side. but this life style can't produce a student who need to study 10-12 hours during schooling, like how i grew up in India. and for that you first need a discipline in home to study hard and have similar competition in schools also. while in Australia, mother/father bring different Boy Friends/ Girl Friends in front of kids and date in side room, giving the message to their kids to do the same. have you dated the western girls after having dinner in front of their parents and then take her to room? it is quite normal in that western society........... I met many in australia who say themselves engineer as they hardly have TAFE/trade certificates. while in India, even if you have BE degree, first people ask you the institute you studied from otherwise too many people having BE/MD degrees from low ranked institutes as they couldn't qualify for IITs or other high ranked colleges. the environment of the countries US/UK/Australia just can't produce 'competitive' students :disagree:

You go on and have fun, nothing wrong with that, and try not to judge people by your extremely biased and narrow views.

there is no meaning of lying on this international political forum as western life style, and how common nationals of these countries are just labors now, is quite informed to common public now. there is no meaning of feeling shame for the things which are quite usual in western society :wave:

They were always working? Yes, as laborers too. Laborers that do world class products, despite being all products of failed marriages and abuse like you are trying to insinuate here.
do you know that these Indians are twice paid in US/UK than local labors, the least unemployed, and are around 22% of total high income group? do you know the type of people who are granted permanent residency/green card? they are simply not labors like common US/UK who themselves have very high unemployment rate. they bring those people from overseas who may help US/UK run industries by having high end competent people, which their own society doesn't produce :wave:

lol, you crack me up. you see this is a great thing we have...we are able to absorb individuals who contribute positively to "our society" and they are paid adequately.
Why would an Indian or Chinese IT guy get less then lower qualified "white man". That's not how it works.

Funnily enough i remember a few years ago some articles circulating claiming that around 35% of scientists at NASA are Indian. It was later commented by NASA employees that the percentage is substantial but not that high, at around 6%.
I guess in the end you hear what you want to hear.

while now this trend is reversed also. as, companies of US/UK are not getting enough orders from emerging markets so factory output is only going down. only Australia I found having higher growth because of higher growth of China, which then demand more from the resource industries of Australia, helping Australia have more :cheers:

Factory output is slowing everywhere. And China's imports of Australian crude resources, as far as copper ore goes....they stopped increasing orders. Up until now every year the amount rose until recently. Look it up, some Australian trade official gave a statement not so long ago.
Damn, you're even bigger tool that i thought. You really expect me to believe everyone had 8-10 mother-father figurs? That's some gross overexaggerating on multiple (2 to be exact) levels.
In any case e it sounds like you hung out with true proper "white trash people". Speaks a lot about you actually and why you have the views that you have. Maybe if you would have sorrounded yourself with more productive members of "our society" you wouldn't feel the way you feel now.

You go on and have fun, nothing wrong with that, and try not to judge people by your extremely biased and narrow views.

They were always working? Yes, as laborers too. Laborers that do world class products, despite being all products of failed marriages and abuse like you are trying to insinuate here.

look, i have found 'almost' every white man/woman changing with different boy friend/girl friend on just few months time, with no care of their kids. i have seen even mother and their daughters both being having sex by others in the same house, few cases in my presence on few occassions... ( i always refused in these 'social meetings' which made them little unconfortable)........ a majority bring different girls and boys, 'every week'. girls 'usually' bring boy friends in front of the 'current' parents and then 'break off'. you might know the word "break off" ???? this is still 'good' to have 'break off' after every few months as compare to bring new partner every week..... in my house i was sharing in perth, while working, mother of that australian girl sharing that house, used to generally get to face to face with different boys her daughter used to bring in that house. having 8-10 mother fathers is not as bad as meeting kids of Single Mother, like how few South American came to our house in Sydney, and one told me one day, his 'first' father was not married to his mother, that boy hisself used to bring very good looking girls in that house on time to time.........

i dont think you have lived in US/UK/Australia, 'locally' :no:

lol, you crack me up. you see this is a great thing we have...we are able to absorb individuals who contribute positively to "our society" and they are paid adequately.
Why would an Indian or Chinese IT guy get less then lower qualified "white man". That's not how it works.

Funnily enough i remember a few years ago some articles circulating claiming that around 35% of scientists at NASA are Indian. It was later commented by NASA employees that the percentage is substantial but not that high, at around 6%.
I guess in the end you hear what you want to hear.

Factory output is slowing everywhere. And China's imports of Australian crude resources, as far as copper ore goes....they stopped increasing orders. Up until now every year the amount rose until recently. Look it up, some Australian trade official gave a statement not so long ago.

no one is here to teach you, nor I have enough time. check news as below, google by yourself also.....

the median salaried household income of India-born immigrants was around $94,700. In comparison, the median household income of native-born Americans was estimated at $51,750.

Dollars and sense of American desis | DAWN.COM

Super-rich Indians account for more than 22% of the wealth of ultra-high net worth (UHNW) individuals in Britain, a new list showed on Tuesday. As a national group, they are second only to expat Russians.

Indians account for 22% of Britain

Pakistanis and Bangladeshis had the highest unemployment rate (15 percent) – well above the UK average of 6 per cent. Unemployment among black fathers was also high (11 percent) but Indians were less likely to be unemployed (4 percent) than whites (5.5 percent)

British National Party

Hindu-Americans Rank Top in Education, Income
I find your stories, frankly, hard to believe.
You sound like a conventional, narrowminded, old mentality man. For mothers and daughters to be offering themselves to you like you describe they would have to be very very liberal. These two kind of people dont mix like you want me to believe. Maybe in your "local" level "inside". lol

Stories themselves are full of obvious constructs and gross stereotyping that serve only bashing. And honestly, i dont care what you believe where i lived. You are a no factor in my life. a 0. And your full of shit.

And very impartial sources too. I dont need to be educated by Dawn ,Hindustan times or British Nazi's homepage. Thanks.

Also regarding the median income. Do you know why Indian income is higher?

Because only doctors (exaggerating slightly) are imported automatically excluding lower pay grades from the statistics equation. It's quite logical, but again, you hear what you want to hear i guess.
I find your stories, frankly, hard to believe.
You sound like a conventional, narrowminded, old mentality man. For mothers and daughters to be offering themselves to you like you describe they would have to be very very liberal. These two kind of people dont mix like you want me to believe. Maybe in your "local" level "inside". lol

Stories themselves are full of obvious constructs and gross stereotyping that serve only bashing. And honestly, i dont care what you believe where i lived. You are a no factor in my life. a 0. And your full of shit.

And very impartial sources too. I dont need to be educated by Dawn or Hindustan times.

now you have started talking craps...... i told you few things very 'straight', im an australian citizen itself. rest, if you are a false flagger, or just a temporary visa holder/student etc living in a western country who hasn't seen these things then ..... it will take time. just to tell you, sometimes its risky to introduce wife to a western woman otherwise she will take your wife also to date, many lesbian bye bye :wave:
It is sad to see that "defenders" of Asian "values" are using so many stereotypes about the western culture. This is nothing but ignorance to say the least.

For most of the Asians, UK is the main and perhaps only colonial "master". Sure some French and few Portuguese were around too, but the longest rule was by the Brits.

So let's focus a bit, and see the "specific plan" by Asian power to "humiliate" Brits.

Brits with all the economy problems are holding one of the finest Olympics. They are active in arts, literature, and science and still by far exceed what India is producing.

There are millions of Indians and Pakistanis lined up for immigration to UK.

And still some of these posters AND the OP insist there is some Asian "revenge" in play? Where? How?

What revenge are you talking of here?? i didn't see anything regarding revenge in the op ??
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