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If there is a war between China - Viet Nam in SCS

Well, you people have kicked French back to Europe, beat the US and defeated the CCP, so if you are really isolated this time, the result will be fine as well I think.

Forget all about that, and it also in the past but future war is coming. China seems is not backing off from its claims, and Viet Nam will not giving up due to the security of this nation. SCS also a sea ways for commercial ships, fishermen so and so, no one will accepting that allow for someone to blocking it drive ways, door ways.
Forget all about that, and it also in the past but future war is coming. China seems is not backing off from its claims, and Viet Nam will not giving up due to the security of this nation. SCS also a sea ways for commercial ships, fishermen so and so, no one will accepting that allow for someone to blocking it drive ways, door ways.

Then you should help each others to fix the economy and establish a stable union as soon as possible, the longer you stick into the trouble, the harder the PRC is pushing.
Chinese cannot occupy vietnam's land as history proves that Viet conga are masters of guerilla warfare. If China does go to war with Vietnam it will be the start of Econimic down turn. The might US with 16 Trillion economy and specialized in war cannot control less than 10000 Taliban fighters and fighting a defensive war in Afganistan.

I magine China with half the US economy fighting Vietcong's with the backing of US,India,Japan and Russia.
May be they can occupy some Islands but that will destroy the Chinese good will and will affect Diplomatic front.

Let's say China success to make quick takes islands that been held of by Viet Nam, Viet Nam will using small groups of force, which is the modern radar could not detect and it's tactics just "hits and runs".

That time, Free Navigation Route has been deploying a lot Nations Navy to protecting its commercials ships pass by. That's also means, China Navy's can't do anything better than using same tactics "hits and runs".

Viet Nam has longest shores and any "small groups forces" will reaching SCS islands easily, and also could blocking China small group forces came from Hainan due to the distance.

This time, CMS can not easily and freely approach to protecting its "small group forces", Viet Nam could take down tanker-ships from China from any points of its land.
Chinese cannot occupy vietnam's land as history proves that Viet conga are masters of guerilla warfare. If China does go to war with Vietnam it will be the start of Econimic down turn. The might US with 16 Trillion economy and specialized in war cannot control less than 10000 Taliban fighters and fighting a defensive war in Afganistan.

I magine China with half the US economy fighting Vietcong's with the backing of US,India,Japan and Russia.
May be they can occupy some Islands but that will destroy the Chinese good will and will affect Diplomatic front.

We will not let them invade any island anymore. Although they can capture the island, we will not let them sit on the island, we will continuously attack to regain the island. The Islands is not too far from coast of Vietnam, but quite far from China...
We will not let them invade any island anymore. Although they can capture the island, we will not let them sit on the island, we will continuously attack to regain the island. The Islands is not too far from coast of Vietnam, but quite far from China...

You are Very true, Viet cong are capabale of that, But this time unlike Vietnam war with US, You can expect backing from All the major powers including India.

Let's say China success to make quick takes islands that been held of by Viet Nam, Viet Nam will using small groups of force, which is the modern radar could not detect and it's tactics just "hits and runs".

That time, Free Navigation Route has been deploying a lot Nations Navy to protecting its commercials ships pass by. That's also means, China Navy's can't do anything better than using same tactics "hits and runs".

Viet Nam has longest shores and any "small groups forces" will reaching SCS islands easily, and also could blocking China small group forces came from Hainan due to the distance.

This time, CMS can not easily and freely approach to protecting its "small group forces", Viet Nam could take down tanker-ships from China from any points of its land.

Employing Hit and Run tactics,doing guerilla warfare and prolonging the conflict will be advantageous for Vietnam.
Let's say China success to make quick takes islands that been held of by Viet Nam, Viet Nam will using small groups of force, which is the modern radar could not detect and it's tactics just "hits and runs".

That time, Free Navigation Route has been deploying a lot Nations Navy to protecting its commercials ships pass by. That's also means, China Navy's can't do anything better than using same tactics "hits and runs".

Viet Nam has longest shores and any "small groups forces" will reaching SCS islands easily, and also could blocking China small group forces came from Hainan due to the distance.

This time, CMS can not easily and freely approach to protecting its "small group forces", Viet Nam could take down tanker-ships from China from any points of its land.

Good theory.

But if it works, why haven't you used it to take back the Paracel Islands?

Paracel Islands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Let's say China success to make quick takes islands that been held of by Viet Nam, Viet Nam will using small groups of force, which is the modern radar could not detect and it's tactics just "hits and runs".

That time, Free Navigation Route has been deploying a lot Nations Navy to protecting its commercials ships pass by. That's also means, China Navy's can't do anything better than using same tactics "hits and runs".

Viet Nam has longest shores and any "small groups forces" will reaching SCS islands easily, and also could blocking China small group forces came from Hainan due to the distance.

This time, CMS can not easily and freely approach to protecting its "small group forces", Viet Nam could take down tanker-ships from China from any points of its land.

I would like to interject that the United States puts a great emphasis in the importance of maintaining the freedom of navigation in the waters of the south china sea (other wise known as the east sea by the vietnamese or the west philippine sea by the philippines), it is integral to American national interest to prevent any despondent inhibition in the navigation of our maritime assets. Some $5 Trillion worth in American trade traverses through the said area and falls within the jurisdiction and realm of control (ROC) by the United States Pacific Command. I am confident that there will be no aggressiveness committed by the Chinese as to instigate an American response. I can guarantee you that when the 5th and 7th Fleets are activated to respond to any potential threats to American interests in the region, the quarrels will be mitigated with shear immediacy.

In regards to Vietnamese defense, just recently the US Navy held joint naval exercises with some minor counterparts in the Vietnamese Navy, which correlates with American military / naval joint drills with the Philippines.

It is in the American calculus to respond to immediate threats to our strategic interests in the region. Rest assured the Chinese , will not risk our intervention. Else their entire navy will be sent to the bottom of the pacific ocean.

We will not let them invade any island anymore. Although they can capture the island, we will not let them sit on the island, we will continuously attack to regain the island. The Islands is not too far from coast of Vietnam, but quite far from China...

It would be wise for Vietnam to expand its OVCs and increasing its naval assets in order to give precedence to its claim. Vietnam's government received the mandate to rule over the people in your country, it is a national prerogative for your government to increase your nation's naval strength.

I cannot lie that it pleases me, as I am sure it pleases most American strategists, to see certain countries in Asia-Pacific courting American favor in response to a certain antagonist state in East Asia.
Good theory.

But if it works, why haven't you used it to take back the Paracel Islands?

Paracel Islands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First: Viet Nam has been so long for war, and during that time (1974) Viet Nam gov still believing that "friendship" from China-VietNam, and China will returns it back. Nonetheless, Viet Nam just build for itself a very "high hopes"

Second: Even now, after 1979, 1988 Viet Nam still hoping that once day China will thinking back. Unfortunately, ever since China economics grows like grass, its also modernized Navy's and acting aggressiveness to Vietnamese people (Fishermen)

Third: Viet Nam still trying to avoid a war or any war to any country, but if the tried is not works then Viet Nam has no other choice other than defense/fights.

Fourth: in case war happens, Viet Nam can not head-to-head with China Navy's if the outcome numbers, then its will changes tiki-taka, hit and runs to block China supplies and retake the islands. (Even thought will takes years to gain them back)

Fifth: With Naval experience, Viet Nam and China never has any experience to fight over the sea, if that so is only depends on the tactics for using.
First: Viet Nam has been so long for war, and during that time (1974) Viet Nam gov still believing that "friendship" from China-VietNam, and China will returns it back. Nonetheless, Viet Nam just build for itself a very "high hopes"

Second: Even now, after 1979, 1988 Viet Nam still hoping that once day China will thinking back. Unfortunately, ever since China economics grows like grass, its also modernized Navy's and acting aggressiveness to Vietnamese people (Fishermen)

Third: Viet Nam still trying to avoid a war or any war to any country, but if the tried is not works then Viet Nam has no other choice other than defense/fights.

Fourth, in case war happens, Viet Nam can not head-to-head with China Navy's if the outcome numbers, then its will changes tiki-taka, hit and runs to block China supplies and retake the islands. (Even thought will takes years to gain them back)

Just avoid a war in the first place and no one will have to worry about the details.
First: Viet Nam has been so long for war, and during that time (1974) Viet Nam gov still believing that "friendship" from China-VietNam, and China will returns it back. Nonetheless, Viet Nam just build for itself a very "high hopes"

Second: Even now, after 1979, 1988 Viet Nam still hoping that once day China will thinking back. Unfortunately, ever since China economics grows like grass, its also modernized Navy's and acting aggressiveness to Vietnamese people (Fishermen)

Third: Viet Nam still trying to avoid a war or any war to any country, but if the tried is not works then Viet Nam has no other choice other than defense/fights.

Fourth, in case war happens, Viet Nam can not head-to-head with China Navy's if the outcome numbers, then its will changes tiki-taka, hit and runs to block China supplies and retake the islands. (Even thought will takes years to gain them back)

1. What makes you think the Chinese would want to instigate a war with Vietnam?

They are, after-all, not that stupid to instigate a global crisis, and risk American intervention. Who in the right mind would invite the response of 6 Carrier Battle Groups ?

2. It would be the antithesis for Vietnamese security to engage in a war with China at this time.
"USAHawk" (if you are actually an American, since your English writing skills suggest otherwise)... where was the US Navy when North Korea was attacking your close ally South Korea in 2010?

North Korea sunk the Cheonan with 104 personnel on board, and then they proceeded to blast South Korea with artillery shells, killing several civilians. As if that was not enough, they also developed nuclear weapons.

And where was the USA when their "friend" Georgia was invaded and occupied by Russia in 2008?

If you won't even stand up for your closest allies (South Korea), what makes anyone think America will do so for Vietnam, especially when you consider the history between the two countries?

I can guarantee you that when the 5th and 7th Fleets are activated to respond to any potential threats to American interests in the region, the quarrels will be mitigated with shear immediacy.

LOL, do you think that is what an American accent sounds like?
We don't have a land-border dispute with Vietnam (we only have 1 active land border dispute).

The dispute is a sea-based one, like most of our other territorial disputes.

Which naturally means that any conflict will be mostly limited to a Naval battle/skirmish.

Sir, if such skirmish really happens we all know who might win hence Viets will definitely going to use their air assets to help their navy to get some advantage then such a skirmish will turn out into a complete war which might invites other interested parties into this standoff .....BTW when will be your AC is going to be operational??
1. To understand the knowledge of world order, one must understand how the system works. Do you think that the United States would risk further complicating the security of the Korean peninsula over 1 hostile action by the DPRK? The sinking of that one ship fuels the anger of the South Koreans, strengthens the alliance between Seoul and Washington. The trait of a super power , is the ability to contain sentiments and to aim to maintain the strategic upper-hand. One must wait for the best moment to strike, in the end game, not at petty movements of a pawn.
Sir, if such skirmish really happens we all know who might win hence Viets will definitely going to use their air assets to help their navy to get some advantage then such a skirmish will turn out into a complete war which might invites other interested parties into this standoff .....BTW when will be your AC is going to be operational??

Who has a mutual defence pact with Vietnam? Nobody. :wave:

I would be interested to see which country is willing to sacrifice their economic relationship with China on behalf of Vietnam.
"USAHawk" (if you are actually an American, since your English writing skills suggest otherwise)... where was the US Navy when North Korea was attacking your close ally South Korea in 2010?

North Korea sunk the Cheonan with 104 personnel on board, and then they proceeded to blast South Korea with artillery shells, killing several civilians. As if that was not enough, they also developed nuclear weapons.

And where was the USA when their "friend" Georgia was invaded and occupied by Russia in 2008?

If you won't even stand up for your closest allies (South Korea), what makes anyone think America will do so for Vietnam, especially when you consider the history between the two countries?

LOL, do you think that is what an American accent sounds like?

PS. I have what you would call a "Chicagoan" accent. :)

Who has a mutual defence pact with Vietnam? Nobody. :wave:

I would be interested to see which country is willing to sacrifice their economic relationship with China on behalf of Vietnam.

I don't think the Chinese are that stupid to initiate a war with the Vietnamese in the first place. It would be diplomatic suicide on Beijing's part.
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