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Why doesn't Pakistan build an aircraft carrier?

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look at the size of our coastal waters compared to the size of countries that do have it.
Most of them have a lot more coast.
Having an aircraft carrier would do more bad than good at the current moment, no need to embark on such a white elephant project. Not to mention we would have to divert PAF's aircraft to the Navy.

Pakistan should focus on submarines, amphibious ships, ASW carrier, and certainly LPDs.
look at the size of our coastal waters compared to the size of countries that do have it.
Most of them have a lot more coast.

Don't allow the size of the coastline fool you, it's as strategic as ever.
What a moot question!

Even better question would have been, why doesn't Pakistan build a space station?

Answer: We're not at that particular stage of "national development" where our economy or scientific base can support such an endeavor.

Nothing wrong with the answer, it's just fact.
1.it needs a truckload of money.
2.the present condition of Pakistan in the international community does not give it much breathing space so that it can pursue such ambitious projects that are nowhere related to fighting insurgency and terrorism.
3.What will you use it for ???
Don't allow the size of the coastline fool you, it's as strategic as ever.

No.. really?

obviously.. its strategic.. due to pakistan's location.. im just pointing out the fact that we don't have as much coastal water as others.
Pakistan should go for Carrier but before ding so, Pak Navy needs to build its surface and under surface fleet in well defensive and offensive shape.After that, Pak Navy can have carrier.So guys wait for few years to hear such god news.I do not see such news coming before 2020.

What we are expecting from Pak Navy is to add more war ships, missile boats, Submarines and nucear submarines till 2020.:smokin:
What do you mean?
There were believers and non-believers in the Gorshkov resurrection, here, elsewhere, Pakistan, India, US, UK, Russia. So, what many here thought is no different from any other board across the globe.
I think the main reason is that we do not have the propulsion system for the carrier ...

We do not have the know how to construct the engines for these large vesseles that is why we can't build one

Beside the engine rest of the ship is just normal boat

Also we lack the 1 billion / year to operate it , if its non nuclear carrier

Not to mention we do not have experience even with destroyers or that size ships
Precisely so. What many posters don’t realise is that Pakistani economy cannot afford a large Navy. Joe public needs housing, food to eat, potable water to drink, fuel for the cars and cooking. For this you need to create employment and improve law & order and strong economy. The country therefore has to make a compromise between military and economic expenditure. No doubt security of sea lanes is important but welfare of ordinary citizens even more so.

Majority of the forum members live inside Pakistan; they see and experience bombings, target killing, load shedding, closure of CNG stations etc. every day. I humbly request all honourable members not to get carried away with their emotions and rationalize before posting requirements that are beyond Pakistan’s economic capability.

Strong economy is needed to fight wars else it bankrupts the nation. USSR had ICBMS, large number of nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers but Afghan war proved so costly that it collapsed from within.

well said nothing will change in pakistan as well we will keeping fighting among our self too As for pakistan having an A/C. well PN first needs to fulfill its requirement of 18 warships and 12 submarines plus other ships. then they can think of getting an aircraft carrier and atleast 10 supporting boats comprising of frigates, submarines Exlry ships and corvette, destroyers and mine hunters plus billions of dollars to run them as well...
I want to know what are efforts are being done by pakistan regarding the naval aircraft carrier ... Do they have such a plan ?...
I know, we in India have it. And a new one is being built in Russia.

Pakistan will probably have to sell itself to build and maintain one! It costs an arm and leg to run that stuff! Besides it's not like Pakistan is gonna go somewhere South America and attack some random country.
This thread detracts from the general high standards of this forum! Yes,its that effing stupid. Please kill this discussion or lock it.
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