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Taliban carries out rare frontal attack on U.S. base in Afghanistan

In a very near past NDS had arrested couple of Pakistani Punjabis for terrorist activities. It's easier for ISI to pick up a bunch of illiterate uncivilized Pashtuns from FATA/KP areas and guide them to the target and the + point is they also mix up with the Afghan population.

not really; our dialects are different

i can tell an Afghan from a Pakistani Pakhtun within five seconds (even less than that maybe) of hearing them talk; even in areas just over-looking Afghanistan

and if your puppet leaders stopped licking NATO boots and alienating 47% of your population maybe they wouldnt feel forced or compelled to join the taleban - don't you think? Ask anybody in Kandahar what they think of your newly inducted Tajik mercenary army which has ''personal/emotional'' grudge with ''bunch of illiterate uncivilized Pashtuns''

and dont we know about ''mixing'' populations.....we're the largest in-taker of Afghan refugees who fled during the war(s) -- i emphasize the plural!

in exchange, we get back-stabbed by your side
not really; our dialects are different

i can tell an Afghan from a Pakistani Pakhtun within five seconds (even less than that maybe) of hearing them talk; even in areas just over-looking Afghanistan

and if your puppet leaders stopped licking NATO boots and alienating 47% of your population maybe they wouldnt feel forced or compelled to join the taleban - don't you think? Ask anybody in Kandahar what they think of your newly inducted Tajik mercenary army which has ''personal/emotional'' grudge with ''bunch of illiterate uncivilized Pashtuns''

and dont we know about ''mixing'' populations.....we're the largest in-taker of Afghan refugees who fled during the war(s) -- i emphasize the plural!

in exchange, we get back-stabbed by your side

Abu, check out this article on this thread, it's quite an eye opener:


Iran is accused compared to Pakistan by a ratio of 5:100.

not really; our dialects are different

i can tell an Afghan from a Pakistani Pakhtun within five seconds (even less than that maybe) of hearing them talk; even in areas just over-looking Afghanistan

and if your puppet leaders stopped licking NATO boots and alienating 47% of your population maybe they wouldnt feel forced or compelled to join the taleban - don't you think? Ask anybody in Kandahar what they think of your newly inducted Tajik mercenary army which has ''personal/emotional'' grudge with ''bunch of illiterate uncivilized Pashtuns''

and dont we know about ''mixing'' populations.....we're the largest in-taker of Afghan refugees who fled during the war(s) -- i emphasize the plural!

in exchange, we get back-stabbed by your side

Don't play ethnic cards, that doesn't work on me! and your leaders are licking US/NATO boots since decades tell them to save you from drones and 'inside attacks'.
Iran is accused compared to Pakistan by a ratio of 5:100.

Not really, which is why Iran is being sanctioned and Pakistan isn't.

Besides, the WOT has been extended into Pakistan's FATA region too, whereas it hasn't been extended into any part of Iran. At any point where Pakistan has a different military/strategic approach from the US in Afghanistan will be considered as Pakistan 'harboring militants'; as a superpower needs a scapegoat, to save face, & 'justify' its failures. Iran does not have to face these headaches, as it isn't complicit in the WOT, & isn't playing a major role in it.
Iran is accused compared to Pakistan by a ratio of 5:100.

interestingly, many of their arms are going to the taleban as well.....but you remain deaf, dumb and mute about that

but hey -- lets cut off ALL ties with Afghanistan and see if they last for even a day....you dont want our trucks to deliver goods and/or you dont have any competent, half-literate people that can police that side of the border? Okay then, your loss.

Sher -- stop allowing your soil to be used against Pakistan -- then there wont be any issues at all
Iran is accused compared to Pakistan by a ratio of 5:100.

Use your common sense, do you think there is cross border infiltration from Pakistan into Farah, Herat, Nimruz etc; where many Taliban attacks have, & are taking place?
Use your common sense, do you think there is cross border infiltration from Pakistan into Farah, Herat, Nimruz etc; where many Taliban attacks have, & are taking place?

Bilal -- we've all wasted our time trying to reason with these people.

but obviously it's a sign that their police and army are either corrupt, incompetent or complicit because it's not that easy to march to Kabul or Nimruz with explosives

Kabul --unlike the rest of Afghanistan -- is a bloody military fortress.
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