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Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the conqueror of Afghanistan

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durrani empire was shortlived in punjab. ahmed shah only reigned in punjab for 2 years before sikhs wrestled it back
Technically Maharaja Ranjit Singh is a Pakistani- :coffee:-

What kind of pleasure or mental satisfaction you get by twisting the historical fact. He was simply the citizen and ruler of his own Kingdom. So let us learn to live with the facts of our past and not tell lies to our generations to come. on one hand we wish from politicians to be honest and on these forum you are leaving a legacy of being liar.
Technically Maharaja Ranjit Singh is a Pakistani- :coffee:-

You do know that the very basic cornerstone of the existence of Pakistan disowns anything un-Islamic? The Sikhs probably have the biggest claim to Ranjit Singh, and more than 95% of the Sikhs in today's world call India their home.

Well going by your logic, a **** load of Indians would qualify as Pakistanis. Lahore was Sikh majority (and Karachi was full of Hindu Sindhi businessmen) before partition, and they all moved to India after, so are the Punjabi Sikhs and Hindu Sindhis in today's India also Pakistani going by your definition?

I think sometimes you guys keep forgetting that your nation was built on religious lines, not ethnic :P
Many kingdoms in South East Asia paid tributes to Chola Kingdom after a naval expedition. While within India, he went upto Ganges.

Having stated that, I was only disputing your statement "After Emperor Ashok, he was the only Indian ruler who carried the sword outside the borders of the Sub Continent." and not about ruling an area.

Dont forget the Cholas lasted for about 1500 yrs as an Empire. Quite impressive!
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a hilarious title!!!!!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

"Conqueror of Afghanistan"????

Lol, is this "conquering" Afghanistan?:


Durrani/Afghan Empire:


Lol, so called sikh "empire"'s not even 50% of the Durrani Empire. And here we have a bunch of self ego satisfying members posting funny threads with hilarious titles.
How exactly he was conqourer of afghanistan? He occupied only peshawer and surrounding areas , which were border areas of afghanistan. Another area which he snatched from afghanistan was kashmir, but he was able to do so because local kashmiris betrayed their afghan rulers.
Any how crossing indus to west and defeating afghans was a big deal, ranjeet singh was indeed a greater military stretagist. I think he is the one and only punjabi conqueror.

Afghanistan was ruled by Hindu Kings at one point. We should really go the Chinese route and claim such territories
Exactly that was my question too, without the Sikhs taking over today's Pakistan (including Pak Punjab, KPK), the British wouldn't have come here and ruled us..its precisely because of the Sikh Empires that the British came and ruled what is today's Pakistan

U do realise that it was the sikhs who defeated the afghans and pushed the afghan empire out of pakistan?
It is sad that many Pakistanis don't know the reality...our elders like Sayed Ahmed Barelvi who rose up against the tyrannical Sikh rule...were butchered at the hands of Sikh empire.

@ Punjabi Tiger
You said here that KPK would not have been in Pakistan....my friend...look at the Durrani Empire's map again, They controlled whole of today's Pakistan and Kashmir....if Ranjit Singh wouldn't have been there...the history would have been different...the British wouldn't be ruling what is today's Pakistan..Kashmir would have been our part..lol...so lets not get over there...my point is...it is indeed a part of history of the region..but an era where Muslims suffered tremendous brutalities...a thing which was repeated in East Punjab when not a Single muslim family was allowed to live there..and they had to migrate.

Today in Pakistan's Punjab you can't be proud to be a Punjabi... because Punjabi is more of a culture than an ethnicity unlike Indian PunjabThere is a huge Kashmiri community in Lahore, Sialkot (infact the ruling part of Punjab is all Kashmiri), in the north Attock and Mianwali are Punjabi Pushtuns, in the South (Rajanpur, DG Khan districts) are all Baloch of Punjab and then there is a Saraeki belt towards the Southwest and west which goes all the way up. The culture in Punjab is liberal unlike in other parts...so every one mixes up in the local cultures while mentaining a Biradiri system. Its sad when Pakistani members here just cuz of there ethnicity said that Punjabis should be proud of it.

Tell me i am kashmiri punjabi..why the hell should i be proud of it...when my ancestors suffered at the hands of this empire. Tell me why 28 million pushtuns should be proud of it....you people are making cracks in Pakistani society by just putting Pakistani flags on your profile..and commenting about being being Punjabi !!!

Haha...What about the Tyrannical rule of some Muslims in the Subcontinent?
They gave the identity to the land, which was called Punjab..

what was it called before? and they basically renamed a place that's it? because Lahore was developed by Moghuls. infact most of punjab was developed by mughuls and Ranjit actually stayed in most of the architectural structures built by Moghuls.
even today it is us who are real sons of punjab. punjabi culture is alive because of sikhs. who build this durrani empire. ahmed shah abdali. he was born in multan not in afghanistan. and by the way he was the comfort boy of nadir shah in his early years.
his reign in punjab was for only 1 year not even 2 year only in 1771.

Decline of durrani empire

Afghan royal soldiers of the Durrani Empire.The victory at Panipat was the high point of Ahmad Shah's—and Afghan—power. His Durrani empire was the second largest Islamic empire in the world, behind the Ottoman Empire at that time.[17] However, even prior to his death, the empire began to unravel. In 1762, Ahmad Shah crossed the passes from Afghanistan for the sixth time to subdue the Sikhs. He assaulted Lahore and, after taking their holy city of Amritsar, massacred thousands of Sikh inhabitants, destroying their revered Golden Temple. Within two years, the Sikhs rebelled again and rebuilt their holy city of Amritsar. Ahmad Shah tried several more times to subjugate the Sikhs permanently, but failed.
even today it is us who are real sons of punjab. punjabi culture is alive because of sikhs. who build this durrani empire. ahmed shah abdali. he was born in multan not in afghanistan. and by the way he was the comfort boy of nadir shah in his early years.
his reign in punjab was for only 1 year not even 2 year only in 1771.

Decline of durrani empire

Afghan royal soldiers of the Durrani Empire.The victory at Panipat was the high point of Ahmad Shah's—and Afghan—power. His Durrani empire was the second largest Islamic empire in the world, behind the Ottoman Empire at that time.[17] However, even prior to his death, the empire began to unravel. In 1762, Ahmad Shah crossed the passes from Afghanistan for the sixth time to subdue the Sikhs. He assaulted Lahore and, after taking their holy city of Amritsar, massacred thousands of Sikh inhabitants, destroying their revered Golden Temple. Within two years, the Sikhs rebelled again and rebuilt their holy city of Amritsar. Ahmad Shah tried several more times to subjugate the Sikhs permanently, but failed.


was it moghuls who ruled it for 1000 years & made BADSHAHI MASJID & all monuments or was it the sikhs who ruled for less than 50?
building couple of maseets and masoleum for a dead dear is infrastructure building. what purpose did they served to people of punjab. ranjit singh build many bridges and roads and was a real peoples king
what was it called before? and they basically renamed a place that's it? because Lahore was developed by Moghuls. infact most of punjab was developed by mughuls and Ranjit actually stayed in most of the architectural structures built by Moghuls.

U have to read the thread properly...
This is about maharaja ranjith singh. not the mughals...
Mughals were our kings as well, but it doesnt change the fact, they were foreigners...
And Ranjith Singh is the native of Punjab land.. Understood properly...? He is the native of punjab land , while mughals were not..
There is a difference between native and foreign..
And u r seeing everything in the colour of ur religion, come out of that... He was better than most of the muslims kings.. Just cos he destroyed a mosque, it doesnt mean he is bad...


was it moghuls who ruled it for 1000 years & made BADSHAHI MASJID & all monuments or was it the sikhs who ruled for less than 50?

Prove to me mughals ruled for 1000 years? dont be in ur fantasy world kid...
There is no need to see everything in the lense of ur religion.. come out it and see the truth..
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