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‘Turkey’s Syria stance aggravates plight of Iran’s Turks’

isnt it better returning to your real land,mongolia??
turkish people belongs to that area.
داداش همين طوري بريم جلو

Why are you writing Farsi? I dont understand what "Dadash hemin turi berim calu" means?

Turkish people have been all over the world since before the Christ. Wherever they went, they took the locals to their families. And formed new tribes, new cultures, new states.

An Anatolian Turk and a Turkmenistani Turkmen stayed too far from eachother throughout the history. They both built different cultures and States.
Sorry, a Persian pretends to to be an Azeri Turk, and writes that above and it's a supposed to be a "fact for you"?

This one was my favorite;

"Iran managed to retake Azerbaijan, but it was already too late. Many Azeris were already speaking Turkish."

How was this the case when until 1925 Iran was ruled by Azerbaijani Turkic dynasties?

Also, Azeri Turks don't really look like "Other Iranians" or "Persians". Persians, Iranians are generally darker, as one of the examples. Persians in general has a very different form of "face", so don't understand where you get it from. Or Kurds for instance. One can easily distinguish between a Kurd, and an Azeri Turk.

In terms of appereance, the most close to Azerbaijan are Turks of Central Anatolia.

Hahahahahahahaha you are a joker. Just like other Aliyevbaijanis. I swear if people read your posts and never saw your faces they would think you all had blonde hair and blue eyes. Bro in Iran there is no physical difference between Persians and Azaris, just in your made up dreams. I will post just a few examples for you.

Ali Daei

Rasoul Khatibi

Hossein Rezazadeh

Now in Aliyevbaijan their may be more lighter skinned, but that is because you have been raped by Russians for a hundred years!
Because Sattar Khan is an Iranian hero. You got a problem with that? I suggest you go tell your Auntie.

Iranians conquered lands but where always civilized, freeing Jews of Babylonia, not forcing language or religion onto people and so on. More then I can say for Barbaric Mongoloid Turks like Teymour or Changiz.

What language was Sattar Khan speaking? I am curious. Farsi or Turki? Just asking.

Civilization doesnt matter, who wrote the history? I dont hear the names of Persians in history after Arabs invaded Persia.

And forget civilization, when someone spaeks in Turkey Farsi inspired Ottoman language, people laugh at him with his @ss calling him "spider head" örümcek kafa.

Well Genghis Khan was not Turk. And Tamerlane was from Barlas Tribe of Mongols. Both were great strategicians.
What language was Sattar Khan speaking? I am curious. Farsi or Turki? Just asking.

Civilization doesnt matter, who wrote the history? I dont hear the names of Persians in history after Arabs invaded Persia.

And forget civilization, when someone spaeks in Turkey Farsi inspired Ottoman language, people laugh at him with his @ss calling him "spider head" örümcek kafa.

Well Genghis Khan was not Turk. And Tamerlane was from Barlas Tribe of Mongols. Both were great strategicians.

He spoke Azari, great language of Northern Iran, have you told your Aunt of your problem yet? Maybe she can help take the stick out of your ****.
Who talks about "blond hair and blue eyes" you retard?

Persians in general are darker, this is a well known fact, and their form of "face" are different if you know what I mean. In Turkey everyone can distinguish between ethnic Turks and ethnic Kurds.

Of course, above example does not include Persians raped by Turks for over centuries.
Why are you writing Farsi? I dont understand what "Dadash hemin turi berim calu" means?

Turkish people have been all over the world since before the Christ. Wherever they went, they took the locals to their families. And formed new tribes, new cultures, new states.

An Anatolian Turk and a Turkmenistani Turkmen stayed too far from eachother throughout the history. They both built different cultures and States.
after mongols attack turkish people (a branch of mongol race) came into this area.they destroyed our libraties,mosques,schools,cities.......and you forced Iranian people who were living in northern Iran to speak turkic.you didnt make a culture yourself.it was we persians who learn you how to write and read and give you a culture.you can see nowdays in azerbayjan people Celebrate newrooz as a new year which is again a persian celebration.the same with turkmans.
it shows azerbayjanis are Iranians.
He spoke Azari, great language of Northern Iran, have you told your Aunt of your problem yet? Maybe she can help take the stick out of your ****.

Are you losing the fight? You turned this challenge into lower levels? :D

Well i do understand Azari language, come talk to me in Azari language.

after mongols attack turkish people (a branch of mongol race) came into this area.they destroyed our libraties,mosques,schools,cities.......and you forced Iranian people who were living in northern Iran to speak turkic.you didnt make a culture yourself.it was we persians who learn you how to write and read and give you a culture.you can see nowdays in azerbayjan people Celebrate newrooz as a new year which is again a persian celebration.the same with turkmans.
it shows azerbayjanis are Iranians.

So the Turkmens are Iranians as well?
Are you losing the fight? You turned this challenge into lower levels? :D

Well i do understand Azari language, come talk to me in Azari language.

I don't understand Azari. Just as I don't understand Baluchi or Kurd. All beautiful languages of Iran however. May they continue to be spoken in our great country for the next thousand years.
after mongols attack turkish people (a branch of mongol race) came into this area.they destroyed our libraties,mosques,schools,cities.......and you forced Iranian people who were living in northern Iran to speak turkic.you didnt make a culture yourself.it was we persians who learn you how to write and read and give you a culture.you can see nowdays in azerbayjan people Celebrate newrooz as a new year which is again a persian celebration.the same with turkmans.
it shows azerbayjanis are Iranians.

Then why didn't all these other Iranian peoples become Turkic you retard? Why there are Gilaks, Mazandaranis, Talysh etc...

If an "Azari" ethnicity (non-Turkic) was present, why there is none now, at least some should have survived like these other ethnicities according to your logic. Why there are countless other non-Turkic ethnicites around us, they should also have been made Turkic, no?
Who talks about "blond hair and blue eyes" you retard?

Persians in general are darker, this is a well known fact, and their form of "face" are different if you know what I mean. In Turkey everyone can distinguish between ethnic Turks and ethnic Kurds.

Of course, above example does not include Persians raped by Turks for over centuries.

Lol you failed son, just accept it. Don't try to argue with someone smarter then you, they will just make your flaws look more transparent. :)


i think thet just try to get you paralysed with unrelevant tiny details, and try to turn the topic into a garbage, please just give the main unarguable arguments( like the map i did post) to end the discussion; otherwise, as you see there is no limit in their ignorance no matter how hard you try to show the right one; if someone is ignorant and stubborn , the only thing you will get ia always a headache.

Lol you failed son, just accept it. Don't try to argue with someone smarter then you, they will just make your flaws look more transparent. :)

O really?

Next time don't come up with funny stories, when you repeat the same thing for over a thousand times, someone got to answer your idiotic claims.

Are you saying that you cannot distinguish between these Azerbaijani and Persian generals? You Persians are just Afghans made Shia by our ancestors.

after mongols attack turkish people (a branch of mongol race) came into this area.they destroyed our libraties,mosques,schools,cities.......and you forced Iranian people who were living in northern Iran to speak turkic.you didnt make a culture yourself.it was we persians who learn you how to write and read and give you a culture.you can see nowdays in azerbayjan people Celebrate newrooz as a new year which is again a persian celebration.the same with turkmans.
it shows azerbayjanis are Iranians.

Wrong phenomena in my opinion.

Mongolian language is not a branch of Turkic languages


Geographic distribution of Mongolic people (areas shaded in red)


Turkic language

thus it is not logical to assume Mongolians have turned the people's language to Turkic Azeri instead of Mongolian language.

Mongols occupied all the current territory of Iran. Why have only a part of Nation changed their language!

All the period of Mongolian Empire in Iran territory was from 1230 to 1290. Considering the technological possibilities of that era, It is not enough to assimilate a nation. A very current example is the failed attempt of Pahlavi dynasty to assimilate the Turks of Iran from 1925 to 1979.

Turks of Iran have other origins rather than the rejected phenomena of "Mongol roots". There are some sources providing more information:

Origins and early expansion
Historic states represented in Turkish presidential seal
Oghuz Turks
Timeline of the Turks (500–1300)
Turkic peoples

And more interesting thing is our ancestors developed orkhon script, and our religious was Tengrism before Islam.


Shaman Drum of Tengrism

Lovely picture, isn't it? There is one god! ruling the earth and sky, All humans are pictured arms in arms! Not against the nature but in it. The god is thoughtful so it is something like human, but his head has a flesh showing it's superiority, and the wings are symbols of it's unnatural powers. It resembles the fundamentals of the more modern & recent religions like Islam to me, doesn't it.

However I am proud of being an IRANIAN Turk. Very similar to a French race of Switzerland, being proud of his country.

I re-post this information from "QUOTE=Ir.Tab.;2911801"
it was we persians who learn you how to write and read and give you a culture.


I forgot to add this old Turkic alphabet. Turks had their own alphabet but lost in time.

Persians also had their own alphabet. But Arabs taught Persians advanced Arab alphabet and Arab culture. Smile.

O really?

Next time don't come up with funny stories, when you repeat the same thing for over a thousand times, someone got to answer your idiotic claims.

Are you saying that you cannot distinguish between these Azerbaijani and Persian generals? You Persians are just Afghans made Shia by our ancestors.


Nope, not really. It is just genetics my mentally challenged friend. The souther you go, the darker you get. So Persian or Arab speakers near the Persian gulf (Bandar Abbas) will be generally darker then Persians up north near Qazvin or Anzali. I could post numerous more examples of white Persians and dark Azaris but what is the point? Just go look at pictures of Hassan Khamei or Mohammad Khatami or Mohammad Reza Khalatbari or Mohsen Bengar. To be honest I am not bothered with this useless race topic anymore. If you want to be a "white" supremacist, then go ahead, I will not be commenting anymore.

Just remember you are in a Pakistani forum, so trying to be racist is not the best approach. JUST ADVICE!!!!

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