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How Can Myanmar ethnic cleansing be stopped?

You forgot South Sudan.

Your NATO came at the last minute after a genocide had already taken place. And saving bosnia has
more to do with geopolitics and US-russo rivalry in eastern europe. They didn't do anything out
of love there.
Yep, I agree, christian brotherhood works, muslim brotherhood sucks.
As far as I know US was forced to act there by UK, specifically by blair. Same in libya.(mostly british-french interest)
On topic: you dont have to love the refugees, just take them and give temporary shelter for god's shake. And nobody is going to be swayed by 'we are poor' argument.

We don't want the people to enter Bangladesh, all they will do is try to get into India then.
If they come to avoid prosecution, we should shelter them. It is our duty.
No one discussing any way to fix the problem. talking of brotherhood non-sense. If bangladesh under UN doesn't go, why not send Pakistani force under UN. I am not mentioning indian army, because in the case of muslims they aren't professional. There is no point in pusing them back. You can not solve the problem being outside. You have to be inside. That is why I thought that Bangladesh or Pakistan, either or mix can work to stop this cleansing under UN banner.
Myanmar is on a very uneven and fragile road towards democracy but around 25 people have been killed and 41 others wounded in five days of riots in the country's western region.
The coastal state of Rakhine saw Buddhists once again fighting Muslims, including Rohingya migrants - most of whom are stateless. They are described by the United Nations as one of the world's most persecuted minorities.:confused:

The violence seems to have started after a Buddhist woman was raped and murdered last month.

The Rohingya were blamed and since then, more people have been killed on both sides of the religious divide.

In response, the government has imposed a state of emergency in the area and the UN is relocating its staff.

But for a country that has been under military control for five decades, the latest clashes could threaten some of the democratic reforms that President Thein Sein has been introducing since taking office last year.

In April, opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi of the NLD party was elected to parliament in a landmark by-election. And the EU has agreed to suspend most sanctions against the country, as have the US and Australia.

But how the government handles the latest crisis will be a test of its fragile reform programme.

So what does the fighting mean for the future of Myanmar and what is behind this ethnic tension? Is it religious - Buddhist against Muslim? Or is it a case of the minority being persecuted for being stateless? Could attempts at reform be halted because of this unrest?

Inside Story, with presenter Stephen Cole, discusses with guests: Nurul Islam, the president of the Arakan Rohingya National Organisation; Nyo Myint, a spokesman and head of foreign affairs at the National League for Democracy; and Wakar Uddin, a Rohingya from Myanmar and director general of the Arakan Rohingya Union (ARU) - a group supported by the Organisation of Islamic Conference.
Myanmar is on a very uneven and fragile road towards democracy but around 25 people have been killed and 41 others wounded in five days of riots in the country's western region.
The coastal state of Rakhine saw Buddhists once again fighting Muslims, including Rohingya migrants - most of whom are stateless. They are described by the United Nations as one of the world's most persecuted minorities.:confused:

The violence seems to have started after a Buddhist woman was raped and murdered last month.

The Rohingya were blamed and since then, more people have been killed on both sides of the religious divide.

In response, the government has imposed a state of emergency in the area and the UN is relocating its staff.

But for a country that has been under military control for five decades, the latest clashes could threaten some of the democratic reforms that President Thein Sein has been introducing since taking office last year.

In April, opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi of the NLD party was elected to parliament in a landmark by-election. And the EU has agreed to suspend most sanctions against the country, as have the US and Australia.

But how the government handles the latest crisis will be a test of its fragile reform programme.

So what does the fighting mean for the future of Myanmar and what is behind this ethnic tension? Is it religious - Buddhist against Muslim? Or is it a case of the minority being persecuted for being stateless? Could attempts at reform be halted because of this unrest?

Inside Story, with presenter Stephen Cole, discusses with guests: Nurul Islam, the president of the Arakan Rohingya National Organisation; Nyo Myint, a spokesman and head of foreign affairs at the National League for Democracy; and Wakar Uddin, a Rohingya from Myanmar and director general of the Arakan Rohingya Union (ARU) - a group supported by the Organisation of Islamic Conference.

Taking away a woman's dignity is a crime punishable by death penalty. But it does not have to be ethnic cleansing. To tell you the truth, this could not escalate to this state of killing of muslims unless from behind a strong hand is controlling.
Taking away a woman's dignity is a crime punishable by death penalty. But it does not have to be ethnic cleansing. To tell you the truth, this could not escalate to this state of killing of muslims unless from behind a strong hand is controlling.

What about government treatment? are they biased with non-Muslims?
Why so many threads have been opened on the same topics under different name???? Is it not creating diversion in the discussion...
It can only be stopped by the UN reality Bangladeshi's are talking about supporting insurgents in Myanmar one it could get out of control next Bangladesh is weak I consider it a banana republic until it has self respect. final fact Bangladesh has a very weak military even sri lanka has a better military then Bangladesh. Myanmar's Airforces gives it an edge not to mention North Korean Missile technology.
It can only be stopped by the UN reality Bangladeshi's are talking about supporting insurgents in Myanmar one it could get out of control next Bangladesh is weak I consider it a banana republic until it has self respect. final fact Bangladesh has a very weak military even sri lanka has a better military then Bangladesh. Myanmar's Airforces gives it an edge not to mention North Korean Missile technology.

Actually, they are proud Bangali who honor themselves with their motherland flag. They have a relatively descent military actually. We are here because we are concerned about Muslims in Myanmar, so it doesn't concern you as it does with us.
Actually, they are proud Bangali who honor themselves with their motherland flag. They have a relatively descent military actually. We are here because we are concerned about Muslims in Myanmar, so it doesn't concern you as it does with us.

There military is weaker then sri lanka, they will be beaten by myanmar hands down and they can't do noting when they get killed on the border. really your concerned ? bangladesh is sending them back any word from jordan on taking them in ? :whistle:
There military is weaker then sri lanka, they will be beaten by myanmar hands down and they can't do noting when they get killed on the border. really your concerned ? bangladesh is sending them back any word from jordan on taking them in ? :whistle:
What is this? you are hilarious man:lol:. Anyway, What's your country BTW? You are talking BS! What is Bangladesh military has to do with a civil war in Myanmar? unless your belittling their country capability. First, figure out a country for yourself and stop trolling.
What is this? you are hilarious man:lol:. Anyway, What's your country BTW? You are talking BS! What is Bangladesh military has to do with a civil war in Myanmar? unless your belittling their country capability. First, figure out a country for yourself and stop trolling.

Thanks if you got a few laughs, look at my flags, no I'm not first bangladeshi's are talking of war with myanmar second this isn't a civil war, and lastly why hasn't jordan said anything ?
Thanks if you got a few laughs, look at my flags, no I'm not first bangladeshi's are talking of war with myanmar second this isn't a civil war, and lastly why hasn't jordan said anything ?
Genius, what is the source of your intelligence?
Myanmar Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
see the talk page. wiki mod have edited the page and he is going to do same with navy and air force...
lets talk about the subject, please stop talking anything outside of the subject.

I suggested an idea in the beginning of the thread...what do u think bangladesh and/or Pakistan's military role under UN flag to stop the cleansing?

Myanmar gov. claim Jamaat is involve in supplying arms to muslims but they don't seem to pay attention on act of rioters.
lets talk about the subject, please stop talking anything outside of the subject.

I suggested an idea in the beginning of the thread...what do u think bangladesh and/or Pakistan's military role under UN flag to stop the cleansing?

In order to work as peacekeeper under UN banner a country needs to be considered as "neutral"! Here in this case, Bangladesh is not neutral...........Hence, they can't work as peacekeeper inside Myanmar

Myanmar gov. claim Jamaat is involve in supplying arms to muslims but they don't seem to pay attention on act of rioters

No Jamat is not involved. Myanmar is well aware of our internal politics and they are just striking the iron while it is hot... See, now Dipu Moni and Burmese Junta are on same side.....

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