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Al-Qaeda doesn't exist


Jan 22, 2009
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In fact it never existed in the way it's projected by the anti-Muslim imperialists, such as, the US, Israel, India, and all their bogeymen ruling the Muslim world. In fact, several al-Qaeda "terrorist groups" have surfaced since September 11, 2001. In addition to American al-Qaeda, Israel too have its own al-Qaeda, whose members were arrested by PLO in 2002!!

Read latest Russian view on al-Qaeda:

Al Qaeda does not exist and never has - Pravda.Ru
Well, maybe he's Russian, maybe he isn't. I know that he got some play for his message in Russia from Pravda. He presumes Americans had never heard of al Qaeda before 9/11 when actually it was the first words on the lips of many. He seems to think we didn't know fo Dar-es-Salaam, Nairobi, nor the U.S.S. Cole. He also seems to think that we'd forgotten the HELLFIRE strikes on al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan.

Funny enough, there's a reason that this article appeared in Pravda and not a U.S. newspaper. Joseph John Hrevnack is employed by Drexel University in Philadelphia and lives in Stratford, New Jersey.

I don't think there's a mainstream U.S. newspaper that would waste a minute on this kook. Al Qaeda is real enough and they're very much a part of the Pakistani mosaic.

You can't wish them away that easy.

Now-here's the hard part for you, stud- go find commentary by spokepeople or Russia's foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov that indicate as much. I'm sure if you do some serious research instead of simply latching onto any viewpoint that suitably reflects your own skewed desires to wish these monsters away that you'll be able to ascertain what the Russian Foreign Ministry really thinks.
lost Identity: Osama bin laden, the un-told story

Thanks to Osama bin laden, world is ripe for neo-liberal forces and threats to neoliberalism are being neutralized very effectively. Indeed Osama is a hero but for the coming western generations. The way he look after their interests no one did through out in history.
The war on terror became synonymous to “Wild justice’ when in 2005 a news article from Turkish Governments news Paper ZAMAN passed through my eyes which revealed that Turkish intelligence captured Al-Quaida number 5th in Europe and after interrogating came to conclusion that
“Turkish intelligence specialists agree that there is no such organization as al-Qaeda. Rather, Al-Qaeda is the name of a secret service operation. The concept “fighting terror” is the background of the “low-intensity-warfare” conducted in the mono-polar world order. The subject of this strategy of tension is named as “al-Qaeda [1].”
It was due to courtesy of Osama bin Laden and his AL QUAIDA that when America and west got angry with Sudan due to nationalizing of its oil assets and giving contracts of its oil wells for exploitation to Chinese which in past were in European hands Mr. Osama came forward and along with his alike created conditions ripe for “American and International Humanitarian intervention” in strategic “horn of Africa” and after few years for attacks on Khartoum’s alleged chemical weapon factory in order to force General Omer al Bashier’s government to change its mind...............

for further reading lost Identity: Osama bin laden, the un-told story
Perhaps Al-Quaida is some kind of Rock Convert with OBL as the lead and Zawahiri as the DJ and master of Ceremonies.

The Hellfire strikes kill mostly innocent civilians who are later glorified as "Al-Quaida Linchpins". Ever wondered how many top leaders and linchpins has this outfit got?
I don't think there's a mainstream U.S. newspaper that would waste a minute on this kook. Al Qaeda is real enough and they're very much a part of the Pakistani mosaic.

The same mainstream media believed when USA invaded Irac cause it had links with Al Qaida and WMD... And the same super nation did not see an attack this size (911) not coming? You guys keep handling double standards. It is not you that decide who will get the title of terrorist. You mainstream media is hardly worth to look at. We have seen the difference in reports on Al Jazeera and any other western channel. Do not tell me that the others are reporting wrong facts...

For someone that uses Le Big Lebowsky you should understant that you should objectively look at who abuses... If western world stops abusing theird world or developing nations then we would have not even poverty. If you keep robbing, raping and humilating nations then you wil get people that do not like you. That does not make them Al Qaida or terrorist. Some may go beyond not liking but that is there story. Do those poor Kalasnikov fighters represent any danger? Not if you leave them alone.

Al Qaida is there or not... You have no clue. And whether it is part of Pakistani society? Well, the way US uses Pakistan I am not suprised that the average Pakistani had enough (just like almost the rest of the world). Keep thinking about the army of the willing or axes of evil... You guys have not even the capacity to think beyond crusades or stupid stories. I think you should know that we have a lot more victims then your 911. Maybe you should understand that bombing everything that moves doesn't make you a lovely person to us. But looking at your posts I see that everyone is allowed to post here... No matter how stupid.

Go support something you really understand.
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"You guys have not even the capacity to think beyond crusades or stupid stories."

And yet, there we are, so terribly more powerful than "you guys"-whomever you've in mind. What's that say about your capacity to think beyond caliphates and bizarre conspiracies?
Funny enough, there's a reason that this article appeared in Pravda and not a U.S. newspaper. Joseph John Hrevnack is employed by Drexel University in Philadelphia and lives in Stratford, New Jersey.
There is a very good reason for such news not appearing in American mass-media - because the people who own this media are ones whose brothers-in-crime did 9/11, 7/7, USS Cole and the USS Liberty - The Israeli thugs.
There is a very good reason for such news not appearing in American mass-media - because the people who own this media are ones whose brothers-in-crime did 9/11, 7/7, USS Cole and the USS Liberty - The Israeli thugs.

....you forgot to add the US embassy bombings, the london, and madrid attacks...!
"There is a very good reason for such news not appearing in American mass-media - because the people who own this media are ones whose brothers-in-crime did 9/11, 7/7, USS Cole and the USS Liberty - The Israeli thugs."

Look, you ditz, you can't even vett an article properly. I'm supposed to listen the above nuggets of wisdom in light of that.

Get back to finding out what the Russians really think about al Qaeda. Isn't that where this all started? Here's a suggestion regarding al Qaeda and a place near and dear to the hearts of sooooo many Russians- how about a google search here- "al Qaeda and Chechnya".

Brace yourself for the hits...:tsk:
"You guys have not even the capacity to think beyond crusades or stupid stories."

And yet, there we are, so terribly more powerful than "you guys"-whomever you've in mind. What's that say about your capacity to think beyond caliphates and bizarre conspiracies?

Now that you mention that, Muslims won the Holy Wars, So why do you insist to boast exactly where you have lost?

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"So why do you insist to boast exactly where you have lost?"

With defeats as described by you, who needs victories?:lol:
What an American Justice - I must say!!

When someone make personal attacks - it's off topic - but when someone exposes those personal attacks - it's slur :blah:

Now back to topic of my post....

Al Queda itself does not exist, except in the fevered imaginations of neo-cons and Likudniks, some of whom, I suspect, also know it is a myth, but find it extremely useful as a bogeyman to spook the public and the politicians to acquiesce in otherwise unacceptable policy initiatives at home and abroad. - R.T. Naylor
What an American Justice - I must say!!

When someone make personal attacks - it's off topic - but when someone exposes those personal attacks - it's slur :blah:

Now back to topic of my post....

Al Queda itself does not exist, except in the fevered imaginations of neo-cons and Likudniks, some of whom, I suspect, also know it is a myth, but find it extremely useful as a bogeyman to spook the public and the politicians to acquiesce in otherwise unacceptable policy initiatives at home and abroad. - R.T. Naylor

Of course Mr. R T Naylor will not believe there is no al-queda because he was (Naylor) the Canadian director of the American Arab Anti-discrimination Committee, and also he attempt to transform public opinion against Hamas and Hezbollah . What more can you ask.

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