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Hatf IX Nasr Missile Tested by Pakistan


May 3, 2009
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Pakistan to test fires new ballistic missile ‘Nasr’ by end of May


INP 12 hrs ago | Comments (0)

KARACHI - Pakistan will test fire its new missile “Nasr” by the end of this month and most likely on May 28. The missile with 180 Kilometers range has high degree of accuracy.

According to sources, Pakistan army has completed all its preparation to test fire the nuclear-capable, surface-to-surface ballistic missile “Nasr” on May 28 Monday. The name "Nasr" is an Arabic word meaning "Victory".

‘Nasr can carry nuclear warheads and can hit the target with high accuracy, it is learnt.
“The missile has been developed to add deterrence to Pakistan’s strategic weapons development programme”.

Pakistan to test fires new ballistic missile

* Previous version had a test range of 60 kilometers. :pakistan:
And I remember everyone was asking what will Pakistan do with 60KM range nuclear warhead. That was just the beginning phase of development.

Good news. They are improving the range keeping the size and warhead constant.
It is perhaps for the newly developed strategic nukes.
I guess it will be extremely hard for the Anti ballistic systems of India to shoot them down......cuz of their small ranges and very high speed......:D
I guess it will be extremely hard for the Anti ballistic systems of India to shoot them down......cuz of their small ranges and very high speed......:D

These are meant for the incoming indian IBG thrusting into Pakistan. Indian ABM systems are meant to protect Indian cities from incoming Pakistani nuclear attack. Different purpose.
Will it include more than 2 launchers this time?

If a launcher can launch 2 missiles, it can surely launch 4 but more than 2 might not be necessary. Given its range and its objective to neutralize enemy mechanized divisions, you may not need to launch more then 2 nuclear tipped missiles in one direction. Also because of its ability to flow low, it may not be intercept-able and you could be sure to hurt enemy to the levels intended.
nuking an ibg thrusting in Pakistan would be suicidal.

Lets not forget that it will neutralize our threats first, but surely it will be harmful for the region. A second thought, Pakistan can launch this missile when enemy is crossing the border to cause our territory as less damage as possible.

Guys.. if in the upcoming test, we find Nasar had same size, diameter and design but still a 3 times more range than before, that would mean news of extended range of Ghaznavi Missile was also true.
It is perhaps for the newly developed strategic nukes.

Is there any news for 2nd generation of strategic nukes? Pakistan already has strategic nukes and even the first 60KM range version was able to carry that.
Making a 60KM range missile with high accuracy is many times more difficult than the "short" (~1000KM) range missiles as missile doesn't gain altitude to adjust its direction to pinpoint its target. In that respect Pakistan has done the difficult part first and now it is kind of extending its capabilities which doesn't mean it is kind of slipping towards easy-do. Pakistan originally wanted to develop ultra-short range missile and that is where they produced their first version of 60KM.
Lets not forget that it will neutralize our threats first, but surely it will be harmful for the region. A second thought, Pakistan can launch this missile when enemy is crossing the border to cause our territory as less damage as possible.

Guys.. if in the upcoming test, we find Nasar had same size, diameter and design but still a 3 times more range than before, that would mean news of extended range of Ghaznavi Missile was also true.

Yup its always nice to have a surface nuclear explosion abt 160 km away from where you leave ...:hitwall:

Nothing like a fresh dose of radiation everytime you step out...:azn:

Fukishima incident let the fear of nuclear dust cloud spreading till europe and here you are trying to detonate a nuclear device 160 km away to stop an intruding brigade :lol:

Neither India nor pakistan can use nuclear weapon.... one who uses will also be not spared from nuclear winter ....So stop being childish.... Last thing you want to do sentence yourself a slow painful death of radiation:wave:
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