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China Prepared For Escalation Of Philippine Standoff

The South China sea dispute has a much better chance of causing a shooting war between China and the US then Taiwan. The area is a major shipping artery for world trade. and the Phillipines is considered to be of major regional strategic importance. The US will not let China simply make a territorial phillipines land grab based on dubious historical claims. Take a look at the map below and it almost a joke at the area they consider thiers. Some of those claims practicaly come onto the beaches of other countries.

Then our 3000+ nuclear warheads will make sure there is no USA to interfere in Chinese affairs anymore!
The South China sea dispute has a much better chance of causing a shooting war between China and the US then Taiwan. The area is a major shipping artery for world trade. and the Phillipines is considered to be of major regional strategic importance. The US will not let China simply make a territorial phillipines land grab based on dubious historical claims. Take a look at the map below and it almost a joke at the area they consider thiers. Some of those claims practicaly come onto the beaches of other countries.


It is not only China that makes that claim, Vietnam has a similar claim. Ideally a joint ownership leads to a peaceful resolution. But when Philipines starts the drilling, China cannot just watch idlely, no country will do that.

The tension must've been covered during Hilary's Beijing visit. It is indeed a matter between China and US. US can sell another round of weapons to collect some $$$, and may blackmail China for something else. But I don't think direct military involvement is a possibility.
I'm sure both sides will prefer a diplomatic solution. China though would be gravely mistaken to think the US would do nothing if it decided to start shooting at Philippine navy ships. And China has just as much to lose as the US economically. China is going to miscalculate if it isn't careful and land itself in a regional war.

Maybe its time for the US to build another Subic Bay type base agian. Push the Phillipines to far and they may just ask us to come back.
Build all the bases you want. Try to infringe on our sovereignty and your East Asia bases will be vaporized. Up to 100,000 US serviceman (and 3x that number adding their family) will die on the first day.

We want to leave the past with all our former enemies, including the US and China.

But we have realized that we can become new friends (as you knew) with all of our former enemy, except China.
It is because the Chinese are greedy and badboy.
That's why agent orange is the only way to deal with Vietnamese.

wats the result of the war? millions homeless.millions died. " Greed - the reason for war"
As long as the war is fought in Vietnam territory, I don't care and you don't care. For most of the 20th century Vietnamese were suffering and dying like crazy anyway. Worse than sub-Saharan Africa.
That's why agent orange is the only way to deal with Vietnamese.

No matter, "new friend" has started to process the Agent Orange remaining in Vietnam.
Our "new friend" will also apply high technology to clean out Agent Orange from your mouth.

US agency to conduct high-tech dioxin cleanup at Da Nang airport
May 09, 2012

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) said it will begin work on cleaning up Agent Orange/dioxin contamination at Da Nang Airport in Vietnam.
The US will spend US$43 million to use In-Pile Thermal Desorption (IPTD) technology to rid the airport soil of dioxin, Donald Steinberg, USAID Deputy Administrator, said at a seminar in Hanoi on Tuesday.

Vietnam latest news - Thanh Nien Daily | US agency to conduct high-tech dioxin cleanup at Da Nang airport
Sino challenger post reported again for constant trolling and ruining threads with nuclear MAD related statements without any provocation.

Then our 3000+ nuclear warheads will make sure there is no USA to interfere in Chinese affairs anymore!

Grow up everyone knows what mutually assured destruction means.
Sino challenger post reported again for constant trolling and ruining threads with nuclear MAD related statements without any provocation.

Grow up everyone knows what mutually assured destruction means.

No use bro....... he is self provoked. The amount of hate he has against Indians and other South Asian Nationals, makes me think that maybe he has been mistreated in past by one of us.

And the anger and frustration he has, is just reaction of it.
Probably won't go to war,just cancel the 15 trillion debt as a punitive measure to chinese aggression.I think that will be rather worse for china.

I wish the yanks owe us that much!:rofl:

that is the mind of a typical "mentally unstable patient " and another "mentally unstable vietcong" gave him thanks! and so many "mentally unstable cheerleaders" get scared by SC's "megatons" ! :rofl:
Build all the bases you want. Try to infringe on our sovereignty and your East Asia bases will be vaporized. Up to 100,000 US serviceman (and 3x that number adding their family) will die on the first day.

That's why agent orange is the only way to deal with Vietnamese.

As long as the war is fought in Vietnam territory, I don't care and you don't care. For most of the 20th century Vietnamese were suffering and dying like crazy anyway. Worse than sub-Saharan Africa.

what arrogance u show in ur posts??
We have already escalated. We now eject Philippines fisherman from Scarborough Shoal, and increased our ships.

Soon we will declare military exercises in the Scarborough Shoal and take this opportunity to attack and destroy all Filipino ships.

Really? go ahead then or is that all words and no actions as expected from scum bags like you inhuman savages
Do you have manners ? Stop calling people "scum bags" !!!

Dude they call us names? why what they can attack my people and i can't? Am sorry but look at their post and tell that! I respect your advice i really do but am sorry i will not follow it though. Am sorry but they keep calling us names we should respond in kind! I maybe a christian at heart but the hell am just a person i got hit on with foul words i do it in kind. Again am sorry sir for that but i will not stop until these scumbags will stop they deserve that kind of treatment and give us Southeast Asians respect not just Filipinos until then the retaliation will continue.

It's the proper way to deal with Viets and Pinoys. They are begging China to mistreat them. :)

Wow as expected for a Nazi type scumbag like you! To say man i wish my country did't have that stupid banned on Nukes, I want to Nuke your kind to hell to clean the world of your kind but i wont stoop to your level you arrogant warmonger i mean if you have the balls to say that! why not go to the UN to prove your country's stupid illogical middle ages claims? or maybe force is the only language you inhuman scumbags know to say again as expected from scum bags.
Uncle Sam gave you any good?

Distributed to each person 300 Philippine Peso go to demonstrations, Guanfan you?
Guanfan I also went to demonstrations Oh Oh Oh
Uncle Sam gave you any good?

Distributed to each person 300 Philippine Peso go to demonstrations, Guanfan you?
Guanfan I also went to demonstrations Oh Oh Oh

Wow well democratic values are new to you i understand your wounder about it freedom is nice when your gov't is not controlling you. no only in election but not i matters like this i mean 300 pesos maybe 500 i know 300 is a lot to scum but for a Filipino that would never do i mean fuel, food, electric bill etc.
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