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US warns Pakistan of ‘multiple repercussions’

Why would US fight a proxy war with Russians when they had already defeated them in cold war........

*Sigh*.. For the same reason they did in Georgia and are still doing throughout the world. Seriously, do you live on some other planet?? The U.S. has become much more aggressive in the post-cold war era. It was better during the Soviet era because in those days they couldn't even dream about establishing "Full Spectrum Dominance".... ever heard of that aggressive imperialist policy????
Pakistan should threaten the US in return. Pakistan can easily shoot down their planes in Afghanistan and enforce a no fly zone.

For the same reason as they did in Georgia and are still doing throughout the world. Do you live on some other planet or what?

Buddy Russians an the US were at odds over ideologies. communism is long dead. Now the USA imports Russian energy.
Buddy Russians an the US were at odds over ideologies. communism is long dead. Now the USA imports Russian energy.

The ideologies may change, but the major powers are still engaged in power politics. In fact, the field is getting more crowded with new entrants.
cool, tell me something new, US has been doing this since WOT started
This thread is about US Pakistan relations. Yet people bring up India, China, Russia, etc.

Is it so hard to stick to the topic?


The blockade happened because Pakistani soldiers have been willfully aiding and abetting Taliban infiltration into Afghanistan for years, and some of them finally paid the price for their duplicity.

The Pakistani government has been taking American weapons and aid which has kept the country from going bankrupt while aiding the Taliban and Al Quaeda (Osama Bin Laden living within waving distance of the Pakistani military academy for 5 years is proof enough for many people including me).

Pakistanis are lucky that they have not suffered more for playing such a dangerous double game. Things could be so much worse. the US could cut off all aid, IMF Loans, sanction the country, cut off all military support (your F 16s would slowly become un-serviceable) and the Americans could easily step up strikes inside Pakistan.

Pakistan's government should make a clear choice. Support NATO or support the terrorists. The double game is putting the entire country at risk.
Injecting facts into a debate does not denote hatred. I exposed your ignorance of history and geopolitics, so it is understandable that you guys will throw a tantrum.
No, you did not. You quoted no facts.
I am guessing you are having trouble reading English today. As I wrote earlier, NATO's engagement against the slavs was on ongoing affair throughout the 20th century, whether they were Soviet proxies or Russian proxies.
Cold-war games were going on all over the world. There were red lines there were not meant to be crossed, which the SU did a couple of times - including stationing nuclear missiles in Cuba! Apart from that, none of the 'games' warranted a NATO intervention. But this Yugoslav war was NOT a game, people were being targeted and massacred and so NATO intervened.
Your hatred for anything US/NATO is quite apparent in the fact that you very conveniently disregard the thousands of lives - which co-coincidentally happened to be Muslim- saved by US/NATO forces.
Pakistan should threaten the US in return. Pakistan can easily shoot down their planes in Afghanistan and enforce a no fly zone.

Actually , we are perfectly fine with status quo ... We are watching with triumphant smile as US bows down to Russia on the missile shield ... Trust me , the supply routes aren't going to be opened soon ...
Opening it would mean public rage as well as a considerable risk of mutiny in the PA ...

Let the US keep negotiating with Taliban who ofcourse " aren't the enemy , baby " ... :rofl:
No, you did not. You quoted no facts.

Cold-war games were going on all over the world. There were red lines there were not meant to be crossed, which the SU did a couple of times - including stationing nuclear missiles in Cuba! Apart from that, none of the 'games' warranted a NATO intervention. But this Yugoslav war was NOT a game, people were being targeted and massacred and so NATO intervened.
Your hatred for anything US/NATO is quite apparent in the fact that you very conveniently disregard the thousands of lives - which co-coincidentally happened to be Muslim- saved by US/NATO forces.

All your 'points' have been addressed in earlier posts, but feel free to believe whatever you wish.

Anyway, this is off-topic. If you were truly interested in educating yourself about the geopolitics of the Balkan conflict, google is only a click way.
Cold-war games were going on all over the world. There were red lines there were not meant to be crossed, which the SU did a couple of times - including stationing nuclear missiles in Cuba! Apart from that, none of the 'games' warranted a NATO intervention. But this Yugoslav war was NOT a game, people were being targeted and massacred and so NATO intervened.

Angelic NATO , huh ? You seriously think they fight a war without objectives ? :azn:
I said the Punjab Regiment, not your Punjab Regiment....

It took less than 20,000 troops to occupy Beijing ...

See the soldier in the pagri, the one about whom you don't want to know anything? Nothing lame about him.

Nothing to be proud of in soldiers in Pagri's, under Brit command, in Beijing ...

But let us get back to the topic, which is US-Pak relations.
Nothing to be proud of in soldiers in Pagri's, under Brit command, in Beijing ...

But let us get back to the topic, which is US-Pak relations.

Why not? They fought well,they won.

When was the last time you found something to be proud of in soldiers dressed the way you want?
1) Until he isn't found, he isn't here.
2) Any repercussions, we'll live with it, this is not Iraq or Afghanistan. I have faced off against Americans and their ART before, can do it again, any time of the day. Sure they will wreak havoc, but we are a nation of 180 million very opinionative and angry people. All I can say is that, those 'repercussions' will result in repercussions for the US that will make Vietnam seem like a picnic. Even as we speak, people are anticipating an attack on Iran and Lashkars are being formed to fight along side the Iranians in case of an attack. These people are in over there heads with American hegemony over the region, even the liberals are put off the by the lack of concern for loss of Pakistani life shown by the Americans. My advice to the US, tread carefully.

if u think that usa will come to pakistan nope thats not true
Pakistan should threaten the US in return. Pakistan can easily shoot down their planes in Afghanistan and enforce a no fly zone.

We can't do that unless we get excess systems of FD/FT-2000 (Latest Variants of S-300 Missile systems) and perhaps radars that can detect stealth Jets such as B-2 & F-22. What we can do instead is arm the Talibaan, who are incidentally not the enemy of US, with anti Armour and anti Helicopter armaments and then see how long the US survives in Afghanistan with their 'non-Enemy'.
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