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US warns Pakistan of ‘multiple repercussions’

Ha ha! Very funny comments. All of them. Either you guys are really unaware of whats going on around you, or keep pushing the goal posts everytime US "dares" to cross the line you have drawn!

One question though: whoz got balls, them ballz of steel, to bell the proverbial cat?

There is a difference between co-ordinating drone strikes in an area virtually out of Pakistan's control and attacking the state. There would have been an uproar about Abbotabad had we not lost face like we did.
was it last week a drone attack killed 9 terrorists in Pakistan? But interestingly when asked will drones stop, Panetta said a flat out NO!
refer to post number 17 :coffee:
Lo., you really dont understand politics, dont ya, boy?
China defeated India in 1962!! Under the cover of the infamous Cuban Missile Crisis when the world was on the verge of a nuclear war! Immediately after the crisis was resolved China withdrew all its forces back into the barracks. That in any books is NOT called a victory!
67 and 87 incidents OTOH are defined as victories because they achieved the objectives of Indian armed forces, which was to STOP Chinese aggression. Period.
atleast they have the balls to give the middle finger to the US and they also have an independent foreign policy, something india dont have.
Again, you just cemented your ignorance of such matters. Enjoy your payday, boy.
There is a difference between co-ordinating drone strikes in an area virtually out of Pakistan's control and attacking the state. There would have been an uproar about Abbotabad had we not lost face like we did.

strange logic. there is no reason to violate PK sovereignty if the state can stamp out the rats.
strange logic. there is no reason to violate PK sovereignty if the state can stamp out the rats.

Quite simply, NWA remains a bastion of the TTP, the Army has negligible presence there and it is effectively, not under the control of the state.
There is a difference between co-ordinating drone strikes in an area virtually out of Pakistan's control and attacking the state. There would have been an uproar about Abbotabad had we not lost face like we did.
Surprising that you still claim sovereignty over those areas! And yet, you people want to annex Kashmir - an area which you for all practical reasons will never be able to control in whole!

Abbotabad was a very well thought out plan. The pros far out weighed the cons. Any plan in which pros outweigh the cons will be seen through to its fruition. The "lost face" thing was taken well into consideration - dont ya think? No one would be surprised if an encore occured - lost face and all!
@gubbi The people of FATA sent a letter to Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The said they will be part of Pakistan but will not be under control of central govt.
Surprising that you still claim sovereignty over those areas! And yet, you people want to annex Kashmir - an area which you for all practical reasons will never be able to control in whole!

Abbotabad was a very well thought out plan. The pros far out weighed the cons. Any plan in which pros outweigh the cons will be seen through to its fruition. The "lost face" thing was taken well into consideration - dont ya think? No one would be surprised if an encore occured - lost face and all!

We have a 'Peace Accord' with the militants in NWA, I don't buy it so I count that area as being militant territory. Doesn't literally mean it's like a separate country.
A repeat performance will probably have a very disturbing ending, the incident has been catalogued and orders have been reserved for such an occasion, ground troops will engage all hostiles on site whether they be Americans or Aliens.
empty threats and hot air......as long as they are in Afghanistan, they need us. It would be prudent to remind them that (at least until they find alternatives to do their bidding)

if they want cooperation, they sure as hell know how to NOT get it
The people of FATA are also patriotic, even though Pak Army is killing them, they say they will still fight alongside Pak Army in case of American attack.
Repercussions most likely mean sanctions post 2014. We can handle that. US is doing a hell of a job to isolate itself in the world, so why should Pakistan care.
Repercussions most likely mean sanctions post 2014. We can handle that. US is doing a hell of a job to isolate itself in the world, so why should Pakistan care.

they already lost their strongest ally, just 24 hours ago. I'd say they are isolated enough.
Ḥashshāshīn;2910745 said:
@gubbi The people of FATA sent a letter to Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The said they will be part of Pakistan but will not be under control of central govt.

which is why FATA is federally adminsistered but day-to-day affairs are handled by local political agents who are answerable to both the locality and Islamabad

it's a system with many flaws, but it's worked somewhat up till now...at some point, I would be in favour of FATA officially being declared a Province.

I have family in Kurram Agency (a FATA agency) but like any other family, ours has relatives throughout Pakistan....in Karachi, Lahore, twin cities, etc. People of FATA are much more integrated now with Pakistan than they ever have been. Younger generations are more politically aware, the media has helped with giving knowledge (and of course also over-speculating and causing confusions at the same time)

FATA is very much a part of Pakistan. And it always will be, so let there be ZERO doubts on that. It's safe to assume however that majority of FATA residents are frustrated by the Fed governments inability to provide even basic provisions like security and improved state services....the Army regulars are frustrated as well, given that they are having to maintain security while also being burdened with work usually reserved for civilians. Soldiers are trained to kill, not to be law enforcers.
This is what happens when the foreign policy is not THOUGHT THROUGH.

An emotional decision which was taken by GoP at that time, and now it find the international community squeeze GoP's balls to get what they want.

It is a contest of who blinks first; I believe that for once GoP should get to the end of it, and keep staring.
No matter how bad it gets, If GoP will feel like;
the international community WILL improve relations to what ever degree.

If International community pushes us took far to the point of no return, then there is no getting better for any one.

All this talk from the west is to ensure safe passage of their men and investment; but if there are no men or investment left, then ?

This is the card we should play.
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