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Afghanistan Bans Full Face Veils

Karzai is playing CHEAP SHOTS! Its not a decision taken in the "betterment" of Afghans but rather this was to show his western "gods" that he was a good puppy and they must invest on him. Pathetic!

it always starts with a viel..take it off and you will solve a lot of problems...also as a man i find veil to be insulting..it is like an expression towards men that you are cursed hedonistic beings. 50 years of veil could not solve a cr_p in KSA. Islam does not live in a face veil or genital tissue.
Security is an added perspective which we cannot wish away in the present context. The veil allows the cloak of anonymity. The garb under which terrorists can move freely undetected, unchallenged. And more often than not the terrorists are males - so facial identification is more than half the battle won. Improve technology. Improve security. But how about making a basic change that will yield much higher dividends over a much larger denominator?
Again you are talking about exceptions, How you will make sure that terrorist don't have any arms hidden in his/her cloths or any suite case or hand bag he/she is caring?

As I mentioned to Asim earlier, why must I choose? Why cannot I argue both if there is merit in such arguments?

If removing the veil emancipates muslim women, and helps in preventing muslim men and women and children, not to mention those of other faiths as well, from being killed from ambush, then by all means ban the veil.

IMO - It should not be forced/allowed by laws because in both cases it's taking someones freedom. Because if you ban veil by law that will have negative impact on women who are forced to do it by their extreme family members. I think those extremest will restrict them to houses than, If you think majority of women are force to veil (which is not proved in countries where it is not forced) than majority of women will be restricted to homes or their movement will be minimized.

IMHO - Education & awareness about rights is more important than forcing some laws, by laws you can punish the criminals not change their mentality. I can give you examples both in India & Pakistan where laws exists but people are still continuing their practices.

it always starts with a viel..take it off and you will solve a lot of problems...also as a man i find veil to be insulting..it is like an expression towards men that you are cursed hedonistic beings. 50 years of veil could not solve a cr_p in KSA. Islam does not live in a face veil or genital tissue.

You can't force religion, It's a personal choice.
There are some practices regarding women that are pretty common across cultures and ethnicities and religions I have found. While I do not necessarily agree with them, they are there, and that most cultures have them, automatically makes me at least sit back and concede that I may not know everything and that there must be some substance to what those who came before us believe and have passed down. One such is females generally not allowed into holy places or in rituals/ceremonies or to touch religious objects during their periods. It is there and we accept it. Both genders do by and large.

But the veil is something else altogether. You are insulting all male-dom by reducing them to the level of animals in heat. And you reduce the woman to a chattel, a posession, that must be protected from prying eyes. Far from a person. You also basically reduce male-female relationships to an either-or of kinship or matrimony against a purely sexual background, with no in-between accounted for.
But the veil is something else altogether. You are insulting all male-dom by reducing them to the level of animals in heat. And you reduce the woman to a chattel, a posession, that must be protected from prying eyes. Far from a person. You also basically reduce male-female relationships to an either-or of kinship or matrimony against a purely sexual background, with no in-between accounted for.

Again you are talking about the case where you are sure that women are forced to do it, If someone want to do it by her own than who are you to force her to show her face to you?
Again you are talking about exceptions, How you will make sure that terrorist don't have any arms hidden in his/her cloths or any suite case or hand bag he/she is caring?

The veil hides the face (man, woman, identity etc.) The voluminous folds of the burkha allow enough volume to hide bulky bombs strapped to the body. Or an AK47 or 56 slund along the side. Something that would be noticeable in normal clothes - man or woman. Unless it is hi tech plastics that do not take much space. Then you are jacked big time anyways, so we are trying to prevent what we can.

The pat downs by male personnel for males is much more common than having female personnel around. I am not talking only about hi end hotels and airports, but of day to day places. No one in India at least will dare to accost a black burkha clad woman and a pat down is out of the question. Bags and suitcases can be checked much more freely.

I don't know about you man, but I would tremble at the sight of a burkha clad figure in a crowded marketplace.

IMO - It should not be forced/allowed by laws because in both cases it's taking someones freedom. Because if you ban veil by law that will have negative impact on women who are forced to do it by their extreme family members. I think those extremest will restrict them to houses than, If you think majority of women are force to veil (which is not proved in countries where it is not forced) than majority of women will be restricted to homes or their movement will be minimized.

I agree with your point about women being confined home. The point is, with a ban in place, they cannot be seen outside the home in a veil. Chances are that sooner rather than later, something will break. Unless you are one of the psychos one reads about from time to time, you cannot keep someone locked up in the basement of your house for 25 years.

IMHO - Education & awareness about rights is more important than forcing some laws, by laws you can punish the criminals not change their mentality. I can give you examples both in India & Pakistan where laws exists but people are still continuing their practices.

I agree. But in spite of education and full awareness, when you have high class affluent family girls also donning the veil, in today's day and age, you realise that the answer lies elsewhere and a step needs to be taken that will defy populist politics.
Finally we can civilization returning back to Afghanistan 30 years after the last civilized Najibullah government. A welcome move from Afghanistan :tup:
I tried looking all over for a reliable source for this news but could find none.

I mean come on out of all the countries to ban face veils, do you really think afghanistan is going to do it? Seriously? :lol:
Again you are talking about the case where you are sure that women are forced to do it, If someone want to do it by her own than who are you to force her to show her face to you?

Bro, muslim girls have not come down to Earth from a distant planet.

If the rest of female-dom on this planet does not have this overpowering desire to be a recluse for life by hiding ones perfectly unblemished face from the world, then it stands to reason that the only reason muslim girls are doing it is because of something that is isolated to their religion. Because it crosses cultural, ethnic, national, and continental barriers.

So that answers your question about them really wanting to do it. Versus having to do it.

You think a young girl NEVER asks herself even once the first time she is made to wear the veil, why her brother does not have to wear one? Ask yourself that.

You think girls LIKE being covered head to toe in black cloth walking in the afternoon sun? Ask yourself that.

You think girls LIKE seing their childhood friends moving on with their lives, without a veil, getting careers, having boyfriends, having a life - while they move around in those voluminous gowns waiting to show their faces to one man for the rest of their lives? Ask yourself that.

Now ask yourself WHO the veil really helps.

We are not even getting into the security angle here.
Bro, muslim girls have not come down to Earth from a distant planet.

If the rest of female-dom on this planet does not have this overpowering desire to be a recluse for life by hiding ones perfectly unblemished face from the world, then it stands to reason that the only reason muslim girls are doing it is because of something that is isolated to their religion. Because it crosses cultural, ethnic, national, and continental barriers.

So that answers your question about them really wanting to do it. Versus having to do it.

You think a young girl NEVER asks herself even once the first time she is made to wear the veil, why her brother does not have to wear one? Ask yourself that.

You think girls LIKE being covered head to toe in black cloth walking in the afternoon sun? Ask yourself that.

You think girls LIKE seing their childhood friends moving on with their lives, without a veil, getting careers, having boyfriends, having a life - while they move around in those voluminous gowns waiting to show their faces to one man for the rest of their lives? Ask yourself that.

Now ask yourself WHO the veil really helps.

We are not even getting into the security angle here.

u r talking about Muslim girls having boyfriends..??? u on dope or something would you want ur daughters or sisters to have them and if you do then u a messed up in your head.....as far as ones beleifs are concerned have you ever wandered why you dont run around naked like the 'free and liberated'' animals, just like any same person doesnt think about running around naked let alone do it, in the same way our girls know that it is a part of our faith and for it they will be greatly rewarded.....
u r talking about Muslim girls having boyfriends..??? u on dope or something would you want ur daughters or sisters to have them and if you do then u a messed up in your head.....as far as ones beleifs are concerned have you ever wandered why you dont run around naked like the 'free and liberated'' animals, just like any same person doesnt think about running around naked let alone do it, in the same way our girls know that it is a part of our faith and for it they will be greatly rewarded.....

Please give me a break sir. That's all I can say to your impression about girls (muslim or otherwise) and sex in general.

There is a big difference between rutting indiscriminately like an animal and not wearing a veil. Hope you can appreciate the difference somewhere down the line.

The female sex is by nature modest. And adapted to their own form of dress. Notice closely how a firang carries off a mini skirt (sits) versus a desi girl suddenly thrown into one.

So it would be extremely foolish of you to imagine that because she is not in a veil and dares to wear an animal-istic mini, that she is somehow sexually more aggressive and promiscuous to a demure desi girl.

Nothing is further from the truth. Please go out more and explore your world.
The veil hides the face (man, woman, identity etc.) The voluminous folds of the burkha allow enough volume to hide bulky bombs strapped to the body. Or an AK47 or 56 slund along the side. Something that would be noticeable in normal clothes - man or woman. Unless it is hi tech plastics that do not take much space. Then you are jacked big time anyways, so we are trying to prevent what we can.

There are lot of things which fall under CAN BE category and i already stated my POV on that exceptions can't be avoided. If we go by probability based on previous statistics than suite cases or shopping bags were used in bomb blasts, in suicide attacks persons were wearing wasted under their cloths, Motorbikes were mostly used by criminals. So, there are higher chances that these things can be used again - so must be banned in order to avoid.

The pat downs by male personnel for males is much more common than having female personnel around. I am not talking only about hi end hotels and airports, but of day to day places. No one in India at least will dare to accost a black burkha clad woman and a pat down is out of the question. Bags and suitcases can be checked much more freely.

Why not pass a law that all important place have check point for females, and use this is opportunity to create jobs for women both in India & Pakistan? Imagine if this law is forced than how many females will get employed and how man families will improve their standard of living.

I don't know about you man, but I would tremble at the sight of a burkha clad figure in a crowded marketplace.

That's islamophobia i guess :lol: and i get upset whenever i see someone with suitcase in market and he/she put it down for whatever reason

I agree with your point about women being confined home. The point is, with a ban in place, they cannot be seen outside the home in a veil. Chances are that sooner rather than later, something will break. Unless you are one of the psychos one reads about from time to time, you cannot keep someone locked up in the basement of your house for 25 years.

I agree. But in spite of education and full awareness, when you have high class affluent family girls also donning the veil, in today's day and age, you realise that the answer lies elsewhere and a step needs to be taken that will defy populist politics.

My POV is same, educate people and tell them to respect the personal choices. If still someone want to have veil than it's her personal choice and others should respect it, Laws can't change mentality. We have traffic laws but who cares unless a police man is standing - even then people don't care about red light.
Please give me a break sir. That's all I can say to your impression about girls (muslim or otherwise) and sex in general.

There is a big difference between rutting indiscriminately like an animal and not wearing a veil. Hope you can appreciate the difference somewhere down the line.

The female sex is by nature modest. And adapted to their own form of dress. Notice closely how a firang carries off a mini skirt (sits) versus a desi girl suddenly thrown into one.

So it would be extremely foolish of you to imagine that because she is not in a veil and dares to wear an animal-istic mini, that she is somehow sexually more aggressive and promiscuous to a demure desi girl.

Nothing is further from the truth. Please go out more and explore your world.

Interesting part is that if you ask any of these guys, if they have/had a girl friend..

They will mostly say "yup i have 2, had 3.. etc"..

Strange , Isnt it?:what:
Interesting part is that if you ask any of these guys, if they have/had a girl friend..

They will mostly say "yup i have 2, had 3.. etc"..

Strange , Isnt it?:what:

The fact that he means "non muslim" boyfriends is implied and comes with the territory where such attitudes are concerned.
Bro, muslim girls have not come down to Earth from a distant planet.

If the rest of female-dom on this planet does not have this overpowering desire to be a recluse for life by hiding ones perfectly unblemished face from the world, then it stands to reason that the only reason muslim girls are doing it is because of something that is isolated to their religion. Because it crosses cultural, ethnic, national, and continental barriers.

So that answers your question about them really wanting to do it. Versus having to do it.

You think a young girl NEVER asks herself even once the first time she is made to wear the veil, why her brother does not have to wear one? Ask yourself that.

You think girls LIKE being covered head to toe in black cloth walking in the afternoon sun? Ask yourself that.

You think girls LIKE seing their childhood friends moving on with their lives, without a veil, getting careers, having boyfriends, having a life - while they move around in those voluminous gowns waiting to show their faces to one man for the rest of their lives? Ask yourself that.

Now ask yourself WHO the veil really helps.

IF SHE IS WEARING BY HER OWN CHOICE than who are you to judge that what she wants?

Good move.....Ban all types of veils....women should be allowed to dress the way they want it

It's quite funny, What if a women really want veil? Haven't you snatched her freedom by banning it?
impossible , impossible , impossible....
it is part of our religion and culture and we feel proud of it ,
it is impossible........ not even 1% possible atleast in PAKHTOON belt....

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