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US exempts 11 nations from Iran sanctions; China, India exposed


Mar 16, 2011
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The US exempted Japan and 10 EU nations from financial sanctions because they have significantly cut purchases of Iranian oil, but left Iran’s top customers China and India exposed to the possibility of such steps.
The decision means banks in these countries have been given a six-month reprieve from the threat of being cut off from the US financial system under new sanctions designed to pressure Iran over its nuclear programme.
The list did not include China and India, Iran’s top two crude oil importers, nor US allies South Korea and Turkey, which are among the top-10 consumers of Iranian oil.
Japan, China and India combined buy close to half of Iran’s crude exports of 2.6mn bpd, providing crucial foreign exchange for the Opec member.
But the US sanctions and an EU oil embargo have cut Iran out of financial networks, making it difficult to transfer funds to pay for trade and disrupting some oil shipments because of the difficulty of securing shipping insurance. Domestic prices in Iran have spiraled higher and the rial has slumped in value.
Japanese Finance Minister Jun Azumi welcomed the US decision, saying yesterday that Japan would continue to cut its imports of Iranian oil at a set rate in the future.
“The decision takes account of Japan’s steps on Iranian oil, including its future response,” he told reporters.
Indeed, the Japan government wants the nation’s crude buyers to cut Iran imports by 10% to 20% a year, Akihiko Tembo, the chairman of the Petroleum Association of Japan, said.
A US official held up Japan’s estimated 15%-22% cut in oil purchases from Iran in the second half of last year as an example for other nations.
“Japan was a model,” Carlos Pascual, State Department Special Envoy and Coordinator for International Energy Affairs, told lawmakers, noting the cuts were made even after the country suffered an earthquake that caused a civil nuclear disaster.
“If Japan was able to do what it did ... that should be an example to others that they could potentially do more.”
Still, Pascual declined to set a benchmark that countries could use to secure an exemption. The law says they must “significantly reduce” Iranian oil imports and continue to do so to win exemptions, he said.
Underlining US efforts to tighten the financial noose around Iran, a state department official said 12 other countries may eventually be subject to US sanctions unless they cut Iran crude purchases. He did not list them. South Korea will hold another round of talks soon with the US on significantly reducing its imports from Iran, a source at the Korea’s economy ministry said yesterday.
In contrast to Japan, South Korea, the world’s fifth-largest oil importer, increased its imports from Iran in 2011 by 20%. It’s refiners have signed deals to import a little more crude again from Iran in 2012.
South Africa’s energy minister said last week he hoped to have a plan by the end of May for replacing Iran supplies, which currently make up a quarter of its crude imports.
But reflecting a problem for several countries, Turkey’s energy minister, Taner Yildiz, told reporters yesterday the country could not stop buying Iran crude unless alternative oil sources were found.
The 10 nations from the European Union, which has already decided to stop importing Iranian oil from July, were Belgium, Britain, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain, the State Department said.
India is not apart of this ? with it's close relations with Israel and the USA I thought it would be.
No one seemed to have noticed the fallacies and hypocrisy of this article of news; Most of these countries imposed an oil embargo on Iran to be applied by June or July 2012.
So what are these (mostly European) countries exempted for!!!
The all powerful imperialistic America is calling the shots again! This time is Hilary: "Either you with US or you against US."
Only the smartest , well anyone with above average brain- will get what the article really says and pretty much says in the first couple of lines. rest will " Down with amerika " or similar flavors of it.

The US exempted Japan and 10 EU nations from financial sanctions because they have significantly cut purchases of Iranian oil, but left Iran’s top customers China and India exposed to the possibility of such steps.

In the case of India, it has already started the process, just completed on time for the first round of " breaks given by the US". it's no biggie.. it will happen.
why japan is afraid of USA so much ????because of china ???? even Vietnam is not that afraid of china so just chill and import oil as usual USA might sanction one or two banks who cares.

I thought japan is self respecting country,but this news article portray them as USA's *****.
why japan is afraid of USA so much ????because of china ???? even Vietnam is not that afraid of china so just chill and import oil as usual USA might sanction one or two banks who cares.

I thought japan is self respecting country,but this news article portray them as USA's *****.

you think sanctions would mean STUFF LIKE no coca cola from the US?
why japan is afraid of USA so much ????because of china ???? even Vietnam is not that afraid of china so just chill and import oil as usual USA might sanction one or two banks who cares.

I thought japan is self respecting country,but this news article portray them as USA's *****.

Why shouldn't japan be afraid of the USA ? the USA turn japan to rubble and gave it a rebirth as a successful country today.
why japan is afraid of USA so much ????because of china ???? even Vietnam is not that afraid of china so just chill and import oil as usual USA might sanction one or two banks who cares.

I thought japan is self respecting country,but this news article portray them as USA's *****.

Because in 1985, they summoned Japanese leaders and basically said: OK, you're getting too rich. You're starting to threaten my position. So I want you guys to collapse your economy by increasing your exchange rate. They complied and Japan entered the Lost Decade in 1989 after a gigantic collapse.

This was known as the Plaza Accord.

Why did they do this? Because there's tens of thousands of US marines in Japan and an army detachment right next to their Emperor's palace in Tokyo.
why japan is afraid of USA so much ????because of china ???? even Vietnam is not that afraid of china so just chill and import oil as usual USA might sanction one or two banks who cares.

I thought japan is self respecting country,but this news article portray them as USA's *****.

Since WWII, Washington dictated Japan's foreign policies and in return give her military protections.

Japan is not only afraid of China, she is afraid of every country she invaded in the past. She would feel so isolated without US on her side.

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