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That is a reality and do you actually think that Israel/Turkey conflict is a real one?

Nato and West needs a messenger in Muslims and suddenly Turkey and Israel fight over Palestinian issue... Than Turkey's popularity with Arabs raise to %70/80s... Than Turkish Arm sales raise to 1 billion dollar mostly Arab countries... Arab spring comes along... Turkey presented as role model for Arab spring countries...

There are alot of coincidences...

Turkish peoples understanding of country, nation and faith more related to Jews than they do with Arabs... How can someone expects me to believe that Turkey and Israel has real problems when Erdogan and Murdoch shake hands like old buddies...

Huunh ? I'm not sure that Turkey could be ruthless enough to allow the butchery of her citizens in that 'Peace Flotilla' for political leverage with the Arabs. And besides...aren't the Islamists being supported by the locals all over ? In Libya the US of A and the Al-Qaeeda seem to be on the same page, in Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood seems to be electorally dominant and in Bahrain I'm not sure if Iran would be encouraging the majority Shittes to induct a Secular democracy. And with Islam being the new-Communism for the West and as such must be engaged in an ideological war with....I dunno how Islamist dominated Arab countries in the Middle East is going to help Israel or the United States.

As far as Turkey being a role model is concerned - Yes...we do admire her for her achievements but we, overwhelmingly so, don't ascribe to the separation of religion and the state in the same political science context as Turkey practices; so the admiration has more to do with Erdogan and his good governance, the dividends of a democratic process left to function as was intended and how a couple of other lessons could be learned from the Turkish Model on tackling with bigotry, women's emancipation, economic growth etc., within the confines of an Islamic State. So ma'am, if I may, you're theory seems a bit factually averse and of the same flavor as some of the more absurd conspiracy theories that we have in the abundance in the world.

Israel and Turkey relation is truly going through a schism of sorts otherwise they wouldn't cause this much people-to-people acrimony for someone else's beef and then later mend it all over again pretending that nothing happened.
With a good defense budget of 20$ Billion, Turkey should start indigenous projects. It will take time but it will reduce the dependency on others and turkey will learn a lot from R&d experience which also helps for future and further upgrades. Your Economy PACE is demanding to start indigenous projects now and joint venture is other solution.
as seen this one is for Royal Australian Air Force but guess still it is a piece of useful info about the plane

lol what about recent indian ban on israeli defence equipments ?
A small Israeli defense company, and even that ban is unlikely to stick because there are contacts being made to overturn the decision and fix it.
Huunh ? I'm not sure that Turkey could be ruthless enough to allow the butchery of her citizens in that 'Peace Flotilla' for political leverage with the Arabs. And besides...aren't the Islamists being supported by the locals all over ? In Libya the US of A and the Al-Qaeeda seem to be on the same page, in Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood seems to be electorally dominant and in Bahrain I'm not sure if Iran would be encouraging the majority Shittes to induct a Secular democracy. And with Islam being the new-Communism for the West and as such must be engaged in an ideological war with....I dunno how Islamist dominated Arab countries in the Middle East is going to help Israel or the United States.

As far as Turkey being a role model is concerned - Yes...we do admire her for her achievements but we, overwhelmingly so, don't ascribe to the separation of religion and the state in the same political science context as Turkey practices; so the admiration has more to do with Erdogan and his good governance, the dividends of a democratic process left to function as was intended and how a couple of other lessons could be learned from the Turkish Model on tackling with bigotry, women's emancipation, economic growth etc., within the confines of an Islamic State. So ma'am, if I may, you're theory seems a bit factually averse and of the same flavor as some of the more absurd conspiracy theories that we have in the abundance in the world.

Israel and Turkey relation is truly going through a schism of sorts otherwise they wouldn't cause this much people-to-people acrimony for someone else's beef and then later mend it all over again pretending that nothing happened.

Don't you think that the flotilla was provocation from Erdogan Turky who could have easily prevent the provocation? Israel not once offered to transfer supply(which of medicament 2/3 were expired), Erdogan provocation and animosity toward Israel began far earlier than the flotilla incident, Erdogan befriend with Qaddafi the oppressor from whom Erdogan received Qaddafi human rights prize( :lol: )
Befriend with Assad the butcher, i guess he found his type of friends, luckily Israel isn't cruel enough corrupt enough hypocritical enough to match Erdogans world view
Don't you think that the flotilla was provocation from Erdogan Turky who could have easily prevent the provocation? Israel not once offered to transfer supply(which of medicament 2/3 were expired), Erdogan provocation and animosity toward Israel began far earlier than the flotilla incident, Erdogan befriend with Qaddafi the oppressor from whom Erdogan received Qaddafi human rights prize( :lol: )
Befriend with Assad the butcher, i guess he found his type of friends, luckily Israel isn't cruel enough corrupt enough hypocritical enough to match Erdogans world view

Qaddafi propablt was one of the most citizen friendly Arab leader of modern times...
IMO is another big show produce by Isreal and Turkey to fool muslims countries and make turkey an Anti-Zionist to their eyes ....

in future , Israel will give Turkey what he want ( in silence ) ..... after all Zionists need turkey to take down Basshar al-assad in region ......
Firstly i guess it was our government who declared them enemies, and now as if nothing happened they expect Israelis to treat us as a strategic ally? Well u have to decide are they friend or foe, you can't have it both ways.

Bla bla bla, we can't even produce those ''long range aerial photography systems'' which Isr denied us too.

Bla bla bla, we can't even produce those ''long range aerial photography systems'' which Isr denied us too.

I guess the identity of this guy has been exposed pretty easily with these posts.
@ Mousamania - We miss you dude. Complete the ban and then come back with all guns blazing !
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