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Gingrich wants Afghans to apologize to America


Jun 2, 2011
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Thousands of protesters in Afghanistan rallied against the US this week after discovering that Americans had charred and purged copies of the Koran. President Obama was quick to extend an apology, but some of the GOP want things the other way around.

US President Barack Obama is being ridiculed by his Republican Party rivals after apologizing for this week’s incident in Afghanistan. Among his opponents that disagree with how he handled the ordeal is Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker and current contender for the GOP nomination for presidency. Gingrich has insisted that he will receive the party’s nod and usurp Obama this November, but his latest challenge for the commander-in-chief involves the president’s attempt to avoid escalating the war overseas.

The US air base in Bagram has become the site of mass protests after it was revealed that Americans had destroyed copies of the Muslim holy book, which prompted the president to extend apologies to the Afghan people. As America prepares to pull the plug on its length military operation in Afghanistan, the Koran burning could escalate hostilities aimed at a country that has already, to many Afghans, overstayed their welcome.

“I wish to express my deep regret for the reported incident,” Obama wrote this week to Afghan President Hamid Karzai. “I extend to you and the Afghan people my sincere apologies.”

Gingrich responded to the president’s attempt to qualm anti-American sentiment by insisting that Obama is in the wrong for trying to make peace with people whose religion has been ridiculed by US troops. Americans official are calling the Koran incident inadvertent, and, nonetheless, Gingrich says there is no point in the president saying he’s sorry.

“There seems to be nothing that radical Islamists can do to get Barack Obama’s attention in a negative way and he is consistently apologizing to people who do not deserve the apology of the president of the United States period,” Gingrich told supporters during a campaign stop Thursday in Washington State.

"This destructive double standard whereby the United States and its democratic allies refuse to hold accountable leaders who tolerate systematic violence and oppression in their borders must come to an end,” Gingrich added in a statement.

So tense have relations been since the Koran burning that the protests outside the Bagram, Afghanistan base have in recent days turned violent. As thousands of Afghans have protested outside the property, one Afghan soldier reportedly opened fire on US troops hours after Obama’s apology, killing two Americans.

On Twitter, Gingrich added, "It is an outrage that on the day an Afghan soldier murders two American troops, Pres. Obama is the one apologizing."

Obama’s apology, however, was offered hours before the US troops were executed.

Even before any of the president’s opponents charged Obama over his apology, the White House attempted to preemptively counter any attack. Administration spokesman Jay Carney told reporters early Thursday that Obama’s apology was "wholly appropriate, given the sensitivities to this issue, the understandable sensitivities."

"His [Obama's] primary concern as Commander-in-Chief is the safety of American men and women in Afghanistan, of our military and civilian personnel there," said Carney. "And it was absolutely the right thing to do."

Gingrich said hours later that things should be reversed, in his opinion. "It is Hamid Karzai who woes the American people an apology, not the other way around,” said the speaker.

“And, candidly, if Hamid Karzai, the president of Afghanistan, doesn’t feel like apologizing then we should say good bye and good luck, we don’t need to be here risking our lives and wasting our money on somebody who doesn’t care,” he added.

“This president has gone so far at appeasing radical Islamists that he is failing in his duty as commander in chief.”

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin had similar words, tweeting Thursday, "Obama apologizes for inadvertent Koran burning; now the US trained & protected Afghan Army can apologize for killing our soldiers yesterday.”

This is not the first time that Gingrich has warned that a relationship between America and Islam-centric nations should be extinguished. “The left’s refusal to tell the truth about the Islamist threat is a natural parallel to the 70-year pattern of left-wing intellectuals refusing to tell the truth about communism and the Soviet Union,” he said while speaking at American Enterprise Institute in Washington in July 2010.

Gingrich wants Afghans to apologize to America — RT
On Twitter, Gingrich added, "It is an outrage that on the day an Afghan soldier murders two American troops, Pres. Obama is the one apologizing."

Someone please enlighten him about the cause and effect theory !
@Aslan: nice one :lol:

Gingrich is desperate as his voters are shifting to Santorum, who they believe is more moronically Christian. Since, as Aslan pointed out, Gingrich cannot compete with Santorum on genuine Christian values, he is focussing on the moron part.
lame attempt by Gingrish! still not going to win the nomination!
This guy is a joke. In my impression all his work was to sabotage whataver President Clinton was trying to do. And he resigned from failing to drag Clinton down. If he's elected, he will bring down US as no one else can do.
the Republican front runners are a scary lot. the rest of the world is holding its breath to see which of the warmongering moron will get the chance to compete with Obama.
except Ron Paul every other Republican runner makes President Bush look like Gandhi.

---------- Post added at 03:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:11 AM ----------

This guy is a joke. In my impression all his work was to sabotage whataver President Clinton was trying to do. And he resigned from failing to drag Clinton down. If he's elected, he will bring down US as no one else can do.

its no joke, this guy can potentially become in charge of the world's most powerful military and the biggest stockpile of nuclear arsenal
he mentions invading countries and teaching rouge nations a lesson as if he is talking about going for weekend shopping.
the Republican front runners are a scary lot. the rest of the world is holding its breath to see which of the warmongering moron will get the chance to compete with Obama.
except Ron Paul every other Republican runner makes President Bush look like Gandhi.

There are many peace-loving Americans who are supporting Ron Paul but I don't think he will win. The American media is controlled by Zionists and they make propaganda against the one honest American presidential candidate just because he wants to end all wars. And there was some talk about the Maine caucus votes being rigged, so the people controlling Washington D.C. will try everything to stop him from being elected. Obama will most likely win the next elections because although he doesn't want to end the Afghanistan war he also doesn't want a new war with Iran (which all Republican candidates except Ron Paul want). Most Americans are sick of wars but the last thing they want is new wars. Obama is actually just as bad as Newt Gingrich for Pakistan and Afghanistan. Yes Bush is Mother Teresa compared to these presidential candidates.
There are many peace-loving Americans who are supporting Ron Paul but I don't think he will win. The American media is controlled by Zionists and they make propaganda against the one honest American presidential candidate just because he wants to end all wars. And there was some talk about the Maine caucus votes being rigged, so the people controlling Washington D.C. will try everything to stop him from being elected. Obama will most likely win the next elections because although he doesn't want to end the Afghanistan war he also doesn't want a new war with Iran (which all Republican candidates except Ron Paul want). Most Americans are sick of wars but the last thing they want is new wars. Obama is actually just as bad as Newt Gingrich for Pakistan and Afghanistan. Yes Bush is Mother Teresa compared to these presidential candidates.

These republican candidates (except for Ran Paul) don't have any concrete nation building plans so everyday they just do the chest thumping and Obama bashing to show how long their dongs are. I try to stay away from them but it is really hard. This morning I went to a doctor appointment and in the lobby Mitt Romney was bashing Obama on live TV, 9 am in the morning. I don't like Obama but I don't think anyway Republican candidate can win, Obama is a good speaker at least.
These retarded scumbag americans are in the epitome of arrogance and stupidity. This republican arrogant ***** is worse than an
He is the same guy who said Palestinians are invented people.He was having affair at the same time he was accusing Clinton of having affair with Monica Lewinsky lol.This guy is pure paid lobbyist of zionists ( Such as Sheldon Adelson )
They are far less scary than the religious zealots the muslims call 'leaders'.

Oh c'mon Christian , don't have to bring Muslims in just EVERYTHING and every thread .....

I guess you have started going to church everyday? ...Oh heck! don't tell me that you have started taking your bible lessons seriously? :what:

On topic :

I wish Ron Paul could win but as I say , he is WAY smart for most of the Americans....Americans can't get his logical reasoning :cheesy: ... Other than him , Obama will THRASH any "Repulican nomination" easily.
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