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Black Jails in Red China


Feb 28, 2010
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Black Jails in Red China

Black Jails in Red China

Not Understanding Human Rights

Human Rights – Enforced disappearances by the Chinese government’s security agencies have soared as a means to silence perceived dissent in light of the Arab Spring movement that has toppled three autocrats in North Africa.

According to Human Rights Watch, the Chinese government conveniently failed to address the growing problem by attempting to legalize the unlawful practice through a revision to the country’s Criminal Procedure Law.

Under international law, a “state commits an enforced disappearance when its agents take a person into custody and then deny holding the person or fail to disclose the person’s whereabouts, well-being, or legal status.”

“Disappeared” people are at enormous risk for torture, especially when detained outside of formal detention facilities such as prisons and police stations.

“Despite a few weak gestures of disapproval, the Chinese government has largely ignored or tacitly approved the security agencies’ proclivity for enforced disappearance and ‘black jails,’” said Sophie Richardson, China director at Human Rights Watch.

“That inaction has encouraged China’s security agencies to increasingly make enforced disappearance their tactic of choice. The proposed legal revisions are a clear indication of the government’s intentions.”

Black jails are unlawful secret detention facilities where detainees are routinely subjected to physical and psychological abuse, including beatings, sexual violence, food and sleep deprivation, and extortion. Despite an expose by HRW in 2009, black jails continue to flourish in Beijing and other major Chinese cities.

Shortly after HRW issued its report on black jails, Chinese weekly newsmagazine, Outlook, produced by China’s official Xinhua New Agency, echoed their findings and ended the Chinese government’s routine denial of the existence of such facilities.

Read more at Human Rights Watch.

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China: Enforced Disappearances a Growing Threat

(Hong Kong) - Enforced disappearances by the Chinese government’s security agencies have soared as a means to silence perceived dissent, Human Rights Watch said today at a news conference in Hong Kong. The government has failed to address the growing problem and is instead attempting to effectively legalize that unlawful practice through a revision to the country’s Criminal Procedure Law, Human Rights Watch said.

Under international law, a state commits an enforced disappearance when its agents take a person into custody and then deny holding the person or fail to disclose the person’s whereabouts. Family members and legal representatives are not informed of the person’s whereabouts, well-being, or legal status. “Disappeared” people are often at high risk of torture, a risk even greater when they are detained outside of formal detention facilities such as prisons and police stations.

“Despite a few weak gestures of disapproval, the Chinese government has largely ignored or tacitly approved the security agencies’ proclivity for enforced disappearance and ‘black jails,’” said Sophie Richardson, China director at Human Rights Watch. “That inaction has encouraged China’s security agencies to increasingly make enforced disappearances their tactic of choice. The proposed legal revisions are a clear indication of the government’s intentions.”

In November 2009, Human Rights Watch exposed in detail the use of enforced disappearance by government officials and their agents in confining thousands of petitioners – citizens from the rural countryside seeking legal redress in Beijing and other cities – in unlawful secret detention facilities known as “black jails.” The detainees are routinely subjected to physical and psychological abuse, including beatings, sexual violence, food and sleep denial, and extortion. Yet two years later, black jails continue to operate in Beijing and other major Chinese cities.

Shortly after the November 12, 2009 release of HRW’s report “‘An Alleyway in Hell’: China’s Abusive ‘Black Jails,’” the Chinese weekly newsmagazine, Outlook (瞭望周刊), produced by China’s official Xinhua News Agency, ended the Chinese government’s routine denial of the existence of black jails by publishing an article that echoed the Human Rights Watch findings. The Outlook article urged the Chinese government to put an end to black jails on the grounds that such an illegal system “damages the legitimate rights of petitioners and seriously damages the government’s image.” Two months later, the Chinese government ordered the closure of local government “liaison offices” in Beijing that have often been used as black jail sites.

Despite that expression of support by elements within the Chinese government to end black jail-related abuses, the government has failed to stop the practice, Human Rights Watch said.

Below is a timeline of major black jails-related developments since November 2009.

January 19, 2010: the State Council, China’s cabinet, issued a directive to local governments to close their Beijing “liaison offices,” which are often used as “black jails,” due to corruption concerns.

March 19, 2010: Luo Cheng, third secretary of the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations in Geneva asserted in a verbal statement delivered during the General Debate on agenda 6 on UPR, 13th regular session of the Human Rights Council that, “There are no black jails in the country.”

September 24, 2010: Caijing magazine (财经)and the Southern Metropolis Daily (南方都市报)newspaper, two of China’s most progressive print media publications, publish a joint article on a private firm, Anyuanding Security Technology service, implicated in the abduction of petitioners off the streets of Beijing and the operation of black jails to confine them. Within days, Beijing police raided the offices of Caijing to demand that the magazine reveal the sources for the article. Beijing police subsequently apologized for the raid.

September 27, 2010: State media report the detention of the Anyuanding chairman, Zhang Jun, and the company’s general manager, Zhang Jie, for “illegally detaining people and illegal business operations.” The government has not provided any updated information on the status of the investigation.

August 3, 2011: State media report on the discovery by Beijing municipal police of a black jail in the city’s Changping district that had illegally detained more than 50 petitioners including “elderly people and babies.” A public security official described the black jail as “one isolated case.”

September 21, 2011: State media expose the failure of the January 2010 government initiative to close down local government liaison offices in Beijing linked to black jail operations. Many of the 625 offices targeted for closure remain open, with some disguising their operations as hotels.

The government’s security forces use enforced disappearance to silence and intimidate critics of Chinese government policies in ethnic minority regions of Tibet and Xinjiang. These forces detained thousands of ethnic Tibetans in Tibet and the neighboring provinces of Gansu, Yunnan, Qinghai, and Sichuan following protests that erupted across the Tibetan plateau in March 2008. The Chinese government has refused to disclose to the United Nations, the United States, and independent human rights groups the fate of hundreds of Tibetans arrested during the protests, or how many it has detained, sentenced, held pending trial, or sentenced to extrajudicial forms of detention, such as re-education through labor (RTL). Human Rights Watch research has revealed that dozens, and possibly many more, of the hundreds of people detained by Chinese security forces in the aftermath of bloody ethnic violence in the city of Urumqi on July 5 to 7, 2009, have also “disappeared” without a trace.

The government has compounded its use of black jails with a wave of unlawful disappearances of lawyers, civil society activists, artists, and bloggers since early 2011. The government targeted over 30 of its most unspoken critics and held them in unknown locations for weeks.

Among them was the contemporary artist and outspoken government critic Ai Weiwei(艾未未), whose disappearance on April 3 generated an international outcry that ultimately contributed to his release on bail on June 22. Most of the other activists were also ultimately released, but were forced to adopt a much less vocal stance for fear of being disappeared, arrested, or tortured. Several of the lawyers detained during this period, including Liu Shihui (刘士辉), subsequently gave accounts about how they were interrogated, tortured, and threatened, and only released upon signing “confessions” and pledges not to use Twitter or talk to the media, human rights organizations, or foreign diplomats about their detention.

“The surge in enforced disappearances since early 2011 suggests that the government perceives such violations of basic human rights and due legal process as a useful tool to terrorize outspoken critics rather than as a tactic to be eradicated,” Richardson said.

That impression has been solidified by proposed revisions to the Criminal Procedure Law, announced on August 30, that will effectively “legalize” enforced disappearances. The proposed revisions would empower China’s security agencies to detain certain criminal suspects secretly for up to six months in undisclosed locations in cases the police deem to involve state security, terrorism, or serious instances of corruption. The revisions would permit law enforcement authorities to keep this detention secret if they believed notifying relatives or a lawyer could “hinder the investigation.” The proposed legislation could also lead to a formalization of house arrest – “soft detention” in police parlance, which is routinely imposed on activists and dissidents without trial and, in the instance of the human rights defender Chen Guangcheng (陈光诚)and his family, since the conclusion of his prison sentence in September 2010.

Chinese human rights activists, lawyers, and legal experts have warned that the proposed revisions, which may be approved in early 2012, would violate China’s international legal obligations. Although China has yet to ratify the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), its signing of that document in 1998 obliges it not to take steps that would undermine the standards set out there. The ICCPR states that, “Anyone arrested or detained on a criminal charge shall be brought promptly before a judge or other officer authorized by law to exercise judicial power and shall be entitled to trial within a reasonable time or to release.” The ICCPR further provides that, “Anyone who is deprived of his liberty by arrest or detention shall be entitled to take proceedings before a court, in order that that court may decide without delay on the lawfulness of his detention and order his release if the detention is not lawful.”

“Chinese and international legal scholars have devoted years to trying to bring China’s laws and legal system in line with international standards, but the proposed revisions are an about face,” Richardson said. “The proof of the Chinese government’s commitment to the rule of law would be to end arbitrary detention and enforced disappearances, not to legalize them.”

---------- Post added at 07:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:49 PM ----------

China's 'Black Jails' Citizens Held In Secret Prisons (VIDEO)
Some Chinese seeking help from the central government against local injustices are instead ending up in secret detention centers controlled by local politicians. The politicians are believed to arrange for petitioners to be abducted before they reach Beijing to complain, fearing central government investigations that could hurt their reputations. The central government denies the existence of such "black jails", as Melissa Chan of Al Jazeera reports.

Disgusting and horrifying. I'm left without words. Props to Al Jazeera for showing us that. They give us more of these jewel reports than any other major English language news channels.

Chinese victims of torture often post their stories to online forums, hoping to expose what happens in China's notorious detention centres. Today we bring you a few of these stories, but please note: The footage you're about to see includes graphic images and content.

Those who read medieval storybooks will know about people being hung, drawn and quartered, and probably feel glad that times have changed since then. But there are reports that this very torture method is being used on political prisoners in China, and has claimed several lives. Testimonials posted to website Clearwisdom.net say detained Falun Gong practitioners have had their limbs stretched in four directions, in an effort to have them renounce their belief in the practice. They say two metal beds are placed side by side, and the victim's arms and legs are fastened to the four outer bedpoles using ropes or handcuffs. Bricks are then wedged between the two beds, forcing them apart. The more bricks are placed, the more the victim's limbs are stretched, disclocating his joints and tearing his tendons. The latest report is from the Weining Detention Centre in Benxi, a city in China's northern coastal province of Liaoning, where Mr Lee Qinghuan was tortured this way for seven days straight, and died early this month. There are more than 20 similar reports about the Weining Detention Centre, with victims claiming they were stretched for up to 24 days. Since the Chinese Communist regime outlawed Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, more than 2000 Falun Gong practitioners have passed through Weining, and dozens have died or been driven to mental breakdown.
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Wow the Indians are really going all-out on China bashing during their Republic Day. :lol:

But please enlighten me as to how this is "World Affairs" material? :rofl:

Looser mentality may be? this is what happen to people from country that s backward and 40 years behind china. LOL. and have no hope of ever catching up.
Petitioners Thrown in 'Black Jails'
Chinese petitioners describe beatings, detentions in what they call the worst crackdown in years.


Authorities in the Chinese capital have detained a number of petitioners from Shaanxi and Shanghai after they unfurled a banner at Tiananmen Square on behalf of jailed fellow activists.

Beijing police swooped down on more than 20 people from Shaanxi's Long county who were protesting the illegal detention of fellow petitioners in a "black jail," or unofficial detention center on the Square last week, according to a group member.

"We unfurled the national flag ... because there are ... four of us locked up in the black jail at Qiutaoshanzhuang," said the petitioner, Zhang Wuxue.

The group also tried to display a banner which read: "The victims locked up in the Qiutaoshanzhuang black jail in Shaanxi wish the central government leaders a happy new year," he said.

"The police came over and snatched away the banner, and then dragged us off to the Tiananmen Square police station," Zhang said.

The four petitioners locked up in Qiutaoshanzhuang have been there for more than a year, according to the Sichuan-based Tianwang rights website.

Beaten, harassed

China’s army of petitioners say they are repeatedly stonewalled, detained in “black jails,” beaten, and harassed by authorities if they try to take complaints against local government actions to higher levels of government.

Many have been trying to win redress for alleged cases of official wrongdoing—including forced evictions, beatings in custody, and corruption linked to lucrative land sales—for decades.

Zhang said the group had been locked in the basement of a guesthouse after being taken from the police station by representatives of their hometown of Baoji city, which oversees Long county.

"We were locked in the basement and got nothing to eat or drink, and we couldn't get out, and the security guards swore at us and beat us," Zhang said.

"Eventually we got a room in a guesthouse with the help of a travel agent."

He said that by Monday, the group had grown from around nine people to more than 20.

Several groups detained

Several groups of petitioners from Shanghai, Fuzhou, and the northeast said they had also been detained in Beijing after they tried to visit the official residence of Premier Wen Jiabao to pay traditional respects at Chinese New Year.

"I was at Tiananmen Square [on Wednesday] at 5.00 p.m," said Shanghai petitioner Wu Shihao.

"I had unfurled a banner and was also throwing leaflets around, and shouting that I would bring down corrupt official demons and fascist bandits."

"I was detained by them ... we are all being held in Jiujingzhuang," he added, referring to a petitioner detention center on the outskirts of Beijing.

"There are more than a dozen of us here, and some people have been held here for three days," said Wu, who has been pursuing allegations for six years that his neighborhood committee robbed him.

"They even took my ID card, and my pension and savings," he said. "My life is over ... I have been wandering ever since."

"I have tried to protest in Beijing several times," he said.

'Worst year yet'

Beijing-based petitioner and rights lawyer Liu Anjun said the authorities are cracking down harder on petitioners in the capital this year, compared with previous years.

"This is probably the worst year yet, and many petitioners in Beijing are facing great hardship," Liu said. "Relief work for the petitioners has also run into a lot of obstacles."

He said petitioners' protests have become more organized and more vocal as a result.

"Now they are protesting for their rights collectively, and they are very united right now," Liu said.

"Another thing is that there has been more of a crackdown on them this year, which has been the worst so far."

"According to my knowledge, a large number of petitioners have been detained, and some of them have been locked up in black jails," he said.

Reported by Qiao Long for RFA's Mandarin service. Translated and written in English by Luisetta Mudie.
Looser mentality may be?

just like your county man doing BS about Kashmir ????

this is what happen to people from country that s backward and 40 years behind china. LOL. and have no hope of ever catching up.

at least we can protest in our own counrty and raise voice against any thing wrong ... not like you those cant even talk in own country ...

To much advanced :rofl::rofl: sorry but we dnt want to be like you
Looser mentality may be? this is what happen to people from country that s backward and 40 years behind china. LOL. and have no hope of ever catching up.

Looser are those who commit such act not the ones who exposes.. India is 1000 years behind China now that will be a good justification for the crime.. Stop acting as a tool..
Tibetan prisoner paralysed after severe torture, released - www.phayul.com

DHARAMSHALA, January 24: Torture and indiscriminate beatings by Chinese prison guards has maimed the body of a Tibetan monk, causing waist-down paralysis.

Lobsang Khedup, 39, a monk from the Kirti monastery was arrested last year and given a three-year prison term. He was released from the Mein-Yang prison after the prison guards ascertained that Lobsang Khedup had minimal chances of recovery.
Wow the Indians are really going all-out on China bashing during their Republic Day. :lol:

But please enlighten me as to how this is "World Affairs" material? :rofl:

We already know the problems in our country however it seems the Indians care more about our country then they do theirs :D
Good answer for the criminal act.. stop bringing any other country in the thread.. Respond to the topic..
just like your county man doing BS about Kashmir ????

at least we can protest in our own counrty and raise voice against any thing wrong ... not like you those cant even talk in own country ...

To much advanced :rofl::rofl: sorry but we dnt want to be like you

Exactly well said since you admited india is backward you in no position to talk to us you get my point? LOL
Exactly well said since you admited india is backward you in no position to talk to us you get my point? LOL

We are at no position but can catch up... What about you who have no right to talk

You people can only be internet warrior cause in China only Gun talk :sniper:
Looser are those who commit such act not the ones who exposes.. India is 1000 years behind China now that will be a good justification for the crime.. Stop acting as tools..

yes completely justified ,as you are living in stone age you dont know what need to be done for a modern society. so stop acting like a fool .
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