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IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

There is no way any airforce could intercept a hostile aircraft in that time unless they were already airborne.

Since India has denied it, its quite obvious that this is a diversionary tactic.

First the "Hoax Call" from Pranab Mukherjee and now this.....

First violation occured at 11.28 followed by the second at 14.02. PAF jets were airborn already as I learnt from inside reports.
Don't read too much into that India has already made intentions clear that it is not going for war with Pakistan. The incident seemed to be inadvertent.
So if GoP is convinced live it to that.
India is going to BS till it turns blue.

India is being deceptive and we got no reason to trust them.
First violation occured at 11.28 followed by the second at 14.02. PAF jets were airborn already as I learnt from inside reports.

Now this is something gap is two and half hours, but needs to be backed up by authentic source. Need to wait for IAF reaction on this. Such actions are uncalled for.
Pakistan airspace violated | PAF jets chase IAF planes out

Violations take place in AJK, Lahore sectors | India says violations occurred by mistake | India seeks Israel's help for commando action

The Post Monitoring

Lahore: Indian Air Force fighter planes violated Pakistani airspace twice in Lahore and Azad Kashmir, report a private TV channel. Indian planes were loaded with bombs and this act is being termed a grave offence on the part of India.

Pakistan Air Force jets immediately challenged and followed the Indian fighter planes and forced them out of Pakistani airspace. Analysts believe IAF planes violated Pakistani airspace to test the preparedness of Pakistan Air Force.

Pakistan's forces are already in a state of high alert after the Mumbai terrorists' attacks.

Meanwhile, a spokesperson for Pakistan Air Force said the Indian fighter planes entered up to four kilometers of Pakistani airspace. He further said the PAF was already on high alert and immediately responded. Federal Information Minister Sherry Rehman said that according to Indian officials IAF jets committed violation by mistake.

Agencies add: The Indian government has sought Israel's help to launch commando attacks inside Pakistan on alleged militant camps especially Al Qaeda centres, according to a private television channel on Saturday. The Mossad, the Israeli foreign intelligence agency, has the experience to successfully retaliate terror attacks, the channel reported, quoting the Voice of Germany with reference to an Israeli weekly.

According to the report, India wants to launch these attacks in such a manner so that they are successful while avoiding any blame for them.

The weekly says India can hit four targets which include Azad Kashmir, Punjab and Karachi. In certain areas of Azad Kashmir allegedly there are dozens of caamps to train religious zealots and militants.

The weekly revealed that India has informed US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice about the possible attacks, though she did not support any type of conflict between the two countries.
Bloomberg.com: India & Pakistan

Pakistan Says Indian Air Force Planes Violated Air Space Twice
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By Khalid Qayum

Dec. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Pakistan said Indian Air Force planes twice violated its airspace yesterday, amid a rise in tensions between the South Asian neighbors after the Nov. 26-29 Mumbai terrorist attacks.

India has said the incursions were inadvertent, the Dawn News television channel reported, citing Pakistan’s Information Minister Sherry Rehman. The Pakistani government won’t be taking the matter further, the channel cited her as saying.

India’s air force spokesman, Mahesh Upasani, declined to comment when contacted by telephone in New Delhi.

Pakistani Air Force planes chased the Indian planes and forced them to go back, Air Commodore Humayun Waqar, a spokesman for the Pakistan Air Force, said this morning.

The Indian planes first entered Pakistani territory in the divided Himalayan region of Kashmir at 11 a.m., he said. The second entry into Pakistani territory was at 2 p.m over the eastern city of Lahore, Waqar said.

The Indian government has said that “elements” in Pakistan are responsible for the Mumbai attacks and has asked for the extradition of 20 people involved in terrorism.

While Pakistan has asked for evidence to back the accusation, it has raided a camp and detained Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, who established the Islamist Lashkar-e-Taiba group, which has been linked to the attacks on India’s financial hub.

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Last Updated: December 13, 2008 22:36 EST
Pakistani Armed Forces are very unhappy about the GOP's decision to crack-down on terrorist camps. They know however, that if they can create enough jingoism among the public, the GOP will be forced to take public opinion into account and go easy on the terrorists.

Both the "hoax call" and this airspace violation story seem to be a diversionary tactic.
Probably the violation in Kashmir was done by Su-30s from Ladakh or Awantipura Air Base.

Here is the news about IAF depoyment in Kashmir.

The Hindustan Times reported the Indian Air Force (IAF) has deployed SU-30MKI multi-role combat aircraft in Jammu and Kashmir. Air Marshal P. K. Barbora, the Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Western Air Command, told the press, "The IAF has deployed Sukhoi jets in Jammu and Kashmir as part of its annual training program to help the pilots adapt to different environments and respond with flexibility." He said they would patrol both the Chinese and Pakistani border areas, including Kargil region, the location of a mountain war with Pakistan in 1999.

Another air force spokesman told the press that a flight of six of the high performance and nuclear capable fighters is at Awantipura Air Base near Srinagar, in the Kashmir Valley. This is the first time SU-30 MKIs have deployed to Kashmir.

PS:i think this news is few months old,so don't mix it with recent violation.
Now this is something gap is two and half hours, but needs to be backed up by authentic source. Need to wait for IAF reaction on this. Such actions are uncalled for.

9 PAF AFB's put on red alert, is that authentic enough for you?
Pakistani Armed Forces are very unhappy about the GOP's decision to crack-down on terrorist camps. They know however, that if they can create enough jingoism among the public, the GOP will be forced to take public opinion into account and go easy on the terrorists.

Both the "hoax call" and this airspace violation story seem to be a diversionary tactic.
This seems to be a diversionary tactic by India to take the heat off the captured Indian spy.
This seems to be a diversionary tactic by India to take the heat off the captured Indian spy.

Captured Indian spy is hardly worth all the fuss that is being created right now.

I've heard several "Indian agents" being caught in Pakistan in the last year or so...nothing has come out of it except a couple of newspaper articles and some jingoistic comments on defence forums.
Pakistani Armed Forces are very unhappy about the GOP's decision to crack-down on terrorist camps. They know however, that if they can create enough jingoism among the public, the GOP will be forced to take public opinion into account and go easy on the terrorists.

Both the "hoax call" and this airspace violation story seem to be a diversionary tactic.

lool.. bro few days back there was an article that said "CONCERN grew in India yesterday that the Pakistan army had taken charge of the country's response to the Mumbai terror attacks and effectively staged a coup against the country's nascent democracy"

these kind of news mostly gets circulated in india coz ppl feel happy after readin something bad about pakistan....... anyways u stick with ur version of the story which is everything being a diversionary tactic... atleast will keep u happy....
India rubbishes Pakistani allegations of air space violation
New Delhi/Islamabad, December 14, 2008

Indian air force officials on Sunday morning rubbished reports that its fighter jets had violated Pakistan's air space and said they had received no complaint from the Pakistani side.

Responding to Pakistani allegations that Indian fighter jets had violated their airspace late on Saturday night by entering two places - Pakistani Kashmir and Lahore sectors - and were forced to turn back, a senior Indian Air Force (IAF) official in the Western Air Command told IANS: "There is no truth in the allegations, it is all rubbish."

The official said, "We haven't even received any complaint from the Pakistani air force."

Dawn News of Pakistan quoted Pakistan Air Force Air Commodore Humyun Viqar as saying, "Both the Indian aircraft entered into Pakistan's airspace between two to four nautical miles at two different sectors." He said the Pakistani jets responded, forcing the Indian aircraft to turn back.

Information Minister Sherry Rehman told Dawn News that the Indian leadership had been contacted, and the incident was described as "inadvertent", and that the Pakistan air-force and army had been placed on alert but "did not wish to escalate the situation" any further.

It quoted a news agency as saying that an Indian Defence Ministry spokesman when contacted in New Delhi said he had no information on the reported incursion.

Dawn also reported that people travelling between Lahore and Rawalpindi said that they had seen heavy movement of the Pakistan army on the way heading towards the border. "Long convoys of military trucks were heading towards Lahore from Jhelum," a motorist Jawad Khan told Dawn.

The movement of army towards the border area is a sign that tension between the two nuclear rivals, already heightened following the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, is likely to increase in the days to come, Dawn said.

Meanwhile, a state run Pakistani TV channel reported that a loud blast was heard in the Arabian Sea between Badin and Jati cities on Saturday night.

However, further details about the blast were not received. The cause and exact location of the blast is being ascertained.

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