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Iran refused Indian Air Force aircraft to fly over its territory

There is even a strategic pact between India and Iran. India is to gain access to Iranian airfields, should there be a breakout of tensions against Pakistan

All heresay! Iranians have vehemently denied this at all levels. Iran may have some mistrust with regards to Pakistan, however it does not go so far as to allow Iran to become a party in the conflict between Pakistan and India. This would be a step too silly for the Iranian diplomacy.
nice answer man i hope you stay here with us in seriud debete

Thank you sir. I've seen those rumors about Iranian airfields spread around in a few places without anybody bothering to refute them in a coherent manner.

Iranian airfields will never be allowed to be used against Pakistan by any 3rd parties, as long as Iranians themselves can do anything about it.

Why, you ask? Because:

a) It is a point of dishonour for Iranians to allow their country to be used as tool of any 3rd party power to reach their aggressive aims. This may not make sense to everybody. But that's the general mentality in Iran.

b) A revolution was fought and blood was shed on that very point, amongst other ones. That Iran should not allow foreign troops to be stationed on her soil.

c) The Iranian constitution forbids it.

d) Pakistan is Iran's neighbour. And despite past disagreements and divergences, I'm personally glad to observe that successive Iranian governments have sought to improve relations given the opportunity, as opposed to dwell on the differences.

Have a great day!
well done Iran

wesay next time allow those Indian aircrafts, but be sure to shoot them down. :sniper:
So are you saying that Pakistan should just confess to the USA that it doesn't like being forced to do some "stuff" like arresting the man behind the mumbai attacks and the so called "war on terror"?:rofl:

Read the lines you wrote first oh i 'll do it for u here let me re write it for u as follows> So you are saying that Pakistan should just confess to the USA that it doesnt like being force to do some stuff etc etc ! Listen my friend iam against terroist as much as u or the world and if anything the events thats have taken place in Mumbai is sad and not right at all lost of life as u can see in my other posts elsewhere i have stated so and infact i always encourge peace with both nations. Second if anything honestly Pakistan has sufferd the most out of any country in the world agaisnt the war on terror so therfore wat u stated perhaps u meant something else but it didnt seem right and i quote u sounded silly from your first sentence i think i rest my case now good day!!!!!! :cheesy: :disagree:
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^^^^^Doesn't matter really, to claim that we have complete and unlimited access to airfields belonging to Pakistan’s immediate neighbor-country like Iran which shares such a big land border is not the same as operating some low level isolated "base" in central Asia. Besides I believe this much lauded Indian base in C. Asia has limited military significance in relation to Pakistan because:

1) The base is isolated from main-land India and it should be easy for PAF to isolate/disable/contain it. It would be extremely difficult; time and fuel consuming if not impossible for IAF to reinforce it or utilize it during full scale war with Pakistan (much like the situation PAF faced in East-Pakistan).

2) It would be unreasonable for Indians to keep the base supplied/resupplied in a war like situation because in the case of this particular installation, as far as I can tell, these bases are essentially up for rent (the Americans and the Russians have a couple too) and are not part of a significant or comprehensive strategic understanding or alliance between India and Tajikistan. If things get hot, it is unlikely that the Tajiks would be eagerly supplying the Indians with their military aircraft, fuel, ammunition, logistics etc. They’ll say that’s not part of our deal.

3) Last but the perhaps the most important factor is the Pakistan is a nuclear weapons country, if anyone allows their territory to be used by our nuclear adversary...then it is a given fact that that someone puts their country at enormous risk because a worst-case nuclear exchange scenario between Pakistan and India would then include that third country as well. Point being the Tajiks won't be too happy if an isolated Indian squadron or two are using their airfield to attack nuclear armed Pakistan nearby. There would be serious complications…
Pakistan is expanding military ties with Azerbaijan and a few other soon to be named Central Asian states to counter the Indian influence in this region which has been sorely needed. We also have access to airfields outside of Pakistan and can hit India from every angle with support from Jordanians, Syrians, Persians, Chinese Turks and yes even Afghanistan.
I don't see why not. Iran hates the United states and it's Imperialist counterparts who're keen on threatening iran on a monthly basis. Recent activity in india has also resulted in clarifying the strong "Support" america suddenly now holds for India.

If you think about it, Iran's response makes sense.

LOL, so why russia doesnt back off!!

secondly, i support the point s made in the second post, bozorgmehr, congratulations sir, u r doing good for building iranian image here, well, i am very impressed!!!

the thing u didnt mention is, pakistanis and iranis r muslim brothers aside neighbours, i hope iranis give great moral support to pakistanis if they face war or any difficult situation with the other neighbour!!!, just like 1965
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NEW DELHI, Dec. 11 (APP): India disclosed on Thursday that Iran did not allow fighter jets of Indian Air force to fly over its territory on way to the United States for taking part in the Red Flag air-combat exercise in September.

Indian External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee while responding to a question in Lok Sabha said after turning down the request of India by Tehran, an alternative route was taken.

To a question on the India-Pakistan-Iran gas pipeline, Mukherjee said Indian Petroleum Minister had written a letter to his Iranian counter-part in November, asking for a meeting of the three countries on the mega project.

This is the reaction for the gas pipeline that India is not signing because the responsibility of the line thru pakistan is placed with Iran. India is on the high ground here on this deal, and Iran just showed it's distaste.
This is the reaction for the gas pipeline that India is not signing because the responsibility of the line thru pakistan is placed with Iran. India is on the high ground here on this deal, and Iran just showed it's distaste.

now i find this "stuff" funny!!
As per IAF sources, IRAN's message was clear- "if you are flying to the US, you cannot fly over our country". It was not out of any conflict between India and Iran.
There is even a strategic pact between India and Iran. India is to gain access to Iranian airfields, should there be a breakout of tensions against Pakistan

lol yeah its called in your dreams.:rofl:
It because Indian close friendship with Israel. These plane can take pictures and other valuable information for any real time strike on Iran.
All though India's vote against Iran in IAEA was a set-back in India-Iran relation, the economic cooperation between 2 nations has increased much in past 1-2 years. Trade volume was record high in 2007. India will oppose any military action against Iran. Both India and Iran collaborate and support Anti-Taliban government in Afghanistan. The new highway between Iran and Afghanistan (Zaranj-Delaram Highway) is funded by Indian government.

Shia - sunni conflict is another factor which will affect Iran’s relation with Pakistan

Gopal : India was the biggest trade partner of Saddam Hussain .. but at the Gulf war II what did it do ? Do you think the Arabs & the Iranians don't know that ?

The only real thorn in Pakistan & Iran relationship was Afghanistan and the treatment which Taleban had done to the Khalili's ... it is now over and both sides have spilled blood & are even.

& Pakistan / Iran apart from the long history of relationship are having common enemy i.e; USA .. which otherwise is presently India's best friend ! After India abandoned it's long lost friend "Russia" !

So this is a good eye opener for you guys.. and wait & see .. more is in the pipeline !
indians planes were fitted with high resolution cameras to take pictures of military installations....they were spying for israel and the planes were fitted with hardware and cameras and sensors.....good decision by Iran:cheers:

indians think they are more clever....going to USA via singapore and hawaii would have been more economically viable....but they just wanted to do some dirty job for zionist regime

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