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Raw and Bangladesh

Md Akmal

Sep 22, 2010
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Extracts from "Raw and Bangladesh" written by Joynal Abedin -1



The vital role played by mineral resources of a country in its economic development needs no explanation. Experts believe that Bangladesh has been endowed with rich mineral resources. However, unfortunately due to Indian manipulations with the help of RAW’s paid agents in Bangladeshi bureaucracy, Bangladesh has been unable to fully reap the benefits of the hidden treasures and put an end to its’ economic dilemma. ‘RAW’s impediments in Bangladesh’s efforts for exploration of minerals are for two reasons. Firstly, they fear that Bangladesh may drain oil from India’s wells in Assam and secondly Bangladesh’s self sufficiency in its mineral resources would enhance its economic stability resulting into the demise of India’s long awaited desire of amalgamating Bangladesh and formation of ‘Akhand Bharat”.

“After emergence of Hangladesh, Prime Minister Sheikh Mujibur Rahman divided the coastal region into six sectors and leased them to foreign companies for exploration of oil and gas. The respective companies took on the job but just after a short span of time for reasons unknown shut downthe projects and left Bangladesh. No inquiry was made and no reason was offered by the Government for this closure.It is said that these companies closed their operations at the urging of KGB and RAW. Professor Abu Sayed in his book ‘Facts and Documents’ writes that the company which was carrying out exploration at the sea coast adjacent to Barisal was attacked by Indian gun boats in broad day light, dismantling the erected infrastructure”(Daily Rupali, March 2, 1992).

“Another example of RAW’s influence in abating Bangladesh’s efforts of exploring mineral resources is of Feni Gas Field. The gas field was discovered during the regime of late President Ziaur Rahman. But soon after the- death of President Zia the project was abandoned for being ‘economically unviable’.However, the experts did not believe the official explanation. The project was re-opened after ten years and is now running profitably thus contributing a lot to the country’s economy. Many more examples can be quoted of projects which started with pomp and show but were later stopped or discontinued for reasons unknown”(Daily AI Mujadded : June 2, 1995).

“During president Ershad’s regime foreign companies were once again given contracts for exploration of oil. Scimitar, one of the companies, was given oil exploration rights in Sylhet. Soon RAW orchestrated allegations through some political parties in Bangladesh that the country’s interests were being bartered away to Scimitar. Ultimately the company abandoned the project and left. Thus RAW achieved objective of protecting their vital economic interests beside scaring away other companies from undertaking on such ventures in Bangladesh.

Similarly a French Company, B Fistal that had almost struck oil reserves at Shalbahan in Dinajpur, abandoned its project in Bangladesh. Later it was revealed that India had laid a bait for purchase of billions of dollars worth weaponry including Mirage 2000 fighter aircrafts from France beside awarding B Fistal company a big oil exploration project just 5 Kms opposite Shalbahan at Jamidarpara, West Bengal, India”(Dainik BangIa: August 23, 1994).

RAW uses terrorists of Shantibahinf not to allow any oil exploration in the Chittagong Hill Tracts region including Samutang. Understandably no foreign firm will risk an exploration work in the region as long as violence persists in the area.There are reports that oil reserves had been struck at Patbaria, Sylhet (then part of Assam) in 1908. However,further work was not pursued at the site because the British authorities of that time did not feel the need for additional oil as they had already discovered oil in Dibrugarb and Digboy in Assam. In 1947 Sylhet was separated from Assam and became a part of Pakistan.

Presently it is a part of Bangladesh. In November 1987 the Government of Bangladesh, with the help of Saudi Development Fund, started exploration for oil at Patharia. But after considerable digging and investment of 40 crore takas it was belatedly realised by the concerned authorities that there were some procedural complexities.Thus on the said plea this project was also shelved. Observers believe that RAW manipulated and’ arranged abandoning of this promising project. Similarly the exploration of oil fields at Haripur (reported to be the biggest oil field in Asia) and Kailash Tila (Sylhet) were stopped under mysterious circumstances. All the above examples bring out the fact that RAW is determined to prevent any exploration venture in Bangladesh particularly the exploration of oil in Sylhet area as they fear that underground oil reserves of Assam may drain toSylhet due to proximity. Indians have been using some corrupt Bangladeshi bureaucrats and technical experts for furthering their designs. According to a press report published in the ‘Daily Inqilab’ during January 1993, Deputy Director Habibur Rahman of Geological Survey Directorate Bangladesh was paid cash money, expenses for travel to India and a phd. degree in exchange for secret survey reports regarding mineral resources of Bangladesh.

Besides creating strong impediments in the way of exploring oil reservers, RAW has been creating hindrances in exploratory work of other mineral resurces as well. One glaring example is the hurdles created by India in the exploration of Madhyapara hard rock for simple reason that Bangladesh should remain dependent on India for its hard rock imports. Similarly hurdles were created to prevent exploration of coal at Barapukuria.RAW’s agents, instigated the land owners of Barapukuria to resist exploratory work on the plea of inadequate compensations paid for their agricultural lands. Yet another example of nation’s mineral wealth lying unexplored is the case of Uranium and Potassium ores at Joypurhat-Sylhet. Despite confirmed reoprts of huge deposits, no further work has been undertaken for the development of the said mines.

Dr. G.W. Gableman (a Geologist involved in the exploration of oil and gas) in an article published in Internatiopal Atomic Energy Journal had stated as’early as 1970 that,there are vIsible signs of presence of high grade Uraniu’m in B;;ingladesh. Based on said report an exploration venture was started by the Bangladesh Government in the area’ of Fultala, Maulvibazar, Sylhet during 1976. The explorations confirmed the presence of high grade Ur;;inium btit the project was suddenly stopped in 1986 owing to RAW’s conspiracies. On the contrary,India is extracting Uranium in Meghalaya, only a few kilometres away from Sylhet border.

According to ‘The Daily AI Mujadded’, February 27,1995, Bangladesh has huge lime stone deposits’ i.e. 17 million tons in Bolgi Bazar;’1.8 million tons in Takerhat, 2 million tons at Bhanger Ghat, and 40 thousand tons at Balapunji. All these are lying unexplored. The newspaper further reported that experienced observers believe that RAW is involved in preventing exploitation of ‘ the said mineral resou:r:ces. RAW has bribed high officials of Bangladesh concerned with mineral exploration who do not permit any progress to take place in this sector.

The same newspaper in a later review (AI Mujadded, May 16, 1995) wrote that on, account of indecision by the ministry of Science and Technology, 50 lakh tons of Bhlck Gold (Zircon, Rutail, Liukuxin, kayanite, Magnetite, Garnet and Manazite mixed with sand are termed as Black Gold) present in the south-eastern coastal region and adjoining islands is lying unexplored. Needless to mention that the bi-products of Black Gold can be utilized in industries such as paper, electrode welding, aircrafts, space technology and nuclear fission etc. . .

Due to lack of financial resources and adequate indigenous facilities, Bangladesh has to depend on foreign investors for exploration projects. But RAW is continuously discouraging foreign investors, sometimes by using political pressure tactics and sometimes by bribing the concerned officials.RAW’s modus operandi in’ this regard is summarized as below :

a. RAW has been propagating that there are no mineral deposits in Bangladesh, thus discouraging foreign companies form investment in the sector.

b . RAW offers huge amounts as bribe to foreign as well as local engineers and staff employed on preparation o( feasibility reports of new projects, to’ get ‘tailored’ reports suggesting that exploration will not be viable and productive.

c. Different Directorates and Ministry officials in Bangladesh concerned with processing of new projects in some cases are bribed to hinder br delay the proposals for exploration. The foreign companies thus get disgruntled due to bureacratic hassles and delays and eventually decide to abandon the project.

d. Even if some foreign company manages to overcome all the hurdles and starts’ a project, its work and functioning are made difficult by local agents of RAW. Since 1972 many companies who had started projects, left midway due to harassment by RAW agents. Obviously seeing their plight no other company will dare to come forward.The ingress of RAW in various ministries, directorates and organisations of Bangladesh is so paramount that it has successfully sabotaged many projects. Large number of abortive projects are clear proof of this treachery. It is believed that until the patriotic people of Bangladesh root out RAW agents from departments and ministries concerned with exploration of mineral resources, no worthwhile progress can be ‘made in this field. Consequently, Bangladesh will continue to remain poor and subservient to India. The question, however, remains when will the rooting out of firmly saddled RAW agents begin?


The garment industry has played a pioneering role in the development of industrial sector of Bangladesh. Though it took a rather late start i.e., in 1976 but it soon established its reputation in the world market within a short span of time. Resultantly garment is now one of the main export items of the country. Besides, enriching the country’s economy it has played a very important role in alleviating unemployment. At present there are more than two thousand one hundred garment factories in the country employing more than 12 lakh labourers. 85 percent of the labour force are women.

Once Sri-Lanka was leader in this field in South Asia and India was its competitor. The Indian intelligence agency RAW activated the Tamils of Indian origin in a separatist movement thus starting a bloody civil war resulting in the quick demise of the garments industry of Sri-Lanka. The international buyers and investors diverted their attention towards Bangladesh. As a result the garments industry of Bangladesh expanded with unprecedented success. During the financial year 1993-94 Bangladesh earned 6199.8 crore taka in ‘this sector.India is. envjous of such an unprecedented success of Bangladesh. India has always remained vigilant of even the slightest success of Bangladesh in any sector with apprehensions of loosing contol over Bangladesh. It is an unabated portion of her strategy to ensure that Bangladesh does not make progress in any field. So if Bangladesh makes any success in any sector, India starts conspiring to ruin Bangladesh in that sector. The success in garments industry of Bangladesh had posed a challenge to India. India thus hatched a conspiracy to eliminate Bangladesh from the markets of USA and Europe. For fulfilling this heinous plan RAW, besides utilizing its agents in Bangladesh, developed a strong lobby in Europe, America and Far East against the garments industry of Bangladesh.

India’s first attempt was to bring within its grip the buyers associations. Through clever manipulations India has succeeded in controlling the buying houses of Korea and Hong Kong. The buying houses generally obtain orders for ready made garments from different countries. The owners of Indian controlled buying houses started concerted campaign to stop foreign companies from giving. any contract to Bangladesh. They try to impress upon the buyers of Europe and America that (1) Bangladesh was not capable of producing good work, (2) the businessmen and industrialists of Bangladesh were not honest and (3) above all, the garments made in Bangladesh were below standard.

To establish these falsehoods RAW infiltrated its agents. in different garment factories of Bangladesh. The works that RAW carried out through these agents are listed below:

a. To search for fabrics which are not covered by contract.

b. To supply garments of low standard, ruffled up with out any stitch.

c. Export less number of garments than stipulated in the

d. Pack the carton with torn pieces of cloth instead of garments.

e. Make deliberate delay in exporting the order placed.

Such incidents happened many times in the past thus jeopardizing markets of Bangladesh. The owners of the garment factories soon realised this conspiracy and took timely step to remedy. the situation thus foiling the conspiracy of RAW. But this conspiracy was not over for good. RAW agents still carry out such heinous acts where ever they get an opportunity.

Another aspect of RAW’s conspiracy is to drag the labour of garment industry into trade union movements. Unhealthy trade union movement can playa pioneering role in disrupting the production of industrial sector. In the earlier .stages there were no trade union in the garments industry. But gradually the trade union movement crept into the garments industry. Under the cover of demandingthe legitimate rights of garment iabour RAW created. discontent among the labours, thus seriously affecting production and in some cases the industries had to be closed down. As exports have to be carried out within a fixed time frame and once the exports are not made in time then the contract is cancelled. RAW is engaged in spreading discontent in our garments industry so that the buyers of Europe and USA turn their faces away from Bangladesh.

The organisations of labours of the garment industries very often hold meetings, distribute pamphlets and from time to time give statements making various demands. RAW collects these. pamphlets, statements and other publicity materials of the garment labour, even make tape recordings of their statements and send them to the foreign buyers augmenting it by saying that the garment labour of Bangladesh work in a very unhealthy atmosphere and live in a sub human life.

In pursuance for the destruction-of the garment industryof Bangladesh RAW has engaged some dishonest traders, fake producers, exporters and in complicity with a section of officers of the Export Promotion Bureau who have been carrying out their heinous activities. Under instruction of RAW they obtain false no objection certificates and through fake documents export garments to USA and other foreign countries. RAW agents have earned crores of takas by fictitious certificates of Export Promotion Bureau. In the financial year 1993-94 a false export consigment of four hundred crore taka was detected which was exported to USA(Daily Inqilab : October 22, 1994).

The same issue of Inqilab reported that India in the financial year 1993-94 exported low quality garments to the USA j;ri the name of Bangladesh. This consignment was exported by fictitious certificate of Export Promotion Bureau ‘under the category of 320 and 652. In the financial year 1992-93, in a similar m,Slnner India exported below standard garments to ‘USA worth 25 million dollars. The customs intelligence officers of the USA after enquiry unearthed this fraud.

As a consequence Bangladesh suffered on account of the fraudulent activities of India, r;sultantly the quantum of export of Bangladeshi garments got considerably reduced. During the fina,ncial year of 1992-93 Bangladesh had exported to the USA, garments worth 65 crore 50 lakh dollars and in the next year I.e. in the finacial year 1993-94 the export was reduced to 54 crore 50 lakh dollars consequent to India’s fraudulent activities.

It is viewed with concern that India succeeded in spoiling the good image of Bangladeshi garments. As a consequence Bangladesh has lost many of its foreign markets. In the financial year 1993-94, the target for garments export was 165 crore dollars. But on account of the fraudulent measures of RAW this target could not be achieved and there was a short fall of 22 percent. RAW’s agents exported substandard garments to
European countries particularly to Italy and Germany through fake GSP certificates on behalf of Bangladesh. Though those substandard garments were not made in Bangladesh, but they did earn a bad name for Bangladesh and also affected future Bangladeshi exports to these countries. Italy substantially reduced the quantum of imports of garments from Bangladesh. These actions have badly harmed the country’s economy, but no official inquiry was held to investigate the frauds. The Bangladeshi officers who connived with RAW for the said fraudulent transactions are still holding their respective posts and continue to serve the foreign interests(Daily Inqilab : October 2, 1994).

The campaign launched in the USA regarding the employment’ of child labour in the garment industry of Bangladesh is also sponsored’ by RAW. The Bangladeshi nagents of RAW had prepared a TV documentary about employment of child labour in the garment industry of Bangladesh for ABC Television. RAW collected the video cassettes of that programme and sent them to senators, members of the Congress and other top policy-makers of the USA. Influenced by the publicity campaign orchestrated by RAW agents, US Senator Tom Harkins submitted a bill in the Senate known as ‘Harkins Bill’. This bill stipulated that those countries which employ child; labour will not be allowed to send their industrial products to the USA.

Mr. Harkins while citing example mentioned the name of Bangladesh. Despite passage of this bill RAW did not desist itself from indulging in anti-Bangladesh propaganda and publicity. In its latest move RAW organised a union of 40 children and religious organisations in the USA to be known as child Labour Coalition. This organisation has no local sta.nding and is not even recognised by the USA. This organisation has engaged itself in a systematic propaganda against Bangladesh regarding child labo~r in the garment industry. The Indians went from door to door campajgning . against buying garments from Bangladesh on account of child labour(Weekly Sonar BangIa: May 26, 1995).

After the passage of the Harkins Bill nearly 50 thousand child labours have been terminated from the garments factories and the remaining eight thousand would be sacked by October 31, 1995.Inspite of it the child Labour coalition continues to harp on its lethal propaganda with a. view to jeopardizing the interests of Bangladesh. Is it not a known fact that many countries including India employ child labour in variety of industrial sectors? But only Bangladesh has been singled out and targeted in a systematic manner. Investigations reveal that it is only India that is bound to destroy the garment industry of Bangladesh. Child Labour Federation was used by RAW in furthering its goal in a cleverly manipulated move. It ‘may be noted that according to reliable reports five crore child’ labours are presently employed in India’s carpet, shoe, garment and other sundry industries(Daily Star: May 31,1995).

But the Harkins Bill or the Child Labour Federation seem to have no concern about it or rather they purposely over look it. o.n account of adverse publicity against Bangladesh orchestrated by RAW Bangladesh have been identified as a guilty country.Due to some mysterious reasons no effective step is being initiated to counter the mischievous activities of RAW in Bangladesh. It is the responsibility of the bureaucrats and the policy makers to explain to the world about the emploYment of child labour in different fields. It should be explained very clearly and. explicitly that by employing these unfortunate child labours it has been possible to save them from certain death by starvation, it has been possible to make them self dependent and lead a respectable life. This aspect should be strongly and vigorously projected in the outside world. The western countries should understand that stitching buttons by child labour is not a difficult and inhuman job. This point must be stressed and highlighted to the people of the western countries particularly in the USA.

It is suspected that the concerned officials being influenced by RAW mysteriously are not taking any effective steps against RAW and its agents. It now seems that our embassies in the western countries including the USA, our Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Ministry of Commerce, the Government publicity media or most of the political parties appear to be unconcerned about this important national issue. They did not make even a normal protest. In the face of conspiracy and strong lobbying by RAW everyone seems to be indifferent to this vital national issue and thus RAW has succeeded in proving the fact that the complaints made against Bangladesh have good foundation and Bangladesh has no ground to counter it.

It is apprehended that agents of RAW have spread their network in the country in such a manner that they are present in all the relevant Ministries and officies so that no initiative can ever be taken by the government to counter the activities of RAW. The Daily newspaper ‘Al Mujadded’ in its issue of May 27, 95 alleged inaction by the Embassy of Bangladesh in USA. The paper wrote that the Indian garment industry lobby was destroying the garment industry of Bangladesh and they have spread their tentacles in all the sectors of industry so ‘that it does not get any market abroad. The paper in its report said, ‘The owners of the garment industry of Bangladesh have not as yet received any information regarding the activities of RAW in the USA in complicity with US officials and the garments industry owners of Bangladesh are very indignant about it’. The paper further says that it is the duty of the Embassy to keep the owners of the garment industry informed about the propaganda that is being carried out in USA against this industry.

It would facilitate both the Government and the industry concerned to take effective measures against the propaganda of RAW. But’ the Bangladesh Embassy in Washington has failed to take any such initiative. It was further alleged in the report that on account of inactivity or lack of initiative by the concerned officials of the Bangladesh Embassy in the USA the Indian garments industry lobby was out to destroy the market of Bangladesh in USA. So naturally the question arises whose interest is being looked after by our Embassy and other concerned agencies and officials and to whom are they really accountable?The Weekly ‘Sonar BangIa’ in its issue of May 26, 1995 has expressed similar sentiments. The paper says that an international agency. is engaged in making anti-Bangladesh campaign in the USA to ruin the garments market of Bangladesh in the USA and the strangest part of the whole affair is that despite an these uproars Government is conspicuously maintaining silence. It seems that it is not” a matter of concern for either our Embassy in the USA or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Ministries of Industry and Commerce.

Earlier when the US Senator Tom Harkins presented the Bill in the US Senate regarding imposing ban on garments ‘produced by child labour to the USA, the Bangladesh Embassy in Washington and other concerned ministries and officers had played similar roles. the Daily Inqilab, in its issue. of 26 January 95 wrote, , Senator Harkins infonned that he wanted to discuss the subject of employment of child labour in the garment industry of Bangladesh so that necessary steps can be taken in this regard. He said that the government of India, through a Minister, had discussed the subject with him. But no initiative had yet been taken by Bangladesh side. Mr.Harkins wanted to know why the Government of Bangladesh was so slow in taking any initiative in this regard.

The Daily Inqilab further reported that Bangladesh Embassy in Washington did not contact the Senator in this respect. If any such initiative was taken by Bangladesh Embassy in the USA the scheme of RAW to deprive Bangladesh of the Western markets particularly the USA could have been curbed. ‘l’he concerned Bangladesh officials by showing such apathy, have upheld the-interests of India rather than Bangladesh. One really ponders so as to at whose behest this inactivity, apathy conspiracy is going on and why the agents of RAW are carrying out their nefarious activities unhindered.

---------- Post added at 02:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 PM ----------



The fish wealth of Bangladesh can be divided into two broad categories, sweet water fish of the inland waters and the salty water fish of the sea. Owing to its climatic conditions, favourable soil and waters which include rivers,canals, ponds, vast sea and long coast, Bangladesh has an ideal environment for the growth of both types of fisheries.Experts believe that if potential of fish industry is fully exploited, it can hecome the largest foreign exchange earning sector in the country even surpassing garment industry. However, due to Indian machinations, fisheries have not achieved desired development and growth in Bangladesh.

By constructing Farakka Barrage and 40 other small and large dams on common rivers, India has already put an end to the sweet water fish industry of Bangladesh. Now RAW is pursuing its objective of destroying the sea fish wealth of Bangladesh. Fish and Rice which were once synonymous with Bangladesh are now a story of the past.The damage done to fisheries of Bangladesh can be gauged from the fact that thousands of tons of fish is now being smuggled in from India into the country which once used to export fish itself.

According to a survey carried out by the Zoological Department of Dhaka University, the economic zone of the country in the Bay of Bengal comes to 1lakh 64 thousand square kilometres. 475 varieties of fish and 24 varieties of shrimp are found in the said zone. The survey states that upto 40 meters depth of the coastal region the stock of floating fish is 2 lakh tons, in the 200 meters depth zone there are stock of 20 lakh tons of 42 varieties of general fish and another 20 lakh tons in the inner depth of sea(Daily AI Mujadded : May 31, 1995).

The fish resources in the sea belt of Bangladesh include Tuna, Salmon, Mackerel, Johnkis, Sword, Shrimp, Lobster, Roopchanda, Roopan, Hilsha, Laittya and many others totalling 475 varieties. A cautious estimate indicates that Bangladesh can easily export annually upto 4 lakh tons of sea fish(Professor Abul Kalam Azad: Bangladesh Amar Bangladesh: Page 61).The fish wealth of sea is a gift of Allah to Bangladesh. Its collection is not expensive as the only expenditure incurred is on sailing and netting. Fish has been the second largest export item after ready made garments. Similarly shrimp cultivation is one of the best sources of income for Bangladesh. The price or shrimp in intertlational market varies from 366 taka to 736 taka per kg. Bangladesh has very successfully developed its coastal region for shrimp cultivation. The demand for frozen fish products particularly Shrimps was fast increasing in international market. In the year 1972-73 the earning from exporting frozen fish products was 2.38 crore which rose in 1994-95 to 1100 crore taka(Daily AI Mujadded : May 27, 1995).

According to a sub-editorial of the Daily Ittefaq, printed on June 3, 1995, if concerted efforts are made to develop fisheries, . Bangladesh will be able to produce lobsters alone worth 24 thousand crore taka annually. India sees Bangladesh as her sole competitor in export of frozen fish products in the world market. The three fold increase in Bangladesh’s shrimp production made India envious to such an extent that RAW was directred to develop ways and means to destroy the pisciculture of Bangladesh particularly the shrimp cultivation.

Indians have, been indulging in our fish stock ever since the independence of Bangladesh. They encourage and help Indian fishermen to net fish stealthily in the sea of Bangladesh. Indian sea food exports have increased manifold as a result of the said piracy. Later the Indians have started using force to catch fish and shrimp from Bangladesh’s water areas. The Khulna Bureau of the Daily Al Mujadded reported that during the tidal uproar and flood of May 15-17, 1995, ninety percent of the Shrimp hatcheries of the South coastal region of Bangladesh were washed away. When Banglade”Shi fishermen were recovering the same in their own area, large number of Indian fishermen also arrived with about 50 to 100 trawler boats. They chased the Bangladeshi fishermen out from their own sea and looted the shrimps. The Indians entered Bangladesh territory through Pasur, Hariabangha,Raimangal and south Talpatty Island. Indian pirates not only looted the fish wealth but also took away the fishing nets and other fishing equipment of the poor Bangladeshi fishermen (Daily Al Mujadded : May 21, 1995).The Bangladeshi fishermen could not face the Indian buccaneers because it is learnt that Indian Navy generally backs such operations(Daily Janakantha : December 20, 1994).

The looting of fish from the waters of Bangladesh by Indians has now become a common complaint. A UNDP report revealed that an approximate of 40 crore taka worth fish are being annually looted by foreign trawlers from Bangladesh water areas.3 In the month of February 1995, Bangladesh Navy seized 3 Indian trawlers with 33 persons and five Indian trawlers with 54 persons on 10 and 13 February respectively. The names of the five Indian trawlers were FB Mother Ganggar Dhan, FB Mother Monosa, FB Mother Kamala, FB Mother Saroda and FB Mother Katwani(Daily Al Mujadded : February 14, 1995).

The Daily Inqilab’s reporter from Bagerhat reported that in last week of September 1994 and in the first half of October 1994, Bangladesh Navy captured 17 Indian fishing trawlers with 223 fishermen. Another report states that during the period from 1991 to May 1995 a total of 52 foreign fishing trawlers were seized. Out of these 43 were Inidians. Needless to mention that due to the paucity of Naval vessels with Bangladesh it is not possible for the authorities to seize all foreign vessels entering Bangladeshi sea. Besides, many a seizures did not even reach the news room.

The large scale theft of Bangladesh’s fish wealth is yet not enough for RAW’s satisfaction. They want to completely destroy the fish resources of Bangladesh. For the purpose a very mean strategy has been adopted recently. RAW had got dumped some eight thousand six hundred bags of garlic into the area close to fish hatcheries within Bangladesh waters. These garlic bags were imported through J. R. Trading on a Chinese vessel’Yangmin’ and were dumped into the waters of Bangladesh on the plea of becoming unfit for human consumption. The import of garlic worth taka 1 crore 12 thousand under the cover of a non-governmental Bangladeshi firm and then throwing it away in nylon bags in a planned manner smells of foul play. RAW’s aim was to drive the fish away from Bangladesh waters owing to the foul smell of rotten garlic. Indeed this is a unique example of an intelligence agency damaging economic interests of target country by destroying its pisciculture. It is a clear proof of RAW’s vicious designs against Bangladesh.

As a result of this unprecedented action the Bangladesh sea-coast was totally denuded of its fish wealth. A daily newspaper reported that on February 6, 1995 a group of experts on pisiculture on their vessel ‘Anusandhani’ went out in the sea to obtain mother shrimps for the ‘Niribili hatchery’ at Cox’s Bazar. After a trawling of consecutive six days upto 60 nautical miles, only 17 mother Shrimps were captured. The pisiculturists informed that on account of the bad smell of innumerable floating bags of rotten garlic, the environment of the sea coast was adversely affected which drove the fish away. It is reared that. this would have far reaching effects on country’s fishing industry(Daily Al Mujadded : February 26, 1995).

At the time of independence, Bangladesh had no vessels of its own. She (Bangladessh) hired a vessel from India to export its frozen sea foods. The said vessel on its way’was anchored at Madras and small iron spikes were injected into the body of shrimps. This was done with the intention to earn bad name for Bangladesh. Yet another conspiracy of RAW to diminish our shrimp industry was to create misunderstandings amongst the hatchery owners and rice cultivators of Khlilna region. RAW succeeded in this venture resulting in armed clashes between the two. In the latest conspiracy RAW tnrough its agents has started abducting fishermen of Bangladesh fishing in high seas demanding ransom and killing the poor fishermen if ransom is not paid. Daily Al Mujadded reports that during May 1995 at least 24 cases of dacoity were committed by Indian pirates in the coastal belt of the Bay of Bengal.

Eight fishermen simply disappeared after being taken away by the Indian dacoits and 30 fishermen were seriously injured(Daily AI Mujadded, June 5, 1995).To curb this piracy Government had decided to raise a Coast Guard Regiment. But the plan seems to have been put in cold storage. In’ this regard Daily Al Mujadded reported, in 1993 the standing committee of The Jatiya Sangsad (National Assembly) on Home Mfairs decided to raise a Coast Guard Regiment. In 1994 a draft policy was adopted under the caption ‘Coastal Guard Act ’94. The training and expenses were all worked out, but no further steps have been taken till date. Reasons for the delay are not known. Uncertainty still prevails regarding fate of proposed Coast Guard Regiment(Daily Al Mujadded : February 14, 1995).

Knowledgeable circles informed that RAW has managed to delay the project through its agents in Bangladesh’s higher echelons. This is yet another example of national interests being sacrificed to please Indian masters.Indian Border ‘Security Force has also been attacking Bangladeshi fishermen while fishing in frontier rivers. The Daily Bangladesh Observer reported on 13 August, 1995,Two Bangladeshi fishermen were. shot and killed by Indian Border Security Force while fishing in a frontier river in Satkhira District. The BSF men left the area when BDR patrols appeared there’. The aim of such attacks is to deter Bangladeshi fishermen from fishing in common frontier rivers thus denying them their legitimate share of the fish in these rivers.

Throwing of rotten garlic in the coastal region, vicious looting of fish wealth of Bangladesh, harassment, kidnapping for ransom and killing of poor fishermen are all part of RAW’s scheme to hamper growth of fisheries in Bangladesh. RAW is ruthlessly pursuing its agenda of creating hurdles and impeding progress of Bangladesh’s economy. The reason is understandable. However, the irony is that appropriate counter measures have not been taken by those who are responsible for the same.

---------- Post added at 02:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:37 PM ----------



Television and Radio are the best mass media for entertainment and creating public awareness. In Bangladesh both are state owned organisations and are run by public money. In’1989 a daily news paper reported that in BTV alone there were 431 dramatists and writers, 1171 drama artists, 181 dance artists, 35 dance directors, 431 instrumentalists, 1202 vocalists, 198 music directors and tuners(Daily Sangarm : June 19, 1989).In 1988 a sum of one crore 46 lakh taka was spent as honorarium for the artists alone in BTV. As majority of the people of Bangladesh are poor and illiterate who can neither afford to buy books nor can they read, therefore the influence of radio and television on the people is more pronounced and far reaching.

These two organisations can playa vital role in infusing and nurturing religious feelings and projecting national culture and tradition, But unfortunately both of these organisations are under tremendous influence of RAW and hence failed to fufil national aspirations. In the truest sense of the term BTV and Radio Bangladesh are not playing desired role for proje.cting and developing the national identity and building national character. RAW influenced people have saddled themselves so deep in these organisations that our national identity can’t find projection either on TV or Radio. .

It has been learnt from different sources that in every branch of BTV there are well placed pro-In.dian elements. According to reports the number of RAW influenced officers and staff in the organisation is such that for the coming ten years even if BTV stops recruiting RAW influenced people, still it would not be free of its spell. There is no section in BTV which is free from RAW agents including the News Section. Ninety percent of the officers of BTV have close links with RAW. These officers receive regular monthly allowance from RAW (Weekly Sainik : July 17, 1991).

There are 27 codes of ethics for broadcasting and telecasting programmes over radio and television. These include propagation of Bangladeshi nationalism, projection of state policies, traditional Muslim values, development of morality, curbing corruption and anti-social activities,encouraging birth control, promoting national culture and traditions, spreading education and general awareness etc. Besides, BTV has its ‘own censor code which states that no fIlm be shown that projects moral degradation, crime or sin. Nudity to include nude shadow image, undressing,symbolic dances, sex, rape and objectionable bed scenes are to be strictly avoided(Daily Sangram : June 19, 1989) .Unfortunatly BTV has utterly failed in following the stipulated code of eithics and ‘censor. The entire managment, planning, presentation :1 nd production staff is under RAW’s influence. Instead of projecting Islamic values they are promoting Indian culture. So much so that even the main pillar of state policy i.e., faith in Allah and Islam is not reflected in BTV’s most programmes.

In fact, BTV programmes do not appear to be work of a TV station belonging to the second largest Muslim state. The dialogues, statements, comments, scenarios and dresses are mostly repugnant to the main principles of Islam. In most of the dramas, on the plea of necessity of the story,the traditional Muslim culture, norms and social values of Bangladesh are ignored. When any anti-social character is depicted, he is generally shown with a beard and a cap on his head. At times evil characters are shown as Haji,Maulvi, Pir etc. (i.e., personalities respected in Islam). The religion is ridiculed and projected in poor light(Daily Sangram : June 18, 1989).

In different BTV programmes including dramas, the Calcutta culture dominates in matters of dress and language, thus shadowing national culture and Muslim identity of Bangladesh. To prevent national integration,plays about Razakars and Albadars of 1971 are repeatedly telecast. Speical programmes and plays are presented to spread disunity and disaffection amongst different classes of people particularly with reference to liberation war of 1971. BTV is also promoting a pseudo to liberal culture. In most of the plays it is shown that young boys and girls rise in revolt against their parents. Wives revolt against their husbands. The main purpose of depicting such acts is to destory our traditional social values and family ties. In many plays explicit love scenes are shown disregarding our social values. The depiciton of smugglers, extortionists, professional murderers, mastans and drug addicts is done in a manner that such characters are glorified on screen. BTV plays-Sangsapatk, Shooktara, Purbodin Purboratri, Ayomoy, Jonaki Jaley, Roopnagar, Tathapi, Phiriye Dao Aronnya, Kothao Keu Nei etc. are examples of disregard of Islamic and national values.

BTV has proved its loyalty to RAW by over projecting Rabindranath Tagore in most of its dramas. There is hardly any play where Tagore is not shown, or his songs are not sung or his poems are not read. Even in advertisements Rabindranath Tagore is sometimes seen or heard. On the occasion of observance of Rabindranath’s birth anniversary BTV’s heroines or heros and dancers display on their foreheads the Hindu symbol of ‘Tilak’. Since Tagore’s literature is mainly Hindu literature in which Hindu history, culture and traditions are projected, therefore, his over projection amounts to promoting Hidnu i.e., Indian culture in Bangladesh. It may be mentioned that in all the works of Rabindranath Tagore there is no Muslim character except ‘Kabuliwala’ iWho also does not belong either to West Bengal or Bangladesh, he is, in fact a resident of far off Afghanistan.

Most of the officers, producers, presentation organisers, dramatists are under so much obligation to RAW that even on occasions like Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Azha (Muslim festivals) they do not avoid showing their love and affection for India. Programmes shown on these occasions depict nothing about the significanc”e of Eid, Muslim brotherhood, community feelings and Islamic teachings regarding Eid etc. Instead what they present are absurd programmes which have no relevance to the occasion. Though BTV fails in presenting the real significance of Eid, but the concerned persons do not fail in protecting the Indian interests. Thus between presentation of Eid programmes they punch in Tagore items. In a programme on recent Eid (1995), while presenting an artist to the audience and viewers a lady announcer introduced her as famous in both Bengals’.BTV’s love for India was very poignant in the drama titled ‘Ta-ra- Ta-ra-ya Kha-chita’. The dramatist while discarding numerous songs and ghazals of N azrul Islam and other Muslim, poets, had sung a devotional poem of Rabindranath Tagore. It was a deliberate attempt to indicate that no programme is complete without Rabindranth Tagore.

In the same programme BTV showed Hindi song in one of its programmes. For a nation who fought a war against Urdu, is it not surprising that its BTV programme includes a Hindi song? Who are the persons~that BTV authorities are trying to please? In this connection The Daily Meillat commented, ‘When Urdu was swept away from Banglaesh why now Hindi language is becoming so dear to the national broadcasting and telecasting authorities. Instead of showing Bengali song why should the BTV authorities present a Hindi song? A section of dramatists of BTV is very deftly and cleverly trying to misguide the nation and drawing them to a path of destruction (Daily Meillat : May 14, 1995).

RAW influenced Persons in BTV, on instructions from RAW, are trying to create an impression on the new generation that only the Hindu poets and litterateurs had enriched the modern Bengali language and literature. To establish this falsehood BTV seldom telecasts, any programme on Muslim poets and litte:yateurs of ancipnt and middle ages. The works of Muslim .poets of ancient era like Alawal, Syed Sultan, Abdul Hakim etc. and of modern age eminent Muslim scholars like Syed Ismail Hossain Seraji, Kaikobad, Mir Mosharraf Hussain, – Dr. Lutfur Rahman, Poet Gholam Mostafa, Dr. Muhammad Shahidullah, Abul Fazal, Poet Farrukh Ahmed, Jasimuddin, Syed Mujtaba Ali, Shahdat Hossain etc. are seldom considered suitable for BTV programmes. However, the pro-Indian poets like Shamsur Rahaman get good coverage over the BTV. Bpt poetry of much better standing like Ali Ahsan and Al Muhamud are ignored because they believe in Bangladeshi nationalism and the spirit of Islam.

BTV follows a path of discrimination even in case of guards of 1952 who had struggled for the Bengali language. Those who were anti-India are intentionally avoided by BTV in the programmes presented on the occasion of observance of language movement day. Sacrifices and struggles of nationalists like late Abul Kashem, late Justice Abdur Rahman Choudhury, Advocate Kazi Gholam Mahboob, Oli Ahad, Dr. Nurul Haq Bhuyan, Professor Abdul Gafoor etc. are never mentioned. On the other hand secular, pro-Indian elements are eulogized.

Pro-Indian youngster with the help of BTV have enlisted themselves as intellectuals, whereas recognized and established scholars if they happen to be believers of Bangladeshi nationalism are totally ignored. The eminent intellectual and philosopher Dewan Mohammed Azraf seems to be totally banned by BTV. Language and names are very imporatant factors in a nation’s culture and tradition. However, BTV persistently displays characters and names which are alien to our Islamic culture. In dramas, plays and other programmes use of Hindu names is a common practice. This is done to encourage and influence parents to give their children Hindu names. As a result adoption of Hindu nick names by Muslim boys and girls has become quite common in Bangladesh. Hindu name-s like Sawan, Sagar, Somudra,Nadi, Abantika, Saurav, Sujan, Shentu, Rajiv, Torun, Gagan, Anita, Bipasha, Shnata, Shanti, Amit, Ajit etc. have infiltrated into Muslim families. Muslim families could not think to keep such nick names even in the pre-partition era when Bangladesh was part of India- and the Muslims were a minority. Soon after liberation, BTV in accordance with the direction of RAW, introduced greetings ‘Subrabhat’ (Good Morning), ‘Subhasandhya’ (Good evening) and ‘Subharatri’ (Good night) in place of ‘Asalam-o-Alaikum’ or ‘Khuda Hafiz’. Again the aim was to eliminate the style of Muslim’s greeting and encourage secular way of greeting. But it is interesting to note that the common Muslims in the cities as well as in rural areas still do not use the word Subrabhat, Subhasandhya or Subharatri.Besides, BTV very frequently presents and projects people who are least connected with television, but are blessed by the RAW.

The influence of RAW over BTV is such that our disputes with India like Farrakka, Talpatty, Chakma rebellion, Bangabhumi movement, pushing back of Iridian nationals, smuggling, frequent border skirmishes, abduction of Bangladeshis, infiltration of Indians in Muhurir Char ,and other border’ areas, erection of barbed wire fencing and construction of watch towers and stealing of sea resources are seldom telecast by BTV. People of Bangladesh are kept in the dark about these basic problems faced by the nation. BTV never telecasted even an odd documentary on these vital national issues for creating public awarencess.

RAW’s influence over BTV was exposed on the issue of Farrakka once it was announced that BTV would telecast a feature on Farrakka on May 5, 1995 at 8:30 p.m but instead of ‘Barrage of Sorrow’, an Arabian Night series was telecast. Prior to this, in the month of April BTV made a similar farce, but at the appointed time for telecasting programme on Farrakka they telecasted a programme on art and literature. In the news bulletins of BTV news and features pertaining to India which may create poor impression about her, are avoided. Rarely there is any mention of atrocities committed by Indian forces and Hindu fundamentalists on Muslims in India including Kashmir. Whenever BTV does telecast any such programme on the subject it is only a brief summary of the events which is merely an eye wash.

Thus people have to depend on BBC, VOA, CNN etc. to know the truth. The position of Radio Bangladesh is not much different form BTV. The dramas broadcast by Radio Bangladesh are similar to those of BTV. These preach Bengalee culture setting aside Muslim identity, culture and heritage of Bangladesh. Specially the dialogues and the names of the characters of these drames are such that one can hardly think that these can be broadcast from a public media of a Muslim country. Let me cite an example of a drama which was broadcast at 10 p.m on November 2, 1994.

The drama,’Shabdeha Neay Sokunir Utshab’ (The festival of a vulture with a corpse) written by Mohammad Abdur Rab, included such words in the dialogue which are exclusively used by the Bengali speaking Hindus. First of all the very word of the title of the drama ‘Shabdeha’ is not used by 90% people of Bangladesh. Secondly, the names of the five major characters of the qrama were: Jibon, Ananda, Aloo, Onanta, Sanggita. It goes without saying that all these names are basically and widely used by the Hindu community. Now let me cite some dialogues: ‘May Bidata (to refer to Allah) bless you’, ‘May Bidata help us’, ‘Jibon’ Attahuti Deachay’ (sacrificed himself). Bidata, Sabdeha, attahuti, etc. are generally used by the Hindus.The drama lasted for about an hour in which the word ‘Bidata’ was uttered for more than 50 times. Muslims no where in the world use this word for Allah.The above examples highlight the penetration of RAW in BTV and Radio Bangladesh. These public sector organisatins are serving Indian interests and projecting Indian culture in our society. As long as .the influence of RAW will persist in these organisations, their policy will remain devoid of nationalism.

---------- Post added at 02:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 PM ----------



The vital role that newspapers play in formulation of public opinion needs no elaboration. RAW, being well aware of the same has chalked out elaborate strategy in this regard for furtherance of its overall objectives in Bangladesh. RAW, directly as well as indirectly, is controlling many newspapers in Bangladesh. It employs diverse tactics to .keep newspapers under contorl. Foremost in this regard is financial incentive. Besides, use of threat and intimidation are also resorted to. In many important newspapers RAW has infiltrated its paid agents who influence overall policy of concerned newspapers. RAW inspired newspapers help in creating favourable public opinion for India. They also promote secularism and Hindu culture in the name of Bengalee culture. The mercenary journalists of these newspapers are used for writing pro-India commentaries. They play down Bangladeshi nationalism and propagate and recommend pro-Indian policies.

Besides influencing policies of newspapers owned by Bangladeshis, RAW is running a number of dailies and weeklies through proxy. Many such newspapers sprang up towards the last part of Ershad regime and during BNP Government. Need for the same arose because RAW decided to intensify campaign for realization of its objectives. Outwardly these newspapers are run by Bangladeshis but behind the scene RAW controls everything. The circulation of the said papers is marginal and they are not profit earning concerns, yet RAW is keeping them alive through regular financing. These papers keep churning out RAW’s political propaganda. These are also used for vilification campaigns against pronationalist elements.
They unabashedly criticize partition of India and directly and indirectly propagate for merger of Bangladesh with India. They spread disinformation, discontent and promote disharmony amongst different classes, particularly with reference to events of 1971 liberation war. The aim is to impede national integration and progress. They also vehemently oppose Bangladesh’s friendship with Muslim counties. They write against Muslim ideology and promote. in its place secularism. The language, style and contents of these newspapers are usually similar to the gutter press (or yellow newspapers). An interesting observation is that these newspapers do not have independent and talented journalists. Instead RAW’s stooges and agents are employed in these papers. Thus RAW is establishing its agents as bonafide journalists and so-called intellectuals through these dummy newspapers. These newspapers also serve as ‘Business Houses’ for arranging employment and cover for RAW agents.

Different methods are adopted by RAW to provide financial assistance to these papers. Foremost is paying cash money. Other methods include arranging advertisements andr donations from large business houses which are actually used. as the godown of Indian goods. Some traders do not even have their own capital. They work as middlemen. They bring Indian goods entirely on credit. But they have to pay a portion of their profit to some selected newspapers. Sometimes these traders are advised to employ RAW agents in their firms. But their remuneration is actually borne by RAW. It may be mentioned that in the past erstwhile Soviet intelligence agency, KGB also used to run some newspapers in similar manner. After demise of Soviet union these newspapers are now financed by RAW.

Indian High commission in Dhaka patronizes those printing pressess from where pro-India newspapers are printed. They are awarded contracts for printing of High Commission’s stationery and publications etc. Excessive. payments are made for such printing works to cover the cost of publishing propaganda materials.RAW has also infiltrated its men in some of the Government owned newspapers and journals. In this connection I may cite example of Government owned journals Weekly ‘Bichitra’ and Weekly ‘Ananda Bichitra’. A close look at the activities of some of the senior journalists in these two journals can reveal as to how the-yare working for Indian interests.

These two journals mostly project pro-Indian writers, poets, litterateurs, Gultural activists etc. The ,weekly Bichitra is more bold in promoting Indian lobby and denouncing Islamic values. The Weekly in its issue of January 7,1994, published a report on ‘BAKER’ which was provocative and in bad taste. The caption of the 45th edition, 22nd year of publication was ‘FATWABAZ’. The purpose of the article was to defame religion and hurt religious sentiments of the Muslims.The Weekly Bichitra has .also been projecting activities of Nirmul Committee, a RAW sponsored organisaiton. Mter the death of Jahanara Imam, (President of Nirmul Committee), Weekly Bichitra published a .special supplemeI.lt on her. Jahanaran Imam had treason case filed against her by the Governement. Thus her glorification by a. Government weekly causes doubts about motives of journal’s management. Weekly Bichitra has also been projecting different persons of Sammilita Sangritik Parishad (Combined Cultural Council), a RAW inspired organisation. Similarly it promotes other social and cultural organisations connected with RAW.

The Weekly Ananda Bichitra often carries semi-nude photographs of Indian heroines. This is done deliberately to create market fo~ Indian’ films besides ct;eating sexual excitement among our younger generation. In this connection a daily of Dhaka had commented: “Ananda Bichitra is partonising nudity. There is seldom any issue of Ananda Bichitra where semi-nude photographs of ‘film actresses are not published(Daily Sangram : June 20, 1989).

Ananda Bichitra alS’o holds ‘Photo Beauty Contest’ every year. Young girls are encouraged to participate in the contest. Obviously this practice is repugnant to Islam. Next phase may be to hold live beauty contests to select Miss Bangladesh etc. and ultimately pave the way for participation by Bangladeshi girls in the world beauty contests. Recently the so-called Miss-Bangladesh beauty contest was held at a local hotel. Some of the organisers and judges of the contest have warm relations with RAW.There are reports that some highly placed journalists of Bichitra and Ananda Bichitra are involved in other RAW activities as well. Those who have executive power in Bichitra and Ananda Bichitra have virtually turned them into a club or meeting point for pro-IQ.dian political and cultural organisations. There are also allegations against one of the top persons that he is the representative in Bangladesh of ‘Swadhin -BangIa’ of Calcutta, the mouthpiece of so-called Swadhin Bangabhumi movement. An assistarit Editor is a member. of RAW inspired organisations Hindu-Buddha-Christian Oikya Parishad and Society for Krishna Council. Another Assistant Editor maintains regular links with Shantibahini, a RAW sponsored terrorist organisation. One of the 24 persons of Nirmul Committee against whom Government had brought charges of treason, is holding an important position in the Weekly Bichitra. ‘

The most surprising thing is that despite various allegations against different officers of Bichitra and Ananda Bichitra they are still holding their posts. The person who has been serving since the last 22 years has become so powerful and strong that despite various allegations published in different papers about him he is not only holding the post of Editor of Bichitra but also Ananda Bichitra. Recently due to excessive complaints he was removed from the posts and J anab Mansur Ahmed was appointed as the Editor of the Bichitra and Janab Ahmed Zaman Choudhury was appointed as the Editor of Ananda Bichitra. But under pressure from invisible powers, just two days after his removal, he was restored to his old post.

RAW has systematically managed to control the ‘fourth estate’ in Bangladesh. It has succeeded in planting its own men in most of the newspapers, both Governement as well as private owned. In addition, it is running many newspapers and journals from behind the scene. It is ironic to find’ so many journalists who are supposed to be eyes, ears and conscience of the nation, falling for RAW’s rewards in complete disregard of national interests. However, the redeeming feature is that many journalists and media-men who are aware of nefarious scheme of RAW, are coming forward to expose RAW’s game. Odds against them are heavy as they do not have adequate resources and finances. However, their determination and force of conviction are their assets in their battle for upholding national interests.

A.H. Jaffor Ullah

Published on February 13, 2007

Lately, NFB has become a waterhole for dunces. With sadness I say this. This used to be a thriving cyberspace with myriad-minded folks imbued with modernity. However, as of late, many obscurantist writers have been clogging the cyberspace with their fib. Read on and you will know what am I writing about.

Not a single issue of NFB that goes by these days without having some propaganda material blaring f.rom the front page. For the last few months a charlatan Bangalee by the name Mohammad Zainal Abedin had been posting his scribble in this news forum. He claims to be a researcher but he fails to tell the reader in which area he does his research. What is his academic credential and training to do research? He also claims to be a journalist. In which newspapers does he write? I routinely go through Dhaka’s English news dailies but never before did I peruse any article written by this “journalist.” If however he only writes for Inquilab or Sangram, then it is a different story. Since he is the one who is claiming all the outrageous stuff and NFB editor does not see that Abedin’s claims fall into the category of Yellow Journalism, the onus is on the writer and NFB editor to tell the readerships who this Mohammad Zainal Abedin is. After all, all these allegations about RAW doing bombings is coming f.rom him. In the same vein, he refutes the existence of Bangla Bhai and JMB.

I have seen a sea change in attitude among decent Bangladeshis who used to patently hate Sheikh Mujib and Awami League for whatever reasons. But these folks are coming around. Many readers may know that I have been writing about the growing menace of Islamization since 1997 when NFB came into the fore in cyber space. In fact, in 1998, I floated a web site by the name “Is Islamization of Bangladesh complete” in MSN. Many Bangalees were upset by my write-ups but I never swayed f.rom the truth. I could see the danger clearly coming f.rom the growth of Islamic fundamentalism in my ancestral homeland. A case in point is Dristipat’s managing director, Mr. Asif Saleh. He hated my write-ups so much that he used to pen short postings with derogatory remarks. He thought my assertion about BNP codling Jamaat and other fundamentalists were figment of imagination. It took Mr. Asif Saleh quite a few years before realizing that I was telling the truth all along. It is heartening to read an editorial written by him Daily Star on December 5, 2005, entitled “How did we get here.” The article is synonymous to the old Bangla phrase “Bhooter Mukhey Ram Naam.” But Mr. Asif Saleh had the epiphany at long last.

I knew that the likes of Asif Saleh who loved the party BNP would one-day see the light of the day. The day of reckoning is right now. But to change some diehard Islamists such as Mohiuddin Anwar or Mohammad Zainal Abedin is another matter. These folks will always smell *** in India. Their favorite view is – “India the proverbial six hundred pounds gorilla is out there to devour our Sonar Bangladesh.” They hardly know the fact that annexation of a country with 145 million people under this “New World Order” is unthinkable. It won’t sit well with the world community. Nonetheless, they will act like the proverbial Chicken Little who thought the sky is falling.

Mr. Mohammad Zainal Abedin is our Chicken Little who wrongly assumes that India is about to gobble up Bangladesh. He is not alone in this bizarre mode of thinking. Barrister Munshi, historian Tajul Islam Hashmi, rocker cum jazz musician Maqsood, ex-VC of Bangladesh Emajuddin, columnist Sadek Khan, and a whole slues of Bangladeshi thinkers, writers, newspapermen also hold such view. They think everything that ails Bangladesh is the handiwork of India and its agencies such as RAW, BSF, Army, etc.

Our “erudite” pundit, Mohammad Zainal Abedin, is now busily propagating the false notion that there is no such entity call JMB or Bangla Bhai in Bangladesh. He falsely argues that Islamic extremists are the figment of imagination by the India-loving press of Bangladesh. He also thinks that India has this great plan to prove to the world that Bangladesh is a “failed state.” In the end, he argues, India wanted to annex Bangladesh. But little do these charlatan writers understand the ground reality in South Asia.

Bangladesh has become an outright dangerous place on earth. Blame it on Huzurs, Muftis, Pirs, Mullahs, Shaikhul Hadis, Alems, Deobandis, Tabligis, and the entire shebang of Bangladesh’s religious world. These people are the ones who had been preaching ad infinitum since August 1975 to make this deltaic land into an Islamic Utopia. Not a day is wasted to preach and brain wash the young minds. Therefore, there is this proliferation of Qaumi madrassahs where they “teach” spiritual matters to convert the otherwise beautiful minds into hate-laden venomous one. In essence, these so-called Qaumi madrassahs have become snake farms. Mark my word, Mr. Zainal Abedin and Golam Arshad (aka Mohiuddin Anwar). Shying away f.rom the reality won’t help the ailing Bangladesh. Your propaganda to falsely accuse the PM of India to hatch a plan to destabilize Bangladesh is utterly deplorable. Do you care to know that in the summer months in 2004 Bangla Bhai and his marauding men were parading the streets of Rajshahi under the protection of police DIG, SP, OC, and ordinary sepoys? When the newsmen reported in various papers the government remained silent for a long time. A week later after the police let go Bangla Bhai and his men, they said – “There is no Bangla Bhai and he could not be found anywhere.” Now we read in the newspaper that some BNP lawmakers aided Bangla Bhai and his men to unleash a reign of terrors in Rajshahi, Bogra, Atrai, Naoga, Shantahar, and in the vicinity. Well, such is the reality in Bangladesh.

The Islamic politicians were also vocal about Bangla Bhai but in a strange manner. They said in unison –“There is no Bangla Bhai. It was created by the journalists.” These fibbers would let you believe that Islamic extremism hardly exists in Sonar Islamic Bangladesh. After all, Islam is a religion of Peace! What about the killing of the Jews in Medina after our peaceful prophet won the victory in war. But no, these are Jewish propaganda; Mohammad Zainal Abedin would foam through his mouth proclaiming these inanities. No Huzurs or Muftis are going to admit it lest the truth comes out in a cinch.

Now that the ordinary Bangalees of our motherland had realized where the snakes are coming f.rom to bite our people, they are very vocal now. To combat this growing trend the Jamaatis and other shadowy Islamic groups have hired the likes of Mohammad Zainal Abedin, Golam Arshad (aka Mohiuddin Anwar) to propagate the cyber space with their make belief stories. These stories have no meat so to speak. Without any proper attribution the charlatan scribblers are having a field day in NFB. No decent newspaper would publish the fibs created by the “researchers.” NFB is ruining its reputation by giving coverage to the fibbers’ story. In the end, the bulk of the readership would reject these insinuating write-ups. Posting these fake stories would be counterproductive but the editor of NFB hardly sees the reality. Like Abedin and Anwar, he probably also believe in the ****-and-bull stories that all the arrested Islamists and the suicide bombers are Indian lovers who are coming by droves to Bangladesh to detonate bombs and in the process dismembering their bodies and spilling blood so that Bangladesh becomes in the eyes of the world body — a failed state. They wrongly think that Bangladesh would be annexed by India to make one “Akhanda Ram Rajya,” the dream of Hindu fundamentalist. But are they in the catbird seat of power? Hell, no! The secularists are in power in New Delhi, aren’t they, Mr. Mohammad Zainal Abedin? Besides, why should they annex a nation that is plagued with corruption, nepotism, and extremism? India is smart enough to know that by taking Bangladesh under its fold, they will be inviting trouble. In fact, Bangladesh is a Pandora’s box that should never be opened. Sixty thousand snake farms is no joke either, Mr. Abedin? Get lost in obscurity. Bangladesh will face modernity without the obscurantist like you. Why is the editor of NFB siding with the dark force – I don’t get it!

Dr. A.H. Jaffor Ullah, a researcher and columnist, writes f.rom Ithaca, New York.​
Sources plox.

RAW and Bangladesh | BDINN.com

I will give you some info about the author, allow me to quote myself :lol:

Muhammed Zainal Abedin even got the coveted LISA Award in 2007, for his book published in 1995. A man with such credentials has got to be taken seriously!

If you guys are wondering what LISA is. Well LISA stands for London Institute of South Asia, a very legit organisation which is not run by Pakistanis at all. :: London Institute Of South Asia ::

"RAW and Bangladesh" author Zainal Abedin gets LISA award | Islamabad Globe

We can all see where this propaganda comes from.
RAW operations as revealed in Indian and Bangladesh books


Monday September 26 2011 13:14:19 PM BDT

Isha Khan

RAW’s operations against the regional countries are conducted with great professional skill and expertise. Central to the operations is the establishment of a huge network inside the target countries. It uses and targets political dissent, ethnic divisions, economic backwardness and criminal elements within these states to foment subversion, terrorism and sabotage.

Having thus created the conducive environments, RAW stage-manage future events in these countries in such a way that military intervention appears a natural concomitant of the events. In most cases, RAW’s hand remains hidden, but more often that not target countries soon begin unearthing those “hidden hand”. A brief expose of RAW’s operations in neighboring countries would reveal the full expanse of its regional ambitions (Open Secrets. India’s Intelligence Unveiled by M K Dhar. Manas Publications, New Delhi, 2005).

Indian intelligence agencies were involved in Bangladesh since early 1960s.In fact, the main purpose of raising RAW in 1968 was to organise covert operations in Bangladesh. As early as in 1968, RAW was given a green signal to begin mobilising all its resources for the impending surgical intervention in erstwhile East Pakistan. When in July 1971 General Manekshaw told Prime Minister Indira Gandhi that the army would not be ready till December to intervene in Bangladesh, she quickly turned to RAW for help. RAW was ready. Its officers used Bengali refugees to set up Mukti Bahini. Using this outfit as a cover, Indian military sneaked deep into Bangladesh. The story of Mukti Bahini and RAW’s role in its organisation and training is now well-known. RAW never concealed its Bangladesh operations. Interested readers may have details in Asoka Raina’s Inside RAW: the story of India’s secret service published by Vikas Publishing House of New Delhi.

The Indians played upon Bengali sentiments in the aftermath of the 1965 Pakistan-India war through RAW so that when opportunity struck the Indians were well-prepared. Indian sources, including journalists, have put on record how much before 1971 RAW had established the network of a separatist movement through ‘cells’ and military training camps in Indian territory adjoining Bangladesh. The Mukti Bahini were all in place organisationally to take advantage of the political trouble in 1971 and carry out acts of sabotage against communication lines so that Indian forces simply marched in at the ‘right’ time. RAW agents provided valuable information as well as acting as an advance guard for conducting unconventional guerrilla acts against the Pakistani defence forces. A Bengali, who was a Mukti Bahini activist, Zainal Abedin, has written a revealing book which includes his personal experience in Indian training camps, entitled RAW and Bangladesh. It was the post-fall of Dhaka period which exposed the Indians’ true intentions and made Abedin realise that It was evident from the conduct of the Indian Army that they treated Bangladesh as a colony … It is now evident that India had helped the creation of Bangladesh with the aim that it would be a step forward towards the total Indian subjugation. RAW has since been seeking to create Indian dominance culturally, ideologically and economically in Bangladesh.

In addition, RAW had also created another insurgency force: The Shanti Bahini. This force comprises the Chittagong Hill Tracts Hindu and Buddhists tribesmen (the Chakmas) and the intention is to bleed the Bengali military and keep the border area tense.

The Chakma guerrillas had closely assisted RAW operatives. They were assisted during and after the liberation War. The Chakmas, after the change of govt in 1975, contacted the RAW. The Chakmas offered to infiltrate among the Mizo rebels and pass on information to the Indian govt in lieu of asylum. This offer was accepted (Inside RAW : The Story of India’s Secret Service, Asoka Raina, Vikas Publishers, New Delhi, 1981, pp.86-87).

In 1975, the RAW was instructed to assist the Chakma rebels with arms, supplies , bases and training. Training was conducted in the border camps in Tripura but specialized training was imparted at Chakrata near Dehra Doon. Shantu Larma’s Shanti Bahini members were flown to Chakrata and then sent back to Tripura to infiltrate into Chittagong Hill Tracts. A RAW office and its operatives at Agartala monitored the progress of the trainees. In 1976, the Shanti Bahini launched its first attack on the Bangladesh force. A new insurgency had been born and India’s secret war in the hills of Bangladesh had begun ( South Asia’s Fractured Frontier, Binalaksmi Nepram, Mittal Pablishers, New Delhi, 2002, pp-153).

The RAW was involved in training rebels of Chakma tribes and Shanti Bahini to carry out subversive activities in Bangladesh (RAW’s role in Furthering India’s Foreign Policy, The New Nation, Dhaka, 31 August 1994).

The Indian intelligence had collaborated the armed rebels of Chittagong Hill Tracts to destabilise the region ( Indo-Bangladesh Relation, Motiur Rahman, daily Prothom Alo, 10 December 2002).

RAW retained a keen interest in Bangladesh even after its independence. Mr. Subramaniam Swamy, Janata Dal MP, a close associate of Morarji Desai said that Rameswar Nath Kao, former Chief of RAW, and Shankaran Nair upset about Sheikh Mujib’s assassination chalked a plot to kill General Ziaur Rahman. However, when Morarji Desai came into power in 1977 he was indignant at RAW’s role in Bangladesh and ordered operations in Bangladesh to be called off; but by then RAW had already gone too far. General Zia continued to be in power for quite some time but he was assassinated after Indira Gandhi returned to power, though she denied her involvement in his assassination( Weekly Sunday, Calcutta,18 September, 1988 ).

It has also unleashed a well-organized plan of psychological warfare, creation of polarisation among the armed forces, propaganda, creation of dissension’s among the political parties and religious sects, control of media, denial of river waters, and propping up a host of disputes in order to keep Bangladesh under a constant political and socio-economic pressure ( “RAW and Bangladesh” by Mohammad Zainal Abedin, November 1995, RAW In Bangladesh: Portrait of an Aggressive Intelligence, by Abu Rushd, Dhaka ).

---------- Post added at 03:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:24 PM ----------

My 2 cents :cheers:


RAW is actively pursuing its agenda to disintegrate Bangladesh. They always remain in search of an issue for fulfilling their objective. Since there is no division amongst masses with regards to language, ethnicity and culture, RAW has been relying upon religious differences to initiate and develop separatist movements in the country. Bangabhumi is the proposed name of a homeland for the Hindus who had migrated to India from East Bengal in the past. It is stated that one and half crore Hindus uprooted from the basins of Rivers Padma, Meghna and Madhumati who were forced to leave the area on account of economic deprivation and communal riots, now claim to have a right to settle in their own motherland. The state is planned to comprise of the districts of greater Khulna, Jessore, Kushtia, Faridpur, Barisal and Patuakhali of Bangladesh.

The start of Bangbhumi movement was announced on August 15, 1977. Its office is located in Ramlal Bazar of South Calcutta. The organisation styled itself as ‘Nikhil Banga Nagarik Sangha’ (All Bengal Citizen’s Organisation). Mr. Sri Partha Samanta is the President and Mr. Kalidas Vaidya is the General Secretary of the Organisation. On March 25, 1982 ‘Nikhil Banga Nagarik Sangha’ officially declared the formation of ‘Bangabhumi’inside the territory of Bangladesh.Besides forming the ‘Nikhil Banga Nagarik Sangha’,RAW has also set up some paper organisations i.e., ‘Bangla Liberation Organisation’ styled on the pattern of ‘Palestine Liberation Organisation’ and ‘Liberation Tigers of Bengal’on the pattern of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elarn.

Before we expose RAW’s support to the Bangabhumi activists, it is pertinent to analyze rationale of their demand. It is a known fact that after partition in 1947 Hindus had the option to settle either in Pakistan or migrate to India. While many Hindus stayed back in the then East Pakistan, many others migrated to India. Likewise many Muslims left India and migrated to Pakistan. Such migrations were final and cannot be revoked on any pretext’ now. The question arises that on what pretext RAW wants to create a separate homeland for Hindus who had migrated to India voluntarily at their own will from East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) in 1947. During the united Pakistan, and even prior to 1977, such a preposterous claim was never raised. Such an attempt amounts to interference in the independence, sovereignty and regional integrity of Bangladesh.

The total area of proposed Bangbhumi comes to 20 thousand square miles which is more than one third of the total area ‘of Bangladesh. The border of Bangabhumi runs in the north along River Padma, in the east along River Meghna,in the west along India-Banglade’sh border and in the south along the Bay of Bengal. The declared capital of the s.tate is at Samantanager (Mukti Bhaban or Freedom House) which has no apparent existence. According to reliable sources Samantanager is nom de plum for Bangabhumi HQ established in a house named ‘Sunny Villa’ in Bhabanipur, Calcutta. This house is owned by Mr. Chittaranjan Sutar, a famous RAW agent. ‘Sunny Villa’ had once played a pioneering role in organising activities for disintegration of Pakistan and creation of Bangladesh. That very Sunny Villa is again active and is being utilised this time for disintegr,ating Bangladesh. The reason is that Bangladesh has declined to bow before Indian designs thus it ought to be taught a lesson.

The flag of proposed Bangabhumi state comprises of one third green colour and the two third of saffron colour. In the middle of the saffron colour is the white sun. On the top of the stand is’ a circle. The National Anthem is the faIrlous song of poet Dijendra Lal Roy: ‘Dhana Dhanye Pushpe Bhara, Arnader Ei Basundhara’. (This land of ours filled with crops and flowers). The National Symbol is depicted by a green circle in another saffron coloured circle with word ‘Sri’, (Symbol of beauty and prosperity) written in the saffron circle. The state policy proposed to be adopted ~s non-communal and humanism. The name of propsed radio station is ‘Bangabani’ keeping in line with ‘Akashvani’ and its’ call s-ign is ‘Joy Banga’ in line with ‘Jai Hind’ of India.

An armed wing of the organisation named ‘Bangasena’ has also been formed. The Commander of this armed force is Mr Kalidas Vaidya. The main organiser and trainer of Bangasena is Arun Ghosh. The only condition for enlistment in ‘Bangasena’ is that the recruit should be a resident or had been a resident or born in East Bengal. If either of the answers is in affirmative then he is considered eligible to be enlisted in ‘Bangasena’. The daily Anandabazar Patrika of Calcutta, while writing about ”Bangasena’ reported, ‘The majority mempers of this Bangasena which is a voluntary force lack any plitical consciousness. They are utterly communal in their outlook, semiliterate and very emotional (Daily Anandabazar : September 13, 1989).

RAW has deliberately recruited Hindu fanatics and extremists in the organisation so that it is easy to get any mischief done from them. However, the experts say that though Bangasena apparently comprises of riff raffs of Calcutta, but many former officers and personnel of the Indian Armed Forces are also working behind the scene.The supporters and activists of Bangabhumi had threatened to enter into Bangladesh from India many times in the past. But all their attempts failed. In Bangladesh they had circulated posters and publicity material printed in India through agents of RAW. Many such posters, leaflets and pamphlets were seized by police from Naryanganj, Kushtia, Jessore, Khulna and Barisal.

Besides, police also seized many so-called flags of Bangabhumi which the agents of RAW had smuggled from India for hoisting on Government buildings. However, the RAW agents did manage to hoist Bangabhumi flag at three places in Tala Thana of Jessore. But the local people and the police immediately seized the flags. Bangabhumi leaders also sent letters to the Deputy Commissioners and other senior officers of the area threatening them to ex-communicate with Government of Bangladesh by March 23, 1985 and owe their allegiance to the so called Bangabhumi Government failing which they will be killed alongwith their families.

To create harassment amongst Bangladeshis of this region and to attract international news media, RAW provoked its agents to launch an ,attack on the office of the Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Calcutta (April 11, 1994). The agents of RAW justified their actiQn by saying that since Bangabhumi has come into being, therefore, they were justified to own .and occupy Bangladeshi Mission in Calcutta. They attacked building of Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in presence of Indian police, entered into the premises of the Mission and hoisted the flag of so called Bangabhumi. . RAW had enacted similar drama through its agents at the office of the Bangladesh High Commission in New Delhi on August 15, 1984.

RAW wants to create disturbances, terrorism and communal trouble in Banladesh on the plea of Bangabhumi movement. The agents of ‘Bangasena’ who are armed with mo~ern weapons are looki”ng for an opportunity to infiltrate into Bangladesh. Thereafter they will create such conditions in the region through blood letting and rioting that India may be justified to march in its regular Armed Forces into the area to establish ‘peace and order’. That is how Indians are ultimately planning to separate western part of Bangladesh. However, this is a long term plan. For the time being, the Bangasena is being nurtured by RAW to function as a pressure group to compel Bangladesh to adopt a Pro-India policy. Nevertheless they are being prepared for the fore mentioned greater objective to be pursued in due course. After all RAW is not an orphan house that it will keep spending crores of rupees on such organisations without any ultimate aim in view.
Barrister Munshi, historian Tajul Islam Hashmi, rocker cum jazz musician Maqsood, ex-VC of Bangladesh Emajuddin, columnist Sadek Khan, and a whole slues of Bangladeshi thinkers, writers, newspapermen also hold such view. They think everything that ails Bangladesh is the handiwork of India and its agencies such as RAW, BSF, Army, etc.

Wow! :woot:
HAH Isha Khan another regular contributor to Rupee News! Very reliable source of information, and not biased propaganda at all.

LOL, if she's an ''activist'' contributing to rupeenews, then like most of their contributors like abdul ruff coalachal, she does not exist too. All these deceitful liars are fictional / real characters from Ahmed Quireishi's pathetic propaganda campaign.

These guys are truly scum!
LOL, if she's an ''activist'' contributing to rupeenews, then like most of their contributors like abdul ruff coalachal, she does not exist too. All these deceitful liars are fictional / real characters from Ahmed Quireishi's pathetic propaganda campaign.

These guys are truly scum!

You nailed it brah!

Isha Khan
A Bangladeshi activits who regualrly posts on Rupee News

Dr. Fawzia Khan
A professor based in New Jersey who writes for various magazines including Counterpunch.

Dr. Abdul Ruff
Prolific writer from Delhi who regularly contributes to Rupee News

Dr. Koncha
A Dalit activits from Hydrabad India who highlights Dalit issues in Dalit Freedom Network

Jim Mondavi: 27 year old economist and journalist, center-left.

Riaz Khan
An American freelance journalist who lives in the US

Munir Khan
An Indian activist who writes on politics

Ahmed Quraishi
A Pakistani nationalist who has his own site www.ahmadquraishi.com

Andaleeb etc. etc

Contributing Authors to Rupee News | The Ledger

And some of their bs websites include,

Times of Bombay, Times of Assam, Times of Kabul, Times of Kashgar, Lahore Ledger, Karachi Telegraph, Islamabad Globe, Rupi News and of course the one and only Rupee News.
wasn't a similar thread opened a few weeks ago using the same name too? aren't Bangladeshis tired of flogging the same horse?
You nailed it brah!

And some of there bs websites include,

Times of Bombay, Times of Assam, Times of Kabul, Times of Kashgar, Lahore Ledger, Karachi Telegraph, Islamabad Globe, Rupi News and of course the one and only Rupee News.

All the Crap Sites Registered at Godaddy Hosted in Bluehost, Hidden behind the A*s of DomainsbyProxy!

Anything Common!


The Common Address found is:

Administrative Contact:
Ansari, Moin moinansari@aol.com
1013 Gates Ct
Morris Plains, New Jersey 07950
United States
(856) 988-6131

:lol: :lol:
^^ Haha, RAW agents ftw:triniti:


I hope the saner Bangladeshis can see through all this anti-India propaganda, being run by we know who.
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