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India backs palestinian bid for UN membership


Jun 13, 2009
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India has already expressed backing for the Palestinian bid for UN membership. But how much will this hurt ties with Israel?

With India’s ascension to the UN Security Council as a non-permanent member in January 2011, attention has inevitably focused on New Delhi’s positions on key international issues. India has already had to take a stance on thorny issues such as Libya and Syria. But the Palestinian bid for statehood at this week’s UN General Assembly is arguably the trickiest issue of all facing the international community.

With its history of support for Palestinian-related resolutions at the United Nations, it shouldn’t be surprising that India has already expressed support for the Palestinian bid. India’s backing was conveyed by Deputy Foreign Minister E. Ahamed in a meeting with the Palestinian Ambassador to India on August 11. Nabeel Shaath, former Palestinian foreign minister and special envoy of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, also met with Indian External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna during his visit to India last month to canvas for Indian support for the Palestinian plan. At the time, the External Affairs Ministry ‘reiterated India’s strong and unwavering support to the Palestinian cause and assured that India shall continue to adhere to its principled stand on Palestine.’

Such support goes back a long way. India was the first non-Arab state to recognise Palestine in 1988, and New Delhi has supported Non-Aligned Movement-sponsored resolutions on the need for the expeditious establishment of a Palestinian state. In addition, India also co-sponsored and voted in favour of a draft resolution at the United Nations on February 18 that termed Israeli settlement policies ‘illegal.’ India’s Explanation of Vote affirmed that India’s decision was ‘consistent with our long-standing position of solidarity with the Palestinian people and our position that the settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories are illegal under international law…’ That resolution was, however, vetoed by the United States – the first such veto by the Obama administration.

Given that the upcoming move by the Palestinians would be a unilateral effort seeking statehood, it’s worth noting that Ahamed, in a speech on the occasion of ‘International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People’ on January 28, urged a ‘negotiated solution resulting in a sovereign, independent, viable and united state of Palestine living within secure and recognized borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, side by side and at peace with Israel as endorsed in the Quartet Roadmap and United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1397 & 1515’ (emphasis added).

The Palestinians for their part claim that more than 140 countries have expressed support for their bid. However, in order for their efforts to bear fruit they need the support of the Security Council. And, among the veto-wielding powers, the United States has been vigorously opposed to such a bid, with Obama stating that such a move would be ‘counter-productive.’ The French Foreign Minister has warned that it could lead to a ‘serious diplomatic crisis.’ Russia and China, meanwhile, have indicated that they will support the bid. British Prime Minister David Cameron, in an interview with Al-Jazeera on September 9, affirmed that Britain does ‘support the ambition of the Palestinians to have statehood,’ but nevertheless insisted that ‘it’s not the UN that can confer statehood on the Palestinians. The only way statehood is going to happen is for the Israelis and the Palestinians to sit down and negotiate and agree the terms of the Israeli state and the Palestinian state.’

Israel’s position is far more clear-cut. It has warned of serious repercussions, including the annulment of all agreements with the PNA such as on security cooperation and over issues such as the sharing of water and also trade. Abbas has insisted that the Palestinian bid for statehood is part of an effort to seek international support for their legitimate cause, yet special envoys from the United States (David Hale and Dennis Ross), EU Foreign Policy chief Catherine Ashton and Middle East Quartet Representative Tony Blair have in recent days visited the region in an effort to persuade the Palestinians to give up their bid and return to the negotiating table.

With all this in mind, what impact will India’s support for the Palestinian bid have on India-Israel relations? It’s worth noting that India’s history of support for the Palestinian cause is acknowledged and accepted by Israel and the United States, a fact highlighted by diplomatic communications revealed by WikiLeaks, as well as statements of key officials like former Middle East Special Envoy Chinmaya Gharekhan.

India’s recent statements should therefore have surprised no-one. Israeli policy makers have, of course, previously expressed the view that India should have ‘acted with more discretion’ when it endorsed the UN-mandated Goldstone report (which investigated Israeli and Hamas actions during Operation Cast Lead) at the United Nations in October 2009. But given that Israel is currently looking extremely isolated in its immediate neighbourhood, especially with countries like Turkey and Egypt, it will likely find it difficult to lambast India on an issue that has such broad support among UN members.

Still, while India’s support for the Palestinian bid isn’t likely to affect the robust defence ties (worth more than $9 billion) and economic relations (annual bilateral trade is about $5 billion), it could raise the stakes on any wider engagement.

Regardless, whatever the outcome of the Palestinian bid to become the newest and 194th UN member state, we’re clearly at a fork in the road as far as this seemingly intractable issue is concerned. Whether the effort will lead to a further hardening of positions and the empowering of radical elements in each camp, or whether it will facilitate a return to the negotiating process, remains to be seen.

WTF is hapenning , is the congress high on weed? They seriously have no idea what they are doing. The least they can do is abstain from voting on the issue. This will hurt ties with israel.
Perhaps they will learn when Hamas terrorists start blowing up people in India
Why the hell our politicians are so power hungry ? I mean just to get Muslim votes we are trying to get involve in a cat fight. Just like nobody wants to get involve in Indo-Pak or Chinese disputes similarly we should respect Israel-Palisteanean dispute. We are the ones to lose the most if we upset Israelis.
Why the hell our politicians are so power hungry ? I mean just to get Muslim votes we are trying to get involve in a cat fight. Just like nobody wants to get involve in Indo-Pak or Chinese disputes similarly we should respect Israel-Palisteanean dispute. We are the ones to lose the most if we upset Israelis.
Israeli are not going to say much ..because everyone knows Indians are the most pro Israel people in this world.
From India with love - Israel News, Ynetnews

The greatest level of sympathy towards Israel can be found in India, according to international study on behalf of the Foreign Ministry, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Friday.

According to the study, which was unprecedented in scope and was undertaken by an international market research company, 58% of Indian respondents showed sympathy to the Jewish State. The United States came in second, with 56% of American respondents sympathizing with Israel.

The study was undertaken as part of the "Branding Israel" project and aimed at looking into Israel's international stature at what researchers characterized as the world's 13 most important countries, including the US, Canada, Britain, France, China, and Russia. A total of 5,215 people took part in the study.

Other countries that showed significant sympathy to Israel included Russia (52%) Mexico (52%) and China (50%). At the bottom of the list, the study ranked Britain (34%) France (27%) and Spain (23%) as the least sympathetic countries towards Israel.
Lol,As if we are the center of the universe.Look around you guys,nobody cares which way India votes.Do you see anybody lobbying around for our attention? no? then stop with the entire dog and pony show.
Serious question. Is there a reason why the local Indian population are so fond of Israel? Any cultural similarities or anything?

Cant speak for the whole population, but what does it for me is the similarities between Israel and India as victims of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism (focus on fundamentalist terrorism, not on Islam). Kind of creates a feeling of kinship

to add to that, India has been partnering with Israel in business and defense since long so that helps too..
If India supports Palestine against Israel ,its a clear backstabbing . Before supporting Palestine India should think abt extreme help offered by Israel in all our hard times . if Palestine get UN membership in what way that is helpful for us? whether it able contribute more than Israel in India?. We should not support any Muslims issues all over the world else better stay calm.

Note: Majority of inventions and discoveries are from JEWS. India ,Russia,Israel ,France would be powerful bloc in near future.
Cant speak for the whole population, but what does it for me is the similarities between Israel and India as victims of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism (focus on fundamentalist terrorism, not on Islam). Kind of creates a feeling of kinship

to add to that, India has been partnering with Israel in business and defense since long so that helps too..
I second that
idiots in Congress we need to throw our weight behind Israel, congress just loves to F up everything we have good with other countries.
Israeli are not going to say much ..because everyone knows Indians are the most pro Israel people in this world.
From India with love - Israel News, Ynetnews
It's all a put-on. Israel was told in advance about the Indian vote. It's to show the Muslim world that we are fighting for their cause. It always happens this way, so Israel knows it's just posturing for the public, nothing more!

The relationship between India and Israel is deeper than the oceans and higher than the mountains! (Now where the heck did I hear this line before??!! :pop: )
this resolution will be vetoed,so 0% chance ...nothing wrong in voting to score other points;)
Cant speak for the whole population, but what does it for me is the similarities between Israel and India as victims of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism (focus on fundamentalist terrorism, not on Islam). Kind of creates a feeling of kinship

to add to that, India has been partnering with Israel in business and defense since long so that helps too..

Funny that you just mentioned Israel when there are so many other countries that are also victim of terrorism including a certain neighbour of yours.

Trade business is done between government dealing, doesn't affect the local population, unless you're one of those who base your judgements of countries by your government policies, which by that logic, I should be hating Israel then :lol:

With that being said, I don't have an issue though, everyone can have a favourite country :)
Cant speak for the whole population, but what does it for me is the similarities between Israel and India as victims of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism (focus on fundamentalist terrorism, not on Islam). Kind of creates a feeling of kinship

to add to that, India has been partnering with Israel in business and defense since long so that helps too..

Add to that they were the ones who stepped in at the most critical time during Kargil when other countries were hesitating or did not have the required tech :)
Add to that they were the ones who stepped in at the most critical time during Kargil when other countries were hesitating or did not have the required tech :)

Please dude.You make it sound as if India would've been defeated if Israel didn't show up.What kind of critical tech was transferred again?

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