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Should Bangladesh deploy ARMY at the border?


Mar 14, 2008
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this might sound stupid but as u can see the BSF killing(93 a year in average) and raping innocent Bengalis there(Its natural for the Indians not to admit it easily!) I think Bangladesh should deploy army at the border to get a better defense.
BDR is doing very well but I dont think 67000 is enough to defend our border and there are a lot of crimes going on there which BDR is sometimes unable to control.
So, wouldnt it be great to add more 3 lakh to that. And BDR should also be converted to army. I'm saying all this cause the Bangladesh Army has got nothing to do rite now...so, I think they should be deployed at the border to defend it.

So, whats opinion regarding this matter???
nice idea from you but bangladesh goverment+ economy and india accept your idea?
nice idea from you but bangladesh goverment+ economy and india accept your idea?

brother, I actually dnt care about India...i dnt think its gonna harm us in anyway...
our army have been created to defend our land...if it really harms our economy thn wats the point of creating and spending a lot of money behind the army...???
brother, I actually dnt care about India...i dnt think its gonna harm us in anyway...
our army have been created to defend our land...if it really harms our economy thn wats the point of creating and spending a lot of money behind the army...???

but i think there is no harm at this time between BD and india so why you want to weste you power and sorces because som accedents happen at border its true india is first state who have prob on all borders.but we have to safe ourself and safe economy people and army also.we make army for defence of land not adventure wich i think you need this time.also remember trade between india banladesh what happen your imports and exports to india after army standoff :sniper:
but i think there is no harm at this time between BD and india so why you want to weste you power and sorces because som accedents happen at border its true india is first state who have prob on all borders.but we have to safe ourself and safe economy people and army also.we make army for defence of land not adventure wich i think you need this time.also remember trade between india banladesh what happen your imports and exports to india after army standoff :sniper:

brother, Bangladesh no longer depends on India on transit since China is assisting Bangladesh to making a route via Myanmar to China...
theres an article in the bdmilitary website abt this matter as "No transit facilities for India: China, Myanmar back Bangladesh's Asian Highway route change demand"
due to some problems im temporarily unable to access there my account.
BDR is armed with more advanced weopons(from western countries like Germany, etc) while BSF depends on their local ones...and the Bangladesh Army is no doubt armed to teeth with more advanced weopons than both BDR and BSF.
If there are other problems thn China is always there for us Insha-Allah as u can see they dont like India at all.
brother, Bangladesh no longer depends on India on transit since China is assisting Bangladesh to making a route via Myanmar to China...
theres an article in the bdmilitary website abt this matter as "No transit facilities for India: China, Myanmar back Bangladesh's Asian Highway route change demand"
due to some problems im temporarily unable to access there my account.
BDR is armed with more advanced weopons(from western countries like Germany, etc) while BSF depends on their local ones...and the Bangladesh Army is no doubt armed to teeth with more advanced weopons than both BDR and BSF.
If there are other problems thn China is always there for us Insha-Allah as u can see they dont like India at all.

ok you righy brother

but evey big deploy have some reasens what you have a reaesen that you want to deploy half bangladeshi forces on border:pop:
ok you righy brother

but evey big deploy have some reasens what you have a reaesen that you want to deploy half bangladeshi forces on border:pop:

brother i hav already mentioned it in the first post.
BSF kill 93 Bangladeshi people a year in average and they r also indulged in raping our girls...they also steall our territory forwarding the pillar inside Bangladesh and claiming thats Indian territory(ex. south talpotti, captured by India after '71 war claiming that belongs to them!)...
n ther r a lot of crimes such as smuggling n etc which BDR r not able to control all the time...
hope u get my point...:)
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I am still confused what you are suggesting. Do you want to mass up the Bangladeshi Army along your border with India?. Do you want a standoff or something?.
I am still confused what you are suggesting. Do you want to mass up the Bangladeshi Army along your border with India?. Do you want a standoff or something?.

Let me tell you one thing, the person who have opened this thread seems to have nothing have to do better in his life and hence he is bringing such scenario, this people are among those who have yet to see the crude casualties and pain of warfare and hence he reliving himself by making such unrealisitic scenario back up by alledging BSF for nothing.
Bangladesh accused of border buildup

GAUHATI, India -- The Indian military has accused Bangladesh of boosting its forces along the border, increasing tension after last week's fighting left 19 soldiers dead.

Indian troops have been put on maximum alert along the 4,000-km (2,500-mile) border with Bangladesh following the apparent build-up, a senior Indian military official said Tuesday.

"The military buildup on the Bangladesh side is increasing and they have moved in medium machine guns and mortars," said Arvind Ranjan, who heads Indian border forces in the states of Tripura, Mizoram, and southern Assam's Cachar sector.

Bangladesh is recruiting 20,000 new border guards to safeguard its frontiers with India and to curb smuggling, a top Bangladeshi official said Tuesday.

Despite the recruiting, Bangladesh denied that Bangladesh was already increasing its patrols, moving up army troops and beefing up weaponry along the border.

The accusation dampened sympathetic exchanges between Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee and Bangladeshi Prime Minsiter Sheikh Hasina, who promised a thorough inquiry into the killings.

Border Security Force Deputy Inspector General S. Basumatari said in Agartala, capital of the northeastern frontier state of Tripura: "They not only increased strength but also dug trenches and took positions with sophisticated weapons.

"Their movements are now visible on several border points along Tripura."

More Bangladeshi soliders were reportedly also being deployed near Pyrdiwah, a village that Bangladeshi Rifles border troops took over last week, leading to clashes in which 16 Indian soldiers and three Bangladeshi soldiers died.

CNN.com - Bangladesh accused of border buildup - April 24, 2001
Let me tell you one thing, the person who have opened this thread seems to have nothing have to do better in his life and hence he is bringing such scenario, this people are among those who have yet to see the crude casualties and pain of warfare and hence he reliving himself by making such unrealisitic scenario back up by alledging BSF for nothing.

7 posts full of BS.

8th post is also BS considering where the question is directed at when all of his questions are already answered in the first 7 posts.

9th post, again BS considering the message is directed at all the wrong people.

10th post, mine, is the most idiotic post in this forum for my audacity to post in this particular thread.

Oops, i was a second late. Make my post the 11th one.
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Let me tell you one thing, the person who have opened this thread seems to have nothing have to do better in his life and hence he is bringing such scenario, this people are among those who have yet to see the crude casualties and pain of warfare and hence he reliving himself by making such unrealisitic scenario back up by alledging BSF for nothing.

Jeff, the above mentioned news is very old...but it seems to me like its new to you...
so, wat u gotta say abt this???
I can show u a lot abt this kinda border clash...
but this was the biggest border clash between India and Bangladesh leaving nearly 40 Indian soldiers dead...
8th post is also BS considering where the question is directed at when all of his questions are already answered in the first 7 posts.

No, my question was a genuine one because seriously I was confused what he was suggesting. If I get a clearer explanation and understand the motives behind it I can respond better.

I like to understand how members think and understanding their views, that's why I joined this forum. :)
this might sound stupid but as u can see the BSF killing(93 a year in average) and raping innocent Bengalis there(Its natural for the Indians not to admit it easily!)

brother, I actually dnt care about India

If there are other problems thn China is always there for us Insha-Allah as u can see they dont like India at all.

All his posts carries hate messages. What more do u want from him?

I like to understand how members think and understanding their views, that's why I joined this forum.

Thats the reason even I joined this forum.:)
But I know BS when I see one.:frown:
BSF killing(93 a year in average)

its BS ok

Its natural for the Indians not to admit it easily!)

this one also

kinda border clash...

7 posts full of BS.

8th post is also BS considering where the question is directed at when all of his questions are already answered in the first 7 posts.

9th post, again BS considering the message is directed at all the wrong people.

10th post, mine, is the most idiotic post in this forum for my audacity to post in this particular thread.

Oops, i was a second late.

every thing for you is BS mr BS

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