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Zulfikar Mirza did what ....

Mani karachi is not like you have made perception in your mind. My fruit wala is pashtun in my way to home, my driver is pashtun, watchman (seeti babu) is pashtun, life is normal in karachi except few areas where the phadda is between political parties for division of area. We are living with all ethnicities peacefully. In karachi flat system is famous, almost in every flat you will find people of every ethnic group. Hardware shops are normally owned by pashtuns, we dont face any problem while interacting with each other. Bhai you know this bcaz of media and we ate facing this since 1985. So dont worry. And eid mubarak.

Come on S.M.R don't tell me that you didn't get my intention about it being said in a lighter note just to relax some nerves
Ask any Pakistani(Bihari or Bengali) how you guys treat them & they will give you clear answere

No matter how they are treated, at least they are alive. At least no Punjabi supermecist group kidnaps them, tortures them, and stuffs their bodies in bags. no Punjabi groups goes to their businesses and extorts money from them. No body forces them to give their zakaats to a certain organization. same goes for Pakhtoon, mohajir and kashmiri ethnic groups. They are living and working in various cities of punjab without any such problems.

These MQM followers always blame Punjabis for mistreating Benaglis and Biharis but they forget that Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Yahya Khan were in power during the war in Bengal, and both men were not Punjabis. As for the Pakistan Army, there were plenty of Mohajirs in Pakistan Army during that time also....and their hands were also not clean.
These MQM followers always blame Punjabis for mistreating Benaglis and Biharis but they forget that Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Yahya Khan were in power during the war in Bengal, and both men were not Punjabis. As for the Pakistan Army, there were plenty of Mohajirs in Pakistan Army during that time also....and their hands were also not clean.

First of all read my post again i said PAKISTANI(BIHARI & BENGALI) NOT BANGLADESHI & 2ndly even ask Bangladeshis who they hate the most from Pakistan is Punjabis because they were sole responsible of 71 from West Pakistan.

Also don't spread lie propaganda, 35% Pak Army was from NWFP, 48% from Punjab, 10% Baluchistan rest 7% includes mostly Sindhis, Gilgit-Baltistanis, mohajirs were very less.
Most ironic part here is Karachiettes (esp urdu speaking) are getting lectured on how to live and are accused of killing other ethinicities (Esp pushtuns also baluchs) and that is from people who have little or ZERO (0) knowledge about living in a multi cultured , multi ethinic place in Pakistan. Give us a break here & tell me a place in Punjab where such a mix of people have been living since decades.

We have lived with pushtuns and baluchs for long enough there has never been such a mess .Enlighten me Where in punjab are so many Pukhtoons or Baluch even are living in any of the cities ... help your self and compare it with the 40 million + afghan refugees etc , let me see which city in punjab has even 15% of the population compared to karachi !! And yeah when in your replies those who differ with my opionion instead of coming up my neighbour and my college collegue story please give us a VALID source confirming the population of different ethnicity's in the respective cities (esp punjab) or else zip it as you dont have the slightest clue what you are talking about here.

---------- Post added at 12:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 AM ----------

Where in the video it says AH was arrested ??
I think only solution for whole Pakistan left is to ban parties made on ethnicities or religion, 2 new parties must be formed & rest all parties should be given choice to choose either of them, a party who select none of these 2 new parties should not be consider a party & have no right to stand in elections. Dozens of parties & almost all created on ethnicity(except PTI & APML) are creating troubles.
First of all read my post again i said PAKISTANI(BIHARI & BENGALI) NOT BANGLADESHI & 2ndly even ask Bangladeshis who they hate the most from Pakistan is Punjabis because they were sole responsible of 71 from West Pakistan.

Also don't spread lie propaganda, 35% Pak Army was from NWFP, 48% from Punjab, 10% Baluchistan rest 7% includes mostly Sindhis, Gilgit-Baltistanis, mohajirs were very less.

Why you always come up with this stuff " ask yourself " , isn't it the easiest way to safe yourself while blaming other by saying "ask yourself" if all work has to do by us then what are you here for and why are you posting here? if you have any statistics available show us here as a proof of bangalis hate specifically punjabis

You are talking like if you rule bangladesh or you know all bangalis or you are such high-figh personality to whom 10000 bangalis come every day to tell you there sad tale , or you personally have conducted some kind of census in bangaldesh or work in some kind of international hate association , who are you?

Next time come up with some concrete facts before poking your nose in any matter you don't have knowledge about , talk on solid facts not on fairy tales or fabrications
Zulfiqar Mirza should go to court and present his proof: MQM

Published: August 30, 2011

Speaking at MQM headquarter Nine Zero, party leader Faisal Sabzwari said that many people in the past had expressed their hatred for the MQM and party leader Altaf Hussain. PHOTO: IRFAN ALI/FILE
KARACHI: The Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) on Tuesday held a press conference in response to the earlier allegations made by Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) leader Zulfiqar Mirza.
Speaking at MQM headquarter Nine Zero, party leader Faisal Sabzwari said that many people in the past had expressed their hatred for the MQM and party leader Altaf Hussain.
He said the MQM had shown responsible behavior in the wake of Zulfiqar Mirza’s statement and their response showed “manners and culture.”
On breaking Pakistan
On Zulfiqar Mirza’s allegation of Altaf Hussain conspiring with the US to break Pakistan, Sabzwari said that he had made childish allegations that highlighted the “mentality” of the former Sindh senior minister.
“It is a lie that the MQM’s enemies have been narrating since the party was created…it is nothing new…just like the lies regarding the creation of Jinnahpur,” said the MQM leader.
Sabzwari said the MQM had been formed by people whose ancestors had left everything behind for the sake of Pakistan. He added that it was actually Zulfiqar Mirza who had come on the media and said “we want to break Pakistan”.
“Just a few months ago Zulfiqar Mirza had stated that he wished to break Pakistan. This same individual is now making shameful allegations against the MQM.”
Referring to documents held by Mirza and circulating online, Sabzwari said the MQM would defend anything the party had written. He added that only yesterday, the UK High Commissioner said he had no knowledge of a letter sent by the MQM chief to former prime minister Tony Blair which called for disbanding the ISI.
Target killers and terrorists
Speaking on the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) reports that had recently revealed that members of the MQM had been found involved in target killings, Sabzwari said that all criminals should be presented in court and that they were “innocent until proven guilty.”
He said that it was the right of every person to go to court and that Zulfiqar Mirza should also go to court with the allegation he has made and present his proof there.
“Zulfiqar Mirza shouldn’t become a judge and jailer and should go to court” he said.
“This drama was carried out to divert attention from the suo motu hearing of the Supreme Court on the Karachi situation.”
He alleged that extortion and kidnapping rose when Zulfiqar Mirza had taken charge as home minister, adding that 500 MQM workers were killed during Mirza’s tenure.
Sabzwari referred to the Shershah scrap market incident and said the attackers had surrendered but had later been released as the witnesses in the case had been threatened to not come forward. He alleged that the same criminals had later been seen with Zulfiqar Mirza at a Peoples Amn Committee rally, where he had said that they were all his children.
He said that Zulfiqar Mirza had spoken a lot about peace in Karachi when he had taken charge, but he spoke up as soon as the operation in Lyari began and a torture cell was discovered at “one of his children’s home and office.”
Sabzwari said that operations against terrorists and miscreants must continue across the board to end violence in the city.
The issue of ethnic hatred
Sabzwari said that no member of the MQM or Altaf Hussain were against the Pashtuns or any other ethnicity, and that the Pahtuns were their brothers.
“It is Zulfiqar Mirza who is conspiring to create a rift between Pushtoons and Muhajjirs” he said.
The MQM leader said that there had been no rifts between the Muhajir and Baloch communities, and alleged that Mirza was conspiring to create ethnic divisions between the two communities.
Truth and the Quran
Before the Q & A session, Sabzwari said he had his hands on his seat and not on the Quran.
He said that he did not need to prove that he is speaking the truth by placing his hand on the Quran and it was the trust and support of the people that proved the party was truthful.
He added that MQM members were not like those who had lied to the point that they would have to hold the Quran or “raise the holy Quran over their heads” to make their point.
Sabzwari called on MQM workers to maintain peace and calm in this time.
Looks like an important pointer towards target killers and bori band tamasha

Man recovered alive from gunnysack

Updated at: 1353 PST, Tuesday, August 23, 2011
KARACHI: A man believed to be dead was recovered alive from a gunnysack Tuesday, Geo News reported. Criminals dumped the man believed to be dead in Lyari and fled.

When the gunny bag containing the body was taken to the hospital, it was discovered that the person identified as Imran was alive. He was immediately provided medical treatment.

According to Imran’s mother, he had left the house for Eid shopping and was kidnapped, tortured and shot. His injured body was stuffed in a gunnysack and thrown in the Lyari area.
this guy is bashing MQM on news,its quite brave of him.
If people still support MQM after this then shame on them.

---------- Post added at 09:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:42 PM ----------

What Future of MQm After ZM speech............
well nothing, people still voted for PPP even though they petty rob all Pakistan's money in the pass.
this guy is bashing MQM on news,its quite brave of him.
If people still support MQM after this then shame on them

---------- Post added at 09:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:42 PM ----------

well nothing, people still voted for PPP even though they petty rob all Pakistan's money in the pass.

Yes & it was also brave when he announced to separate Sindh from Pakistan.

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