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Chinese experts call for talks on South China Sea issue

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Chinese experts call for talks on South China Sea issue

China opposes attempts to internationalize the South China Sea issue, which could jeopardize peace and stability in the region, China's international relations experts said on Friday.

"China has indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea islands and their surrounding waters," said Ma Zhenggang, former president of the China Institute for International Studies.

China would like to resolve disputes with concerned parties through direct bilateral negotiations, he said during a press briefing on China's foreign policy.

Ma said the region's rich reserves of oil and gas are the major reason for the escalation of tension in the South China Sea. The United States' attempt to step up its presence in the Asia-Pacific region is also a factor, he said.

"Some Western experts have said that the United States regards the issue as an important starting point for its 'back-in-Asia' policy, while other countries that wish to confront China are pinning their hopes on U.S. interference," Ma said.

The South China Sea has been part of Chinese territory since ancient times, Ma said, adding that there was no dissension from any country on China's sovereignty over the area until the 1970s.

"In the middle of the 1970s, Vietnam and the Philippines illegally occupied several islands and started exploring for oil and gas, which sparked the dispute," Ma said.

In 2002, China and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations signed the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, aiming to maintain peace and stability in the region.

"All concerned parties agreed to resolve disputes via peaceful means, jointly safeguard regional stability and carry out cooperation in that area," Ma said.

The declaration said that concerned parties should not undertake any unilateral activities that might complicate the situation, said Qu Xing, president of the China Institute for International Studies.

"In recent years, some countries have unilaterally conducted illegal oil-and-gas exploration in the area," he said, urging those countries to stop such activities.

China has settled more than 90 percent of its border disputes via peaceful talks, Qu said.

Chinese experts call for talks on South China Sea issue
Chinese experts call for talks on South China Sea issue

China opposes attempts to internationalize the South China Sea issue, which could jeopardize peace and stability in the region, China's international relations experts said on Friday.

"China has indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea islands and their surrounding waters," said Ma Zhenggang, former president of the China Institute for International Studies.

China would like to resolve disputes with concerned parties through direct bilateral negotiations, he said during a press briefing on China's foreign policy.

Which dispute relates with 2 nations, ok, let go with bilateral negotiations. For example, Hoang Sa island, between Viet nam and China. China used army to occupy it from Vietnam in 1974 illegally ( South Vietnamess lived and worked in Hoang Sa island before 1974 )

Which dispute relates with more than 2 nations. Why bilateral negotiations ? For example Truong sa relates to 5 nations must be internationalized

International sea route at South East Asia , besides Asean nations and China, relates to US, India, Australia, Japan, Russia....so must be internationalized.
An advantage of talking is that we may avoid war

but a war is perhaps just what china needs to test out her new weapons and to demonstrate her superiority in the region. what is the point of building a powerful military if you will just let these little raindrop nations get away with theft?

these little raindrop nations might come together and make a puddle, but china is the great ocean.
Judging by the Viets here, I am going to go out on a limp to say there isn't much to negotiate about between the two sides. A limited war might be the option if there are no rooms for diplomatic talks. Like Roman historian Tacitus said, a bad peace is worse than war.
Chinese experts call for talks on South China Sea issue

China opposes attempts to internationalize the South China Sea issue, which could jeopardize peace and stability in the region, China's international relations experts said on Friday.

"China has indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea islands and their surrounding waters," said Ma Zhenggang, former president of the China Institute for International Studies.

China would like to resolve disputes with concerned parties through direct bilateral negotiations, he said during a press briefing on China's foreign policy.

What is an oxymoron statement made by Ma Zhenggang! :laugh:

Why is it called "oxymoron"?

Because, if China has indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea islands and their surrounding waters then the world and various South East Asian nations have already accepted and there wouldn't be any bilateral negotiations.

What is a negotiation?

Wikipedia said:
Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more people or parties, intended to reach an understanding, resolve point of difference, or gain advantage in outcome of dialogue, to produce an agreement upon courses of action, to bargain for individual or collective advantage, to craft outcomes to satisfy various interests of two person/ parties involved in negotiation process.

Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more people or parties, intended to resolve point of difference - meaning, there are points of differences between China vs Vietnam or China vs Philippine etc ...

As we all can see that many topics on this forum have not been able to resolve anything between Chineses and Vietnameses' point of view about Parcel and Spratly Islands. Why? because it is a disputable issue in regard of sovereignty over the South China Sea islands and their surrounding waters.

Ma said the region's rich reserves of oil and gas are the major reason for the escalation of tension in the South China Sea. The United States' attempt to step up its presence in the Asia-Pacific region is also a factor, he said.

"Some Western experts have said that the United States regards the issue as an important starting point for its 'back-in-Asia' policy, while other countries that wish to confront China are pinning their hopes on U.S. interference," Ma said.

Well, :laugh: don't give us the reason to be 'back-in-Asia' then, right China!?

The South China Sea has been part of Chinese territory since ancient times, Ma said, adding that there was no dissension from any country on China's sovereignty over the area until the 1970s.

South China Sea term has been using to give people an idea of where is that location about on the map - South of China; not meant that it belongs to China. :rofl:

"In the middle of the 1970s, Vietnam and the Philippines illegally occupied several islands and started exploring for oil and gas, which sparked the dispute," Ma said.

Vice versa, Vietnam said China illegally invaded those islands ... in 1974.

In 2002, China and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations signed the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, aiming to maintain peace and stability in the region.

"All concerned parties agreed to resolve disputes via peaceful means, jointly safeguard regional stability and carry out cooperation in that area," Ma said.

The declaration said that concerned parties should not undertake any unilateral activities that might complicate the situation, said Qu Xing, president of the China Institute for International Studies.

"In recent years, some countries have unilaterally conducted illegal oil-and-gas exploration in the area," he said, urging those countries to stop such activities.

What did China do then?

According to The Vietnam Bar Federation (VBF) on June 12 issued a statement to oppose China’s violations of Vietnam’s sovereignty and jurisdiction rights over its continental shelf and exclusive economic zone.

In its statement, the VBF asked the Chinese side not to make the East Sea situation more complicated by threatening to use forces or using forces, and to conduct itself in line with the role as a member of the United Nations, especially a member of the UN Security Council and in capacity of a nation with important role in Asia-Pacific and the world.

According to the Vietnam Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson and concern agencies, on May 26, three Chinese marine surveillance vessels cut surveying cables of Binh Minh 02, a surveying ship of the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group at 12 degrees 48’25” north latitude and 111 degrees 26’48” east longitude, some 116 nautical miles off Dai Lanh cape in the central coastal province of Phu Yen and about 340 nautical miles off China’s Hainan island coast.

On late May 31, three Chinese naval vessels fired to threaten four fishing boats of Vietnamese fishermen while they were fishing at 8 degrees 56’ north latitude and 112 degrees 45’ east longitude on the continental shelf of Vietnam.

On June 9, a Chinese fishing boat supported by two Chinese fishery administration vessels deliberately hit the survey cables of Viking II, a ship hired by the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group to conduct seismic surveys, at 6 degrees 47’5” north latitude and 109 degrees 17’5” east longitude on Vietnam’s continental shelf.

Based on the UN Charter, the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties on the East Sea between governments of ASEAN countries and China, China’s above-mentioned acts seriously violated Vietnam’s the sovereignty and jurisdiction rights to its continental shelf and exclusive economic zone, making the East Sea situation continue to be tense.

VN lawyers oppose China

China has settled more than 90 percent of its border disputes via peaceful talks, Qu said.

Chinese experts call for talks on South China Sea issue

It just doesn't seem like China has settled the tension in the Southeast Asia Sea, however. :azn:
Judging by the Viets here, I am going to go out on a limp to say there isn't much to negotiate about between the two sides. A limited war might be the option if there are no rooms for diplomatic talks. Like Roman historian Tacitus said, a bad peace is worse than war.
Limit war ??Don't ever dream about it bro, only small problem like Cutting cable is enough to make all Vnese angrry and protest gainst you and the weakness of our VietNam Gov.If "limited war " happend, it will be the Finish of our Weak gov.

So, No war or all become dust, that depend on your China Gov.'s decision .War is not the Game, which we can replay :)
Vietnamese proud to promote "Our government lied and cheated you, we are a liar, we are a ungrateful nation."
Talks with such a country is very difficult to have the result.
Vietnamese proud to promote "Our government lied and cheated you, we are a liar, we are a ungrateful nation."
Talks with such a country is very difficult to have the result.

Your Gov draw an U shape in SCS (East sea) that make every one oppose, and even have to say: It's unsubstantiated territorial claims (Mr.Mc Cain), so, every one in the world know exactly Who is liar already :)
So, No war or all become dust, that depend on your China Gov.'s decision .War is not the Game, which we can replay :)

It depends on you whether send more oil survey ship to the disputed area 。

all become dust?Please do not overconfident,just Vietnam become dust !!
It depends on you whether send more oil survey ship to the disputed area 。

all become dust?Please do not overconfident,just Vietnam become dust !!
If we can block your cargo ship route pass by our EEZ in 3 months or longer, China will be in short oil reserver,so your car, motor bike will not have enough oil to move, all investor will run to India or Indonesia. Then, the collapse of economy will come soon :).
Vietnamese proud to promote "Our government lied and cheated you, we are a liar, we are a ungrateful nation."
Talks with such a country is very difficult to have the result.

Why does China still want to have bilateral negotiation with Vietnam for then?
It depends on you whether send more oil survey ship to the disputed area 。

all become dust?Please do not overconfident,just Vietnam become dust !!

Now I claim Beijing. I find Vietnamese antiques here so I have "historical right" on Beijing. Do not send people to Beijing or I will ... err ... bomb it.
I'm using your argument :rofl:

Vietnamese proud to promote "Our government lied and cheated you, we are a liar, we are a ungrateful nation."
Talks with such a country is very difficult to have the result.

chinese proud to promote: "Our nation is superpower, we are invaders and invaded you, we don't have sovereignty over Paracel but we can destroy you so we have sovereignty."
Talks with such a country is very difficult to have the result.

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