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the purpose of this clip was not to expose a party-holic, but it was to show us what lies in pakistan's future. who will rule pakistan and what family owns it.

as for nothing is wrong with what he is doing, I strongly disagree. as the next king of pakistan, his behavior is unacceptable. this is unacceptable to our nation, he shouldn't even be allowed onto our soil.

I'm about the same age as him, definitely was not taught and raised this way.
Yeah - run the country properly, I don't care if you have fun at a night club in your free time...
Whats wrong with posing a picture with a girl? You cannot force your personal life on someone. As long as professional life doesn't interfere with the personal life it is absolutely fine. Bilawal is not tested. We should stop worrying about the future.. rather we should focus on what we have today. I will take Bilawal over Zardari/Nawaz anyday.
I don’t think that we should wait for Bilawal to become the next Prime minister. I mean that’s what democracy is all about; it is not the birth right of Bilawal to rule this country, there political parties should bring democracy with in themselves first.

This is not a Kingdom where only Royal family can rule.
I remember the speech Bilawal gave when he was made co chairman with other party memebers and the impression I got was that he probably has more political sense than everyone in that room.
ROTI KAPRAA OR MAKAAN- In Night Parties,!!
so its fine with you guys if a 19 year old party-holic chair man of pakistan biggest political party, parties around with pakistans money? is this freakin democracy or dynasty?? or personal property?? is pakistan for sale to Bhuttos and Sharrefs only???
the point is... this kid is not even interusted in politics or pakistan.. he is like.. fine as long as i get money in my pocket and luxury apartments in UK i will do what ever i have been told...
Whats wrong with posing a picture with a girl? You cannot force your personal life on someone.
I don't think I mentioned anything about forcing him to follow my lifestyle. I'm wondering where that came from?

As long as professional life doesn't interfere with the personal life it is absolutely fine.
I can understand that qualifications should be looked at when we choose our leader. However, we must look at merits as well as character. we come from an Islamic background. we have a sense of respect "izzat", morals and guidelines.

let me quote Qaid for you and I urge everyone to read this carefully,

“We are a nation with our own distinctive culture and civilization, language and literature, art and architecture, names and nomenclature, sense of values and proportion, legal laws and moral code, customs and calandar, history and tradition, aptitudes and ambitions; in short, we have our own distinctive outlook on life and of life. By all canons of international law, we are a nation”

You must know what we were taught in our homes, to stay away from shameful acts, disrespect towards elders, etc. these things matter, it's not just something you listen to and ignore. This is not easy to explain in english, but in can be summed up into one word in urdu, "beghairat".

Bilawal is not tested. We should stop worrying about the future.. rather we should focus on what we have today. I will take Bilawal over Zardari/Nawaz anyday.
I don't think you understood why I started this thread in the first place. Bilawal has already become our future leader. Bilawal IS Zardari and Zardari is Bilawal. in a land where a vote is won by a single meal, what are the chances of an ordinary middle class citizen like you, me, or anyone else becoming the next leader of Pakistan?

for the next leader, his "boozie suzie" habits are unnacceptable. if you think different, take a picture of any pakistani partying, having a rush and crashing afterwards, or hanging out with sluts. then spread this picture around in our homeland and let everyone know that this their future leader. ask them, "will you vote for this guy?"

He went to China to meet the Chinese leadership as gesture of respect the Chinese made him sit where Mao Zedong once sat, they know who Bhutto is their party hasn't changed and PPP is always been known as a Socialist party now, to call Bilawal or to show what you showed is pretty damn low, we can all get some videos of Musharraf and co for a bash but that aint mature, BB was assassinated he didn't blame Musharraf for it now that shows how big a man he is.
so its fine with you guys if a 19 year old party-holic chair man of pakistan biggest political party, parties around with pakistans money? is this freakin democracy or dynasty?? or personal property?? is pakistan for sale to Bhuttos and Sharrefs only???
the point is... this kid is not even interusted in politics or pakistan.. he is like.. fine as long as i get money in my pocket and luxury apartments in UK i will do what ever i have been told...

Erm its costing the UK a million pounds per year of taxpayers money for his security.

He's a Pakistani politician so why not chip in a bit.

He went to China to meet the Chinese leadership as gesture of respect the Chinese made him sit where Mao Zedong once sat, they know who Bhutto is their party hasn't changed and PPP is always been known as a Socialist party now,
all the more proof for my stand. They know as well as I do, he is the next king of pakistan, heir to the throne. it's interesting to note, they invited him and not the other way around.

I've yet to see our democratic leaders visit china, instead they want to become "force multipliers" for india and are willing to sell our "virgin" lands.

to call Bilawal or to show what you showed is pretty damn low, we can all get some videos of Musharraf and co for a bash but that aint mature, BB was assassinated he didn't blame Musharraf for it now that shows how big a man he is.

actually he did blame musharraf, you really should watch the news.

“After the martyrdom of my mother I said that democracy was the best revenge - and today it was proved true,” said 19-year-old Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. “Someone from the PPP would be the next president but I don’t know who that would be,” he told private news television channel at Karachi airport after flying in from Dubai. ( Musharraf resignation avenges my mother?s death: Bilawal|Pakistan Times! )

so you think that was cheap shot? you think that was low of me to expose his behavior? no it wasn't my friend, it's called helplessness.

an ordinary patriotic citizen has no chance of ruling the country while this snot-faced punk has inherited his mother's empire. it's the feeling you get when you know there's absolutely nothing you can do.

unfortunately this thread has been ruined and taken far away from its purpose. this was noting but a joke, I wasn't even serious. for some strange reason, some of you guys have had a sudden change in attitude.

I don't know what it's about nor do I want to know, but it's nothing to get upset over. I'm not the "villain" here and I'm sure most pakistanis who still value our traditions support me. i wasn't planning on replying to some statements, but I'm not the type who backs down.
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