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'ISI mulling action against Mullah Omar'

Oh so you are pro-Indian.. thanks for letting us know.. and Yes it is part of our schooling, as it is part of a UN resolution but as usual the NATO forces will NOT ACT on that resolution now will they??
No, the Indians won't. And if they did move to do so, I doubt Pakistan's leaders would accept the result. As Z.A. Bhutto wrote, "it is an article of faith among Pakistanis that Kashmiris want to be part of Pakistan." He learned better in 1965, but he was not the sort of man to teach his people the errors of his own ways.

Until you measure "everything" with same ruler, you do not have the right to preach anything...As far as Kashmiris are concerned.. please do go to IoK and see if it is as Indians claim..
All acts have to be judged in context. I believe Indians are morally in the wrong with some of their attitudes towards Kashmir.

That doesn't mean Pakistan's activities in Kashmir are necessarily morally correct: the confrontation over Kashmir and borders serves the purpose of keeping the military preeminent. The lawlessness of extrajudicial killing and violence created by religious extremists does the same thing. In both cases the Pakistani military feeds the conflict for its own benefit. A "time-out" for a decade or so may at least de-fang the military to the point where they must submit to firm civilian control.
nehru tampered with the original maps made fake documents to show accession of kashmir pakistanis believed the bull %^^&%*& what do you expect from us now
isi/pa cant directly take down mullah o. they need us help. like b mehsud. if they r serious they have deal within week. if it happens after osama issue cools down it will be more problem for pak. strike whe metal is hot.
Oh so you are pro-Indian.. thanks for letting us know.. and Yes it is part of our schooling, as it is part of a UN resolution but as usual the NATO forces will NOT ACT on that resolution now will they??.. Same as they will NOT ACT about numerous resolutions on Palestine..

Until you measure "everything" with same ruler, you do not have the right to preach anything.. As far as Kashmiris are concerned.. please do go to IoK and see if it is as Indians claim...

Let alone NATO, so many terrorist are hiding in Pakistan , whom are wanted by Interpol. When Pakistan can't hand over these terrorist who are in their country , how can you except a group called NATO to act on all UN Resolutions? Also for your knowledge the United Nations Security Council Resolution 47, adopted on April 21, 1948 states that Pakistan withdrew all its troops first to prepare for a plebiscite, which you haven't done till date. So your case for talking UN Resolution is lost here.

We did the mistake of not measuring everything with the same ruler, that's why now we had changed that, which you saw in UBL Killing. Now for us, all form of terror is terrorism. Same scale. The scales next applies to Mullah Omar and other who ever thinks of attacking US and its citizens.
Let alone NATO, so many terrorist are hiding in Pakistan , whom are wanted by Interpol. When Pakistan can't hand over these terrorist who are in their country , how can you except a group called NATO to act on all UN Resolutions? Also for your knowledge the United Nations Security Council Resolution 47, adopted on April 21, 1948 states that Pakistan withdrew all its troops first to prepare for a plebiscite, which you haven't done till date. So your case for talking UN Resolution is lost here.

Do read the numeorus threads on Kashmir that state Pakistan withdrew the non uniformed soldiers as per UN resolution 47, and agreed to reduce its troop numbers. Else you're just covering ground again.

It was India that did not agree to reduce its troop numbers after it had agreed to plebiscite.
No, the Indians won't. And if they did move to do so, I doubt Pakistan's leaders would accept the result. As Z.A. Bhutto wrote, "it is an article of faith among Pakistanis that Kashmiris want to be part of Pakistan." He learned better in 1965, but he was not the sort of man to teach his people the errors of his own ways.

All acts have to be judged in context. I believe Indians are morally in the wrong with some of their attitudes towards Kashmir.

That doesn't mean Pakistan's activities in Kashmir are necessarily morally correct: the confrontation over Kashmir and borders serves the purpose of keeping the military preeminent. The lawlessness of extrajudicial killing and violence created by religious extremists does the same thing. In both cases the Pakistani military feeds the conflict for its own benefit. A "time-out" for a decade or so may at least de-fang the military to the point where they must submit to firm civilian control.

Zionists have no moral authority to lecture others on morality , you are land thiefs and child killers.
Let alone NATO, so many terrorist are hiding in Pakistan , whom are wanted by Interpol. When Pakistan can't hand over these terrorist who are in their country , how can you except a group called NATO to act on all UN Resolutions? Also for your knowledge the United Nations Security Council Resolution 47, adopted on April 21, 1948 states that Pakistan withdrew all its troops first to prepare for a plebiscite, which you haven't done till date. So your case for talking UN Resolution is lost here.

We did the mistake of not measuring everything with the same ruler, that's why now we had changed that, which you saw in UBL Killing. Now for us, all form of terror is terrorism. Same scale. The scales next applies to Mullah Omar and other who ever thinks of attacking US and its citizens.

you sound like a republican ..
Let alone NATO, so many terrorist are hiding in Pakistan , whom are wanted by Interpol. When Pakistan can't hand over these terrorist who are in their country , how can you except a group called NATO to act on all UN Resolutions? Also for your knowledge the United Nations Security Council Resolution 47, adopted on April 21, 1948 states that Pakistan withdrew all its troops first to prepare for a plebiscite, which you haven't done till date. So your case for talking UN Resolution is lost here.

We did the mistake of not measuring everything with the same ruler, that's why now we had changed that, which you saw in UBL Killing. Now for us, all form of terror is terrorism. Same scale. The scales next applies to Mullah Omar and other who ever thinks of attacking US and its citizens.

United States is a convicted criminal in the international court of justice , you are international criminals who refuse to abide by any law.

The Court found in its verdict that the United States was "in breach of its obligations under customary international law not to use force against another State", "not to intervene in its affairs", "not to violate its sovereignty", "not to interrupt peaceful maritime commerce", and "in breach of its obligations under Article XIX of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between the Parties signed at Managua on 21 January 1956."

Nicaragua v. United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Zionists have no moral authority to lecture others on morality , you are land thiefs and child killers.
Ah, so you have to imagine us Zionists as "land thiefs and child killers" or else you would believe that we have such authority!

Well, I think you worry a little much. Just because I'm a Jew I don't claim I can put everyone else down on moral grounds; that's unfounded bigotry. Let me reassure you further: we Jews actually do have some criminals in our communities! (One or two. Here or there. Maybe not in every community.) And if that doesn't make you feel a little better, perhaps Valium would help?
No 'schooling' is required to see that today the Indian-Occupied-Kashmir is one of the most militarized places in the world. No 'schooling' is required to see that today, if a Referendum is held, at least the Valley would either go with Pakistan or go independent.
Please don't lose your credibility here. I know there is this India-Israel nexus and your first love is always Israel. But don't try to claim what you don't know. Try to rise above your biases.
Having said all this, I have been saying this for past few days that it is better for Pakistan to accept the LoC = IB and move on after ensuring some basic rights and agreements to live peacefully between India and Pakistan. That will almost certainly stop the proxy war in Afghanistan.
No 'schooling' is required to see that today, if a Referendum is held, at least the Valley would either go with Pakistan or go independent.
I would guess independence, but I don't think that under the applicable U.N. Resolutions this is an option.

But don't try to claim what you don't know. Try to rise above your biases.
Thanks. I am trying to be careful here. I know that Indians are not the holy do-gooders that its representatives sometimes make it out to be.

Having said all this, I have been saying this for past few days that it is better for Pakistan to accept the LoC = IB and move on after ensuring some basic rights and agreements to live peacefully between India and Pakistan. That will almost certainly stop the proxy war in Afghanistan.
You might be right. Could you find even one politician in Pakistan who is willing to advocate that? Won't they have to worry about getting assassinated as a result? So for the moment I think to push LoC = IB is to fight the wrong battle.
'ISI mulling action against Mullah Omar'
Updated 17 minutes ago

LONDON: A British paper, The Sun has claimed that both US and Pakistani special forces were hunting the Taliban spiritual leader Mullah Omar's hideout after new tip-offs.

In its 10th May 2011 report tabloid said: "Intelligence suggests the one-eyed warlord is being sheltered in the western Pakistani city of Quetta, near the Afghan border".

"Pakistan's ISI spy network was said to be desperate to find him first after being humiliated by the American operation which killed al-Qaeda chief Bin Laden. And US strike teams were fine-tuning plans for an assault on Omar's lair after collecting a treasure trove of data from Bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad."

The newspaper report also added: "A senior ISI official confirmed they were going after Omar, adding: "There will be a huge military action in Quetta very soon. "The decision has been taken to act before the Americans have a chance to repeat their mission against Bin Laden. We will try to take him alive but if he resists he will be killed."
ISI mulling action against Mullah Omar

Our minds have been prepared for what is called preconditioning. Remember, US forces are already in Quetta, and that too has/had been a written deal by Mush - US marines can strike anywhere anytime in Pakistan. And that's a seperate issue and if the truth being told or not, whether Osama being killed or not, or they will kill Omar or not - the hard reality is, their media will make you down your paints to be jacked, as they did in the case of Osama.
Kashmir ain't even part of the UN list of disputes anymore, so it's a moot point

Read :The Hindu : News / National : Jammu and Kashmir out of U.N. list of disputes

Also read this The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Nation | Old India itch gives Pak a red face in UN

These links has been repeatedly posted (and have been deleted, + threads immediately locked)

Probably because Indian media lies a lot.

Here are the list of UN resolutions.

I can see there's many on Kashmir.

Security Council Resolutions 1948

Go read the Kashmir thread. It's all there.

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