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Growth in India, China helped in poverty eradication: WB, IMF

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You wanted to bring up illegal immigrants, and tried and failed to make fun of my English. Don't be surprised when you get refuted.

And I didn't see your reply about that humann rights and all that. Oh wait did you even reply?? loool
And you were the giving me the advice about how I should behave on this forum? :O That's even more racist than your fellow chinese member. And for your kind information it's TURBAN not hat you stupid ASIAN american! It's an honour for for people who wear it! They're called 'SINGHS' means LIONS! Do you know ANYTHING about them??!! They're pride of India!

Giving advice on how you should act=racist. Okay I see what kind logic you use now.


A hat is a head covering used for several reasons. It may be worn for protection against the elements, for ceremonial or religious reasons, for safety, or as a fashion accessory.In the past, hats were an indicator of social status. In the military, they may denote nationality, branch of service, rank and/or regiment.

Turbans are included.

Anyways back to the topic,
1. A common man CAN NOT vote. Don;t give me all that 70 million votes bullcr*P!
2. Human rights do include what you said they're not just ALL about that. BBC News - US criticises China's 'worsening' human rights record [your own country critisizes China for that. Well, I'm sure you don't class yourself as American but still]
3. I meant in terms of political freedom and I did not present in form of FACT! so there you go.
4. What do you even mean by that? Try speaking English directly [i'd even understand your broken English] rather than translating it on Google next time :) Thank you

1. Why would you want the average apathetic man to vote for the head of a country. Why is letting people who care enough about government to actively participate so terrible?
2. You said we had none. Your words not mine.
3. No you simply said freedom. I already quoted your post so don't try changing it. And yes we have many freedoms, including freedom from want of shelter, physical want, and etc.
4. You said we had nothing. Your words once again. I can only refute what you post. As for your poor use of English yourself I would suggest not trying to make fun of others on it.
1. Why would you want the average apathetic man to vote for the head of a country. Why is letting people who care enough about government to actively participate so terrible?
2. You said we had none. Your words not mine.
3. No you simply said freedom. I already quoted your post so don't try changing it. And yes we have many freedoms, including freedom from want, of shelter, physical want, and etc.
4. You said we had nothing. Your words once again. I can only refute what you post. As for your poor use of English yourself I would suggest not trying to make fun of others on it.

1. Wow so now you're trying to convince me that Commuist way of life is better? loooool you make me laugh mate. HARD!
2. Yes I said no human rights and I provided you with facts and sources to support that claim!
3. I'm not saying I said 'POLITICAL freedom' I know I said just freedom but we both know I meant political freedom. And I thought you were clever enough to figure that out yourself without me clarifying it considering the context and the setence it was used in. But oh well, you're just one typical average Asian American. It's not your fault. Happens. :)
4. Again no comment. If you think your comeback was clever and witty I've got nothing to argue. :)
Your character has been revealed. :lol:

LOL, and you have the nerve to make fun of Tanlixiang's English?

Tanlixiang's English language skills, are far better than yours. He doesn't make such basic mistakes.

Here is the the definition of THAT = 'Used to refer to something which has been mentioned or was involved earlier, or to something with which the listener will be familiar with' And obviously you guys ARE familiar with noodles right?

'I swear down' is a common phrase mate. :) I don't blame you English is not your first language. :) [Don't bother replying with 'Neither is yours' Thank you :)]

And mate, don't even get me started about my English. Ever heard about British English. I believe it's our language that you speak. :) And please please please don't reply to this. I don't want to discuss with you. [I'm just being nice by saying 'discuss' rather than 'argue']. Tanlixiang is still alright :)
The numbers for China can't be trusted - they are an opaque society and the poor people there live under a repressive authoritarian regime with no rights - to the civilized world - China will remain poor till it gives freedom to its people. China is so poor - that many Chinese citizens seek refuge in another poor Asian country - India. You have to be in a real bad state to seek refuge in a 3rd world country.
1. Wow so now you're trying to convince me that Commuist way of life is better? loooool you make me laugh mate. HARD!
2. Yes I said no human rights and I provided you with facts and sources to support that claim!
3. I'm not saying I said 'POLITICAL freedom' I know I said just freedom but we both know I meant political freedom. And I thought you were clever enough to figure that out yourself without me clarifying it considering the context and the setence it was used it. But oh well, you're just one typical average Asian American. It's not your fault. Happens. :)
4. Again no comment. If you think your comeback was clever and witty I've got nothing to argue. :)

Couldn't respond to the fact you don't know what the definition of a hat is? LOL

1. No one is trying to convince you of anything. Just telling you that voting does occur in China and you have to work for it.
2. You said we had no human rights. That means that China literally has no human rights. As I've pointed out China does have human rights but does need improvement. And please try not to act morally superior when you're talking to me from India.
3. I've figured it out fine but others may not. This is an international forum and many do not have English as a first language as you aptly demonstrate for us. Please try to not confuse them.
4. Of course you don't. Its rather pathetic making fun of someone else's English when yours is far worse.

As for thanking Jackdaws, I can see what kind of person you are now. You are no longer worth responding to.
1. Wow so now you're trying to convince me that Commuist way of life is better? loooool you make me laugh mate. HARD!
2. Yes I said no human rights and I provided you with facts and sources to support that claim!
3. I'm not saying I said 'POLITICAL freedom' I know I said just freedom but we both know I meant political freedom. And I thought you were clever enough to figure that out yourself without me clarifying it considering the context and the setence it was used it. But oh well, you're just one typical average Asian American. It's not your fault. Happens. :)
4. Again no comment. If you think your comeback was clever and witty I've got nothing to argue. :)

1.well try to convince ur poor indian fellow in china first that india's life is better than china's` and btw why r u in england not the shinny india?

2. if china has no human rights that india has negative human rights which can be proven by just visit india``lol

3. indians have political 'freedom' ?!! u gotta be kidding the world, if u google india political prisoner the list is like a bloody cyclopedia :D

4. his comebacks are not urs funny ones can match

p.s have u even visited india?
The numbers for China can't be trusted - they are an opaque society and the poor people there live under a repressive authoritarian regime with no rights - to the civilized world - China will remain poor till it gives freedom to its people. China is so poor - that many Chinese citizens seek refuge in another poor Asian country - India. You have to be in a real bad state to seek refuge in a 3rd world country.

lol the best bollywood style post of the day``congrats!!

so by ur moronic theory if people have 'freedom' the poverty will automatically gone?!?! then tell me why the world biggest 'democracy' india hosts the biggest porverty in entire human history and still in makeing`!?? :P
grow up kid`:D:rofl::rofl:
2. You said we had no human rights. That means that China literally has no human rights. As I've pointed out China does have human rights but does need improvement. And please try not to act morally superior when you're talking to me from India.
3. I've figured it out fine but others may not. This is an international forum and many do not have English as a first language as you aptly demonstrate for us. Please try not confuse them.
4.Of course you don't. Its rather pathetic making fun of someone else's English when yours is far worse.

2. That exactly what I meant when I said it. But I'm glad you accepted it after all. :) and From India??!! lool Actually I'm from London, UK but if you think I'm not. Nevermind I'm not here to convince people about my nationality. I've also been to US of A and this Chinese girl DUG my cockney accent. :D You know how it works right? :P
3. I'm not being condescending at all and I know this International forum many people are not that good at English but again this is English language forum so all the members would capable enough to understand that much English. :)
lol the best bollywood style post of the day``congrats!!

If you have something to refute my points with; please be my guest and do so. Coming from an open and democratic society, we Indians enjoy debating finer points. But please don't pass sarcastic comments as they do little to deflect from points raised but continue to show China and you in a poor light.
1.well try to convince ur poor indian fellow in china first that india's life is better than china's` and btw why r u in england not the shinny india?

2. if china has no human rights that india has negative human rights which can be proven by just visit india``lol

3. indians have political 'freedom' ?!! u gotta be kidding the world, if u google india political prisoner the list is like a bloody cyclopedia :D

4. his comebacks are not urs funny ones can match

p.s have u even visited india?

1. And you too need to convince 100,000 Chinese Indians that China's way of life is better than India's. :) Like him
I NEVER said India was better than the UK?? And to be frank I'm only here for education, because in India there is too much competition and here it's easy. I'm planning to go back after graduation.

2. No comments because I HAVE visited India so many times. :)

3. Okay I may not agree with you but I've gotta admit you ARE funny!

4. sorry?

P.S. Yes SO MANY TIMES. I was born in India then moved to the UK when I was young. 'British by paper, Indian by heart :)'
If you have something to refute my points with; please be my guest and do so. Coming from an open and democratic society, we Indians enjoy debating finer points. But please don't pass sarcastic comments as they do little to deflect from points raised but continue to show China and you in a poor light.

Its rather easy actually looking at the Human development Index.

Both are middle of the pack, with China in 89th, and India in 119th.

But continue refusing to believe in international indicators of human development.

Indices | Human Development Reports (HDR) | United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
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