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Pakistani Sikh grateful that his elders stayed in Pakistan in 1947.

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actually thread started wants to show that sikhs are having no problem in pakistan they are having safe visit here while ur fukn media always start propaganda against pakistan inshort thread starter want to say thay we havent killed sikhs like u did in past :D

well thats the story of pakistan...ain't it?? always thinking about past when Indians thrive for better present and future :)
First of all, Pakistan got rid of its minorities and brought it to such a minuscule that they don't count.

India could have done so, but then better sense prevailed and it was beyond narrow religious chauvinism or considering that the majority religion is über alles! Thank God, for small mercies.

Doctors, lawyers and such individual oriented professions are not government selected. They do so on their own merit.

What exactly do you mean by Sikhs are also now coming in the stream line and putting their efforts in the prosperty of the country. ?

What is this 'now' about? Are you suggesting that before this, they were laggards, pan handlers and downright bums? Or that they did not identify themselves with the mainstream?

So, now it is 'ignorant' chaps who wanted Jezia?

As ignorant as the chap who killed the Governor who wanted the Blasphemy Law tempered with rationality?

Or the Minister who spoke out against the Blasphemy Law?

How is demanding Jezia wrong? Is it not as Islamic as the Blasphemy Law? So, who is ignorant?

You post is reported due to trolling and it is not worth replying.
kindly also mention date of this news which is 17 Feb 2009 and this is 14 april 2011

does the date really matter??
i am just showing what sharia means and how non-muslims are treated under sharia..
same goes to your country... prayers!!! Hope Muslim, Christians and other inorities like Sikhs remain safe and sound threre, InshaAllah.

'I pray you are right' is an English phrase and it has nothing to do with prayers.

Speaks much about Pakistani education that was being touted in one of the posts as being impeccable!!
Muslims made the majority in United Punjab for centuries. Even today most Punjabis in the world are Muslims.

you need to know you are talking about Sikhs, not punjabis.
Yes they didn't get justice. That is sad and we are not a perfect country but we are doing our best to become a perfect country. Don't worry Sikhs are many times better off in India than Pakistan. They are prosperous and hard working. I don't have to say that but they are patriotic( whether in India or Pakistan).

Every country is trying its best to become a perfect country so dont give me these catchy slogans.

and yes they are patriotic just like Muslims in their native countries so why bharatis be on fire if such a statement came from Pakistani Sikhs.

And you dint see our Sikhs in KP and FATA they are altogether different then any in other country. They as much tribal Pakistanis as much as Muslim tirbal Pakistanis.
You post is reported due to trolling and it is not worth replying.

it is not trolling.

It is stating facts.

If you find that you cannot answer what you purvey as 'facts' when given facts, it becomes trolling.
Muslims made the majority in United Punjab for centuries. Even today most Punjabis in the world are Muslims.

Jinnah wanted a majority Muslim country not really a theocratic country. There are still millions of Sikhs, Hindus, and Christians living in Pakistan happily and didnt chose to migrate to India.

what jinnah wanted is a matter to be debated, secondly, Jinnah was a leader, but it is/was the wish of people to implement what system they want. yes, there are millions of sikhs/hindos in pakistan, but they are not more than 2-3%. I am sure the sikhs in india wouldnt resent their decision to stay in India by seeing blasphemy law in pakistan today.
well thats the story of pakistan...ain't it?? always thinking about past when Indians thrive for better present and future :)

look who is talking? you just quoted a news from PAST in one of my post's response. :lol:
Ask the majority of Sikhs they want it and thats the reason many come to Pakistan for registering their marriage under Sikh Marriage act.

Thats as absurd a lie, as it can get, Jana. Back it up.
for you freedom is only when someone is allowed to become head of state. That proves you are power hungry. . .

if Sikhs live in an Islamic state that does not mean that they should be discriminated. People like you make it seem that Islam dislikes every person who is a non-mulsim. .

What is it you guys don't understand? If two people are from same country, born and bred how is it fair for one to become a prime minister and other completely ignored. Until and unless the other person is treated as an equal is every aspect, he is being discriminated. What is his wrong in his case? Just not believing in Allah?

Bold part is just hilarious. Aspiring to become head of the state is seen as power hungry? Then at least quarter of our kids in our country are 'power hungry' and I don't mind it.
does the date really matter??
i am just showing what sharia means and how non-muslims are treated under sharia..

non muslims have no problem under shariah laws ISLAM is for humanity not for only muslims
well thats the story of pakistan...ain't it?? always thinking about past when Indians thrive for better present and future :)

oo come on yar dnt be so innocent sikhs are living peacefully in pakistan and the sikhs comming from india for visit are also happy than wht da F**k is wrong with ur media by u guys also try to degrade pakistan ??
oo come on yar dnt be so innocent sikhs are living peacefully in pakistan and the sikhs comming from india for visit are also happy than wht da F**k is wrong with ur media by u guys also try to degrade pakistan ??

dude our medias degrade each other everyday..isn't it??
why are you getting so much frustrated about it man??
just chill..
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