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Pakistani Sikh grateful that his elders stayed in Pakistan in 1947.

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Even if Jinnah wanted that, he couldn't create such a Pakistan. In the present day Pakistan even moderate Muslims are not spared. Now Sherry Rehman says she fears her life. But I know that majority of Pakistanis are peace loving and one day they will hopefully stand up against extremism.
Don't forget that Pakistan is NOT a secular country and by constitution the PM and President have to be Muslims. So your question in itself is wrong and non-credible.

If Pakistan is not a secular country, then what would be the status of the Sikhs?

Just citizens?

Well, in India, they have become Chiefs of the Army and Air Force, President, Governors, Prime Minister, Governors of the RBI, Head of the Planning Commission and so on and so forth.

Therefore, where do they have greater opportunities?

Therefore, should they have bartered all this, just to be ordinary citizens?
Read the Sikh history and you will find that they have always fought Islam!

And so where is the mistake they made in 1947.

They were merely following their historical antecedents.

It is futile to dream what would have happened if the Sikh....

It is like, if Aunty had........

And anyway, Wah Guru de Khalsa, Wah Guru de Fateh!

And their hatred and the choices they made (especially in 1947) made their land transformed from this:


To this:


Not to mention most of their holy sites are in Pakistan being looked after by Punjabi Pakistani Muslims.
this thread is so stupid...how can they have more freedom if they cant even become PM or president of country they live in??
how can they be treated as VVIP if they even cant get honorable position in politics...do you have any sikh general?
people like these can be given money to talk anything friends..

secondly why would skihs choose to side with islam when one of their gurus was brutally killed by muslim ruler??
we Indians live in a country who treats everyone equally..anyone can become PM or president...
Pakistani Sikh thanks God that his elders stayed in Pakistan in 1947 !!!

Looks like a sardarji trying to impress his masters by showing his dhimmitude.
There are always some black sheep in the flock, who would sell their mothers and daughters for some selfish gains.

what would he say about this?? >> Taliban drive out Sikhs, demand Jizya

By Yasser Latif Hamdani

HANGU: Sikh families living in Orakzai Agency have left the agency after the Taliban demanded Rs 50 million as jizia (tax) from them, official sources and locals said on Tuesday.

Residents of Ferozekhel area in Lower Orakzai Agency told Daily Times on Tuesday that around 10 Sikh families left the agency after the demand by the Taliban, who said they were a minority and liable to pay the tax for living in the area in accordance with sharia. Locals said the Taliban had notified the Sikh families about the ‘tax’ around a week ago. They said of the 15 Sikh families in Ferozekhel, 10 had shifted while the remaining were preparing to do so. The locals said the families were impoverished and had left the area to avoid any Taliban action.

Sikhs in Pakistan pay Rs2 crore in Jizya for their safety

The Shariat followers and the Islamic rulers (from Mughals, except Akbar, to Taliban) have always subjugated the non-Muslims. Any discussion of Islamic "love" for non-Muslims somehow does not bear itself out in practice in practical governance around the world.

Now, that Pakistan is under Taliban in the Swat and NWFP areas, the nightmare of the non-Muslims will come alive. Hindus have already left or are leaving the area. Now, the news comes that Sikhs have paid Rs. 2 crores (20 million) as Jizya to escape Taliban brutality. Taliban was occupying the houses of the 35 Sikh families for days and demanding a sum of Rs 5 crores, before they negotiated and agreed to a ransom (ok, they call it by that crooked and derogatory term - Jizya) of Rs. 2 crores.

The Practice of Jizya comes from Qur'an 9:29. Below are three interpretations of this verse by three different authorities. Its not just what the Quran says about how to treat the non-Muslims but also how these verses are interpreted by the Islamic authorities that make complete mockery of those who say Taliban is not "following Quran and Islamic jurisprudence". Here, is one of the pronouncements and a link to more.

Al-Zamakhshari, a Mu'tazili author of a commentary on the Qur'an, said that "the Jizyah shall be taken from them with belittlement and humiliation. The dhimmi shall come in person, walking not riding. When he pays, he shall stand, while the tax collector sits. The collector shall seize him by the scruff of the neck, shake him, and say "Pay the Jizyah!" and when he pays it he shall be slapped on the nape of the neck."
Like we have said before, there is a strong case for re-evaluating some of the religious tenets and even strictures in the scriptures so that they are more humane and befitting of the mankind that we want our world to be. How long would the historic madness keep polluting our minds to a point where we have to treat each other with contempt and threats?

Interpretation of Quran 9:029

YUSUFALI: Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
PICKTHAL: Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low.
SHAKIR: Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.
There's a sarcastic question in there but you missed it. Here it is again, Why would they join a state where they would be treated as second class citizens? Don't you think India is a much better place for them.

Who told you they are treated as second class citizens?? By constitution every citizen of Pakistan enjoys the same freedom.

The Constitution of Pakistan

Don't do inventions while you type, for the sake of sarcastism.
i don't think those videos and article give a complete picture. In my opinion and experience Indian Sikhs are living happily in India!

There are always rare cases of the contrary and we cannot use these to paint the full picture.
What land?

India is their land as it is for all.

Are you aware that they are Minister and MLAs (peoples' elected representative) also in States beyond the Punjab?

Are you aware that beyond indigenous people of a State, others also get elected. There is a North Eastern man who is a MLA in Karnataka (South India)?

India is beyond narrow boundaries which is difficult for you to understand.
If Pakistan is not a secular country, then what would be the status of the Sikhs?

Just citizens?

Well, in India, they have become Chiefs of the Army and Air Force, President, Governors, Prime Minister, Governors of the RBI, Head of the Planning Commission and so on and so forth.

Therefore, where do they have greater opportunities?

Therefore, should they have bartered all this, just to be ordinary citizens?


Pakistani Sikh Cadet


Pakistani Police Officer
Who told you they are treated as second class citizens?? By constitution every citizen of Pakistan enjoys the same freedom.

The Constitution of Pakistan

Don't do inventions while you type, for the sake of sarcastism.

But they can't aspire you take the top position in any field of governance. That my friend is the definition of second class citizen.
i don't think those videos and article give a complete picture. In my opinion and experience Indian Sikhs are living happily in India!

There are always rare cases of the contrary and we cannot use these to paint the full picture.

Hope your countrymen here understand that as well. Most of them think Sikhs are suffering in India and cant wait to run to Pakistan.
Who told you they are treated as second class citizens?? By constitution every citizen of Pakistan enjoys the same freedom.

The Constitution of Pakistan

Don't do inventions while you type, for the sake of sarcastism.

A piece of paper called as constitution is not enough mate..
can you name any one sikh who has been president,PM,defense minister,foreign minister??
this thread is so stupid...how can they have more freedom if they cant even become PM or president of country they live in??
how can they be treated as VVIP if they even cant get honorable position in politics...do you have any sikh general?
people like these can be given money to talk anything friends..

secondly why would skihs choose to side with islam when one of their gurus was brutally killed by muslim ruler??
we Indians live in a country who treats everyone equally..anyone can become PM or president...

Just ask a sikh why he wears the turban, carries a dagger, wears a beard, wears a kachha and a bangle....
These symbols are a constant reminder to them the Muslim atrocities committed on their ancestors.
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