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BRICS Summit: A Paradigm Shift? – Analysis


May 5, 2010
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BRICS Summit: A Paradigm Shift? – Analysis


This week, China is hosting two back-to-back summits of emerging economies. These summits seem pregnant with implications that go far beyond eloquent speeches and photo-opportunities. On a closer look, they promise to provide one more definitive push to the world that now has talks of Bohao instead of Devos and sees the emerging G5 (called BRICS) replacing the overstretched G7 (industrialized countries).

This paradigm shift has begun thanks to the activism of emerging powers groupings like BRICS, IBSA and BASIC; which seek a greater share in redeeming the world from impending global crises like climate change and economic slowdown. Unlike other emerging powers’ groups, BRIC is also expanding its membership. But more than adding new members like South Africa, BRICS is fast transforming this so-called ‘economic club’ into a far more political entity; more than its leaders are willing to admit.

BRIC Countries: Brazil, Russia, India and China

It was in 2001 that Goldman Sachs executive Jim O’Neill coined the acronym BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) to describe the group of countries that were emerging as the leading economic powerhouses of the 21st century. His analyses were based on the growth prospects of these economies. In subsequent years, given several unforeseen trends, his economic projections were to advance several of his original predictions. Jim’s successive report of 2003 advanced the dates by when these BRIC economies would be overtaking several of the conventional post-industrial revolution sheriffs of the world, recasting the world economy and economic discourses.

The significance of this third summit in China this week lies in BRICS moving much beyond what Jim O’Neill had outlined. Even though it remains fundamentally an economic grouping, the entry of South Africa makes BRICS a global entity. There are a number of other countries like Mexico, Egypt, Turkey, Nigeria, Indonesia, Vietnam and South Korea who are far bigger and faster rising economies, and have expressed an interest in joining the BRIC. However, South Africa seems to better fit the bill as an audible voice from a continent with 54 countries. At the same time, South Africa promises to serve as an effective gateway for BRIC’s trade and investments into these resource-rich African nations.

Jim O’Neill criticized South Africa’s entry into BRIC last week on CNN, calling the country’s influence on global economic trends too small to qualify as a member of his original BRIC paradigm. Instead, he prefers Nigeria. But the politics of Nigeria shadow both its economy as also its acceptability in the international community. Even in South Africa, there have been voices of dissent against the BRIC. African National Congress Youth League leader Julius Malema last week called his country’s entry into BRIC misplaced, making it vulnerable to external forces. This shows that the entry of South Africa into BRIC has more to it than economic credentials.

The fact that BRICS is fast evolving its own life and aspirations is sufficiently discernible today to stand scrutiny. To begin with, this new BRICS need not necessarily fit into the original vision of Jim O’Neill. BRICS today is developing not only an economic but also a huge diplomatic footprint, grafting an influential political club over what had originated as a loose economic acronym, making tentative projections and masquerading as a paradigm.

The fact that this third summit is being hosted back-to-back with the Bohao Forum will further facilitate BRICS’ journey from economics to politics. It will allow BRICS leaders to rub shoulders with their contemporaries who will be attending the Bahao Forum. Going by initial indications, BRICS leaders will be discussing not just economic issues of inclusive growth but also global political scenarios, including the western air-strikes to impose a UN-sanctioned ‘No Fly Zone’ on Libya. We may actually see a firm warning to western countries being issued in their closing statement.

There is already a realization that BRICS failed to coordinate their strategy at the UN Security Council’s recent discussions on imposing a ‘No Fly Zone’ on Libya. This resulted in South Africa supporting the resolution while the other four abstained from voting. Russia, India and China have since continued with their campaign against the western bombing of Libya, insinuating an impending humanitarian crisis. Even Brazil issued a similar statement after President Obama’s visit. South Africa has remained relatively mute on the subject but is likely to be co-opted into an evolving anti-West BRICS consensus on the subject.

What guarantees the success of BRICS’ political incarnation is its strong economic fundamentals and policy coordination. These positive trends in emerging BRICS economies are leaving traditional economic powers lagging behind. At present, for instance, the BRICS account for quite over half of the world’s foreign direct investments, annual economic growth, and nearly half of its global population. As a percentage share of the world’s GDP, their combined GDP is expected to rise from 17 per cent of the world in 2010 to 47 per cent by 2030, if not earlier. An expansion of BRICS to include other members in their New Delhi summit next year promises to further reinforce this paradigm shift.

BRICS Summit: A Paradigm Shift? – Analysis « Eurasia Review
In the aim is to form a relevant word BRICS just Ok,but if the purpose is to buld a huge construction then more bricks needed.
In the aim of forming a relevant word BRICS just Ok,but if the perpose is to buld a huge a construction more bricks need.

At that time we can develop CONCRETE CEMENT SLABS.
firstly it was bric now it has become brics........now what will be next cement...........i have noticed that what goldman sachs has predicted..is happning much earlier........india and chinia has grown more faster what they has predicte
A representative from Africa was needed... but is South Africa the best choice?
To me the BRIC should have been called the CRIB. :P

The BRIC will soon become BRMIC with Mexico being added.
To me the BRIC should have been called the CRIB. :P

The BRIC will soon become BRMIC with Mexico being added.

bhai maxico still had long way to travel before geting into BRIC as South-africa is latest entry and now BRIC is transformed into BRICS.
bhai maxico still had long way to travel before geting into BRIC as South-africa is latest entry and now BRIC is transformed into BRICS.

Mexico has only lost its reputation cos of its drug war just like how Pakistan has lose theres. But Mexico GDP and PPP is higher on BOTH with and without forign money investing. Mexico City is a higher ranking city than either Cape Town or Johanasberg. The only reason why South Africa has recieved 'likes' on its economy is cos of the World Cup they hosted, the ripple effects will die soon. SA is doing well but Mexico is proven that it will do better.
It will be difficult for South Africa to align geo-politically with the other BRIC members - China and Russia are pro-active in world affairs and do not toe the western line , India - is independent and neutral sometimes , Brazil is always neutral and non-confrontational - South Africa is still very much Hand in glove with major western powers .
First off, great news for BRIC. The developing world needs a voice, and we should use these BRICKS to build a new and better world for the majority of humanity that does not exploit others.

However, was south africa the best choice? I think it was either South Africa or Vietnam. South Africa is better than a choice like Mexico or South Korea, which would have given the US a voice in BRIC, since both are basically US puppet states. Even Turkey is too close to the US. Nigeria, Indonesia and Egypt has no indigenous technology, while South Africa can even build nukes and fighter jets. It only has a smaller economy due to no oil. Most of all, it has no enemy.
First off, great news for BRIC. The developing world needs a voice, and we should use these BRICKS to build a new and better world for the majority of humanity that does not exploit others.

However, was south africa the best choice? I think it was either South Africa or Vietnam. South Africa is better than a choice like Mexico or South Korea, which would have given the US a voice in BRIC, since both are basically US puppet states. Even Turkey is too close to the US. Nigeria, Indonesia and Egypt has no indigenous technology, while South Africa can even build nukes and fighter jets. It only has a smaller economy due to no oil. Most of all, it has no enemy.


South africa is better one ,SA is one of fast growing economy with almost 5% rate per annum. And SA is also not puppet of US.

And i hope something strong will come out from this visit which reflects the new world order to west.

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