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Pakistan General Elections 2013

What party would you vote for in 2013 Elections.

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musharraf seems like a pretty good leader,imran khan should join hands and i am sure they could score well against ppp and pmln who on the whole are not bad parties,but defeating them will be an uphill task considering that they command the rural fedual vote bank.it is difficult for the man whose land that he works on for his daily bread to stand up to his feudal masters who have almost enslaved him in years of financial and physiological debt.The appeal of imran khan and musharraf i must say is limited to an extent to the westrenised urban elite.nevertheless lets hope against hope for new leaders to shine. :pakistan:
Strange, in such polls its always Imran Khan/ Tehreek i Insaaf that wins but when the time for voting comes, what to say of the party, even Imran's own seat is always unsure. Whatever happens, we as a nation always vote for the same fools on bradari basis
Strange, in such polls its always Imran Khan/ Tehreek i Insaaf that wins but when the time for voting comes, what to say of the party, even Imran's own seat is always unsure. Whatever happens, we as a nation always vote for the same fools on bradari basis

no the problem is that Imran's supporters are drawing room supporters not the ones that will venture out on to the streets or polling booths and cast their votes!

30% of pakistanis vote and most if not all of them are jayalaas or have some relative in the party!
I would like to clear out a couple of points which are misunderstood by supporters and opponents of PTI alike.

First off, PTI does not advocate negotiating with the terrorists, but it simply asks the people to understand that not every man living in the Tribal areas is a Talib. All IK says is that separate the common Pukhtoons who are emotionally driven from the Taliban, who are ideologically driven. The Taliban enjoy local support in the Tribal Areas because they can go to the people and tell them that look, what the government is doing with their gunships,bombs and soldiers, they are killing your children, support us and we will rid you of this menace. The people are forced to support the Taliban because there is no sign of the government ,no one goes to the local and tells them what's really happening. Dropping pamphlets from an airplane asking people to evacuate their areas does not equate to taking them in confidence. ALL PTI advocates is that with a little bit of effort, you can take the majority of the locals under your fold leaving the Taliban morally handicapped. Without the support of the locals, the Taliban would either parish or transform, and the task will be much easier to perform since they won't have the locals backing them up emotionally, morally and logistically. A survey we conduced showed that 7 out of every 10 families living in the Tribal Areas had a member of their family either injured or killed because of the fighting. Those people were not Taliban but local innocent residents, and when people disagree with PTI , they are saying that we do not care about those innocent Pakistani lives.

Second thing I would like to clear up is about PTI not having enough support or a strong base in the masses to win the elections. If you look at ZAB's political rallies, you might come to the conclusion that PTI does not enjoy the same support and can not achieve the same results. One thing people do not know is that PTI has different strategy than Bhutto. PTI realizes that the rural political antics revolve around fuedals and baradaris, and as such is impossible to penetrate while playing by the rules. That is why PTI has decided to tap the political base which is in majority in Pakistan,( the youth ) and till today has largely remained disconnected and dis-concerned. A good example of this fact is the recent by - polls held in the Raiwand constituency of Lahore, which has been a stronghold of PML.N for eons. PTI swept the polls in all the urban polling stations, but lost the election because PML-N used the "Thanna and Patwari culture" to manipulate the results in the rural areas. No one has ever managed to give PML-N a scare the way PTI did, and i believe that PTI is just getting started.

PPP right now has majority by securing just 20 % votes. Quaid- e Azam is the only leader who managed 70% votes from the total voters base, which is no easy feat. If the youth is 60 %, and PTI manages to acquire even 30 % of the votes, that will give it simple majority. When you know the facts, it is fairly easy to see the patterns and the strategies forming those patterns.
PTI is best choice...BUT i think we need new faces,,,someone who can understand problems of poor,conspiracies of the west....:pakistan:
lol...imran take the lead. but the real problem here is, Imran is voted by educated people while uneducated people are the majority in Pakistan.
In Sindh ignorant and poor people of villages still vote Bhuto...thats how PPP won the last election they dont even know who is ruling Pakistan and PPP.
in Karachi there are guns in pooling station, vote BHI LOG or die.
In Panjab Zamindar and Wadairay.
Not a surprise to see Imran Khan at 60% here.
I voted for the PPP. My reasoning is that, despite Zardari's controversial personality (no, I don't consider him to be some American 'stooge'--he is just too controversial) the PPP is the only political party with roots in all four provinces as well as in Islamabad, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan. PPP needs to reform. It does have cowards like Babar Awan who backstabbed Salman Taseer but it also has Aitzaz Ahsan, SM Kasuri, Sherri Rehman.... NO OTHER political party in Pakistan has the kind of dissent and national presence as the PPP does.
PPP needs to reform and move beyond the Bhuttos. Sure, about 30%+ of Pakistanis still vote for the PPP because of the injustices done to the Bhuttos but time to move on. Performance is the key.
Imran Khan? I have thought hard about him but I have my doubts about his temperament and his sense of judgement. He was an icon in the 90s when he started politics. If he was very smart he would have overcome the 'baradari' system by now. But he has not. The biggest indication about his lack of judgement came when he decided to be a rabble-rouser against Musharraf in 2007/2008 (?) during the Judges Movement and then decided to 'hide', only to be caught by a bunch of IJT thugs whom he trusted on the campuses of Lahore's educational institutions. That was not a sign of a mature 'leader' but of a politically immature brain.
I have never thought of Imran Khan or Musharraf as 'unpatriotic' or 'corrupt'. But they have yet to convince me of their temperament. Similarly, Nawaz Sharif (unlike his brother) is also a hot-head. A country is not a financial bank or a military barrack. You are better off with a little 'corrupt' leaders who are politically compromising and are of less ego to let the democratic evolution continue.
May be I am wrong about Imran. I hope I am wrong. Yet I think there are strong reasons to suspect that he is one more Messiah in the midst.
I just refuse to go with the flow. Especially, the flow on the blogspace.
all right people alot of people are having their say , lets keep the ball rolling , please participate in the discussion too.
PML N is the party for me they have done it in the past for the sake of pakistan N INSHALLAH they will deliver it again
PML N is the party for me they have done it in the past for the sake of pakistan N INSHALLAH they will deliver it again

If PML-N gets elected in next elections then it will be the same situation as PPP ruling Pakistan. PML-N will continue serving America's interests while sacraficing Pakistan's interests. Remember Kargil, one phone call from the President of the United States and Nawaz Sharif surrendered to the indians.

PML-N will continue the same policy as PPP. They will continue with corruption, they will not help Pakistan's economy (remember when PML-N was in power in 1990's Pakistan was almost bankrupt). They will continue allowing U.S. to kill Pakistanis in Pakistani territory by drone attacks, they will continue allowing Blackwater/CIA to operate freely in Pakistan, they will continue sacraficing Pakistani blood for America's war.

Vote for PTI if you want real change.
T-Faz how come you voted for MMA ??
...6: They promote negotiations rather than military operation against insurgents, though sounds bad but ask yourself if negotiations are more practical or not.
Wanted to say sth,,, IK NEVER said talks with "Terrorists" ,,, he said talk to our own ppl, who are annoyed with us for injustice we have caused them.
& now enemies of Pak-Watan r using their anger against us,,,

We'll have to work on 2 fields at the same time,,, (1)bring back those annoyed ppl by talking to them & (2)ferrot out those elements infilterated by enemy to exploit/misguide those annoyed youngsters... & butcher those with merciless, painful, torturesome, slow death...***

What some r alleging IK of is part(1)... he hasen't said anything about his plans on part(2).
Ppl should go back to IK's attitude towards indians in cricket,,,, "بهيوں كے ما رن آلا بنده هيگا" ,,, Like that LBW of that "رونى بهيڑ" who was allowed by IK to stay even when he was given out,,, & then ousted him on very next ball... That would be his style towards indians...

Vote for PTI
سورة المَائدة

اس سبب سے ہم نے بنی اسرائیل پر لکھا کہ جس نے کسی انسان کو خون کے بدلے یا زمین میں فساد پھیلانے کے سوا کسی اور وجہ سے قتل کیا گویا اس نے تمام انسانوں کو قتل کر دیا اورجس نے کسی کو زندگی بخشی اس نے گویا تمام انسانوں کی زندگی بخشی اورہمارے رسولوں ان کے پاس کھلے حکم لا چکے ہیں پھر بھی ان میں سے بہت لوگ زمین میں زیادتیاں کرنے والے ہیں (۳۲) ان کی بھی یہی سزا ہے جو الله اوراس کے رسول سے لڑتے ہیں اورملک میں فساد کرنے کو دوڑتے ہیں یہ کہ ان کو قتل کیا جائے یا وہ سولی چڑھائے جائیں یا ان کے ہاتھ اور پاؤں مخالف جانب سے کاٹے جائیں یا وہ جلا وطن کر دیے جائیں یہ ذلت ان کے لیے دنیا میں ہے اور آخرت میں ان کے لیے بڑا عذاب ہے (۳۳)

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Don't worry, things are cooling down, APML PTI and MQm will rule government in next election. Now Imran khan need some grooming which will be given to him but We will see the person in Power who is hated by PTI lol/. Imran khan will never be made PM since he is pro terrorist, Who so ever will try to get vote from terrorist mind people is not for Pakistan. Next election will be held and APML WILL BE IN MAJOR POWER, I know many will jump the seat but strings has been pulled, days of PMLn and PPP are over, New faces will be emerged by PTI APML and MQM... like it or not. Just wait who will be PM and who will be president, Most likely Musharraf and Imran will be hold both offices. Just wait and watch
5 votes for PPP. OMG I can't believe it.:hitwall:
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