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Scythians - The Greatest Warriors of World

Informative topic. Regarding Kambojas this map shows four Kamboja kingdoms, with one placed in modern day Punjab being classified as an "Indian" kingdom, whilst the other three are "foreign kingdoms". Apparently there have also been attempts to link Cambyses and other Persian kings as Kambojas. Unfortunatly my knowledge on the ancient Kambojas is rather limited and cant verify this info from anywhere else.


The whole article, in fact.

It is rather interesting, the whole article, that is. Where did you read it? Just being curious?

Informative topic. Regarding Kambojas this map shows four Kamboja kingdoms, with one placed in modern day Punjab being classified as an "Indian" kingdom, whilst the other three are "foreign kingdoms". Apparently there have also been attempts to link Cambyses and other Persian kings as Kambojas. Unfortunatly my knowledge on the ancient Kambojas is rather limited and cant verify this info from anywhere else.

I am personally hugely intrigued by the Kamboja and by allied east Iranian speaking people, and by subsequent historical developments that may have affected them. Yes, there have been links to Cambyses, both linguistic/etymological as well as cultural, ethnic and geographical. The Medes, too, have been drawn in, rather less convincingly, in my opinion.

The other day, reading about the history of the north-east, I suddenly found myself reading a passage which stated that at that time, the Duars (hill country just below the lowest range of the eastern Himalayas) was dominated by the Kamboja! It was such a matter of fact statement in that original text that it was all the more astonishing!
Informative topic. Regarding Kambojas this map shows four Kamboja kingdoms, with one placed in modern day Punjab being classified as an "Indian" kingdom, whilst the other three are "foreign kingdoms". Apparently there have also been attempts to link Cambyses and other Persian kings as Kambojas. Unfortunatly my knowledge on the ancient Kambojas is rather limited and cant verify this info from anywhere else.


The map isn't accurate.

It has gives three names of Odisha simultaneously , ...Kalinga, Utkala and Odra . But in fact they were the names of the Odisha is different timelines.
Here is an unmixed Europid Scythian mummy from Tuva Siberia.



Genotypically, this mummy carried R1a1a, but phenotypically he is the Eastern European Nordic.

I guess he may look like this Russian dude when he was alive.


This individual looks like he's of Scandinavian ancestry. I don't mean by hair but more by facial phenotype. It's a well known fact that northwest russians are withicly germanic/scandanavian wheras the other 2 are slavic and possibly Iranic since southern russia was inhabbitted by iranic peoples. They are however binded by common language and culture much like an "arab" from sudan to that of an arab from lebanon
This individual looks like he's of Scandinavian ancestry. I don't mean by hair but more by facial phenotype. It's a well known fact that northwest russians are withicly germanic/scandanavian wheras the other 2 are slavic and possibly Iranic since southern russia was inhabbitted by iranic peoples. They are however binded by common language and culture much like an "arab" from sudan to that of an arab from lebanon

Well, the genetic test shows that the modern Russians carry very little Germanic gene, so most of those blonde/blue eyed Russian individuals may not be descended from the ancient Germanics, but from the ancient Kurgan groups, whom Scythians also descended from.
C Asians are the greatest warriors in history, especially the Turks

Middle Easterners are next (excluding Armenians)

On another note, euros are eunuch cowards, the most cowardly "people" in history
Well, the genetic test shows that the modern Russians carry very little Germanic gene, so most of those blonde/blue eyed Russian individuals may not be descended from the ancient Germanics, but from the ancient Kurgan groups, whom Scythians also descended from.

Which genetic test? It's well known that northwestern Russians are Germanic. Even the name Russ is supposed to have come from the ancient Viking tribe. I also actually take back my statement that hair color doesn't count.

Actually Nordic peoples have much higher frequencies of blond hair, much more than any other peoples on the planet and Northwestern Russians being Nordic are descended from those.

Most IE speaking people today descend from ancient Kurgan groups but split into different ethno-linguistic groups. The Scythians were an Iranic people.
Which genetic test? It's well known that northwestern Russians are Germanic. Even the name Russ is supposed to have come from the ancient Viking tribe. I also actually take back my statement that hair color doesn't count.

Actually Nordic peoples have much higher frequencies of blond hair, much more than any other peoples on the planet and Northwestern Russians being Nordic are descended from those.

Most IE speaking people today descend from ancient Kurgan groups but split into different ethno-linguistic groups. The Scythians were an Iranic people.

Took your time to reply, didn't you? Went away?
Best sources for Scythians are Herodotos' book Historiae and hippokrates' book " of airs, waters and places".

Scythians represent the clans living northern steppes of Black Sea (Pontus Euxine) and Massagetae represent the nomadic clans living beyond Caspian Sea. South Asian people are associated with those Massagetae people, have No direct relationship with Scythians and their descendants Sarmatians.

From the 1st millenium A.D. Those Caucasoid clans of eurasian steppes were replaced by immigrating East Asian nations/clans.
C Asians are the greatest warriors in history, especially the Turks

Middle Easterners are next (excluding Armenians)

On another note, euros are eunuch cowards, the most cowardly "people" in history

Euros controlled the ME at one point. The UK, France, Germany, etc were unmatched in power during WW2. And even now the ME is outclassed in military tech.

Tiny portugal had an empire larger then any Arab or Turkic one.
Euros controlled the ME at one point. The UK, France, Germany, etc were unmatched in power during WW2. And even now the ME is outclassed in military tech.

Tiny portugal had an empire larger then any Arab or Turkic one.

From Turkish/Turkic historic perspective, pre-16th century European powers were not powers. Against Nomadic confederations, Europeans were easy preys. those chivalrious knights were Hiding behind walls against bunch of poor nomads.

Same applies to Scythians. Herodotos tells how Scythians and Massagetae fought against mighty Persian Empire and won.

From Turkish/Turkic historic perspective, pre-16th century European powers were not powers. Against Nomadic confederations, Europeans were easy preys. those chivalrious knights were Hiding behind walls against bunch of poor nomads.

Same applies to Scythians. Herodotos tells how Scythians and Massagetae fought against mighty Persian Empire and won.

In two brief paragraphs, you managed both an over-simplification as well as a distortion.

Good going.
In two brief paragraphs, you managed both an over-simplification as well as a distortion.

Good going.

Nomadic confederations defeated Persian Empire in 6th century BC. West Roman Empire in 451, East Roman Empire in 1071. Then came Mongols, ravaging steppes till Central Europe only stopped to fight eachother.

Marco Polo explains each Mongol horseman carried 60 arrows in their "sadak". That means 20.000 x 60 bullet into one target. Nomads were the machineguns of middle ages. Until the artillery and firearms were invented.

They achieved these Victories with minimal losses most of the time.
Nomadic confederations defeated Persian Empire in 6th century BC. West Roman Empire in 451, East Roman Empire in 1071. Then came Mongols, ravaging steppes till Central Europe only stopped to fight eachother.

Marco Polo explains each Mongol horseman carried 60 arrows in their "sadak". That means 20.000 x 60 bullet into one target. Nomads were the machineguns of middle ages. Until the artillery and firearms were invented.

They achieved these Victories with minimal losses most of the time.

Mongols used to run rings round the enemy army and harass them with arrows, When the enemy army try to chase them they used hit and run tactics(parathion shot) .

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