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India, a friend in need?

Speeder 2

Mar 24, 2010
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United Kingdom
India, a friend in need?

If India has ambitions to send men into space, surely it could devote more resources to alleviating poverty on Earth.

(Telegraph View)

14 Feb 2011

On the face of it, the decision of Andrew Mitchell, the Secretary of State for International Development, to continue to give aid to India – more than £1 billion of it over the next four years – has some logic. The country is home to 456 million poor people, a third of all the world's poverty-stricken, while our unique historic links with the subcontinent perhaps leave a residual sense of obligation. The two facts help explain why India has for years been the leading recipient of UK aid, with the British taxpayer currently stumping up almost one-third of all the foreign contributions the country receives. Yet India's economy is now the world's 11th largest, as well as one of its fastest growing. It has an annual defence budget of £20 billion, is this year spending £760 million on its space programme and has its own overseas aid budget. Its soaring economy has produced more than 125,000 dollar millionaires, while the richest man in Britain is Lakshmi Mittal, the Indian steel tycoon. In these circumstances, is the continuation of British aid hand-outs, particularly at a time of immense pressure on the public finances, really defensible?

Mr Mitchell argues that we have a continuing obligation to help India's poor if we are to meet the UN millennium development goals. Surely the real obligation must lie with India itself. Continuing reliance on foreign payments is demeaning to such an economically vibrant country, a fact recognised by some Indian politicians. A country with ambitions to send men into space could perhaps devote more resources to alleviating poverty here on earth. Mr Mitchell's department used to be part of the Foreign Office. This wilfully irrational decision suggests that it should be returned there so that it can be made to pursue an aid policy that is more in tune with this country's national interest.

Oh no not again. Some people are so innocent that they think, if the money is not spent on spacecraft it will directly got to poor's house. They have no idea what our politicians will do with that. HINT 2G Scam, CWG etc.
The article makes it sound like India currently is doing nothing to help the poor in India, which is entirely wrong.
Secondly, the "Historic ties" are pretty much understated. They weren't historic ties, they were 200+ years of continuous, forced robbery of more wealth than the Great Britian can ever repay India.
Thirdly, No. We do not want your aid, even though we do need it. Give it nicely or get the f*** off.
The article makes it sound like India currently is doing nothing to help the poor in India, which is entirely wrong.
Secondly, the "Historic ties" are pretty much understated. They weren't historic ties, they were 200+ years of continuous, forced robbery of more wealth than the Great Britian can ever repay India.
Thirdly, No. We do not want your aid, even though we do need it. Give it nicely or get the f*** off.


Couldnt resist...... Plus wat a load of crap....historic ties? :sick:
you mean the "opium war" and "the century of humiliation"? don't worry, CCP and the new People's republic were born out of anti-colonialism and nationalism. these events are required material in high school text books and tested in college entrance exams, and you know how serious Chinese students treat their exams. :azn: Ever heard of Hong Kong, a.k.a the Queen's crown jewel? even after 150 years, China still got it back. :)

And stop dragging Pakistanis and Bangladeshis into your English worshiping, that's Indian's specialty. :yahoo:
you mean the "opium war" and "the century of humiliation"? don't worry, CCP and the new People's republic were born out of anti-colonialism and nationalism. these events are required material in high school text books and tested in college entrance exams, and you know how serious Chinese students treat their exams. :azn: Ever heard of Hong Kong, a.k.a the Queen's crown jewel? even after 150 years, China still got it back. :)

And stop dragging Pakistanis and Bangladeshis into your English worshiping, that's Indian's specialty. :yahoo:

Why were there any others too??
Are you implying that what you studied in your text book, made you so proud that you dare laugh at others..coz we might have check the authenticity of textbooks??

PS: if you think you know anything about the subcontinent(India, Pakistan, Bangladesh)..its history, think again.
Why were there any others too??
Are you implying that what you studied in your text book, made you so proud that you dare laugh at others..coz we might have check the authenticity of textbooks??

PS: if you think you know anything about the subcontinent(India, Pakistan, Bangladesh)..its history, think again.

are you implying you are confused as hell so you just throw a bunch of incoherent questions?

is that a trick you learn from your master when the subcontinent was subjugated by the English?

do you have an opinion that you can confidently put forth without having to hide it in a question?
are you implying you are confused as hell so you just throw a bunch of incoherent questions?

is that a trick you learn from your master when the subcontinent was subjugated by the English?

do you have an opinion that you can confidently put forth without having to hide it in a question?

What opinion are you looking for? You come in here and throw an off-topic post in along with a religious slur. Kudos on that BTW and then you expect us to talk to you rationally...
are you implying you are confused as hell so you just throw a bunch of incoherent questions?

is that a trick you learn from your master when the subcontinent was subjugated by the English?

do you have an opinion that you can confidently put forth without having to hide it in a question?

We are conversing in English aren't we..looks like our former English masters taught you a trick or two too ..so what if its not common sense, on how to get off your high horse part of the training.

PS : waiting for you to claim..English too is an ancient Chinese invetion ;)
historic tie as the Queen's metaphoric dick up Shiva's a$$...

yes, it's a connection that many indians are still proud and fond of . :smokin:

We do not need aid. Period. If anything the folks out there in england need more people like Ratan Tata to bail out the Jaguars, the Landrovers and the Tetleys to name a few. And as far as the above poster is concerned the admin is going to throw the banhammer at him any minute now so let him rave for all hes worth.
Why were there any others too??
Are you implying that what you studied in your text book, made you so proud that you dare laugh at others..coz we might have check the authenticity of textbooks??

PS: if you think you know anything about the subcontinent(India, Pakistan, Bangladesh)..its history, think again.

You have to forgive the guy. His country of origin has more a re educational camp and revisionist history curriculum to it. tiannamin square was where people came to praise the dragon and spread the love for the party leader

Chinese Textbooks Distort History of Korea - The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition): Daily News from Korea - Chinese Textbooks Distort History of Korea


China-- a country infamous for smoothing over its often harsh human rights policies-- should look at its own retelling of history, according to scholars.

School books in Beijing leave out significant historical events including the 1989 Tiananmen Square democracy demonstrations in which Chinese troops killed thousands of unarmed protestors,tiananmen square and the three-year famine between 1958 and 1961 when communist policies led to the starvation of an estimated 30 million Chinese.

"With rising Chinese nationalism, the efforts to rewrite history, to reinterpret history according to the demands of nationalism have become a major national pastime," Maochun Yu, a history professor at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md. told the Associated Press.
ignoring all the trolling going on, going on the British news site in the comments area they often do wonder why Britain continues to give out money to the likes of india and china, their own country is broke and now china has become the second largest economy
We do not need aid. Period.

Now that is a confident opinion I can work with.

British's aid to India serves British interest first and foremost, so the aid will be there as long as it serves UK's interest, UK government alone will increase or decrease the aid number, it has nothing to do what India needs or wants.

On the other hand, it's up to Indian government to make sure the aid benefit Indian nation and people. Not all that glitters is gold, aid isn't free, especially the ones that come from the West, they come with economical and political confrains.
Now that is a confident opinion I can work with.

British's aid to India serves British interest first and foremost, so the aid will be there as long as it serves UK's interest, UK government alone will increase or decrease the aid number, it has nothing to do what India needs or wants.

On the other hand, it's up to Indian government to make sure the aid benefit Indian nation and people. Not all that glitters is gold, aid isn't free, especially the ones that come from the West, they come with economical and political confrains.

You are neither British nor Indian, nor have any "historical ties" with the Great Britain. Yet you take such deep interest in the matters of concern between the two parties, it blows my mind. May you forever shed light on our path and shine us with your inexistent intellect.
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