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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

@HGV it is true, that arab soc nationalist regime is rotten to the core and destroyed country beyond repair. In long term in everybody interest is that regime goes into dust bin, problem is how to overcome sectarian and geopolitical concerns of involved regional and international players involved in syrian mess.
Terrible take. Hundreds of thousands of jihadists pouring into Syria armed and funded by Sunni nations (and the West) tried to destroy Syria, thankfully with Iran's assistance these terrorists were able to be defeated.
Majority of SAA is Sunni and without Syria how would Hezbollah and other resistance groups in the region get weapons? We have plenty of US-aligned Sunni regimes near Israel, you want another one? Your sectarian lens is clouding your view here.
Foot soldiers maybe, check the ranks of elite branches...
I have understanding for that that is shy i say that some larger effort and closure beyond syrian regime is needed.
So because you are so scared of war and for Hezbollah to fight, and Hezbollah itself is scared like you, despite telling us you guys are champions of Palestine and Jihad, then Palestinians now should leave to Somalia and wait 40 years ? Unbelievable how cowardly your resistance axis is.
I dont care where you go, I just dont want to see these kids bodies mangled up and watching the jews around me enjoy it.

Iran is not going to sacrifice themselves for you neither is Turkey. These countries are destined to create an empire that will free you. Like several times before.

Patience brother
Terrible take. Hundreds of thousands of jihadists pouring into Syria armed and funded by Sunni nations (and the West) tried to destroy Syria, thankfully with Iran's assistance these terrorists were able to be defeated.
That is later stage of war after justified uprising of oppressed masses. Iran made strategic mistake in order to preserve diabolical and opresive regime especially in that sectarian part (same applies to the majority of opposition in syria). It is dishonest to advocate for islamic statehood while you prop up colonial sectarian regime like asad in syria.
We must appreciate Hezbollah and Iran for doing what they can until now. But they have been raising slogans of eliminating Israel for 40 years and holding the last Friday of Ramzan as Al-Quds Day. But this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for them to ACT NOW. Their actions will change the balance of power in the Middle East in their favor and strengthen Syria and Houthis. America and Israel will suffer a defeat just like in 2006 in Lebanon In Sha Allah.

Fortune favors the bold! The Guerrilla is Audacious!

In the meantime, Palestinians from West Bank must take courage and expand the war against Israeli Army and Settlements.

@Mehdipersian @Hassan Al-Somal @Falcon29
Mullah terror regime fanboys still can not explain why despite 44+ years barking about ''Quds'' and Palestine they still can not fire one bullet directly towards Israel and have to hide behind Palestinian women and children.

What are you waiting for? Hezbollah is there right on the border, awaiting your orders. Didn't you want to fight Israel always? This is your biggest chance, grab it.
According to Hadith the Mahdi won’t just show up, he will have to be found and forced to become the leader against his will.

I’m thinking that some of us should go down to Mecca and look for guy called Muhammad bin Abdullah.

Don't try to bring what is to come when least expected... Clinging to the straws.
Zionists do exactly that, they have a short fuse and everything cobbled together for a desired outcome.

However, it seems there is a lock on status quo in Mideast, expect the unexpected. It is like a boat on choppy waters... everyone clings on to the support hangers with a death grip...

Except it gets rocked so violently that all get thrown into the cold water fending for themselves(read a false flag that knocks some passive or active belligerent(s) out). While they could have saved themselves, had they worked in sync to channel their energies in rowing the boat to calmer waters.
With all enraged, one trick ponies, fending for themselves... What do you expect?

Even if it doesn't transpire exactly... this is situation we are in as an entity.

The royals got to go, period! Generals and legacy bureaucracy. Find our feet as a people and course correct.
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That is later stage of war after justified uprising of oppressed masses. Iran made strategic mistake in order to preserve diabolical and opresive regime especially in that sectarian part (same applies to the majority of opposition in syria). It is dishonest to advocate for islamic statehood while you prop up colonial sectarian regime like asad in syria.
Kindly explain how the Syrian Government is "colonial". Methinks you use buzzwords parroted by Zionists/USA without knowing what you are talking about.

I also do not advocate for any "islamic statehood", whatever that means. Syrian Government fought against that (ISIS).
We must appreciate Hezbollah and Iran for doing what they can until now. But they have been raising slogans of eliminating Israel for 40 years and holding the last Friday of Ramzan as Al-Quds Day. But this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for them to ACT NOW. Their actions will change the balance of power in the Middle East in their favor and strengthen Syria and Houthis. America and Israel will suffer a defeat just like in 2006 in Lebanon In Sha Allah.

Fortune favors the bold! The Guerrilla is Audacious!

In the meantime, Palestinians from West Bank must take courage and expand the war against Israeli Army and Settlements.

@Mehdipersian @Hassan Al-Somal @Falcon29
Since 1979, Iran's goal has been to destroy Israel and it has planned for this.

But I think we are still far from the time when we can destroy Israel.

In 2015, the leader of Iran predicted that Israel would be destroyed in the next 25 years.

Mullah terror regime fanboys still can not explain why despite 44+ years barking about ''Quds'' and Palestine they still can not fire one bullet directly towards Israel and have to hide behind Palestinian women and children.

What are you waiting for? Hezbollah is there right on the border, awaiting your orders. Didn't you want to fight Israel always? This is your biggest chance, grab it.
Since 1979, Iran's goal has been to destroy Israel and it has planned for this.

But I think we are still far from the time when we can destroy Israel.

In 2015, the leader of Iran predicted that Israel would be destroyed in the next 25 years.
Want to bet that Israel will outlive Khamenei and all those other fags planning that garbage?
Even when Palestinians in Gaza are facing a genocide you are preoccupied with propagating sectarian hatred of Iran and Shias. This is very sad and explains a lot for the failure of Sunni movements in the region.
I'm not sectarian. And everyone can see. We are asking for Hezbollah to intervene in this dire situation. Also on Arabs and Turks. But when it comes to Iran and Hezbollah you throw sectarian label at us.

You FINALLY called out Arab states for once! That’s good. It’s a move forward, look within rather than out. Now if you can only mention Jordan..
I have plenty of times. You aren't seeing all my posts.
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