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Israel "navy' murders POW sailors stranded in water (taped themselves doing the crime)

Well, the hospital still stand no? It would have been gone if it was hit by a 500 pounder, and you are talking about JDAM, which is 2000 pound and drop from 20000 ft, the velocity alone is going to turn the hospital into dust.

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Israel has plethora of weapons, In the first days, I heard IDF saying they are using fighter jets, UCAVs, Artillery. So who made you think that it was JDAM? It could have been any other weapon. Hamas rockets have never enough punch to do that much damage and take out 500 people. Hamas rockets are very light weight, even if the structure is standing still that is not the job of Hamas rockets.
Does that looks like an airstrike to you? I didn't for me.

Airstrike means at least a 500-pounder dropped, which mean it's going to be an embedded explosion as the bomb are going to be forced to the ground as it hit terminal velocity before it explodes, which mean cratering, dirt/ground reposition, and shrapnel, I don't see any on the hospital that's been hit.

1,500 satanic Israeli dogs are dead

A good Israeli is a dead Israeli
Israel has plethora of weapons, In the first days, I heard IDF saying they are using fighter jets, UCAVs, Artillery. So who made you think that it was JDAM? It could have been any other weapon. Hamas rockets have never enough punch to do that much damage and take out 500 people. Hamas rockets are very light weight, even if the structure is standing still that is not the job of Hamas rockets.
First of all, as I explained, it's a fuel fire damage, anything can do that, it can be both Israel or Hamas rocket. As long as you have fuel and it burn long enough, you have that damage. How many people killed in this does not really matter as to what caused the incident.

Second of all, there are only a few weapon in Israel arsenal can do this type of damage, you are talking about either High Explosive Incendiary bomb (Then you will have crater and shrapnel), Napalm (Then the burn will be very extensive and last very long) or White phosphorus (It burn pretty quick, you don't ignite a fuel fire like this)

You can look at the damage assessment I made from what I observe from a video of aftermath here

Does that looks like an airstrike to you? I didn't for me.

Airstrike means at least a 500-pounder dropped, which mean it's going to be an embedded explosion as the bomb are going to be forced to the ground as it hit terminal velocity before it explodes, which mean cratering, dirt/ground reposition, and shrapnel, I don't see any on the hospital that's been hit.
Does not. Now the media are shadow editing their previous headlines.
When? When there's no Palestinian left in Gaza?
You must be israeli. He said arabs and you acknowledge the genocide as if it's nothing. You're permanently discredited here. Idk why LeGend has you around unless you pay the Faujeets. A lot of IDF visit cyprus. Must be where you meet up with turks.
You must be israeli. He said arabs and you acknowledge the genocide as if it's nothing. You're permanently discredited here. Idk why LeGend has you around unless you pay the Faujeets. A lot of IDF visit cyprus
Who said?
First of all, as I explained, it's a fuel fire damage, anything can do that, it can be both Israel or Hamas rocket. As long as you have fuel and it burn long enough, you have that damage. How many people killed in this does not really matter as to what caused the incident.

Second of all, there are only a few weapon in Israel arsenal can do this type of damage, you are talking about either High Explosive Incendiary bomb (Then you will have crater and shrapnel), Napalm (Then the burn will be very extensive and last very long) or White phosphorus (It burn pretty quick, you don't ignite a fuel fire like this)

You can look at the damage assessment I made from what I observe from a video of aftermath here

There is no big bomb crater so it was an incendiary device that burned the building as most of the building is still in tact.

That still doesn't mean hamas did it as Israel could have just as easily set off incendiary bombs to implicate hamas in this act of terror

Who did it? no one knows for sure but it wasn't a traditional israeli bomb that levels large buildings
I say. (Read nahtanbobs comment above. He said arabs.)


Who did it? no one knows for sure but it wasn't a traditional israeli bomb that levels large buildings
So when are you going to bomb the Australian parliament and surrounding facilites? It's not going to be an enemy, as you say.
Nothing new
Whitemans national sport
Celebrations , remembrance , public holidays in the white world is based on such atrocities
Statues will be built to remember the genocidal action taken .

Africa , India , Caribbean etc have been through much much worse .
Throughout history these white heroes are revered .
There is no big bomb crater so it was an incendiary device that burned the building as most of the building is still in tact.

That still doesn't mean hamas did it as Israel could have just as easily set off incendiary bombs to implicate hamas in this act of terror

Who did it? no one knows for sure but it wasn't a traditional israeli bomb that levels large buildings
Incendiary device will burn the car completely from the outside because you have an external fuel source, which is whatever it was burning, be it HEI, Napalm, or White Phosphate, it will be like this.


again, the car in the video was burn from just above and below the window,


which is where the hot air get release from, suggesting the fire that burn these car down is from inside the car, because the window would have been the area when hot air build up pressure and try to escape. These damage looks like normal car fire from fuel leak and cause a fire, instead of a third and independent fire source.


Does that mean Hamas did it? I don't know, again, you need evidence to point finger, if it was Israeli air/ground strike, you will be able to show remanent of the bomb or missile like casing, guidance system or even warhead. if it was Hamas own rocket, you can most likely find wire or circuit on the scene, no one can be sure until people actually walk the scene and collect those evidence and show us, what I am able to tell you is what missing from the scene, so I can tell you what it most likely wasn't
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