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59 Indians in Bangladeshi Jails

Why Bharati Govt is refusing to take back its citizens ?

There are much more Bangladeshi in Coochbehar, Jalpauguri and Siliguri central jail.
the same reaction is from other side also:coffee:
Govt. is not interested in taking them back, be it Indian or Bangladeshi :angry:
There are much more Bangladeshi in Coochbehar, Jalpauguri and Siliguri central jail.
the same reaction is from other side also:coffee:
Govt. is not interested in taking them back, be it Indian or Bangladeshi :angry:

Govts in every country are bound to give reasons for such decisions . What is the the reason for refusal to take back these citizens by respective countries ?
Govts in every country are bound to give reasons for such decisions . What is the the reason for refusal to take back these citizens by respective countries ?

In most cases the govt prefers to stay silent, and in some they just refuse to acknowledge them as their citizens.
In most cases the govt prefers to stay silent, and in some they just refuse to acknowledge them as their citizens.

I think in such cases the civil society organisations and media should come to the help of such citizens.

After completing their term in jail they should be given their right to freedom
seriously...enough with the bharati $hit..
unlike P.A.K.I., its not even a short form or anything...

When officially it is defined as "India that is Bharat".. is insulting..
The above are all $hitty???
and refrain from using that insulting abbreviation.
When officially it is defined as "India that is Bharat".. is insulting..
The above are all $hitty???
and refrain from using that insulting abbreviation.

That is how the slur "p***" started too. The word itself isn't bad. But when someone uses it to abuse, it becomes a racial slur. Same is the case with the "N" word too. So try not to create a slur out of an otherwise benign word.
That is how the slur "p***" started too. The word itself isn't bad. But when someone uses it to abuse, it becomes a racial slur. Same is the case with the "N" word too. So try not to create a slur out of an otherwise benign word.

This is not racial attitude. This is to specify people from Big Bharat who have similarity in their traits. Anyway, I saw one frustrated Bharati to call us Bangs, lol.

And yes, we do not use any short form like Bhara or Bhati as like Bang or P.aki . So there is no offense in the full word "Bharati". Bharati is a lovely word.
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That is how the slur "p***" started too. The word itself isn't bad. But when someone uses it to abuse, it becomes a racial slur. Same is the case with the "N" word too. So try not to create a slur out of an otherwise benign word.

But is someone incorrect in calling you a Bharati? Since India defines itself that way
you are from Bharat.. I agree with the use of it with the twist..
but all in all .. its no short form..
the short P/\ki was originally coined by the british for Pakistani immigrants..
the beatles have a song deriding Pakistanis.
Pakistan is just Pakistan..
there is no other name for it..
Infact.. dont you think it would be more effective to deter such racial slurs.. by accepting it.. You are Bharati.. what is the guy gonna say..
He's stuck at his own game.
There is no twisting of the word involved.. no adulteration.

The same cannot be said of P/\ki.
Till then.. Bharati is not an insult.. if you feel so.. I can on request change all of em to Indian.. and post a warning.
I have no issues with P/\ki myself.. but I am one person..
To me its not a racial slur..
on the contrary.. I am a P/\ki.. take it or leave it..
but others may not see it that way.

However.. Bingo, bangs, Chicom, frog , etc.. arent all that harmless.
But is someone incorrect in calling you a Bharati? Since India defines itself that way
you are from Bharat.. I agree with the use of it with the twist..
but all in all .. its no short form..
the short P/\ki was originally coined by the british for Pakistani immigrants..
the beatles have a song deriding Pakistanis.
Pakistan is just Pakistan..
there is no other name for it..
Infact.. dont you think it would be more effective to deter such racial slurs.. by accepting it.. You are Bharati.. what is the guy gonna say..
He's stuck at his own game.
There is no twisting of the word involved.. no adulteration.

The same cannot be said of P/\ki.
Till then.. Bharati is not an insult.. if you feel so.. I can on request change all of em to Indian.. and post a warning.

Thanks for being honest. Indians don't refer themselves as Bharati. I don't want to make a fuss about it . Anyway, if someone likes to call us "Bharati" instead of the universally accepted "Indian" for what ever reason, so be it.
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