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Chinese reporter asks Palestinian kids what they like to be and to do after they grow up

**** off moron. You are too stupid to even have a discussion. Lol, taking Arunachal from India. Haha. You jest.
Lol. India is always better than communists who would run bulldozers on their own people.
Lol, what a moron

Lol, what a moron

Lol. Do you want us to quote how you occupied Tibet and Xinjiang. India has most Sikhs in the world. Indian Sikhs are most patriotic and are highly representative in nationalistic Indian army. Does anyone take China seriously these days? You are being too foolish to run even a propaganda.

Why do I care about what some stupid Rabbi thinks about Idol worshippers. Is everything religious to dumb Pakjeets?
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Why do I care about what some stupid Rabbi thinks about Idol worshippers. Is everything religious to dumb Pakjeets?
You seem to know what it is like to be a "kaffir among Muslims", you need to know what it's like to be a Pajeet idol worshipper among our Jewish friends.


Being a repulsive jeet paired with being an idol worshipper is probably one of the most rancid combinations known to humankind.
Lol. Do you want us to quote how you occupied Tibet and Xinjiang. Does anyone take China seriously these days?
Go ahead, I have way more news and pics about Xinjiang and Tibet than you can ever image, please do it now.
Lol. Please don't eat bat shits and spread diseases like wuhan viruses around dumb shit.

And you morons don't forget to control Indian Delta Virus if you ever could next time and stop infecting the world.
You seem to know what it is like to be a "kaffir among Muslims", you need to know what it's like to be a Pajeet idol worshipper among our Jewish friends.

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Being a repulsive jeet paired with being an idol worshipper is probably one of the most rancid combinations known to humankind.
Lol. We are civilized enough to not go racist with the caricatures of Muslims. This is why Muslims are mostly hated around the world and kept at pole distance in immigration. Let's hope Israel relents before completely destroying Hamas and resistance, otherwise dumb south Asian mullahs will have no face to show for themselves. What is rancid is south asian Mullahs pairing with atheist/communist Chinese to portray Israel survival action as some sort of aggression. You can cry all you want, nothing changes.

And you morons don't forget to control Indian Delta Virus if you ever could next time and stop infecting the world.
Lol. Wuhan virus has spread to your brain. You are bringing down the collective IQ of Chinese. Stop before you make mockery of yourself.
Lol. We are civilized enough to not go racist with the caricatures of Muslims. This is why Muslims are mostly hated around the world and kept at pole distance in immigration. Let's hope Israel relents before completely destroying Hamas and resistance, otherwise dumb south Asian mullahs will have no face to show for themselves. What is rancid is south asian Mullahs pairing with atheist/communist Chinese to portray Israel survival action as some sort of aggression. You can cry all you want, nothing changes.

Lol. Wuhan virus has spread to your brain. You are bringing down the collective IQ of Chinese. Stop before you make mockery of yourself.
Moron, go eat bat and cow dungs to repair your demented brain to bring up your IQ to 100 so you can be a normal person.
Lol. We are civilized enough to not go racist with the caricatures of Muslims. This is why Muslims are mostly hated around the world and kept at pole distance in immigration. Let's hope Israel relents before completely destroying Hamas and resistance, otherwise dumb south Asian mullahs will have no face to show for themselves. What is rancid is south asian Mullahs pairing with atheist/communist Chinese to portray Israel survival action as some sort of aggression. You can cry all you want, nothing changes.
Civilised? The entire world has seen your slavery complex and is mocking you for being suck ups to Zionists, and right-wing Europeans, even they don't respect you for being so cucked

You have plenty of shitty caricatures but no one really takes it serious coming from Pajeet Hindus.

Muslims are disliked because of politics, they don't accept servitude, Hindus subordinates make perfect slaves, why hate them?
My "US master"? You're in Canada. US is your master. And the Americans have always sided with Israel,but China is supposed to be against USA and Israel. So what are you doing? You're a superpower. You can impose economic and diplomatic pressure on both countries. Why aren't you doing it? Because in the end of the day,you don't care about Palestinians. You care about losing money.

Because you always try to portray China as the superpower that is sympathetic to all poor and downtrodden and the protector of freedom from imperialists. Yet what is China even doing?
Not really. China was historically relatively neutral and uninvolved with the conflict. It’s only in the last few years as Israel has ganged up with the US against China whether it was about Covid or the alleged Uyghur genocide (pretty rich that Israel is accusing China of genociding Muslims lol) that China has been waking up to the fact that Israel is acting as an enemy state. Since then China has started to shift its position in the region to not only be more Pro Palestine but have also turned the geopolitical table against Israel by facilitating the Saudi Iran detente.

The gist is that China is new to the region as far as being an involved actor but its presence and influence is growing to Israel’s detriment. Is China going to start sending warships to bomb Israel? No. But it will certainly start working against Israel’s interest and that’s a huge shift that is still developing.
Is China going to start sending warships to bomb Israel? No. But it will certainly start working against Israel’s interest and that’s a huge shift that is still developing.
China can just put economic and diplomatic pressure on Israel,China is a trade giant!
China can just put economic and diplomatic pressure on Israel,China is a trade giant!
Depending on what happens, there certainly may be more pressure in the future. China acts cautiously but when it has to, it acts decisively. However China typically makes its move quietly like a ninja so the nuances are very important. Wang Yi recently came out with a very pro Palestinian message and that indicates its stance in the region has significantly shifted towards Palestine.

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