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Chinese social median overwhelmingly in support of Palestine, anti semitism raises head

That just a minority. Not all Israelis are orthodox Jews. Even though they don’t pray all days. They have regular jobs I think.
they are a million strong in Israel, by no means a minority. Why else do you think Israel lost its marbles all of a sudden? apart from internal political struggles these people also contributed a lot by sucking its social welfare dry.
ol what is this nonsense? Why should China support Israel?

because they think every one think like ..sorry is brained washed like them. Americans never really look at the whole picture and then make a call

No, in China, corruption is conveniently used by the leader to get rid of political oppositions.

Like they was US supported the Pak Military to get rid of Imran Khan?..

got it.
they are a million strong in Israel, by no means a minority. Why else do you think Israel lost its marbles all of a sudden? apart from internal political struggles these people also contributed a lot by sucking its social welfare dry.
I just google the stat. The Jew orthodox is about 13 percent of population, with half of them work in regular jobs. So we looking at non working population of 6.5 percent. That’s minority.

I bet the percentage of non working Ccp officials is bigger. They suck money too.
I bet the percentage of non working Ccp officials is bigger. They suck money too.
CCP official jobs are high competitive and liability based, they have to work their butt off to keep their positions, let along moving up.

CPC has well established official work performance assessment system, if you can't bring positive results before a deadline , you will be gone, more competent competitors will take your job.
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I just google the stat. The Jew orthodox is about 13 percent of population, with half of them work in regular jobs. So we looking at non working population of 6.5 percent. That’s minority.
they also breed more, which means alot of their children will carry on such life style, their number will grow exponentially
I bet the percentage of non working Ccp officials is bigger. They suck money too.
possibly under corruption investigations, I don't understand why you people make such a big deal out of it, those officials come and go like a rotating horse lamp

is that how Vietcong used to do things? figures that you came from a corrupt family from south Vietnam now everything makes sense
They learned from your China. Seems corruption is par excellence among Chinese government officials that it became the normal way for the leader to persecute his political opponents.
Israel killed Chinese ambassador Du Wei.

The Jews know nothing but assassination.

The CPC DONT assassinate people unless this guy is traitor ex CPC.

Du Wei was the youngest and among the most promising rising star of China elite MFA cadre.

they also breed more, which means alot of their children will carry on such life style, their number will grow exponentially

That’s ok my friend. they are god chosen people. The Bible explicitly says go and multiply.
aren't you ashamed to suck up to CCP bots just because they through a few dollars at you?

Having shared interest is butt licking ?... no?

We both get a relief after peeing on Indians

then take them back, let them live scattered across Europe and America where their lives are cherished like babies apparently :lol:

Christians have been murdering Jews for 100s of years .. they dumped their problem on us ..

May be india should take the Israelis .. 6 million new Indians = one day increase in India’s population
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