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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Is that even a post by a MOD?
you probably don't read much , right?

Russians suffered heavy losses or not , doesn't matter , what matter is the attrition of the western ammo and economy.
Arabs-Israelis proved themselves since yesterday and still the war going and i already posted some videos and photos about the israeli losses.
africans and France, you probably havent heard about the coups going on there and expelleing the french troops and companies? :'D

relax US fanboy.
Russia intervention has given much-needed life to Western sleeping manufacturing units. You will see.
The war had barely started - I don't get premature celebrations.
France likes coups. More fights = More fun. African conflicts are French sandbox. In fact, Ukraine is also joining the show to counter Wagner in African colonies.

None of these conflicts affect Western homelands. This is the point.
There are valid reasons for thinking Israel can be overstretched by a multi-war front. But the USA military is a different beast altogether. People are overhyping the US naval movements here, it's extremely unlikely that the USA will get directly involved (except to resupply and fund Israel, as usual).
The US is only there to prevent Israels neighboring and regional contries joining the party, making sure no third party starts making moves in stirred waters.
you can see from the likes even youthias are not buying so focus on other things brother. Even pakistani liberals are against isreal rightnow
My only request to Youthias/Liberals (begharat brigade) lets fight Pussy cats (zionists) and their Goy (pagans smelly pajeets), don't bring Pakistan army here
Whether it's by a thousand cuts or by slitting the throat, the result is the same.
not really, when you escalate a situation you lose control of where it will go, Iran might be next on the chopping block and who knows what else.

Father is responsible why take your family into a active war zone knowing you are living on stolen land

Very foolish parents
Wasn't an active war zone 2 days ago

Hamas spokesperson claims resistance group still operating in several areas in Israel​

In a speech, Abu Ubaida, spokesman for the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam brigades, the military wing of Hamas, claims that fighting is still ongoing in several areas near the northern Gaza border, including Zikim, Sufa, and Mefalsim, and that resistance fighters managed to take a new group of Israeli hostages into the Gaza strip today.

Abu Ubaida further claims that Hamas members killed and wounded a large number of Israeli forces in Mavki’im, south of Ashkelon, and retreated safely from the Urim base, which hosts the 3200 IDF Intelligence Unit, he adds.

Commander of Tzeelim training base wounded yesterday, says IDF​

Brig. Gen. Roman Gofman, the commander of the Tzeelim training base, was wounded during clashes with Hamas fighters near Sderot yesterday.

The Israel Defense Forces says Gofman, who lives in Ashdod, set out for the Gaza border upon receiving reports of Hamas’s attack on southern Israel.

He clashed with Palestinian fighters in Sderot, and was wounded. The military says he is in a stable condition.
This is a fake video, it's from Egypt

The real videos are not too dissimilar though
the man is not saying that this is a conflict zone, which is also clear from the flag and the boards. I posted bcs the fighters who landed with paragliders seems to have attracted a lot of attention. The new phobia has been created.
Russia intervention has given much-needed life to Western sleeping manufacturing units. You will see.
The war had barely started - relax and see.
France likes coups. More fights = More fun. African conflicts are French sandbox.
you are delusional.
attrition of their ammo and units gave them much-needed life to western sleeping manufacturing units? are you still in 1940s?

we are in 2023, with high Inflation rate, the cost of the bullet today is not the same as 1940s. the people of today aren't the same as 1940s , is the west ready to give up his luxury life just to start mass production of weapons? NOPE.

the west has already lost ....

france like coups which are against their interests ? :'D
Iran might be next on the chopping block and who knows what else.
Once Israel manages to deal with the impoverished militant groups in the tiny besieged Gaza Strip then it can think about Hezbollah maybe and if it is still alive then it can think about Iranian groups in Syria and Iraq and Houthis in Yemen (who all have missiles that can reach Israel)

Then if by some miracle it still wants to fight with Iran, bring it on.

Israel's best chance to attack Iran was in the early 2000s once news of Natanz was leaked by the terrorist MEK. Back then Iran didn't even have missiles that could reach Israel or any modern air defence systems. But they blew it and now Israel is surrounded by a ring of fire and Iran has nothing to fear.
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