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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Lmao the Palestinians are batshxt crazy people.. Gotta love them

Well, don't whine when these kids/teenager are on the frontlines and get shot. ^^
Always SO DUMB, you don't interfere in things like this and play the victim afterwards.
Reminds me on palestinian "caring" fathers/mothers who use their LITTLE children to throw stones at IDF personal when there is a shootout.
That's a good way to get your child killed.
It is funny you say that. The US/NATO has amassed Afghan translators in Pakistan. When are you guys going to take them in?
Who's "we guys"? You're in Netherlands,you're more Western and NATO than Greeks are. You guys had a bigger presence in Afghanistan than we did. Maybe you should take them?
And how do you know she is a colonizer? How do you know she doesn't come from a long family of local Jews?

And even if she was a settler...look at what you're saying...a woman with her baby? Are you guys that cold-hearted? Have you lost your mind? Don't you constantly try to convince other people that Islam is a religion of peace?
Bro, we will never have any soft spot for any colonizers. isreal is a colony and every isreali is a legitimate target.
And i will never be peaceful if you try to enslave me of try to take my property forcefully. But, Will you?
Islam commands us to fight oppression so we can bring peace...
The public support of the Muslim world is with the Palestinian cause. Many of us have rejoiced the initial victories of the Palestinians. Saying that how long they will fight and take on the might of Israel is anybody's guess.
The toll of civilian casualties on both sides is heartbreaking. I wish there was ever a sane solution.
Nevertheless, if Hizbullah opens another front from the north, Israel will be in a bigger quagmire. Todays operations in Israel have all the hallmarks of Iranian footprints.
Well, don't whine when these kids/teenager are on the frontlines and get shot. ^^
Always SO DUMB, you don't interfere in things like this and play the victim afterwards.
Reminds me on palestinian "caring" fathers/mothers who use their LITTLE children to throw stones at IDF personal when there is a shootout.
That's a good way to get your child killed.

Dude, these Palestinians are already dying and losing their land. They are barricaded between walls for fvck sake. Their Arab brothers betrayed them on top of that.

You think a Palestinian cares about living or dying at this point?
But I saw Greeks in general supportive of artsakh separatists region blockaded by Azerbaijan as inhuman and genocide Gaza is hundred times worse than than at least Azerbaijan targeted separatists and finished war quickly Israelis is a real apartheid state brutalizing Palestinian for 70 years now

But do you know that Palestine itself has accepted Nagorno-Karabakh to be a part of Azerbaijan?
Do you know almost all Muslims have accepted Nagorno-Karabakh to be a part of Azerbaijan?


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