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Initial Report: Rangers & CTD Kill 10 in Sindh

An op has been going on since two weeks or something.

The Sindh interior minister who was awarded for being a good spokesman on TV previously even alluded to it.

I do honestly think the affected people are robbers and miscreants, not as masoom as you would think. But would be interested in the details.

I recall a tweet as well a few days ago where some Pir or someone's daughter was picked up by LEA's, and she was notorious for being heavy handed in her district.
Sepoys taking out Zardari's and other Sindhi nationalists' enemies.

Appears so. However mainstream media is still covering it up as 'Rangers Operation'. I wonder how many of theses operations that took place since 2009 were REAL ?

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This sounds more and more like IOK:

The whole country does ATM.

You tweet something anti-army, your boss gets a call and his business gets threatened unless you get fired.

You tweet something and then hide, 3 generations of your family get picked up and thrown in prison.

Women prisoners are kept in police stations in violation of law and denied bail hearings.

People get picked up in 12 cases one after the other

You are in jail and 3 of your siblings die but you are not allowed to go to their funeral

Media is gagged

Anyone can get picked up and be vanished for 3 months without a case but no body gives a damn, especially not that charlatan we have as our CJP.
but what did the PTI govt do for the Sahiwal incident?
nothing, it had thrown its support firmly behind the Bojh, CTD and the other involved institutions.

Rumor is that ISI chief at-that-time was sacked over Sahiwal indecent. That is as much can be done by a coalition government which is supported by Army backed political parties. There is a reason Army generals love hung parliament.

The other difference you might have noticed that whole media was unleashed with full throttle on then-new PTI government. That's why you still remember Sahiwal incident.

But now when 10 individuals are slaughtered, news media has gone missing and no one would remember Sakrand incident next month. But you would still remember Sahiwal.

That is the beauty of media management.
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Looks like Sindhudesh chapter just cashed in on the propaganda vibes.

You people are welcome to move to interior Sindh and do a fact finding mission.

Bunch of half baked self hating fascists with grandeur desire to take on Pakistan security apparatus.

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