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Trudeau accuses Indian government of involvement in killing of Canadian Sikh leader

Both Trudeau and the head of CSIS were in India, took sides with RAW intelligence and Modi, but both of them showed them as cold shoulder. This is the most serious step they have ever taken against India even though it involves 6 billion dollars in business, but when it comes to sovereignty, they take Indian cross border terrorism very seriously to kill a Canadian on Canadian soil very seriously. This is a big setback to Modi and it puts a damper on the dream of Bharat he has for the country.Hence proved indian gov is terriost.
"Credible allegations of potential link" and asking india for help with investigation doesnt sound like they have a smoking gun.

Possible india link was reported when he got clapped 6 months ago. Screamihg that in parliament seems to me like domestic politics. A ridiculous thing to do.

People who dont live in canada have no idea how much of a joke the institutions and law enforcement are. They arent going to find anything. Except the two black guys i saw shooting him over a drug deal.
India has everyt right to hunt down terorrists anywhere on earth. If Justin Trudeau needs their support to stay in power. so be it. He will do what he needs to do stay in power and we will continue to do what it takes to kill these terrorists.
Having come with Abhinandan, you returned with an amazing cup of tea. It blows you to a very low level when you kill Canadians. Do not think that you are going to become Bharat and have the right to kill any citizens of any country. The fact that you spread cross-border terrorism in other countries makes you a terrorist.

"Credible allegations of potential link" and asking india for help with investigation doesnt sound like they have a smoking gun.

Possible india link was reported when he got clapped 6 months ago. Screamihg that in parliament seems to me like domestic politics. A ridiculous thing to do.

People who dont live in canada have no idea how much of a joke the institutions and law enforcement are. They arent going to find anything. Except the two black guys i saw shooting him over a drug deal.
There is a typical Indian response to this. The mere act of making allegations against the Canadian prime minister does not make indian justified. It is impossible for the Canadian prime minister to say without solid evidence that Indians are involved in cross-border terrorism to kill Canadians.
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Having come with Abhinandan, you returned with an amazing cup of tea. It blows you to a very low level when you kill Canadians. Do not think that you are going to become Bharat and have the right to kill any citizens of any country. The fact that you spread cross-border terrorism in other countries makes you a terrorist.

There is a typical Indian response to this. The mere act of making allegations against the Canadian prime minister does not make indian justified. It is impossible for the Canadian prime minister to say without solid evidence that Indians are involved in cross-border terrorism to kill Canadians.
You misunderstand me.

Trudeau said that there are "Credible allegations of a potential link" of india to this incident.

Nobody on the canadian side has said anything stronger.

It is absolutley possible for trudeau to say that without solid evidence. Thats exactly what he did here. You over estimate his competence, the longer this goes without evidence being presented the worse of a boondoggle it is for him. Absolute brainless move.
Having come with Abhinandan, you returned with an amazing cup of tea. It blows you to a very low level when you kill Canadians. Do not think that you are going to become Bharat and have the right to kill any citizens of any country. The fact that you spread cross-border terrorism in other countries makes you a terrorist.

There is a typical Indian response to this. The mere act of making allegations against the Canadian prime minister does not make indian justified. It is impossible for the Canadian prime minister to say without solid evidence that Indians are involved in cross-border terrorism to kill Canadians.

Canada has not shown the evidence yet. Let us hold off until then.
Sometimes countries will not release the evidence for law enforcement if it compromises methods and sources of intelligence.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says national security agencies are investigating "credible allegations" that the "agents of the government of India" were involved in the killing of prominent Canadian Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar in B.C. in June.

"Over the past number of weeks, Canadian security agencies have been actively pursuing credible allegations of a potential link between agents of the government of India and the killing of a Canadian citizen Hardeep Singh Nijjar," Trudeau said, addressing the House of Commons about an "extremely serious matter," after informing the opposition party leaders.

"Canada is a rule of law country, the protection of our citizens in defence of our sovereignty are fundamental. Our top priorities have therefore been one, that our law enforcement and security agencies ensure the continued safety of all Canadians. And two, that all steps be taken to hold perpetrators of this murder to account."

Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly also announced that Canada would be expelling a "key Indian diplomat" and said Canada "expects India to fully collaborate with us and ultimately to get to the bottom of this."

Nijjar had been a long-time advocate of the Khalistan movement, which calls for an independent homeland for Sikhs in India's Punjab region. The Sikh leader was gunned down outside the Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara in Surrey, B.C., on June 18.

Nijjar's death had sparked protests from the Sikh community across Canada, with many accusing the Indian government of orchestrating the killing and even going as far as holding posters that refer to Indian diplomats as "killers."

Last week, Trudeau was in India attending the G20, where there were signs of diplomatic tensions with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Trudeau told the House he "personally and directly" brought up allegations to Modi when they met. Modi's office, meanwhile, said India has "strong concerns about continuing anti-India activities of extremist elements in Canada."

"Any involvement of a foreign government in the killing of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil is an unacceptable violation of our sovereignty," Trudeau said.

"In the strongest possible terms, I continue to urge the Government of India to cooperate with Canada to get to the bottom of this matter. I also expect it to reiterate that its position on extra-judicial operations in another country is clearly and unequivocally in line with international law."

CTV News has reached out to the Indian High Commission in Ottawa.
Well done RAW , Seall terrorists to hell .
the question is who are the real terrorist ? ..

Having come with Abhinandan, you returned with an amazing cup of tea. It blows you to a very low level when you kill Canadians. Do not think that you are going to become Bharat and have the right to kill any citizens of any country. The fact that you spread cross-border terrorism in other countries makes you a terrorist.

There is a typical Indian response to this. The mere act of making allegations against the Canadian prime minister does not make indian justified. It is impossible for the Canadian prime minister to say without solid evidence that Indians are involved in cross-border terrorism to kill Canadians.

I predict that this will mean -
  1. The loss of business opportunities in Canada for Indian businesses
  2. The curtailing of immigration visas for Indian citizens to Canada (including IT workers and students)
  3. The loss of any Canadian assistance to India whether funding or technical
  4. The curtailing (or tariff impositions) for Indian exports to Canada.
There may be other actions in other sectors. You can't expect a beggar country like India to show Seenajuri to a first world country like Canada, regardless of what these deluded bhakts think.

Sikhs will enjoy better relations in the Canadian govt. more than ever before. They have lived in Canada for generations and are considered true Canadians - not new immigrants like some of these "new Indians" (bhakts).

Sikhs will be targeting Modi-bhakts themselves, fasten your seat belts idiots. You don't f*ck with Pakistanis, neither with Sikhs.

When it comes to NATO countries, they are usually of one voice, so I see these anti-Indian measures eventually spreading to other Western countries, and the primary victim will be Indians and Indian businesses themselves, job opportunity-wise and exports-wise.
I predict that this will mean -
  1. The loss of business opportunities in Canada for Indian businesses
  2. The curtailing of immigration visas for Indian citizens to Canada (including IT workers and students)
  3. The loss of any Canadian assistance to India whether funding or technical
  4. The curtailing (or tariff impositions) for Indian exports to Canada.
There may be other actions in other sectors. You can't expect a beggar country like India to show Seenajuri to a first world country like Canada, regardless of what these deluded bhakts think.

Sikhs will enjoy better relations in the Canadian govt. more than ever before. They have lived in Canada for generations and are considered true Canadians - not new immigrants like some of these "new Indians" (bhakts).

Sikhs will be targeting Modi-bhakts themselves, fasten your seat belts idiots. You don't f*ck with Pakistanis, neither with Sikhs.

When it comes to NATO countries, they are usually of one voice, so I see these anti-Indian measures eventually spreading to other Western countries, and the primary victim will be Indians and Indian businesses themselves, job opportunity-wise and exports-wise.

are you sure staying in USA?

Because, as I read through various news outlets, I noticed that they do a good job of representing the Indian viewpoint.

Example - They already told about this guy at the beginning. If a common people of USA will watch - they will come to know, he was not a saint person..


are you sure staying in USA?

Because, as I read through various news outlets, I noticed that they do a good job of representing the Indian viewpoint.

Example - They already told about this guy at the beginning. If a common people of USA will watch - they will come to know, he was not a saint person..

View attachment 954741

He wasn't a saint. So you killed him... What a logic, Hindutvati fanatic.

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