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Why Taiwan is ahead of Mainland China in GDP per capita

India in reality is not a democracy country.

Despite both Taiwan and India are democracy, but they are different, big different.

India form of government was given by the British Empire, not formed by bottom up, from the ground up.

As India used to be a feudalism, the culture of feudalism is still strong in India, and shaped the political culture in democracy system. Then added with caste system, it even worse.

The way how Indian members always use the term of feudal Xi is actually originated from the situation and culture in India.

Seeing the statistics you posted above, India is actually a very sad country. Truly.

They are proud... and at the same time feel betrayed by their 'democracy'.
this is o factually wrong that I am surprised you don't know better.
Indian chose parliamentary democracy, wrote own constitution and is a vibrant practitioner.
You only have to see how many times people have voted the incumbent party out of power to understand this.
BTW the caste system actually helps making democracy stronger - by providing a very natural and very Indian way of representation of various communities..

This is why Indians, while poorer, live as human beinsg with rights whereas Chinese are little more than well fed cattle. I don't blame the chinese people though - they cannot rebel after the way Mao zedung and several after him massacred millions and millions of chinese. It is the CCP top echelons that have worked themselves out a very convenient system where a billion slaves work just for them to live in opulence and power.

There are so many capitalist countries in the world, how many countries have developed?
I am now convinced that you CCPMice are incapable of understanding what human rights are and how they are the biggest part of development, more important than CCP charity of a piece of cheese when you run to the other end and back like a lab mouse!
This is why Indians, while poorer, live as human beinsg with rights whereas Chinese are little more than well fed cattle. I don't blame the chinese people though - they cannot rebel after the way Mao zedung and several after him massacred millions and millions of chinese. It is the CCP top echelons that have worked themselves out a very convenient system where a billion slaves work just for them to live in opulence and power.
And why it much poor? and much dirtier? what's wrong with this country?
And are Indians really that happy as your delusional mind believe?

China devalued its currency Yuan against USD many folds in the 1990s, that's one reason seeing that Chinese GDP per Capita is much lower than Taiwan's today.
I am now convinced that you CCPMice are incapable of understanding what human rights are and how they are the biggest part of development, more important than CCP charity of a piece of cheese when you run to the other end and back like a lab mouse!

More than one billion Indians live like animals, who gave you the courage to talk about human rights with the Chinese? American?
Most are worse than animals. Hindus are evil

And why it much poor? and much dirtier? what's wrong with this country?
And are Indians really that happy as your delusional mind believe?

If you know any history you’d know India’s poverty was a result of barbaric invasions and protracted plundering by colonisers.

China also had the same issue but it fared worse under the hands tyrants of CCP who chose to kill and subjugate hundreds of millions of Chinese people for fir faster prosperity. In spite of that China couldn’t achieve any prosperity until Nixon threw a bone and the CCP ensured that people worked in cattle pens.

So is India poor ? They’re much richer than Chinese as human beings as they have freedom , can determine who rules etc - things I hope Chinese people will have sometime soon after CCP falls and collapses under its own weight
If you know any history you’d know India’s poverty was a result of barbaric invasions and protracted plundering by colonisers.

China also had the same issue but it fared worse under the hands tyrants of CCP who chose to kill and subjugate hundreds of millions of Chinese people for fir faster prosperity. In spite of that China couldn’t achieve any prosperity until Nixon threw a bone and the CCP ensured that people worked in cattle pens.

So is India poor ? They’re much richer than Chinese as human beings as they have freedom , can determine who rules etc - things I hope Chinese people will have sometime soon after CCP falls and collapses under its own weight

This always come out from Indian


More than one billion Indians live like animals, who gave you the courage to talk about human rights with the Chinese? American?
All animals including human eat , excrete , reproduce . That you Chinese also have .

The mind is what distinguishes human from animals. Freedom of mind is something Indians have. The CCP has deprived you Chinese from that.

Since you don’t have what distinguishes human from other animals, is why you are nothing more than animals with only 5 senses and without the mind.

Hopefully there’s enough brain life left for you all to understand that and throw CCP out before it all completely dies off

This is a disgusting fetish if you CCP Muce to collect such dirty pictures . You and Etylo should start a rehabilitation program and share your experiences with coprophilia
So is India poor ? They’re much richer than Chinese as human beings as they have freedom , can determine who rules etc - things I hope Chinese people will have sometime soon after CCP falls and collapses under its own weight
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Of course, we all know you shining India is much richer than we Chinese

India is very similar to Nigeria in West Africa, these two countries are not against colonialism, they just oppose their own country being colonized, they want to colonize other weaker countries,

It can be seen from Nigeria's recent attitude towards Niger's coup against the French colonial order that Nigeria is trying to implement colonial rule over Niger.

The reason why Nigeria is called Africa India is probably because Nigerians are particularly good at deception. Indians are also extremely good at scamming
I’m not sure if it has been mentioned, but Taiwan was prosperous because it was a Japanese colony and received heavy investment from Japan. The Japanese also treated Taiwan relatively well, while they tried to impose their culture, and Taiwan was spared much of the carnage of WW2 if I remember correctly.

Then you have the influx of mainland KMT supporters and western recognition of Taiwan as the legal government of China, with all the economic benefits that allows, and you have an island that is well ahead of the mainland.

Taiwan is well integrated into the international order, and on a per capita basis the people enjoy the benefits of generations of investment compared to the mainland Chinese that have about two to three generations worth of major economic development beyond mostly subsistence existence.

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We must not forget that Taiwan's success is due in part to its good fortune to be the exclusive window to China while the West is in a fever pitch of relentless sanctions and blockades against China.
For example, the founder of Foxconn, Taiwan's largest business group, identifies as Chinese and is a strong supporter of one China with strong ties to the Chinese Communist Party leadership.
The company's success has been based on its status as a Taiwanese company, which allows it to operate freely in Western countries while maintaining a huge factory with the full support of the mainland Chinese government.
Seventy percent of Foxconn's sales come from products manufactured in its Chinese factories.
Thus, Taiwanese citizenship holders have a strong right to operate in Mainland China as much as or more than Chinese citizens, but they also have an extremely advantageous position in the China-hating West, where they are treated as Taiwanese.
This Taiwanese advantage has been eroded by intensifying pressure from the U.S., with TSMC being forced to relocate its factories to the U.S. and Japan, and Foxconn, a long-time de facto Chinese company, bowing to the U.S. and making a statement that it will move its factories there.
Taiwan's dominance will be lost.
The 4 Asian Tiger success is part of the showcase created by the West as propaganda against communism.

Nevertheless Confucian ethnic is instrumental. In reality West wanted help Philippines or India most. They cant make it.

But somehow Taiwan surpass even US in terms in IC manufacturing proving the workers indoctrinated by Confucian ethnics perform better than US workers.

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