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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

They say this model carries 300kg of explosive :


They say...

Amazing how Russian navy repels naval drones with their hulls. Just like when their artillery blocks HIMARS stikes by exploding after hit by a rocket.

You guys went very quickly from, "This war would be over in a few months and Russia would be crippled" to "Yay, we are booking some progress."

Choti choti khushiya. Look up the meaning of these words.

https:// t. me/sitreports/12718

🇺🇸🐮💩 Analysis of the Situation in Ukraine by US Milbloggers of "Institute for the Study of War" (ISW):

🤥🇺🇸🇩🇪🇺🇦: ISW deceives. From the military point of view, one cannot speak of a counteroffensive (we remember, it should be large-scale) if after 2 months the enemy has gained more territory than the counterattacker. The few territorial gains are marginal and were paid for with a lot of blood and demilitarization of equipment. In fact, the Ukrop is much weaker now than before its offensive attempts. ISW is completely incapable of making a realistic assessment and providing honest information. But that does not seem to be the task of the troll brigade. In any case, the Western press does not let itself be fooled by the US trolls anymore. Almost every scribbler is now more expert than the pompous losers of the US troll entity. ISW 👉🚽

⚠ Warning! ISW is a troll entity linked to the US regime. The henchmen spread propaganda and disinformation instead of providing a picture of the situation on the front, which is evident from the mostly fruitless frontline information.

💬 The Text is quoted verbatim, including the often horrifying misspelling of localities. The respective source is linked in the footer.

🔻 August 3 Key Takeaways 👻

◾ Ukrainian forces continued counteroffensive operations on at least three sectors of the front on August 3 and reportedly advanced in some areas.

◾ Russian forces conducted a series of drone strikes on August 3, primarily targeting Kyiv.

◾ The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) took down Russian Airborne Forces (VDV) Commander Colonel General Mikhail Teplinsky’s August 2 speech, possibly due to his disclosure of Russian casualties in Ukraine.

◾ Russian prosecutors reportedly classified the investigation into ardent Russian ultranationalist and former FSB officer Igor Girkin on August 2.

◾ Russian forces conducted offensive operations along the Kupyansk-Svatove-Kreminna line, near Bakhmut, along the Avdiivka-Donetsk City line, and in the western Donetsk-eastern Zaporizhia Oblast border area on August 3 and made advances in certain areas.

◾ Ukrainian forces continued counteroffensive operations on at least three sectors of the front on August 3 and reportedly advanced near Kreminna and Vuhledar.

◾ The Kremlin is attempting to establish favorable conditions to attract additional volunteers to serve in the Russian Armed Forces.

◾ A report from Yale University’s Conflict Observatory supports ISW’s longstanding assessments that Russian and occupation authorities are using forced passportization measures to consolidate social and legal control over occupied areas of Ukraine.

****/sitreports /@TheStudyofWar/👻/
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These American cvnts have their work cut out. No Iraq and Afghanistan by any means. By the way, also places where they lost and ran off.
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The Ukrainians and their Western Quran burning supporters were claiming not so long ago that the offensive would nullify all Russian gains LOL

We today know that Ukraine is struggling to even regain villages.

Smart move by Zelinskki

Ukraine Starts New Diplomatic Push to Weaken Russia​

Some 40 countries that have largely remained on the sidelines of the war were invited to talks this weekend in Saudi Arabia, as Ukraine redoubles international efforts to isolate Moscow.

.Credit...Saudi Press Agency, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

A man in earth-toned clothing sitting in a chair with a Ukrainian flag behind him, alongside a man in white with the Saudi flag behind him.

By Marc Santora, Vivian Nereim and David Pierson
Marc Santora reported from Kyiv, Ukraine, Vivian Nereim from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and David Pierson from Hong Kong.
Aug. 5, 2023, 12:01 a.m. ET

Ukraine will make a renewed push this weekend at a gathering in Saudi Arabia to win the support of dozens of countries that have remained on the sidelines of the war — the start of a broader campaign in the months ahead to build the diplomatic muscle to isolate and weaken Russia.

Ukraine and Saudi Arabia invited diplomats from some 40 governments to talks in the Red Sea port of Jeddah. Notable among them were China, India, Brazil, South Africa and some of the oil-rich Gulf nations that have tried to maintain good relations with both Ukraine and Russia throughout the war, which began in February 2022.

Many of the invited governments reject the very concept of choosing sides, framing the war as a contest between global powers that they want no part in, and even with the event fast approaching, it was unclear how many would attend.

The meeting is the starting point of what is expected to be a major Ukrainian diplomatic push in the coming months to try to undercut Russia. It began on Wednesday, when President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine recalled his ambassadors for an emergency strategy session on how to get the country’s message out to the world.

Two Ukrainian soldiers in combat fatigues stand next to artillery weaponry.

The annual United Nations General Assembly session in September will offer another opportunity for Ukraine to make its case. And the country is also planning a summit later in the fall to shore up backing for its 10-point peace formula in the hopes that it will form the backbone of any future settlement.

Ukrainian and Western officials have tried to temper expectations for the talks this weekend, stressing that they are not likely to bring the war any closer to an end and that many of the nations that were invited appear unlikely to shift their stances.

The United States, which is expected to attend, is encouraged that neutral nations like Indonesia, India, Mexico, Chile and South Africa are expected to be in Jeddah. All are eager to see the war end, given the economic hardships it has caused, but that may not be enough to get them to turn against Moscow.

For Ukraine, the gathering comes at a pivotal moment.

As furious battles rage across the front lines of Europe’s bloodiest war in decades, Mr. Zelensky told his diplomats on Wednesday that things would grow even more difficult as pressure was likely to build in the coming months to find a negotiated path to peace.

Don't make us laugh. Ukraine is begging every little colony on the planet to take it's side. The truth is that the vast majority of the world is absolutely neutral. Every UN vote confirms the neutrality.

Waiting for F16s to fly into the Ukraine theater. That will up the game and first time we will see the real ability of F16s.

That is if these F-16s are supplied. The last time I checked the Western countries were requesting countries like Pakistan to provide ammunition to Ukraine.

Let's be real here. Ukraine isn't getting any F-16s. By the time Ukrainian pilots are able to fly these fighters Russia would have conquered Ukraine.
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When an innocent man is thrown into prison for another 19 years , what does it all worth for Russians :



That’s the norm in Russia. Putin makes it to mafia state with him as mafia boss. all oppositions are either jailed, poisoned, thrown out of windows or just disappeared. He once let his friend Michail Chdorkowski be jailed for years in gulag. Chodorkowski publicity dared to ask questions about corruption in state enterprises. Putin earns 400 million USD from the deals.

Russian Older Tanker attacked by Ukranian Drones in Kerch Strait

>> Ukraine starting to impose its naval blockade on Russia it seems. Leaving the grain deal was the worst idea by Russia - now it is open season on all Russian ships.
The Ukrainians and their Western Quran burning supporters were claiming not so long ago that the offensive would nullify all Russian gains LOL

We today know that Ukraine is struggling to even regain villages.
After two succesfull counteroffensives hopes were high. Though i saw nobody claim it was going to be easy?

Don't make us laugh. Ukraine is begging every little colony on the planet to take it's side. The truth is that the vast majority of the world is absolutely neutral. Every UN vote confirms the neutrality.
Stop lying
That is if these F-16s are supplied. The last time I checked the Western countries were requesting countries like Pakistan to provide ammunition to Ukraine.

Training soon to begin. Just like with artillery and tanks it is a matter of time for delivery.

Ammo production is being increased but takes time. As such it is smart to buy world stocks?

Keeps the russian body bags filled!
Let's be real here. Ukraine isn't getting any F-16s. By the time Ukrainian pilots are able to fly these fighters Russia would have conquered Ukraine.
It took russia almost a year to conquer bakhmut.
Russia is now turtling in with mines and trenches.

Conquering ukraine is a pipe dream buddy.
I don’t believe this

we see the vessel go towards the warship and not actually hit it before it cuts out

This is why Russia films the lancet as well as the lancet feed itself so we can see the results of the strike

The warship most likely hit a mine

Western propaganda showing some fake attack which never happened
Check this drone strike for actual result:
Russian Older Tanker attacked by Ukranian Drones in Kerch Strait

>> Ukraine starting to impose its naval blockade on Russia it seems. Leaving the grain deal was the worst idea by Russia - now it is open season on all Russian ships.
I think that’s fair. The Russians laid millions of mines in Ukraine. Ukraine can pay them by laying thousands of mines before Russia coast. That would bring Russians fleets to standstill. Win win.
They say...

You guys went very quickly from, "This war would be over in a few months and Russia would be crippled" to "Yay, we are booking some progress."

Choti choti khushiya. Look up the meaning of these words.

These American cvnts have their work cut out. No Iraq and Afghanistan by any means. By the way, also places where they lost and ran off.
It doesn't matter about us 'guys' since neither NATO or Putin supporters count for little. What your perception of a 'guy' may have said or my perception equally irrelevant. What DOES matter is that Putin thought this war would be over in days as he arrogantly brought his armor to Kyiv thinking Ukrainians would fold over. Didn't even mobilize his troops.

That was why it was called a 'special operation'. And then Wagner throwing everything at Bakhmut and then high tailing out of there to Belarus.

Both are undeniable facts.

Now you are talking about Russia getting kicked out Ukraine not happening as fast vs 3 months ago it was 'wait till Bakhmut is run over and after that the AFU will be cut off and that will spell the end'. And now its 'hey the loser Russia is not being kicked out fast enough to your liking'
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Russian Older Tanker attacked by Ukranian Drones in Kerch Strait

>> Ukraine starting to impose its naval blockade on Russia it seems. Leaving the grain deal was the worst idea by Russia - now it is open season on all Russian ships.

This is a new line thats been drawn once Odessa port was attacked: attack civilian shipping or our Russia's propaganda machine would say 'neutralize sea drone attacks with shipping tanker hulls'. Unless Russia gets more prisoners freed up, and trains them to be maritime experts in the next 60 days, this is going to cut off its shipping fleet. Ukraine will likely attack the empty tankers coming to get oil vs. full ones.

This will reduce the oil that can go out of Russia to India.

Last time something like this happened was in Persian Gulf 1987 when the US re-flagged Kuwaiti tankers and then escorted them to deter and stop attacks on tankers. But then you had the might of US Navy (that led to Operation Praying Mantis confrontation where Iranian Navy lost several ships). Russian Navy is in no position to do that , since its Navy is already exposed and lost ships to the same drone attacks.

Now we are going to see the transformation of the mighty Russian Blue Ocean Navy to one that operates out of Western Russia and in Murmansk. Thats it.

Black Sea fleet will never have the prowess it had with Ukraine's sea drones. And Baltic fleet is pretty much locked in to a Lake of NATO in event of war. Thats the sad part about this, through Putin and his cronies actions, a big blue ocean fleet will just operate out of a handful of ports because its effectively been neutered.

That probably may work out since Russia is going to needs lots of land mines to produce to protect it for the future. It is no longer a Navy, and it is no longer an armor force capable of occupying. Just a strong defensive force. Thats the sad reality to see a might superpower crumble.

This is what the Russian fanboys should start coming to terms with instead of when the F-16s are going to show up.
They say...

WW2 torpedo carried a 211 kg warhead


I see not why this drones would not be able to carry something like that , though with 300kg I would expect this two ships atatcked last week , to sink , not be towed to harbor.


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Evidently a smaller tanker taking fuel to Russian forces, not export oil.

Ukraine hits Russian oil tanker with sea drone hours after attacking naval base​

Videos appear to show Ukrainian sea drone attacking Russian warship

Kyiv, Ukraine CNN —

One of Russia’s biggest oil tankers was struck by a maritime drone, the latest salvo in a Ukrainian military campaign employing unmanned vehicles to attack far-away Russian targets by air and by sea.

The Russian-flagged ship, the Sig, was hit by a drone carrying 450 kilograms (992 pounds) of TNT shortly before midnight, according to a Ukraine Security Service source. The strike created a hole in the vessel’s engine room at the waterline on the starboard side, forcing the 11-strong crew to fight the water intake, Russian authorities said. The flooding eventually stopped.

Russia’s Federal Agency for Marine and River Transport said no casualties were reported and that the Sig was not carrying oil when the drone crashed into ship. Ukrainian officials, however, said some crew were injured and that the tanker was carrying fuel for the Russian military.

CNN has not been able to independently verify the claims.

The strike on the Sig came just hours after Ukrainian sea drones targeted a major naval base in Novorossiysk, a coastal city on the Black Sea that is home to Russia’s largest port by volume of cargo handled. An amphibious Russian landing ship was hit, leaving it tilting badly and sitting very low in the water.

Ukraine has stepped up its attacks using unmanned aerial vehicles in recent weeks, hitting targets well within Russian territory, including in Moscow.

The new generation of powerful sea drones, however, could open up a new front for Kyiv in the 18-month conflict.

The weapons are fast, semi-submersible drones, and are proving very difficult to defend against. They can be easily launched at sea and at least some variants are capable of traveling several hundred miles to their targets.

Their payloads so far have proven capable of crippling large vessels.

The two sea-based attacks Friday took place near the Kerch Strait, which connects the Crimean Peninsula to mainland Russia.

After illegally annexing the peninsula in 2014, the Kremlin spent around $3.7 billion to both physically and symbolically connect Crimea to Russia by bridge. Russian President Vladimir Putin personally led a convoy over the 12-mile overpass – Europe’s longest – to celebrate its opening in 2018.

The Kerch Bridge has been targeted several times since Russia invaded Ukraine last year. An explosion in October killed three people and collapsed part of the roadway and Ukrainian forces attacked the bridge last month.

Friday’s assault, however, appeared to be one of the biggest to date. In addition to the attacks on the Sig and the naval base, Friday morning saw Ukrainian aerial drones target an oil storage facility in Feodosia, a town on the Crimean Peninsula’s south coast. Ten unmanned aerial vehicles in total were downed over Crimea, according to Russia’s Defense Ministry

Ukrainian authorities have vowed to continue targeting the bridge and ships navigating Ukrainian territorial waters, even if they are controlled by Russia. The head of the Ukrainian Security Service, Vasyl Maliuk, called such attacks “absolutely logical and effective.”

Maliuk said that if the Russians wanted such incidents to stop, “they have the only option to do so – to leave the territorial waters of Ukraine and our land.”

Ukraine’s State Hydrological Service also warned ships against using several Russian ports due to the war.

Ukrainian agencies, especially the Security Service, have been notably vocal about the use of these drones in the Black Sea after months of reticence.

Their use is both a moral boost and battlefield advantage, allowing Kyiv to exploit a new, domestically engineered technology at sea while its forces are are struggling to take ground in the counteroffensive on land.

CNN’s Josh Pennington and Joshua Berlinger contributed to this report
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