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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Definitions from Oxford Languages ·:

Pests :


A destructive insect or other animal that attacks crops, food, livestock, etc.


US is stealing 50,000 barrels per day of Syrian oil

See definitions in:

  1. the action or offence of taking another person's property without permission or legal right and without intending to return it; theft.
    "they argue that copying licensed software is a form of stealing"

Its not a wedding reception: its a war and battle lines. There are 100 videos posted every day from either side of armor taking hits. The battle lines haven't moved other than Moscow under some nuisance attacks. Its not till one side gives up till your 'beating' comment will become qualified

You seem to be contradicting Putin and Medhev. They said 6 months ago that they will attack where the arms supplies are unloaded before they get to Ukraine. Well, nothing has happened. So they claimed they will attack the supply lines but instead a new line keeps getting drawn.

Russians got their butts handed to them by the Finns in WWII when Finland wasn't part of NATO. May be they should try it agian?

I told you long ago West cannot win this war until Islam takes over 100%, we are there but not there 100%

And this is why, collective West is doomed

The problem is, it's not Russia or France or other ex-colonial power is the problem, it's the upper government management in these country that are very corrupt and that's the problem, that's also is the reason why these countries in Western African are always found themselves in coup, because the people that start the coup is not because they want their country better but they want to use the previous regime corruption and take power and line their own pocket.

These African countries is ALWAYS going to be like this if this does not change, even Russia do send these countries free grain, their government would still charge an arm or an leg for normal citizens to buy them. This changes nothing.
Yes that’s just about for Putin making some cheap propaganda points. Russia offers little to nothing to Africa. Russia’s trades with Africa are about 5 percent compared to the EU to Africa, or 1 percent in Russia investments if compared to EU. Putin giving some free grains to the poorest in Africa won’t make any kid getting enough foods in the long run.

the Russians have own ergotism interests they want to sell overpriced military weapons, and to make grounds for Russia contract killers e.i. the wagners.

Trade Blockade | Hostilities In Ukraine | Contradictions In Africa. Military Summary For 2023.08.03

Dont believe the header or NotSure. Every single vehicle was disabled by mines. That tank didnt even notice the column. Watch it and notice the barrel of the tank and the explosions where the vehicles are. It doesnt fire when the explosions go off, and when it does its in the direction of the abandoned vehicles and treeline to the right.

Its obviously mines exploding. The tank isnt firing at the column. Isnt it strange they cut the clip when the russian tank returned? I bet this tank got destroyed by dismounted infantry not knowing what was behind the wooded area.
Look, how fundamentally butthurt this Natobot is. It is impossibru an ebil rooskie tank destroyed a whole avenger-spider/superman-jedi column trained by the Nato! No way! And this tank wasn't only blind to the column, the tank even got destroyed afterwards! Sure that.

And if this isn't funny enough, this bot is insisting, it was not this tank alone, but a combined arms warfare. The same combined arms warfare the ebil rooskie untermensch is not capable to master! What do we have there? A tank, mines, ATGMs and artillery.
Look, how fundamentally butthurt this Natobot is. It is impossibru an ebil rooskie tank destroyed a whole avenger-spider/superman-jedi column trained by the Nato! No way! And this tank wasn't only blind to the column, the tank even got destroyed afterwards! Sure that.

And if this isn't funny enough, this bot is insisting, it was not this tank alone, but a combined arms warfare. The same combined arms warfare the ebil rooskie untermensch is not capable to master! What do we have there? A tank, mines, ATGMs and artillery.
Maybe you shouldve watched the second footage released insted of posting this garbage.
Putin plans the „great war“.
Beginning next year the age of army conscription will be widen 18y-30y. Men within conscription age are forbidden to leave Russia.
Putin banks on China and debts to finance the war. That should offset the shrinking oil and gas revenues.

Maybe you shouldve watched the second footage released insted of posting this garbage.
The garbage is between your ears, nato NPC.

Maybe UKUSA can give you a brain capable of 4th grade maths in a lend&lease scheme? Oh, wait: There are no brains in Washington and London capable to do so, only capable of "rooskie bad" and woke homopedo propaganda.

Your video is 1min and 26s long. The first mine is exloding at 5:47 out of 10:27. So yes: First your moronic Nato troops drive on mines, then they got finished by this tank + Arti + ATGM.

Crimea a river.

Summer Operation | Two Days Before Wagner's Return. Military Summary And Analysis for 2023.8.03


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