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What does it mean to be Pakistani?

You daily give Bj to your daddy west by using their technology in your daily life and here come to lecture on Islam and traditions.
First achieve something then have that sense of pride.
Least brainwashed westoid when he forgets how much influence Islam had on scientific development. why don't you go lick British boots?
What is Pakistani identity?

1) Muslim
2) Punjabis, Pathans, SIndhis, Baloch, and Kashmiris.
Every ethnicity in the subcontinent has their own identity which dates back to thousands of years. At the end of the day, 90% of folks will hold more loyalty to their ethnicity or tribe rather than the artificial national concept which has been foisted upon them. Even ethnonationalism is a total sham, if you scratch the surface.

@Mirzali Khan @Maula Jatt

Being Punjabi, Pashtun, Tamil, Kashmiri, Marathi, etc etc holds more weight for most then "India" or "Pakistan". And even within those ethnic groups, people hold deep seated tribal loyalties.
Every ethnicity in the subcontinent has their own identity which dates back to thousands of years. At the end of the day, 90% of folks will hold more loyalty to their ethnicity or tribe rather than the artificial national concept which has been foisted upon them. Even ethnonationalism is a total sham, if you scratch the surface.

@Mirzali Khan @Maula Jatt

Being Punjabi, Pashtun, Tamil, Kashmiri, Marathi, etc etc holds more weight for most then "India" or "Pakistan". And even within those ethnic groups, people hold deep seated tribal loyalties.

Why is there more separatism, ethnic nationalism as well as insurgencies in Pakistan rather than India?
Why is there more separatism, ethnic nationalism as well as insurgencies in Pakistan rather than India?
India has a stronger army and central government, so they did a better job at repressing separatist and ethnic movements and forcing Indian nationalism down their throats. South India and North India are basically two different countries, with not much in common with one another outside of religion. There was a time where ethno-nationalism was rampant in Indian society until they were totally repressed and crushed, South India had a separatist uprising in the 1950s-60s
Unity faith discipline!
We need to live it as well as say it. When the people of Punjab called out the flaws in the system and stood in protest, it reassured the people in the other parts of the country that they, the people of Punjab, also see their future in sacrificing for the nation as a whole.

For us beyond the physical borders of Pakistan, for us, Pakistan is an idea, a unique identity we created together, beyond ethnicity or political leaning.
Unity faith discipline!
I believe it is Faith, Unity, and Discipline.



Unity faith discipline!
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I find more pride in the Mughal empire or Delhi Sultanat. This country carries no weight like the formers did.
Everything is relative, if your frame of refeence is 50 years than yes its the best thing ever in this region because its the only country. But if you look at a historical time frame, you will find far better rulers (who didnt love overseas lol) and military geniuses.
What does being Pakistani mean to you?

Pakistan is a diverse country. We have multiple nations, ethnicities, faiths—even though powerful quarters have, over the years, tried to limit this diversity thru various failed experiments and actively limiting freedom of expression. Narratives cannot be controlled in 2023. We should realize that in diversity is strength.

The force that binds us together should be the Constitution—not the army, or even religion. Yes, Islam is the state religion, but we cannot force upon a specific interpretation of Islam on the people. Hence, religion has been devisive, not unifiying.

With recent events and violation of the Constitution becoming the norm, what are the real sentiments of the different peoples of Pakistan? I am specially interested in KPK. What makes the people of KPK feel attachment to Pakistan? Do most people feel Pakhtun first and Pakistani second?

The 18th ammendment was supposed to be the answer. Federalism when implemented properly is the only way forward. How different are the current cirumstances from 1971 when the will of the people was blatantly ignored. I don’t see the army allowing the Constitutionin to be followed and the PTI coming to power in KPK thru the vote. What will happen next? We have been thru two coups since 1971. Pakistan survived those. Will it be different this time? Will there be armed resisitance? Will the army shoot down unarmed civilians? I am not aware of Balochistan, but it feels like there is a chance KPK might rise up if their Constitutional rights are trampled.

I am from Karachi; my grandparents were mohajirs. In school I was fed the propaganda of the Pakistani state. In reality there are really not many things that make me feel proud to be a Pakistani. If the state cannot ensure that my views are heard, that the rule of law and Constitution is followed, that my life is made better, I would be better of living in a Karachi that was independent. Unfortunately, none of the people that have represented us have been sincere. Then there is the establishment—who sees itself as the ”unifier”—who will not allow us to have our fundamental rights.

Where are we headed?
Heading into disaster where there isn’t any law man you’re gonna suffer either due to your ethnicity or tradition or language barrier..
I’m also Urdu speaker but I noticed the first thing they ask is are you Mohajir are you from Karachi ,,I tell them to shut the **** up i am a Pakistani simply…I was born in Pakistan.
With recent events and violation of the Constitution becoming the norm, what are the real sentiments of the different peoples of Pakistan? I am specially interested in KPK. What makes the people of KPK feel attachment to Pakistan? Do most people feel Pakhtun first and Pakistani second?

Simple answer to your question.

Pakistani is my nationality while Pukhtoon is my ethnicity.

To explain it further, i feel proud when a Pukhtoon of any nationality does something good similarly i feel proud when a Pakistani of any ethnicity does something good.

Hope that answers your question.
You can believe what you want, I’ll believe what I want.
Sure, but I go by what the government of Pakistan says officially on its website and on what the Seal of Pakistan says on official documents.

You can dream all you want. Some books may otherwise to cause mischief.
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