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Iran’s Raisi in Syria; visit hailed as ‘strategic victory’

Glad to see Syria recovering..apparently big contracts will be signed between the two countries for the re-construction of war areas.

PS: note Riasi welcome and Syrian female ministers..NO Hejab..love it..lol
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The secular and free for all mentality of Syrian leaders left them bare to vultures. Not soemthing to be proud of, but Syria is our last hope for removing Zionist cancer from the face of planet earth.
The secular and free for all mentality of Syrian leaders left them bare to vultures. Not soemthing to be proud of, but Syria is our last hope for removing Zionist cancer from the face of planet earth.
honestly last 10 years made me don't trust Syria
Bashar is weak and don't have courage to do what it take to do the job. probably if another one was president, perhaps if it was Maher we had seen another version of a Syria which could stand up to its potential.
The secular and free for all mentality of Syrian leaders left them bare to vultures. Not soemthing to be proud of, but Syria is our last hope for removing Zionist cancer from the face of planet earth.
Why Iran should be the one who removes cancers...Are we cancer specialist!!..no question that there is a cancer but why we Iranians have to do it..Did God give us the task of removal and if so please tell this to Iranians and we all line up to do God's will.
Why Iran should be the one who removes cancers...Are we cancer specialist!!..no question that there is a cancer but why we Iranians have to do it..Did God give us the task of removal and if so please tell this to Iranians and we all line up to do God's will.
Because we want it or not they will not tolerate an strong Iran

A good Muslim country is a dead Muslim country for them

Look how many MENA countries burnt for Zionist interests since their creation
Why Iran should be the one who removes cancers...Are we cancer specialist!!..no question that there is a cancer but why we Iranians have to do it..Did God give us the task of removal and if so please tell this to Iranians and we all line up to do God's will.
Someone has to take the lead sir. You shouldn't ask, why should we, you should say why not us? One day Jews were the chosen people, the other day Arabs, once Christians, now i can see the light in Persian brothers of mine. That's why we are loyal to Iran, it is because Iran is the flagship of Islam.
them selling one of the partitioned part to Russia just for survival and taking second stage behind russia means a setback as it is effectively Russian zone now this was an unwise decision for the long term

Show us one concrete example of Russia successfully going against or curtailing Iranian interests in Syria. If the above claim were true, then surely Moscow would have prevented Iran from stationing Resistance forces along the entire region bordering Occupied Golan, at least prior to the war in Ukraine when Russia's ties to Tel Aviv weren't nearly as strained as they tend to be now. As a matter of fact during the sole credibly reported instance of the Russian military attempting to reassign a position to Hezbollah units and have them move away from a location close to the zionist entity, Hezbollah proceeded with a show of force which dissuaded the Russians. Moscow would let go of such ideas after the episode and come to terms with permanent presence of Iranian-led forces in the sector.

Here's a map of (pro-)Iranian military posts across Syria published by the Atlantic Council, a USA think tank in 2020:


I wonder if this is what Russia running the show all on its own is supposed to look like? Counted 21 plus 14 equals 35 locations of either direct Iranian / pro-Iranian military presence or control. To which 7 border crossings would have to be added, read 42 sites in total.

The paper this map is taken from includes some other interesting charts.




Leaving aside the obligatory anti-Iranian slant of the article, which seems to be depicting Iran as some expansionist foreign party when in reality Iran is engaging in partnerships on equal footing with Damascus, it does mention a whole series of bilateral fields of cooperation (again if you can look past the biased semantics).


According to this study there's literally not a single geographical zone other than Tartus and Latakia, nor any area of activity where Iranian presence would have diminished since 2013.

So not only has Iran never been sidelined from Syria but the opposite is very much the case.

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Show us one concrete example of Russia successfully going against or curtailing Iranian interests in Syria. If the above claim were true, then surely Moscow would have prevented Iran from stationing Resistance forces along the entire region bordering Occupied Golan, at least prior to the war in Ukraine when Russia's ties to Tel Aviv weren't nearly as strained as they tend to be now. As a matter of fact during the sole credibly reported instance of the Russian military attempting to reassign a position to Hezbollah units and have them move away from a location close to the zionist entity, Hezbollah proceeded with a show of force which dissuaded the Russians. Moscow would let go of such ideas after the episode and come to terms with permanent presence of Iranian-led forces in the sector.

Here's a map of (pro-)Iranian military posts across Syria published by the Atlantic Council, a USA think tank in 2020:


I wonder if this is what Russia running the show all on its own is supposed to look like? Counted 21 plus 14 equals 35 locations of either direct Iranian / pro-Iranian military presence or control. To which 7 border crossings would have to be added, read 42 sites in total.

The paper this map is taken from includes some other interesting charts.




Leaving aside the obligatory anti-Iranian slant of the article, which seems to be depicting Iran as some expansionist foreign party when in reality Iran is engaging in partnerships on equal footing with Damascus, it does mention a whole series of bilateral fields of cooperation (again if you can look past the biased semantics).


According to this study there's literally not a single geographical zone other than Tartus and Latakia, nor any area of activity where Iranian presence would have diminished since 2013.

So not only has Iran never been sidelined from Syria but the opposite is very much the case.


It is not about sidelining but that zone is a Russian protectorate zone in the real political term. Hence The oil, gas rights has been handed to Russia.. Damascus is ruled from Moscow everything else is irrelevant and the russians won't leave for decades the status-quo will remain as others won't leave either but that zone is a russian protectorate much like how North Cyprus is Turkish protectorate or how the Gulf countries use to be British protectorate 100 years ago. While the east syria is American zone and American protectorate..

As per real political ground realities
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'Displacement increased in the Middle East and North Africa in 2021, with a total of 16 million forcibly displaced and stateless people at year end'

No other place other than the Middle East do they call such a horrendous state of affair, strategic victory. They simply don't care about people.
It is not about sidelining but that zone is a Russian protectorate zone in the real political term. Hence The oil, gas rights has been handed to Russia.. Damascus is ruled from Moscow everything else is irrelevant and the russians won't leave for decades the status-quo will remain as others won't leave either but that zone is a russian protectorate much like how North Cyprus is Turkish protectorate or how the Gulf countries use to be British protectorate 100 years ago. While the east syria is American zone and American protectorate..

As per real political ground realities

What strange Russian protectorate that is, where Iran is directly or indirectly manning 35 military posts and 7 strategic border crossings - which is actually more than Russia, has access to roads and highways, and where Iranian military, security, economic and social influence has been on as steady rise.

This wouldn't be the case if Syria was a Russian protectorate. We don't have a third party exerting such functions in Cyprus. As a matter of fact there's no example of a protectorate where this would be the case.

So no, you're wrong on that. Iran is Syria's major partner and Moscow cannot impose Syria-related policies on Iran.
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All deconfliction goes thru Russia hence it is Russian protectorate.. Example there is US-Russia deconfliction zone not Syria or Iran.. There is turkish-Russian deconfliction.

It would be intellectual dishonesty to say it otherwise that the redzone is not Russian. Because this is what the the Israeli, US, Jordan and Turkey mod's see it as
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All deconfliction goes thru Russia hence it is Russian protectorate.. Example there is US-Russia deconfliction zone not Syria or Iran.. There is turkish-Russian deconfliction.

That doesn't imply Syria's a Russian protectorate. It only means Russia unlike Iran has diplomatic ties to the US, has been employing its air force over Syria and is interested in establishing a bilateral mechanism to avoid unintended clashes between its own forces and American ones.

It would be intellectual dishonesty to say it otherwise that the redzone is not Russian. Because this is what the the Israeli, US, Jordan and Turkey mod's see it as

What protectorate is dotted by 35 military bases of a third party as well as having 7 of its strategic border crossings co-manned by said third party, with said third party increasing its military, security, economic and social-cultural clout by the day practically all over the territory in question? It simply isn't consistent with the definition of a protectorate.

As for the USA viewing Syria in such a manner, the article I shared is authored by a Beltway think tank.
That doesn't imply Syria's a Russian protectorate. It only means Russia unlike Iran has diplomatic ties to the US, has been employing its air force over Syria and is interested in establishing a bilateral mechanism to avoid unintended clashes between its own forces and American ones.

What protectorate is dotted by 35 military bases of a third party as well as having 7 of its strategic border crossings co-manned by said third party, with said third party increasing its military, security, economic and social-cultural clout by the day practically all over the territory in question? It simply isn't consistent with the definition of a protectorate.

As for the USA viewing Syria in such a manner, the article I shared is authored by a Beltway think tank.

Come on mann all this mental gymnastics is unnecessary and you know it.. Why do think the Syrian regime cant reply from syria to strikes? They can't without Russia's consent.

Yes there is deconfliction zones between US and Russia.. It is not because the US doesn't recognize Iran but it is because the Russian's are the guraantors. Why do you think there is Russian-Turkish agreement to do the 32km deep common patrol in northern syria which is a deconfliction line of itself.

You just going against the obvious let it go bro and it's like discussing about whether water is wet or not
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Come on mann all this mental gymnastics is unnecessary and you know it..

You are yet to explain how a protecting power would enable a third party to establish remotely comparable levels of military, security, economic and social-cultural presence all across its protectorate. 35 military posts, co-manning of 7 strategic border crossings and access to roads and highways that is. It doesn't square with your claim and you know it.

Why do think the Syrian regime cant reply from syria to strikes? They can't without Russia's consent.

They don't because of the cost-benefit calculus. Syria just came out of a devastating war, is still largely in shambles and lacks the military means to retaliate at acceptable cost, that's why.

Yes there is deconfliction zones between US and Russia.. It is not because the US doesn't recognize Iran but it is because the Russian's are the guraantors. Why do you think there is Russian-Turkish agreement to do the 32km deep common patrol in northern syria which is a deconfliction line of itself.

Do you know what deconfliction is about? It's a type of agreement establishing an ad hoc line of communication with the express goal of preventing unintended fire between parties. What does this have to do with Syria being a Russian protectorate or not? It doesn't even involve Syria herself but is a strictly bilateral understanding between the Russians and the Americans to prevent dangerous escalation since both are nuclear powers.

Moreover, the state of Iran-USA relations does very much explain the absence of any equivalent deal between the two sides. As a matter of fact Iran's not interested in deconfliction with the Americans in the first place, considering how pro-Iranian forces have repeatedly been targeting USA assets in Syria.

You just going against the obvious let it go bro let is discussing about whether water is wet or not

I proved how Iran is maintaining enormous clout in Syria, unmatched by Russia in most aspects. Get to terms with the fact that Iran defeated the PGCC, Turkey and their imperial patrons in Syria.
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You're yet to explain how a protecting power would enable a third party to establish remotely comparable levels of military, security, economic and social-cultural presence all across its protectorate. It doesn't square with your claim and you know it.

They don't because of the cost-benefit calculus. Syria just came out of a devastating war, is still largely in shambles and lacks the military means to retaliate at acceptable cost, that's why.

Do you know what deconfliction is about? It's a type of agreement establishing an ad hoc line of communication with the express goal of preventing unintended fire between parties. What does this have to do with Syria being a Russian protectorate or not? It doesn't even involve Syria herself but is a strictly bilateral understanding between the Russians and the Americans to prevent dangerous escalation since both are nuclear powers.

Moreover, the state of Iran-USA relations does very much explain the absence of any equivalent deal between the two sides. As a matter of fact Iran's not interested in deconfliction with the Americans in the first place, considering how pro-Iranian forces have repeatedly been targeting USA assets in Syria.

I proved how Iran is maintaining enormous clout in Syria, unmatched by Russia on most points.

This kind of mental gymnastics is just petty to try to alter the obvious.. I will just leave you to it
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This kind of mental gymnastics is just sad to try to alter the obvious.. I will just leave you to it

Quote me when you have an explanation for the 35 Iranian-led military posts, the 7 border crossings co-manned by Iran, the IRGC's access to Syria's road network, as well as Iran's social-cultural clout in the midst of what you term a Russian protectorate.

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